Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Heavy bag, KB Swing, Burpees, Rowing machine, Lever Pulls, SDLHP

4 Rounds
Exercise on the min
Heavy Bag
KB Swing @ 55lbs
Rowing machine
Lever Pulls
SDLHP's @ 55lbs

Emily did 3 rounds of this with me.  Fasted for 21 plus hours today.  Trying to clear out the crappy diet from this last week plus.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Stationary Bike, crunches, push-ups

Stationary Bike - 30 min fat burn setting 85 rpm average.

500 Crunches- unbroken

25 Push-ups

Back from St. Louis, legs stiff from Friday's workout and travel.  Back getting better but still sore.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Body Squats, Adapted back extensions

For time:
150 Squats
  75 Adapted back Extentions
120 Squats - did 10 extra
  60 Adapted back Extensions
  90 Squats
  45 Adapted back extensions
Total reps -
360 - Squats
180 - Extensions

Splits for each exercise
150 Squats - 5:00
  75 B.E. - 2:54
120 Squats - 6:21 did 10 extra
  60 G.E. - 2:07
  90 Squats - 3:33
  45 B.E. - 1:20
Total time - 21:18

Quads were absolutely on fire.  Extensions were like Supermans.  Used white roller under hips to allow more movement.
Not exactly sure what I have done other than moving the huge rocks the other day.  My back is on fire.  The only time it has not really hurt in the last few days was during the workout tonight.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Heavy bag, largest cage box jumps, jump rope, ring push-ups, GHD's, Med ball vertical throw explosions

3 Rounds
2 Minutes heavy bag
10 Largest cage box jumps
200 Single box jumps
20 Ring push-ups
20 GHD's
2 minutes rest

1 - 8:12
2 min rest
2 - 8:33
2 min rest
3 - 8:33
Total time w/ rest - 29:21

5 min rest

50 Med ball vertical explosive throws - full squat A to G @ 20lbs ball
Broke in sets of 15 reps, roughly 1 min between sets, then 30 seconds rest at 45 reps, did last 5 to hit 50.

Must be more tired than I thought.  I planned for 5 rounds, did 3.  Was racing clock then moved to rep and round completion.  Though I was so slow there is not much of a change.  Typing this 12 hours later.  Not sure why but my back is feeling pretty crappy.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Heavy bag, Ninja Jumps, St. Louis ball slams, dip rack pad slap sit ups, rowing machine

5 Rounds
On the minute
Heavy Bag
Ninja jumps - 10 jumps per round
St. Louis med ball slams 30 -32 per round
Dip rack pad slap sit-ups 22 to 28 per round
Rowing machine 22 to 24 per round

Complete each station for on minute flowing from one exercise to the next.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Anna designed WOD

3 Rounds
75 Bicycles
35 Weighted lunges - 10lbs each arm
5 Iron Crosses - 10lbs each arm
20 Push-ups
30 Squats
55 Butterfly Sit-ups
10 Turkish get-ups - 10lbs dumbbell
100 Flat abs
1:00min Plank
20 Jumping Jacks
1:30 rest

1 - 10:55 forgot jumping jacks
2 - 11:17 did this and last set jumping jacks
3 - 10:22 got it done right this round
Total time w/ rest- 35:35

Empty trailer of rocks - very large rocks

12/21/15 had to get truck fixed. Two hard bike rides

Rode from repair shop to home then home to the repair shop an hour plus later.  Timed them but forgot to hit stop both times.  Over 20 minutes each time.  Need to track mileage.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Med ball push-ups, Med ball overhead lunge, Butterfly sit-ups

10 rounds for completion
10 - Med ball push-ups
10 - Med ball overhead lunge
20 - Butterfly sit-ups

Did for completion. No time, did not rest flowed from one round to the next.

12/19/15 Brush Clearing by road

Friday, December 18, 2015

Power Cleans, Thrusters, Bar facing Burpees

7 rounds
7 - Power Cleans @ 95lbs
7 - Thrusters @ 95lbs
7 - Barfacing Burpees

1 - 1:05
1 min rest
2 - :56.47 trying to stay w/ Daniel
:51.4 sec rest
3 - 1:02
1:48 rest trying to stay w/ Daniel
4 - 1:08
1 min rest
5 - 1:21
1 min
6 - 1:17
2:00 rest
7 - 1:08
Total time w/ rest - 15:42

Rest was to be 1-1-2-1-1-2

Funny I went 1:08 after both 2 min rests.  This one I liked but it put the hurt on me.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Push Press, Bar over push ups, GHD's, .5k Row on Tommys rowing machine

Finally - back in with Daniel

4 Rounds
10 Push press 95lbs
10 Bar over push ups
10 GHD's
.5k row = should be 500 meters, never used one of these
1 min rest

1 - 4:01
2 - 3:35
3 - 3:21
4 - 3:43
Total w/out rest - 14:40

Feet kept coming out of the straps.  Daniel broke his rower during round 2.  We actually had an 18 min break fixing it after round two.  Ha!  Man I am still sore from the Thrusters.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

400 meters, tallest box jump, GHD's

600 meter warm up run

AMRAP 20 minutes
400 meter run
10 Tallest cage box jumps
20 GHD's

4 Full rounds, 150 meters of the 400 on round 5

Round splits
1 - 5:15
2 - 4:53
3 - 4:42
4 - 4:18
@ 19:09
5 - 150 meters in - :51 seconds
@ 20 minutes

I could tell I was not warmed up enough.  Splits got better and better as I progressed.  Yesterday has put the hurt on me.  I have gotten more and more sore and stiff as the day progressed.  This was probably some of the speeding up too working out the yuck.  Legs hips and knees are pretty sore and achy.
I did like the flow and movements.  The difficulty of the box jumps was good.  I had to concentrate and push to get these done right.

Monday, December 14, 2015

SDLHP, Thrusters, Toes-to-bar

5 Rounds
25 SDLHP @ 45lbs
25 Thrusters @ 45lbs
15 Toes-to-bar
1 - 2:05
1min rest
2 - 2:16
1min rest
3 - 2:51
1:30 rest
4 - 3:12
2min rest
5 - 3:13
Total time w/ rest - 19:09

Heart rate check after
30s - 180+
1:30 - 170
3:00 - 150 +
5:00 - 140
10:00 - 130+

This one was rough.  Prescribed w/ no rest.  Don't think I could have finished with out rest time.  Holy cow I was on fire.  Had to talk my self into last 2 rounds and convince myself finishing was my goal.  Legs had tremors during and after.  Oooff!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

12/9/15 Single arm dumbbell power snatches, single arm over head squats, L-pull-ups

3 Rounds
10 - Dumbbell power snatch - left arm - 35lbs
10 - Dumbbell overhead squat - left arm - 25lbs
10 - L-pull-ups
10 - Dumbbell power snatch - right arm - 35lbs
10 - Dumbbell overhead squat - right arm - 25lbs
10 - L-pull-ups
1min rest

1 - 3:46
2 - 3:05
3 - 4:48
Total time w/ rest - 13:41

Man this was rough.  I suck at over head squat.  Fell off the planet last round.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

12/7/15 - Front Squat, dip rack pad slap sit ups, KB Swings

Front Squat A to G
10 x 75 lbs
10 x 95 lbs
10 x 75 lbs
10 x 75 lbs
10 x 75 lbs

50 x Dip Rack Pad Slap Sit-Ups

KB Swings
10 x 35lbs
10 x 40lbs
10 x 45lbs
10 x 50lbs
10 x 55lbs
10 x 55lbs
10 x 50lbs
10 x 45lbs
10 x 40lbs
10 x 35lbs

Wanted some movement tonight.  My back has not necessarily been hurting but has been sketchy to say the least.  Not sure why.  Very light squats tonight.  Back felt awful during these.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Heavy Bag, Jump Rope, Abs

30 plus minutes on and off hitting heavy bag.
Jump rope on breaks.
Sets of 200 to 300 jumps


Abs 1 min each exercise
Flat abs
Obliques rt-30sec/lt-30sec
Skopec's rt-30sec/lt-30sec
Figure 4's rt-30/lt-30
Mason Twists

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Bench Press, Turkish get-ups, Butterfly sit-ups, Body Squats

Bench Press very narrow grip
10 x 135
10 x 155
8 x 175
2 x 205
2 x 225
10 x 135

30 x Turkish get-ups
1 - 3:03 think I might have done 12 here.
2 - 3:41
Took 1 min here to help Kate D. on punching bag
3 - 2:58
Total time - 10:52

5 min

4 Rounds
25 Butterfly Sit-ups
25 Body Squats

1 - 1:07.04
2 - 1:11.41
3 - 1:11.26
4 - 1:04.00
Total - 4:33.71

Did a year to date workout today.  Did this one December 1st last year.  Shoulders have been a problem since spring so I have not been doing bench.  Kept a very narrow grip to save shoulders.  Liked the burn on the last workout element.  I think I did 2 extra on the Turkish get-ups with the first set.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Pull-ups, Burpees, Toes-to-bar, KB Swings, Goblet Squats

5 Rounds
10 Pull-ups
10 Burpees
10 Toes-to-bar
10 KB Swings
10 Goblet Squats
1 min rest

1 - 1:55.36
2 - 1:54.97
3 - 1:58.17
4 - 2:09.05
5 - 2:09.68
Total w/ rest - 14:07

Man getting back into this has been rough.  Tonight put the hammer on me again.  No puking but my brain was fried.  No oxygen.  I was a mess for quite a while.  I had myself talked into stopping after round 4.  Nathan P. yelled at me that last round was coming.  I hit the floor.  He said you know you can do this.  Pride kicked in and I got to my feet and got it done.  Thanks brother.  Not to mention there was 15 of my kids in the weightroom doing abs.  I could not sissy out on that last round.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Heavy bag, Sit-ups, Lunges, Dips, Box jumps, Jump rope

5 Rounds
1 minute a station
Heavy Bag combos
Sit-ups - 30/30/30/30/30
Lunges - 30/32/32/32/32
Dips - 20/25/25/25/25
Box jumps - 10/10/10/10/11
Jump rope - 110/110/110/110/140

Feeling better.  Went one more round today.  Roughly the same amount of reps.  I don't think these exercises were as hard on me as the last 2 or I am snapping my body out of this funk.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Heavy bag, Sit-ups, Thrusters, jump-rope, ball-slams

4 Rounds
1 min a station
Heavy Bag
Sit-ups - 28/28/30/30
Thrusters @ 95lbs - 10/10/10/12
Jump-rope - 110/100/110/120
Ball-slams - 31/31/35/35
Rest - 2 min

11/25/15 - Heavy bag, body squats, sit-ups, jump-rope, pull-ups

3 rounds
1:30 seconds a station
Heavy Bag
Body Squats

Workout number one since state cross country post.  To put it mildly I had a rough day.  5 rounds was my goal.  I had to tell myself I was going to get 3 rounds.  I threw up after round one.  By the pull-ups in round 3 I was dryheaving every time my chin went over the bar.  I hit the trash can and threw up several times after I finished.  Today was rough.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

State Cross Country meet

Ran a bunch again today.  My legs are not functioning well right now.  I am posting this at almost 10pm.
It was a rough day.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Pre-meet run on state course

Ran/walked State course with the kids

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Heavy Bag, Tall cage box jumps, Barbell power clean and jerk Burpees, Lever pulls

5 Rounds 1 min a station as many reps as possible
Heavy Bag
Tall cage box jump
Barbell clean and jerk Burpees
Lever pulls
Rest 1 min

Met Daniel early we needed to get in.  Been to long.  Hit a deer by cherry blossom at 6:05.  Driving crazy slow but still got him.  Damage but after slamming on the breaks I was probably going only 20 when I hit him.  He spun but never hit the ground and ran off.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

District Meet

T-post driving
Riding and running.
Meet break down

Both guys and girls won today.  First time in school history both teams won together.

10/30/15 district meet set up.

T-post pulling and T-post driving

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Long bike, wall climbs, abs

8 mile bike ride
Wall climbs

Monday, October 26, 2015

Push-ups, Body squats, Butterfly sit-ups

10 Rounds
10 Push-ups narrow
20 Body squats
30 Butterfly sit-ups
1 - 1:34
2 - 1:32
3 - 1:35
4 - 1:28
5 - 1:38
6 - 1:34
7 - 1:26
8 - 1:18
9 - 1:15
10 - 1:11
Total - 14:36

Just wanted to get one in.  I have done this one several times.  I will have to look them up.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Long bike ride

Rode 10 miles on hills at practice

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Campsite WOD

4 rounds
Run - roughly 200 meters
10 KB Swings
20 Sit-ups
10 Med ball cleans
20 Med ball sit-ups
10 Bench dips
1 - 5:19
2 - 4:44
3 - 4:47
4 - 4:45
Total time - 19:36

After workout I walked down to the lake and swam out to the marina dock and back.  Probably 100 meters out 100 meters back.  Water felt awesome.  Probably only a week or two more of decent temp lake water.

Did at campsite.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Run, Leg lifts, Goblet Squats, KB Swings, Sit-ups w/ a twist, Pull-ups, Tire slams

Kids did a 2 to 3 mile warm up
Supposed to be 5 rounds a storm came in and I got 2 full and started 3.
What was prescribed
Kids 2 mile warm up
Boys 5 rounds Girls 4 rounds
800 meter run, I did 600 meters
20 Leg lifts
10 Goblet Squats - @ 55lbs
20 KB Swings - @ 55lbs
20 Sit-ups w/ a twist
10 Pull-ups
20 Tire slams 10 rt 10 lt

Kids were supposed to get 1 to 2 mile cool down.

Electrical storm moved in about mid workout.  I was interrupted several times in my first 2 rounds so I was a bit behind.  Ran 3rd 600 and had to start stopping kids as storm rolled in.  Never got a chance to finish.  Storm just kept building and rolling in.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Inverted Rows, dip rack sit-ups, KB Swings, Single arm SDLHP, partner pull

4 Rounds
5 Inverted rows on dip rack, toes to sky
10 Dip rack sit ups, alternate hands smacking back pad
15 KB Swings
10/10 Single arm SDLHP 10 rt / 10 lt
1 Partner harness pull length of weight room
2 min rest

1 - 1:44
2 - 1:44
3 - 1:39
4 - 1:37
Total w/ rest - 12:45

In early with Daniel.  I was beat from my two workouts yesterday.  I did like this WOD and it's flow. I did a backward roll out of the rack after the sit-ups to the KB Swings.  This helped the flow too.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

PM WOD Hill Repeats on bike

Kellen came over and we hit it on the bikes this afternoon.  Up the big hill by the house to where it flattened out.  Then back down and the small hill on the other side.  That was one.  Starting point for each was the top of the bump between both hills.

We did a 1/2 mile warm up.  Then 5 repeats.  Then a 2 mile cool down, slow pedaling.

This put a hurt on me.  By the end I was weaving all over.

Legs are shot!

Pull-ups, St. Louis slams, Wall Ball, Medball butterfly sit-ups, Med ball Burpees

5 Rounds
10 Pull-ups - kipping
10 St. Louis Ball Slams 20 lbs ball
10 Wall-ball 20 lbs ball
10 Medicine ball Butterfly Sit-ups tap over head/Tap between feet 20lbs
10 Medicine ball Burpees @ 20lbs
1 minute rest

1 - 2:04
2 - 2:07
3 - 2:15
4 - 2:22
5 - 2:08
Total w/ rest -  14:58

Back is pretty sore from the run Thursday.  Great workout, great flow.  I am pretty fatigued.  Glad to have gotten in with Daniel this morning.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Lunges, push-ups, crunches

We were at the track today for 800m repeats.  After the kids were done I did a very short WOD.
12 rounds
10 Lunges
10 Push-ups narrow
10 Full Crunches

120 of each exercise

Thursday, October 8, 2015


Kids did 1/2 on roads and 1/2 on grass today.  Kids were on grass barefoot.  We finished up on the baseball field.  When we got there I decided to run bare foot with the kids.  I can't remember the last time I ran this far with out stopping and at that pace.  I eased into the pace and continued to drop pace as I went.  I covered 2 miles on the grass bare foot.  We shall see how my back responds.  I went 1 mile turning left and 1 mile turning right.  Felt great.  By the last lap Jacob said I was down to 5:50 pace and the last 200 I dropped the hammer and the boys said we were sub 5 pace.  It was fun my last mile Jacob and Nathan ran with me stride for stride.  My feet are sore and I am tired.  Just have to see what my back says over the next few days.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Rock moving (again) ;-)

One of these times I will post a picture.  The rocks seem to be getting bigger and bigger.

10/3/15 Chile Pepper inv. Fayetteville AR

Did not bring my bike and the course is spread out.  I ran a bunch for every race.  My guess well over a mile running.  I also carried the tent on my shoulders in and out easily a 1/2 mile walk one way, if not more.

Kids ran well.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Pull-ups, High knee cross overs, Burpees, GHD'S, Dumbbell Thrusters

3 Rounds
10 Pull- ups - full extensions
10 Walking High Knee Cross Overs 10rt/10lft
10 Burpees
10 GHD'S
10 Dumbbell Thrusters @ 30lbs each side
1 min rest

1 - 1:56
2 - 2:09
3 - 2:12
Total w/ rest - 8:18

Met Daniel before meetings this morning at 6:30.  We just wanted blood up but not much more.   Got it done.

Thursday, October 1, 2015


The CC kids did the dirty dozen on the baseball field today.
Before and after the workout I ran on the grass with the kids.
I think total running was 15 to 20 minutes.  It actually felt pretty good.  First round was 5 to 8 min the second round was I think 12 or so minutes.  Barefoot on great grass.  My calves are a bit sore.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

CrossFit w/ CC kids

6 rounds
400 meter run
10 Burpees
20 Lever pulls
10 Body squats to toes (came off ground)
50 Crunches
10 Iron Crosses
1 set tire jumps - 6 jumps

1 - did not start watch
2 - 5:35
3 - 5:55
4 - 7:11
5 - 6:21
6 - 5:31
Total time - missing round 1 - 30:35 my guess is 35 to 36 min with round one.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Mileage and repeats on bike

8 decently hard miles on the bike middle school loop.

Went to in-laws hill with Kellen on bikes.  We did 8 hill repeats.  Started at bridge and blasted to mailbox on right.  Looped around subdivision sign and down to in laws house and repeated.

Put the hurt on me again.  Ooof!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

AM - heavy bag, ninja jumps, extended leg crunch, weighted box walk, dips, figure 4 crunches

3 Rounds - 1 min each exercise
Heavy Bag
Ninja Jumps
Straight leg crunches 10/10 alternate
Box weighted walk, 20lbs dumbbells different sizes
Figure 4 crunches rt/lt
1 min rest

After the workout I was feeling pretty good.  The weather was awesome.  I ran a mile, running from the weight room to the in-laws house and back to the weight room.   Felt good to run.

9/26/15 Hermitage Inv

Biked, Biked, Biked......
Tore it up on the bike today to cheer for the kids not to mention a bunch if running.  Wish I knew how far I went total today.  Legs are beat and knees achy.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

9/22/15 Abs and arms

50 - Crunches
15 - push-ups - wide
25/25 - mirror runs rt/lt
25/25 - figure 4 crunches, 25rt/25lt
15 - push-ups - narrow
25/25 - mirror runs rt/lt
150 - scissor kicks
15 - push-ups - wide
50 - butterfly sit-ups
15 - push-ups - narrow

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Yet another day moving rocks and RR ties

Still landscaping.  Went back for another round of huge rocks at the in-laws.  By the end my legs had the shakes.  These were bigger than last time!

Friday, September 18, 2015

9/17/15 CrossFit with CC kids PM

Kids did 1 mile warm up.
New set up today
1st Round
Out Laird turn right on Hartford.  Kids did 800 out 800 back.  I went 400 out 400 back.
Weight room element
25 KB Swings @ 55lbs
25 Push-ups wide
25 SDLHP @ 55lbs
50 Figure 4 crunches - 25 each side
2nd Round
Left on Hartford to division, I went to top of hill
Weight room element
25 KB Swings @ 55lbs
25 Push-ups narrow
25 SDLHP @ 55lbs
50 Butterfly Sit-ups
3rd Round
Around front of HS down bus route to far gate, I went to middle gate
Weight room element
25 KB Swings @ 55lbs
25 Push-ups wide
25 SDLHP @ 55lbs
100 Bicycles kids did 50
4th Round
Track loop 1 lap, I went to front of subdivision
Weight room element
25 KB Swings @ 55lbs
25 Push-ups wide
25 SDLHP @ 55lbs
100 Crunches kids did 50

Took me a total of 54:25

After 20 toes to bar
100/100 mirror runs @ I used 10lb plates

I think this might be the most I have run in a very long time.
For kids - MS and HS all did the first 2 rounds full,  HS did 3rd round full, MS did 1/2 the running
Only HS long kids did round 4.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

9/15/15 Home meet set up, driving fence posts

Marking the course
Driving a bunch more T-posts
5 races of cheering on my kids
I was a zombie by the end of the day.  I could feel the last 4 days by today.  About mid way through the post driving my arms and shoulders were beat.  Canceled AM practice to get a bit more rest.  Trying to stay healthy.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

PM landscaping

Dug a 40 foot trench pick-axing roots and old tree stumps.  Moved another RR tie into place.

AM w/ Daniel - Jump Rope, SDLHP, Weighted Step-ups, Thrusters

3 Rounds for time of
200 single jump rope
25 SDLHP @ 45lbs
25 Dumbbell weighted step ups 30 lbs each arm, 26in box
5 Thrusters @ 135lbs
2 min rest
1 - 4:51
2 - 5:37
3 - 5:25
Total time w/ rest : 19:54

2 days in a row with D.  Been too long. Felt good.  Of course everything is exhausted.  We were going to go with 1 min recovery.  We went 2 min.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

PM - landscaping, digging, moving RR ties

Pull-ups, Box Jumps, Heavy Bag, Ball Slams, GHD'S

3 Rounds 1 minute each station
Box Jumps
Heavy Bag
Ball Slam -20lbs ball
1 minute rest

One minute per station as many reps as possible.  

9/11/15 Hill Repeats on bike w/ Kellen

Big hill coming up from Max loop, roughly 600 meters did 5 up hill repeats, 3 min recovery.

Started out on the flat I think 2nd power pole,  steady acceleration on flat up hill and to black mailbox at top on the flat.

9/10/15 Carthage

5 races biked several miles a race at full speed not to mention stops to cheer.  By the freshmen race there was not much left in me.  Got very humid for first few races.  Freshman race got lucky.  The temp started to cut.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Sunday, September 6, 2015

PM rock landscaping

Afternoon hard bike

left bike at in-laws, took Michaels truck back over in the afternoon and hammered out a solid ride back home.
I have deleted the split but I think it was 16 something.

AM ride with the girls

Anna had her recovery run.  Emily and I biked along.  6 miles.

Monday, August 31, 2015

PM CrossFit with the CC kids

Kids did 1 mile warm up
5 rounds ms did 4 rounds
Kids run 600 I biked 800 because of my back being on the mend
20 Sit-ups w/ a twist - ms - 15
10 Hand release Push-ups - ms - 10
20 Body Squat to a toe finish - ms - 20
20 Rope climbers - ms - 20
2 Wall Climbers - ms - 1

Splits - got stopped a few times
1 - 5:23
2 - 6:30
3 - 6:10
4 - 6:32
5 - 6:07
Total time - 30:45

After 30 Toes to bar
100/100 - Mirror runs rt/lft foot forward

Back felt better after warming up.  Hottest day so far this fall practice 88 deg felt like 91 deg.  Good day over all.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Early AM WOD

4 Rounds for time of
5/5 - partner ball slams - 3 racks apart
5/5 - partner med ball twist passes
10 - weighted lateral box steps ups alternating rt/lft up over and across
10 - body squat finish to toes
40 - jump rope singles
1 - rope traverse - Daniel and I decided these would be called lava rope.
1 - min rest
1 - 2:15
2 - 2:32
3 - 2:27
4 - 2:25
Total w/ rest - 12:40

Rope was run under one pull-up bar and then across power clean area to another rack one down.  Wrapped over the pull-up bar and pulled over by knot with a safety bar and secured with another.  So we were traversing across the area.  Had to keep feet off of ground.  We went forward to the 1/2 way pt then turned and went backward.  This was rough but a blast and fun to finish the end of each round on.
Hurt my back pretty badly on the lateral bench step ups.  I got out of position on my way down on set one second rep.  Back sinched up and was in pain the rest of the time.  Writing this 10 hours later and I am still in serious pain.  I think this is just the perfect storm.  I have felt this coming and I am surprised it has not come sooner.  I have been sore and just got better by the next day.  Between working on the deck all summer with the constant bending over, pouring cement carrying all the bags of concrete and running in the CC CrossFit workouts I guess I have just been on borrowed time.  Took ALIEVE today.  Hope I improve fast.

8/29/15 rocks and clean up

Woke up early to move the massive rocks out of the trailer.

Worked on the garage the rest of the day.

I had no strength today.  Moving these huge rocks was miserable.  It has been a long time since I have felt this way.  Think I am due for a down spell.  Sucks.  I am down to 185.

Monday, August 24, 2015

CrossFit w/ CC kids

Kids did 1 mile warm up

6 Rounds
400 meters
40 Bicycles
10 Push-ups
10 KB Swings @ 55lbs
10 Overhead Lunges
20 Butterfly Sit-ups
1 set of tire jumps = 6 jumps

1 - 4:08
2 - 6:51 run-exercises-run
3 - 3:10 just exercises
4 - 5:23
5 - 5:43
6 - 6:23
Total time - 31:41

After - 100/100 mirror runs
20 Toes to bar

Kids did anywhere from 1 mile to 4 mile cool down.

Solid workout.  Kept things light today for the kids.  Big week of workouts.  I was doing pretty solid until round 6.  This one ate me alive.  Very happy with the running.  Screwed up splits on round 2 and 3.  Round 2 I forgot to hit split so I finished the run then hit split for the weight room element.   Got interrupted a few times helping kids and answering questions.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

8/18/15 hard ride?

I was not going to post today.  But by the end of the Fartlek I had a hard sweat going and whooped.

Monday, August 17, 2015

CC Practice, run, Iron Crosses, Lever Pulls, Sideways Goblet Squats, Long Flutter Kicks, Push-ups

Kids did 1 mile warm up

5 Rounds
Kids Ran 800 I ran 600 ran 400 first round
10 Iron Crosses @ 10lbs plates
20 Lever Pulls
10 Sideways Goblet squats @ 35lbs
40 Long Flutter Kicks
10 Push-ups

100/100 - Mirror Runs @ 10lbs plates
20 Toes to bar
1 - 7:28
2 - 6:40
3 - 6:59
4 - 7:18
5 - 6:58
Total - 35:23

Good workout with the kids tonight.  Starting week 2 at 186.5 lbs when I got home tonight. Back is doing pretty good after yesterday.

AM ride - abs and push ups

Covered 4 miles at a nice solid pace this morning.  Had a decent sweat going.  Trying to flush the system.  I am still pretty beat from yesterday.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Cement, rocks, rocks, huge rocks, massive rocks .......

Moved the cement bags from trailer to the concrete pad.  Then drove trailer over to the in laws house to get rocks for our landscaping.  I am beat!  My grip is fried and my low back is toast.

Begging for the routine again

Finally got to meet Daniel and workout together.

5 Rounds for time of
10 Ninja Jumps - tall blue boxes
10 Side ways goblet squats (new) @ 35lbs
10 SDLHP @ 55lbs
10 GHD'S
5 Tire Flips - 10 first round - that was to much
1 min rest

1 - 4:07
2 - 2:54
3 - 2:47
4 - 2:50
5 - 3:03
Total w/ rest - 19:43

As usual my grip is fried.  I always forget how much tire flips hammers my grip.  I could tell by my splits that I was breaking down.  Daniel I think stayed consistent.

Week of August 10 - 14

Several decent bike rides covering 8 miles.  Got a flat on one 3 miles out and walked a mile or so waiting to be picked up.
Abs and push-ups every day.
I have been very tired this week.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

CC CrossFit

Kids did 1 mile warm up

5 Rounds
Kids ran 800 I ran 400
10 - Burpees
15 - Bench Dips
20 - Windshield wipers
20 - Lunges
30 - Sit-ups w/ a twist

When done w/ above

100/100 - Mirror runs
30 - Toes-to-bar

Kids did mile cool down I did 600 meters

Friday, August 7, 2015

Bike, Heavy bag, Abs

8 mile ride at am practice at decent pace on red barn.

Got back did drills

Kids ice bathed

When they left I hit the heavy bag for 30 min or so doing some ab movements on and off with a few pull-ups in there.  I am beat from this week.

After I ice bathed for 11 min.

Hoping this brings my legs out of the funk.

Thursday, August 6, 2015


Tuesday we went camping and got 2 man kayaks so solid shoulder work.  Yesterday's workout.

Then today several kids and my coaches took the wooded trail and I was on the asphalt.  So of course I missed them.  I dropped the hammer looking for them.  Pedaled a hard 6 and covered 8 plus.  Did some of the drills and a few build ups with the kids too.

Ab work from today and Tuesday during stretching was brutal.  Time to get core in shape!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

AM - rain storm kept CC kids inside. WOD

Kids ran 20 min inside

Then they did 5 rounds of the following.  I did 6.

6 Rounds
20 Body Squats
10 Push-ups (hand release)
20 SDLHP @ 45lbs
5 Burpees
1 min rest or stretch, ham string, quads, IT bands quickly.

1 - 1:42
2 - 1:41
3 - 1:40
4 - 1:38
5 - 1:43
6 - 1:38
Total time - 15:12

100 rt leg mirror runs
100 lt leg mirror runs

30 toes to bar

1 Rope assent

10 pull-ups

Then I hit the heavy bag switching on and off with Lydia.

30 plus min of heavy bag work.

I stopped because I was beat.

Got home to shower and got on the scale and weighed 186 lbs.  have not been there in a while.  Kind of fired up right now.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Mountain bike riding w/ my girls on Little Sac trails

It was a little rough on the girls.  New Mtn bikes with larger frames and wheel bases.  The girls struggled on the technical stuff.  There was quite a bit of frustration.  Things will get better.  We covered I am guessing 10 to 12 miles on trails today.  Legs are pretty tired.  Braums ice cream and root beer floats after made it all better.

Forgot to post the best part of the day.  Emily got a flat with a mile to go.  I put her on my huge bike and ran the rest of the way in pushing her bike so we did not destroy the rim.

Friday, July 31, 2015


July 28 and July 30th

Poured pads of concrete.  I have another to get done today.  Carrying and lifting 80lbs bags I did not think was getting me but today after I taught the class and got home I crashed so I am posting the work.  So far carrying bags of 80lbs concrete = 5,280lbs.

Heavy Bag, Butterfly sit-ups, Dips, Single arm SDLHP, Jump rope

4 Rounds
1 min - Punching Heavy bag
1 min - Butterfly Sit-ups
1 min - Dips
1 min - Single arm SDLHP @ 40lbs
1 min - Jump rope
1 min - Rest

Had to teach a CPR/First aid class so I came in early and Emily came with me.  She in no way had to.  I was so proud of her.  She did the same workout leading me.  She was one exercise ahead.  Great time with the girl.
Weird development today.  I hurt my left wrist on the dips.  It feels awful.  Hopefully it just tracked wrong and things will improve in the next day or so.  I also just woke up from a nap.  I woke up a few times and felt like I had just been beat up.  80 lbs bags of concrete are hammering me.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Partner med ball throws, Russian split squat, Pull-ups, SDLHP's, GHD'S

5 Rounds for time of
5/5 - Partner heavy med ball throws
5r/5l - Russian Split squats - 5 right leg 5 left leg @ 30lbs KB
10 - Pull-ups
5/5 - SDLHP - 5 regular 5 just arms alone
10 - GHD's
1 min rest

1 - 1:59
2 - 1:54
3 - 1:48
4 - 1:48
5 - 1:46
Total time w/ rest - 13:17

Short one with Daniel.  Been a while since we have been in together.

Monday, July 27, 2015

AM bike with Ann, Emily and The Mom, ran hills, crunches, push-ups, swim

4 mile ride while Anna ran, Jen ran and Emily followed her on her bike.


Jogged from house to lake.  Stretched & did 2 buildups on the dock.
Blasted 5 Hills - as much as an old man can blast these days.  Started at lake and hit split in the middle of the road at the top.  Recovery was exactly 2:30.  Heart rate was 120 give or take at 2 min.  At 30 seconds heart was 170+.  By the end of the 4th I was really feeling the repeats.  Glad I decided to do, and then stuck with 5.  After I walked to the end of the dock for 3 sets of 100 crunches, 25 push-ups, swim to no wake bouy and back.

Hill splits
1 - :21.90
Rest - 2:30
2 - :22.93
Rest - 2:30
3 - :22.29
Rest 2:30
4 - :22.39
Rest - 2:30
5 - 21.61
Total w/ rest - 11:52

Sunday, July 26, 2015

AM ride and WOD

Morning bike while Anna and mom ran.
3 rounds
25 KB swings
100 crunches
20 Russian split single leg squats 10/10
25 Push-ups
1 min rest

1 - 3:13
1 min
2 - 3:01
1 min
3 - 2:38
Total w/ rest - 10:53

Great ride with Anna and Mom.  Warm, but a beautiful morning.  Let Em sleep in.  She only missed 1 practice this summer.  Super proud of all my girls.

7/25/15 digging out area for concrete

Finishing screened in porch and dug out the hole for concrete pad for stairs.
Crazy hot again.  94 deg heat index 104.  So hot on of my chickens just keeled over and died.  They even spent most of the day in the woods.  I even put a water source in the woods too.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Last AM practice of the year with the kids

Kids did 1 mile warm up
4 to 5 rounds - I did 5
Kids ran 800 I ran 400's and 600's
10 - Turkish-get-ups @ 45lbs dumbbell
15 - Hand release push-ups
20 - Goblet Squats @ 45lbs dumbbell
30 - Butterfly sit-ups
1 -Wall-climb

Splits are screwed up but here they are
1 - 14:05 - did not start for a while, put shoes on and had to tape a kids knees.
2 - 8:02
3 - 8:48
4 - 11:13 - ran 600
5 - 10:23 - helped Jen do a wall-climb
Total - 52:35

Rough but I enjoyed the WOD

Thursday, July 23, 2015


Rented a sod cutter today.  In possession for 24 hours.  Which means get everything done in one day. Nathan and Spencer came over to help move the cut sod and shovel.  5 hours of running this machine and lifting sod and shoveling.  I drank roughly a gallon of water and 2 power aids.  For the next few hours my body was beat up.  This machine beat the tar out of me.

Have been working out side the last week.

Lots of days working outside.  Extreme heat.  Nothing terribly awful just normal stuff working in deck.  Sweating buckets.  Back is sore from all the lifting.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

AM CrossFit with the kids - Grass run, a bit easier workout

Kids did 1 mile warm up
1 big grass loop
10/10 single arm SDLHP @ 45 lbs
1 big grass loop
10 Goblet Squats @ 45 lbs
1 big grass loop
10 KB Swings
1 big grass loop
5/5 Single arm snatch
1 big grass loop
10 KB Swings
When done with above
Weight room
25 Toes to bar
100/100 mirror runs rt/lt
25 Toes to bar

Kids did mile cool down.  My back has been killing me with all the work at the house.  I guess just weird lifting angles for the wood and over head stuff.  I was worried about this morning.  Seemed to go fine.

Friday, July 17, 2015

AM CrossFit with the kids

Kids did mile warm up
4 Rounds
400 meter run - kids did 800
20 Lunging Thrusters @ 25lbs
20 Lever pulls
10 Jumping Burpees
1 set of box and tire jumps
1 - 5:53
2 - 8:21 - stopped to get Amy a power aid she was getting sick
3 - 7:56
4 - 7:48
Total time - 30:00

Lined boxes up from tallest to shortest then lined tires up.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

AM cardio CrossFit with the kids

We did a cut down workout this morning.  I ran 600 meters each round even on the 400.

Kids did 1 mile warm up
Then the following
1200 meter run - I did 600
20 - SDLHP @ 55lbs
30 - Bicycles
20 - Push-ups (narrow)
800 meter run - I ran 600
20 - SDLHP @ 55lbs
30 - Crunchy frogs
20 - Push-ups (hand release)
600 meter run
20 - SDLHP @ 55lbs
30 - Grass Hoppers
20 - Push-ups (wide)
400 meter run - I ran 600
20 - SDLHP @ 55lbs
30 - Bicycles
20 - Push-ups (hand release)

1 - 6:01
2 - 5:38
3 - 5:55
4 - 5:54
Total time w/ rest - 23:30

When done with above complete.
30 toes to bar or knees to chest
100 each leg mirror runs.  I used 10 lbs plates.

Has kids ran 1 mile cool down MS kids ran 1/2 mile cool down.

I had a case of the shakes after this.  Also I seemed to loose my balance several times over the next few hours too.  Must have been dehydrated a bit.  The last 2 rounds I really opened up on the return run.  Racing Emily and her group.  It was fun.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Something new

5 Rounds
10 Med ball partner sit ups.  Toss ball to partner at top of motion.
10 Push-press @ 135lbs / Pull-ups
10 Med ball box jumps
10 St. Louis slams
1 min rest

1 - 4:20
2 - 4:03
3 - 4:09
4 - 4:01
5 - 4:16
Total time w/ rest - 24:57

This was a rough one.  I could feel how tough it was only during the push press / pull-ups.  For several hours and really for the rest of the day I was drained.  Surprisingly difficult.  This was the first time we have done the push press / pull-ups.  Daniels creation today.  Loved these but hated them.  We moved the safety bars up.  The bar was just low enough to get off the rack.  1 rep was a push-press, rack the bar, then lift feet and complete a pull-up on same bar.  This hammered me.  Second round I struggled to get the bar to the rack.  Crazy because this is a very manageable weight.  By round three I would shake my arms out after each set and on.  This helped.  I also was finishing the PP up on my toes so I was guaranteed to rack the bar.  Might try these as a thruster element one day.

7/10/15 Friday post camp CrossFit

Kids ran 1 mile warm up
5 Rounds
Kids ran 600 I ran 400 meters
20 Push-ups alt each round, wide - narrow
30 KB Swings / SDLHP
      Round 1,3,5 - KB Swings
      Round 2,4 - SDLHP
40 Sit-ups w/ a twist / Lever Pulls
      Round  1,3,5 - Sit-up w/ twist
      Round 2,4 - Lever pulls

1 - 5:46
2 - 6:25
3 - 6:31
4 - 5:41
5 - 6:58
Total - 31:25

Our post camp workout.  These splits are not very accurate.  One I forgot to hit till I was on the road. One I had to get my bike for Jen and adjust the seat.  Good work out.  Low back was sore on the swings.  Not sure why.

7/9/15 Day 5 JBD, DOT Mill - had to stop because of storm

Got 7 in

7/8/15 Day 4 JBD

AM - long walk w/ David chatlose (liberty north) and dale long (Platte county)

7/7/15 PM ride

PM - bike ride

7/7/15 Mid morning JBD

Afternoon - moved boys tents from bottom ground to top ground

7/7/15 Day 3 JBD AM

AM - Bike, hard.  One of the hardest rides I have had here.  Hill on way back in was worse than the hill coming out of camp to the left.  We turned right at the top of the hill on the main road.  Went down the second hill.  Coming back up was miserable.  Spencer and I were together.  The positive encouraging was not enough.  I was on fire by the top.
I went out again a few times in both directions.  I was on the bike for just about 2 hours.

7/6/15 PM workout Day 2 JBD

7/6/15 -

PM - Bike

100 x KB Swings @ 45lbs
Total - 2:53 no break...,boom

7/6/15 Day 2 JBD AM bike

AM - bike

7/5/15 Day 1 JBD

7/5/15 - camp set up, circus tent spike driving (sledge),

PM - bike

Friday, July 3, 2015

400, Heavy Bag, Jump Rope, Butterfly Sit-ups, Pull-ups

4 rounds
400 meter run
1 minute Heavy Bag Punching
1 minute Jump Rope Singles
1 minute Butterfly Sit-ups
10 Pull-ups

Did not take splits today.  Pushed hard on the timed stuff.  Pretty much headed straight out coming off the pull-up bar for the run.  Maintained a good clip on the run.  Coming into the weight room after the run was the only part I did not rush on.  I took time to get my gloves on for the bag.  I would also wait for the timer to get back to start the next minute.  So rest ranged from one minute to almost two depending on when I rolled in the weight room.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

AM - WOD - Kayak on the lake

Took dad's Kayak out this morning.  More just to test its comfort level but I did get a workout in.  Did the following.

Did a 1 min on 1 min off workout
Set my count down timer for 60 seconds and headed out.  Paddling hard for 1 minute then resting for 1 minute.  Got out almost to the end of the point in the main channel.

I think I did 6 rounds of paddling out and 6 back.  Kind of lost count.

Finished into the shore.  Paddled back out about 50 yards and jumped in for a cool down swim.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Hill repeats, crunches, push-ups, Swim

Worked out on the hill coming up from the lake.
Hill from lake at
starting point.
Roughly 140 yards
to the top.

Hill from lake zoomed in.
Finished at top on road by
that house.

Rode the bike 1 mile warm up.
5 x 140 yard steep hill repeats.  Running from the lake up the cart trail to the road.  Walked down  backward for recovery.
On Dock
500 crunches
10 push-ups on edge of dock
Swam out to no wake buoy roughly 50 yards out.
250 crunches
20 push-ups on edge of dock
Same swim
250 crunches
20 push-ups on edge of dock
Same swim
10 bench dips
Jumped in lake
20 bench dips
Jumped in lake
Crunches on dock

By repeat # 3 I was toast.  Great workout though.  Missed my brother in crime on these repeats.
Crunches by the lake

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Burpee Bonanza summer

4 rounds
400 meter run / kids ran 800
10 hand release push up burpees
10 lateral jump burpees over bar
10 tire jump burpees
10 Burpee pull-ups

Had some fire the first 2 rounds.  Round 3 lateral jumps started to get me.  I was whooped by round 4.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

AM - B.O.B., jump rope, Ball slams

3 Rounds
3 Minutes - punching combos on B.O.B.
1 min - jump rope
1 min - Ball slams @ 20lb ball
Rest - carry a board of 2 x 12 x 10 around house

I had no fire what so ever this morning.  Workout sucked.  No fire, no motivation made this a miserable workout.  I kept telling my self, at least you are doing something because other than the fact I was sweating, I got little out of this one.

Friday, June 26, 2015

AM practice - "The Utility"

This mornings WOD.  I did 3 rounds and only ran 400.  I was still getting stuff set up for everyone while they were on the warm up and 1st round.

1 mile warm up - did not do

HS 4 rounds / MS 3 rounds
800 meter run
All holding dumbbells
10 - Bicycles
10 - Push press
10 - Calf raises
10 - Iron cross
10 - Good mornings
10 - Push-up high plank swings
10 - Weighted sit-ups
10 - Tire slams - if we have them they were out front
10 - Bench dips

When done with above
100 mirror runs each side
25 Toes to bar

1 mile cool down - did not do

1 big nap

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Two Parter - a few adjustments

Here is what we did today.  I ran the sprints and the 400's.  Did not do the other runs.  I posted the entire workout that the kids did.  We were all actually done by 7am.

800 warm up

The Two Parter

Soccer practice field
1 down and back 50m down 50m back
20 Goblet Squats
1 down and back
20 jumping lunges
1 down and back
20 KB Swings
1 down and back
20 double pump body squats
Took me - 4:56 to do this part

Transition run 1/2 or 1 mile

40 Hollow Rock
10 Hand Release Push-ups
400 Meter Run
40 Windshield wipers
20 Bench dips
400 Meter Run
40 Crunches
20 walking push-ups
Took me - 15:27 to do this part.
Total both parts - 20:30

Cool down
1/2 mile or 1 mile

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Boxing WOD - heavy bag, Tyson slams, jump rope, butterfly sit-ups

4 rounds - 30 seconds a station
This has a different feel but was fun.  I will post the best I can.  Partner WOD!

Man 1                           -          Man 2
Heavy Bag - go hard    -     Jump Rope
Tyson slams - L/R/C    -     Throwing the T.S.
Rest                              -      Rest
Jump Rope                   -     Heavy Bag - go hard
Throwing T.S.              -     Tyson slams - L/R/C
                   Butterfly sit-ups (1min)
                             2 minute rest

We switched each round Daniel started first round as man 1 then round 2 I was man 1.  We saw a clip of Mike Tyson and his trainer a few months back from the 80's.  His trainer threw a med ball into Tyson's mid-section.  This is what we did.  It was the roughest 30 seconds in the workout.  It was even tough on the guy throwing the med ball.  We had a good time with this one.  Set the counter at 30 seconds with a 3 second count down at end of each interval.  Worked well.
I have done a fat lot of nothing for the last 2 days trying to recover.  We went camping in Branson, went to see Jurassic World on Friday and Jonah Saturday.  Two rounds of mini golf Saturday with the family.  We had a great weekend!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Partner WOD w/ cardio kids

I ran a 600 to start
4 Rounds
10 - Partner Burpee / Plank holds
20 - Butterfly sit-ups w/ a high 5, alternate hands
10 - Push-ups w/ partner hand clap, alternate hands
Leap Frogs - length of weight room
10 - Tire jumps / partner doing bench dips

Kids ran 800 at start of each round.  I waited at weight room to be partners w/ anyone that needed one.

My body is trashed.  I struggled with every round.  I am going to take the next 2 days off.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Some new stuff

4 Rounds
10 - Barbell Push-up rows to straight arm behind back
16 - Dumbbell weighted Step-ups w/ a high knee drive/kick @ 50lbs each arm
22 - St. Louis Slams 20lbs ball
D/B - Inch worm hand/feet walk down, crab walk back - full length of weight room
1 min rest
1 - 6:12
2 - 6:46
3 - 6:03
4 - 5:06
Total time - 27:10

I am still sore from Mondays workout and I am sure some of Tuesdays.  I am beat.  I have a bit of intentional bug today.  Neither of us were sure what we wanted to do today.  I actually enjoyed this.  It was way tougher than Daniel and I were anticipating.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

AM CrossFit w/ Cardio kids

Kids did 800 warm up

We all did
Front parking lot
800 forward run
400 backward run
800 forward run
400 backward run
To weight room for:
3 Rounds
20 SDLHP @ 45lbs
40 Bicycle ABS
10 Turkish-get-ups

Kids then went back to front lot for:
Another set of 2 x 800/400's.

I took it easy this morning after last nights WOD.  Doing this made me feel better but I am still whooped.

Monday, June 15, 2015

MURPH adapted, 400 meter run, Pull-ups, Push-ups, Body Squats

400 meter run
Into the following
10 Rounds
10 Pull-ups
20 Push-ups
30 Body squats
50 meter sprint
1 min rest - after each round but round 5.  Rested 2 min.
After 10 rounds are done
400 meter run

400 - 1:44
1 - 1:33
2 - 1:26
3 - 1:27
4 - 1:27
5 - 1:31
Rest 2 min
6 - 1:31
7 - 1:29
8 - 1:31
9 - 1:34
10 - 1:38
Total time w/ rest -  26:57
400 - 2:25
Total time w/ rest - 30:23

I am laying in bed posting this 6 hours later still not feeling right. My sprints were more like wobbly walks by round 4.  Fired through everything else.  Splits were pretty consistent.

I did the real Murph my second day of CrossFit, March 18th 2010.  It whooped my rear then and adapted it whooped my rear now.  

Friday, June 12, 2015

AM - Health class

Ran the kids through a ton of exercises.  Took about 30 plus minutes of constant change and movements.  I had a rolling sweat going the whole time.

AM - Campus CrossFit

I only did part today.  I am beat but wanted to do some.
I ran to the primary and did the 100 lunges and ran back to weight room.
I then ran to the Intermediate to help kids across the monkey bars.  Then ran back to the weight room.

I did not do any of the weight room elements because my health class was in the weight room today and I was showing them a ton of exercises.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

AM long ride with the kids

Still riding Jen's bike.  Little bike = sore knees.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Evening log removal at in-laws

After a long day and a rough workout we went over to the in-laws to chop up and move the huge logs to the trailer.  Got them to Sean's and unloaded.  These suckers were so big and heavy we could barely lift them.

Afternoon - Captain America WOD

Complete 5 rounds:

Static Pull or Chin Up Hold at top - 30 seconds
Max Strict Pull or Chin Ups - 6, 6, 6, 5, 6
Hold Top of Ring Dip - 30 seconds
Max Ring Dips - 8, 8, 9, 8, 7
Handstand Hold - 30 seconds 
Handstand Push-ups - 6, 6, 6, 6, 3 - these were more of 3 inch drop.  I can't do these at all

*Perform isometric hold for 30 seconds, kick down, shake out your hands and perform max reps of given exercise.
*There is no time component for this workout other than the 30 sec holds. 
*The goal of this workout is to develop stability in these movements through the use of isometric holds

Set up the watch on 30 second intervals
Started isometric hold the instant the watch first beeped and kept it until it beeped again
Shook out arms while the watch was beeping (it beeps for 10 seconds)
Did the burn out on the exercise
Rested 1 minute between sets
Rested for two minutes after each round
When I do it again, I think 90 seconds between sets and three minutes between rounds will work best. 

AM - Long ride with morning practice

Hit the bike pretty hard again at morning practice.  Covered roughly 8 miles.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

AM With Cardio kids - THE AB RIPPER

3 Rounds
400 meter Run
50 Butterfly Sit-ups
15 Dips
50 Sit-ups w/ a Twist
20 Body Squats
50 Crunches
1 Wall Climb

At Completion of the above
20 Rt side Tire Slams
20 Lt side Tire Slams
20 Toes to bar

Rough Splits from the 3 rounds, I did not really do the splits with accuracy.
1 - 7:35
2 - 9:00
3 - 9:12
Total time - 25:47

Did this with the kids.  I love this workout.  I always think I am going to drop the hammer on this one until I get into round 2 and round 3.

6/8/15 The ASSENDER

4 Rounds, 3 with weight vest and 1 with out vest
1 - Med Ball box jump burpee
2 - Pull-ups
3 - Burpee Pull-ups
4 - Barbell Burpees (man makers), @ 75lbs
5 - Thrusters - 75lbs
6 - Supine Rows
7 - Wall Balls
8 - Back Extensions
9 - Body Squats
10 - Sit-ups
2 min rest

1 - 3:16
rest - 1:26
2 - 3:01
rest - 1:35
3 - 2:54
rest - 1:34
4 - 2:42
Total time - 16:31

I shortened rest to stay with Daniel.  This was awesome.

Monday, June 8, 2015

AM Hard Ride

9 miles pretty hard.  Got a flat at the seven mile marker.  The ride back sucked and leaning over the Handle bars to keep pressure off the back tire.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

400 meter run, Barbell push-up Burpees(man makers), knee hold, rope climb, 50 meter sprint

4 Rounds
400 meter run
10 Barbell Burpees (man makers) @ 75lbs
20 second knee hold
1 Rope Climb
50 meter sprint
2 min rest shortened to stay with Daniel - roughly 1:30 to 1:50
1 - 4:04
2 - 4:03
3 - 4:01
4 - 3:57
Total w/ rest - 21:18

Great workout this morning.  I am beat down for some reason but this one was great.  James and his family are up for the big basketball tournament in town and staying at the house.  Jacob ran this morning at 6am with the boys.  While we were out we did this.  It was great Daniel, James and I were on the runs together.  Of course we suffered so fellowship was bountiful!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Grass bare foot run, push-ups, lever pulls, body squats, lunges

5 Rounds
Big loop on soccer field barefoot
15 Push-ups
20 Body Squats
30 Lever Pulls
20 Lunges

Running felt good again just controlled the pace.  Air was very humid and got very thick to breath.  Good workout though.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

AM - decent bike ride at morning practice

Kids are getting pretty spread out.  Had to pedal pretty hard for quite a bit.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Overhead lunge, Medicine ball back to back twisting passes, Air runs, Ab Slams, Burpees

4 Rounds
10 Overhead lunge w/ 45lb plate
20 Medicine ball back to back twisting passes
30 Air runs
6   Ab Slams (Holyfield Hammers)
6   Burpees
1 min rest
1 - 2:12
2 - 2:01
3 - 1:55
4 - 1:55
Total time w/ rest - 11:03

For the ab slams we got loaded on the GHD extended and partner hammered you on the stomach with blocking pad rounded edge.  Of course Daniel and I thought this was awesome.  This did not flow very well at first.  Once Daniel and I got in a rhythm and we started to enjoy the flow.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

AM w/ summer training kids, day 1 weightroom

5 Rounds
I ran 400 kids ran 800
20 hand release push-ups
30 KB Swings @ 55lbs
40 Butterfly sit-ups

After - 25 Toes to bar
            100 mirror runs

5 was good for the guys.  It needed to be 4 for the girls and most everyone else.  I also upped the run from 400 to 800.  MS did the 400 run, 15 hand release push ups, 20 KB swings and 30 butterfly sit ups.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Pull-ups, Sit-ups w/ a twist, KB Swings, KB backward pull

10 Rounds
10 Pull-ups kipping
20 Sit-ups w/ a twist
30 KB Swings @ 40lbs
1 KB pull down and back - pulling jogging backward
1 min rest 1st 6 rounds, 2 min rest last 3 rounds
1 - 2:28
2 - 2:20
3 - 2:19
4 - 2:14
5 - 2:17
6 - 2:23
7 - 2:20
8 - 2:21
9 - 2:17
10 - 2:09
Total time w/ rest - 36:07

Holy cow this one did not have any one element that was tough but was a slow steady drag.
By round 5 I could feel that I was needing more rest.  After round 6 Daniel yelled out he needed more rest.  We bumped to two min.  It might have been to much but it was to late I was hurting!  Good workout.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

PM - B.O.B. and Abs

20 minutes of punching combos on the new dummy

Jump rope singles

Bicycle crunches

Swimming = sucks

5 Rounds
Swim 50 meters
25 Push-ups
1 - 48.25
2 - missed this
3 - 3:00 - combined
4 - 1:54
5 - 1:53
Total - 7:35

Man I suck at this workout.

Friday, May 29, 2015

PM - seated stationary bike, push-ups, bicycle abs

10 min Seated Stationary Bike
10 Push-ups
50 Bicycle Abs
10 min Seated Stationary Bike
10 Push-ups
100 Bicycle Abs
10 Push-ups
50 Bicycle Abs

Long rough day at state.  Just wanted to move.

AM Hill repeats, Crunches

5 x 100 meter steep hill repeats
Recovery walk backward down hill
 Daniel and I got up early and ran the same hill we did last year.  Weather was great.

When we finished we walked back to hotel.  I did 700 crunches.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

PM WOD, stationary seated bike, push-ups, Butterfly sit-ups, leg press

2 rounds
10 min stationary seated bike
50 Butterfly sit-ups
25 Push-ups
25 Leg press
50 Butterfly sit-ups
25 Push-ups
10 min stationary seated bike
50 Butterfly sit-ups
25 Push-ups
25 Leg press
50 Butterfly sit-ups
25 Push-ups

Heavy bag and B.O.B. work

24 minutes heavy bag work
Alternating through my gloves again.  First set of 3 on bag. Seconds set of 3 on B.O.B.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

400 run, Med ball box jump burpees, GHD'S, Toes to bar, St. Louis Slams, Zercher Squats

4 Rounds
400 meter run
10 - Med Ball Box Jump Burpees @ 20lb
15 - GHD'S / Toes to bar, alternate rounds
20 - St. Louis Slams @ 25lbs med ball
10 - Zercher Squats @ 135lbs
1 - 6:26
2 - 5:51
3 - 6:02
4 - 6:28
Total - 29:40

We were supposed to do descending rest 3min, 2min, 1min.  I finished round 1, 1:30 behind Daniel.  I wanted to do this thing together.   I cut my rest and went with him.  I felt great today.  I can't cycle as fast on some of the exercise.  Even the running felt good today.  Air was crazy thick today.  Breathing was a struggle.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Monday, May 25, 2015

PM Heavy Bag punching combos

Did this like last time.  Hung heavy bag, difference this time is that I bought a BOB punching dummy.  This thing is awesome. 
Hit for 31min and 30 seconds.
Again I rotated through my 3 sets of gloves.  First 3 songs I was on heavy bag.  The second 3 songs I was on the BOB.

AM WOD Strict Pull-ups, Barbell tall step-ups, Weighted sit-ups, Barbell Burpees like a man maker

4 Rounds
6 Strict Pull-ups
12 Barbell 45lbs on back weighted tall step ups
24 Weighted Sit-ups 25lbs
12 Barbell Burpees like a man maker w/ 65lbs
1 min rest
1 - 2:58
2 - 3:39
3 - 3:51
4 - 3:22
Total - 16:52

This was exactly what Daniel and I needed.  He rolled much faster than I did.  The burpees were on the barbell.  Holding and dropping into push up position.  On the upstroke pull bar off of ground and then to shoulders then over head.  Great workout.

5/24/15 at home worthless

Supposed to do 4 rounds.  Started got one round in and my body said no.
I was not even going to post.
1 round
15lbs dumbbell in each hand
20 lunges
20 push press
20 push up rows
20 dumbbell burpees
1 min rest

Like I said sucked

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Heavy Bag Work after Districts

Got home from Districts and did not want to do anything.  So I decided this was a good reason to make myself do something.  I hung the heavy bag in the tree and rotated through my 3 sets of gloves. I was playing my workout mix and switched gloves at the start of each song.

Roughly 40 minutes of punching combinations working on some speed combos with lighter gloves and heavier hard punches thicker gloves.  9 rotations using the three sets of gloves 3 times.  Knuckles are pretty sore.  Had a rolling sweat by the end.  Glad I pushed myself into this one.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

AM hard ride at morning practice

Somewhere around 7 hard miles on the bike.

Abs and push ups.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Zercher Squat, GHD, Iron Crosses, Back Extensions, Heavy Bag Punches, Rope assent

6 Rounds
10 Zercher Squats
20 GHD'S
20 Iron Crosses
20 Back Extensions
1 - Rope Assent 15ft
1 minute - Heavy Bag punches
1 min Rest

1 - 4:53
2 - 4:35
3 - 4:22
4 - 4:41
5 - 4:17
6 - 4:33
Total - 32:24

Good one today.  By round 3 I was hurting.

5/9/15 St. Louis Slams, Box Jumps, Toes to bar, KB Swings, Goblet Squats, Harness/Sled Pull

4 Rounds
12 - St. Louis Slams
6 - Box Jumps
12 - Toes to bar
6 - KB Swings
6 - Goblet Squats
1 - Harness Sled Pulls - 2 x 45lb plates on sled
90 seconds rest

1 - 1:49
2 - 1:56
3 - 2:10
4 - 2:17
Total time w/ rest - 12:44

Been several days.   Body did not feel great.  Went to Michaels wedding today.

5/8/15 tilling the garden

It's beating me up but still battling the garden tilling.  Back is sore.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

PM 5/2/15 - Tilling the garden

Garden is a wreck.  After the tiller broke I did not get the garden tilled after the growing season last year.  Borrowed a tiller rear tine,  It is doing a great job powdering the soil but since things are so rough it is beating the tar out of me.  My back is very sore.  I have several hours of tilling today to get this done.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

AM long bike ride

Brought Jen the dogs for her group run.  Dropped them off and hit the bike for I am guessing 10 or 12 miles.  There was tons of looping in and out of subdivisions on the way home.

Friday, May 1, 2015

PM Abs and Stationary Bike

15min Stationary Bike
500 Crunches
15min Stationary Bike
500 Crunches

Early AM bike

Guys were on the track this morning so I covered several miles on the track hot lapping while they were warming up and on their transition run. Kind of cool to ride like this with decent runners.  The cut the distance in half for a bike is so evident here.  I covered double the distance they did on their runs.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Late PM workout, heavy bag, push-ups, body squats, butterfly sit-ups

5 Rounds of:
30 seconds an exercise
30sec Heavy bag punching combos
30sec Push-ups 20 a round (military)
30sec Body Squats
30sec Butterfly Sit-ups
30sec Heavy bag kicking combos
No rest - right into punches

Needed to get the blood up.  Did this around 10pm.

Short Hard Bike at AM practice, Ab work

Hit the bike pretty hard for a mile or so this morning on the hills.  Covered roughly 4 total miles.  Did some abs after the ride with the kids.  Hope to get a workout in tonight of some kind.

4/29/15 SBU Meet - Running

Actually ran quite a bit today.  Tried to stay on my toes but ran.  Got a solid little piece running to and back from the Javelin throwing area from the stadium.  Lots of running barefoot on the turf around and back and fourth today.  My back started barking at me a bit last night and some this morning.  I felt really good getting to run.

4/28/14 Hard AM Bike ride at Morning Practice

Covered 6 very hard miles at AM practice.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Variation of yesterday, heavy bag punching, box jumps, Push press, heavy bag kicks, butterfly sit-ups, heavy bag ball bat slams, sled pull

5 Rounds 1 min an exercise
1 min - Heavy bag punches
1 min - Box jumps - 24"
1 min - Push Press - 65lbs
1 min - Heavy bag kicks
1 min - Butterfly sit-ups
1 min - Heavy bag ball bat slams alternating rt/lt
1 min - Sled pull
1 min - Rest

40 minutes constant movement

Saturday, April 25, 2015

PM 30 min stationary bike, push-ups,crunches

15 min stationary bike
25 Push-ups
500 crunches
25 Push-ups
15 min stationary bike
25 Push-ups
500 Crunches
25 Push-ups

AM WOD at house, heavy bag punches, Heavy bag kicks, butterfly sit-ups, box jumps, push press

4 Rounds 1min each exercise of
1 min - Heavy Bag Punches
1 min - Box Jumps 24"
1 min - Push-press @ 65lbs
1 min - Heavy bag kicks
1 min - Butterfly Sit-ups
1 Down and back sled pull @ 80lbs?
1 min Rest

Legs are just now to a point that I can move ;-) normal.

4/23/15 am short hard fast ride at morning practice

4/22/15 stationary bike, push ups, crunches

15 min stationary bike
25 push-ups
500 crunches
15 min stationary bike
25 push-ups
500 crunches

Legs starting to get pretty sore from yesterday's lunges

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Hillcrest Relays - annual 400 meters of lunges workout

400 meters of lunges
100 meter splits
1 - 2:23
2 - 3:18
3 - 3:25
4 - 3:24
Total time - 12:32

Daniel and I did this a few years back maybe twice.  I wanted to revisit it.  As usual he hammered me by roughly 80 meters.  Good day though.  Hurt pretty bad and was sore by the end but I started running back and forth to yell splits.  Legs loosened up and I feel pretty good several hours later.   I am sure if will hit me over the next few days.  However Daniel and I have been hitting legs pretty hard the last few months.

This is crazy.  I just looked up the last time I did this March 20th 2015.  I cleared my watch that day but guessed the time.  The times are close to the same.
400 meters of lunges
Probably the fastest I have ever done these.  I took splits every 100 meters.  We had done time trials today so I had watches going everywhere.  For some reason about 20 minutes after I finished I stopped and reset my watch.

I think the splits were something like this
12:42 total ?

I know they were all low to mid 3's until the last one and it was 2:3?.

Early AM Workout - Stationary Bike

30 minutes Stationary bike

4/20/15 Evening Workout Stationary Bike

Stationary Bike

30 minutes

500 Crunches

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Thrusters, Weighted Sit-ups, Bag Jump Burpees

2 x 3 Rounds
10 Thrusters @ 95lbs
10 Weighted Sit-ups
10 Bag Jump Burpees

At the completion of 3 Rounds rest exactly 10 minutes then repeat the workout.

1 - 2:00
2 - 3:04
3 - 2:52
Total time this set - 7:57
Rest - 10 minutes
1 - 2:16
2 - 2:39
3 - 2:28
Total time this set - 7:23
Total time w/out rest - 15:20
Total time w/ rest - 25:23

Both of us were strangely sore this morning.  This was a pretty solid workout.  I did like the flow.  Interesting element with the 10 min break in the middle.  Gave my body an opportunity to get rolling again.  I am still struggling with pressing the pace especially thrusters and such.  Glad to get two days in a row in.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

PM - Stationary Bike

20 minutes Stationary Bike

Heavy Bag, Pull-ups, Goblet Squats, Butterfly Sit-ups, Ninja box jumps,

5 Rounds
45 seconds each station
45 sec Heavy Bag
45 sec Pull-ups kipping
45 sec Goblet Squats @ 55lbs
45 sec Butterfly Sit-ups
45 sec Ninja jumps
45 sec Rest

Reps per round
Pull-ups - 15, 15, 15, 16, 16
Goblet Squats - 15, 15, 15, 17, 18
Butterfly Sit-ups - 20, 20, 20, 21, 21
Ninja jumps - 6, 7, 7, 8, 7

Skipped bench press today.  Feels like I am on my way back from being sick.  I felt pretty rough until Monday/Tuesday this week.  Roughly 8 days of that stuff.  Today I still felt a bit off but not much.  Glad to be back, I hope.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Long bike ride at practice

13 plus miles on the bike with kids at practice

Monday, April 13, 2015

4/11/15 Bench Press, Push ups, GHD's, Box Jumps, Air Runs

Bench Press
10 x 135
5 x 185
1 x 225
Felt terrible today.

4 Rounds
1 min - Elevated push-ups
1 min - GHD's
1 min - Box Jumps
1 min - Air Runs
1 min Rest

Today was rough.  I have been down sick all week long.  Stomach/intestinal stuff.  Lost 12 lbs in 3 days.  Just felt weak all over.  Shoulders were on fire and my entire body felt weak with little energy.  Daniel and I did this one so that we could stay together.  Got home and was sick the rest of the day.  Slept for another 3 hours.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

4/4/15 Heavy bag, Box Jumps, GHD's, Tire Slams, Tire Flips

6 Rounds
1 min - Heavy bag
1 min - Box Jump (tall box)
1 min - GHD'S
1 min - Tire Slams
1 min - Tire Flips
1 min - Rest

12 box jumps a round
20 - 22 GHD'S a round
30 - Tire slams 15 each side
6 - Tire flips - 3 down 3 back

Surprisingly my grip is fried from flipping the tire. Forearms are on fire!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

4/1/15 - Stationary Bike, Body Squats, Crunches, Push-ups

10min Stationary Bike
25 Push-ups
500 Crunches
50 Body Squats
10 min Stationary Bike
25 Push-ups
500 Crunches

March 31 Long ride with boys

Red Barn - 11 miles

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Tree removal day 3

Only had 2 left.  One was a shag bark hickory that the sap was running thick in.  As I was cutting branches water was running out.  The trunk was miserable to piece up.  Took for ever.  Either way I am beat.  Glad to be done.  I think we were working for 3 hours to get these last 2 out chopped up and loaded.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Tree removal x 2

Day 2 of tree removal at in-laws.  6 hours

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Tree cutting at the in laws

Climbed, cut, pieced out and carried trees for 6 plus hours today.

Took yesterday off of exercising.  With my shoulders and general fatigue I figured it was not a bad thing.  I am back cutting trees tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

AM Spring Break Practice Long hilly ride with the boys

AM track practice.  Today was a recovery run so the boys were going long and that means red barn from the track.  I took off slow with the back kids then when they turned I put the hammer down to catch the boys.  My legs are fried.  I sometimes like to forget how much biking on a very hilly loop sucks with a broken bike.  I was reminded pretty quickly.  10 miles total on the road.

When we got back to the track I tried to blast a mile on the bike.  Final time was 3:48 I think.  My first 1/4 was in 51 seconds.  Pride hurt a bit here because that was my High School PR for the 400.  In self defense my legs were fried from the hills. 

3/23/15 Bench Press, Water Heater install

After track practice I fully intended to get a big workout done.  This is what transpired.

Anna and Emily came in to spot.
Bench Press
10 x 135lbs
5 x 185
5 x 225
6 x 225
6 x 225
5 x 225
10 x 135

Shoulders are killing me today.  A bit down from the last few weeks.  Not sure why my shoulders are shredded.  As for the rest of the day I figured I would do Daniels workout from a few days ago.  After benching we had to hustle to spfd because our water heater was leaking water pretty badly.  By the time this was all said and done it was 10pm and I went to bed.  So much for a hard workout.

3/22/15 Stationary Bike, Crunches, Push-ups

10 min Stationary Bike
500 Crunches
10 min Stationary Bike
25 Push-ups
500 Crunches
25 Push-ups
10 min Stationary Bike
500 Crunches
25 Push-ups

Friday, March 20, 2015

400 meters of Lunges

400 meters of lunges

Probably the fastest I have ever done these.  I took splits every 100 meters.  We had done time trials today so I had watches going everywhere.  For some reason about 20 minutes after I finished I stopped and reset my watch.

I think the splits were something like this
12:42 total ?

I know they were all low to mid 3's until the last one and it was 2:3?.

3/19/15 - evening exercise

15 min stationary bike
500 crunches
15 min stationary bike
500 crunches
50 push-ups
15 min stationary bike
500 crunches

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

A quick one

4 rounds for time of
10 SDLHP @ 45lbs
10 GHD'S
10 Goblet Squats @ 45lbs
10 KB Swings @ 45lbs
 5 L-Pull-ups
30 seconds rest

1 - 1:34
2 - 1:36
3 - 1:36
4 - 1:35
Total - 7:53

Wednesday night we wanted to get home to our families but needed the workout.  This was not much but we got our blood up.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Stationary Bike, Crunches, Push-ups

30 minutes Fat Burn setting

500 Crunches

50 push-ups

3/15/15 - Weighted push-up rows, Over head lunge (dumbbell), Suitcase carry lunge, Weighted Sit-up alternating 1 arm press, Burpee Dumbbell Press, Weighted Heavy bag punches

4 Rounds for time of
20lbs Dumbbells 1 minute a station

15 - Weighted Push-up Rows, 20lbs dumbbell
15 - Weighted Overhead Dumbbell Lunges, 20lbs dumbbells
15 - Suitcase Carry Dumbbell Lunge, 20lbs dumbbells
15 - Weighted Sit-ups alternating 1 arm press, 20lbs dumbbells
5   - Burpee Dumbbell Press, 20lbs dumbbells
1min - Heavy bag punches, 20lbs dumbbells each hand
1min Rest

Rolling clock - starting on the minute each minute

28 minutes total

We have done this format the last few weekends.  I have been enjoying the format.  As usual these can be as hard as you want to make the workout.  Daniel and I were both pretty tired from Saturday.  We had considered 20 reps, I had Daniel time me on 10 sit ups and then 10 overhead lunges each stretched a bit longer than we figured. At that point we dropped the reps.  The push ups were miserable.  Surprisingly the heavy bag punches were very difficult keeping things going.  With both of these I usually had about 30 seconds rest.  The push-ups by the end I had 10 seconds roughly.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

St. Louis Ball Slams, MedBall Box Jump Burpees, Turkish Get-ups, Butterfly Sit-ups, Jumping Jack Push-ups

Bench Press
10 x 135
5 x 185
3 x 225 something just did not feel right so I racked the weight
8 x 225
8 x 225
8 x 225
10 x 135

4 Rounds for time
10/10 St. Louis Ball Slams @ 20lbs ball
10 MedBall Box Jump Burpees tall box @ 20lbs ball
4 Turkish Get-ups @ 60lbs dumbbell
40 Butterfly Sit-ups
4 Jumping Jack Push-ups
1 min rest

1 - 6:35
2 - 7:39
3 - 7:45
4 - 6:08
Total time - 31:10 w/ rest

No real work out this week and for many reasons my body was exhausted.  Bench went well other than the first set of 225.  Something felt wrong all over so I racked it and got focused for the next sets.
Workout was pretty solid.  I did enjoy the elements and flow.  Daniel wanted to go heavy on the Turkish get-ups at 60lbs dumbbell.  I really struggled here.  Getting that thing to move was awful.  On the descent it would send me to the floor, rolling back to my shoulders with legs flying up in the air to slow that thing down.  My mid back got tight by second round during the box jumps.  Never hurt just got tight.  Had me nervous but it never progressed.  I really struggle doing fast reps these days.  The med ball box jump burpees were hard to fire fast on.  I can only assume as sign of age.  I am happy where I am right now at 42 years old but I have started to notice some changes while working out.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Stationary Bike

Stationary Bike
Fat burn setting - 80 rpm

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Stationary Bike

30 min Stationary Bike
Fat Burn Setting
75 to 80 RPM's

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Jumping pull-ups, Box jumps, GHD'S, Jump Rope, Farmers Carry

4 Rounds
15 Jumping Pull-ups
15 Box Jumps (large box)
15 GHD'S
100 Jump Ropes
Farmers Carry 90lbs dumbbell, down and back
1 minute rest

1 - 3:50
2 - 3:41
3 - 3:48
4 - 3:29
Total - 16:52

Rest was to long on this one, which was not a big deal considering how tired I am from yesterday's WOD.   I shortened my rest today to stay a specific distance behind Daniel because I did not have my jump rope today.  Also we would have been jammed on the farmers carry.  Had a bit of trouble with Daniels rope.  I love his rope but it broke several weeks back and he had to retie to the handles.  Several inches were lost so until I could get into a rhythm, it was whacking me in the top of the head.  Of course I was getting frustrated first round because I had not tested the rope yelling at Daniel that he was a dang pigmy and he was laughing watching the rope smack me in the top of the head, announcing that I only had 100 to do and I would get used to it.  It took till round 3 to achieve.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Pull-ups, Goblet Squats, Tire Slams, Heavy Bag, Sled Push

6 Rounds
15 Pull-ups
20 Goblet Squats @ 45lbs KB
25 Tire Slams
1 Minute Heavy Bag Strikes - punch, kick, elbow
1 Sled Push Down and Back 70lbs on sled

1 minute each station rest is what ever is left of minute when reps are finished.  First round was solid, round 2 got rough.  By round three I was hurting badly.  By round 5 I was not sure I could finish. Glad I was able to finish.
Each round was 5 minutes, total time of solid movement was 30 minutes.  I am posting this 10 hours later and still feeling the workout.  Several of the stations I was able to finish in 30 seconds and move to the next station.  By the end a few of the stations I only had about 10 seconds of recovery before next station.  The flow was good this was just a tough one.
90 Kipping pull-ups
120 x 45lbs Goblet Squats
150 Tire slams

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Stationary biked

30 min fat burn setting

Avg 85 to 90 rpm's

3/4/15 Stationary Bike

Hard 30 min on Fat Burn setting

90+ rpm

Legs are struggling to recover from last workout.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Bench Press, KB Swings, Goblet Squats, Supine Rows, Thrusters

Bench Press
10 x 135
5 x 185
6 x 235
5 x 235
5x 235
10 x 135

For time
10 to 1 descending by 1 rep each round
KB Swings @ 55lbs
Goblet Squats @ 55lbs
Supine Rows
Thrusters @ 95lbs
1 min rest

10 - 1:28
9 - 1:31
8 - 1:32
7 - 1:27
6 - 1:18
5 - 1:08
4 - :57
3 - :49
2 - :39
1 - :30
Total time - 20:24

My quads are still on fire 8 hours later posting this.  Splits could have been a bit faster because of the traffic in the weight room.  My stations were a bit split up.  Regardless my quads are on fire.  Daniel and I wanted a leg burner.  (Goal accomplished).
Took the family to see McFarland USA today.  Amazing movie!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Preliminary Track WOD

Daniel and I set up the workout that we are going to do with the track kids Monday.   Movements/rotation was smooth.  We did find a few tight spots and adjusted them.  Things should all be ready for the kids.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Sled pulls

10 x 150 meter sled pulls w/ 70lbs on sled

Emily, Anna and I pulled the sled down the driveway and back and traded the harness.  The workout was decently difficult but we had fun.  It was pretty dang cold out.  Good father daughter fellowship and exercise.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Bike with Anna

Got home early and biked 3 plus miles while Anna ran.  She had Mona and I had Missy.  Ran cherry blossom loop.  Two times around that loop is 1 mile.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Bench Press, partner med ball sit-up toss, KB single arm snatch, wall walk, harness pull

Bench Press
10 x 135
5 x 185
6 x 235
5 x 235
5 x 235
5 x 235
10 x 135

6 Rounds of (partner)
10 - Medicine Ball throw sit-ups (tap ball on floor behind head, throw to partner at top)
10 - Single arm snatches, @ 45lbs KB
4 - Wall Walks - supposed to do 5
1 - Harness pull (alternate each round who starts, one in harness while one holds a then switch)
1 minute rest

1 - 2:39
2 - 2:27
3 - 2:24
4 - 2:37
5 - 2:46
6 - 2:34
Total time - 20:34 w/ rest

Fell apart on the wall walks.  We were supposed to do 5.  I only did that round 1.  I then dropped to 4 so I finished with Daniel to be ready for the pulls.  These were also pathetic.  I barely got my chest to the wall and by 3 and 4 I was pretty much falling down after reaching the wall with my chest.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Seated Stationary Bike, crunches, push-ups

30 min Seated Stationary Bike
Machine said I covered almost 9 miles.  I was keeping a pretty solid pace.  Had the bike set at level 10.  At 28 min I set difficulty level to 20 and blasted for a minute.  Then moved down to 5 for the last min for a slow cool down.

50 military push ups
100 crunches

At the level 1 T&F certification conference.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Chest to bar Pull-ups, Wall Ball, GHD'S

3 rounds - had planned 4
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
25 Wall Ball @ 20lbs ball
15 GHD'S
3 minutes rest

1 - 1:58
2 - 1.58
3 - 2:02
Total time w/ rest - 11:59

I am still not feeling recovered.  I am a mess.  I really can't remember stoping a workout mid way through when working out with Daniel.  Maybe 1 other time.  Today I hit round three and mentally and physically fell appart.  My time really did not slip that much but something told me to stop.  I felt terrible not finishing and being there with Daniel.  My quads were still on fire 5 minutes after I stopped.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Bench Press, Dumbbell Push Press, Knees to Elbow walking crosses, Rotating Bag Burpees, St. Louis Ball Slams, Jump ropes

Bench Press
10 x 135
5 x 185
5 x 225
5 x 235
4 x 245
10 x 135

3 Rounds for time of:
10 Dumbbell Push-press @ 55lbs each arm
20 Walking Knees to elbow crosses
14 Rotating Bag Burpees
10 St. Louis ball Slams
50 Single Jump rope
1 min rest - just stayed with Daniel so my rest was shorter

1 - 2:27
r- :46
2 -2:14
r - :39
3 - 2:11
Total time w/ rest - 8:18

I liked the flow of this one.  I think we could have hit 4 rounds but 5 would have pushed it for today.

Monday, February 16, 2015

SDLHP's, Butterfly Sit-ups

200 - SDLHP
25 - Butterfly Sit-ups
100 - SDLHP
50 - Butterfly Sit-ups
50 - SDLHP
75 - Butterfly Sit-ups
25 - SDLHP
100 - Butterfly Sit-ups

1 - SDLHP - 6:19
      Sit-ups - 57.45
2 - SDLHP - 4:15
      Sit-ups - 2:28
3 - SDLHP - 1:59
      Sit-ups - 3:22
4 - SDLHP - 1:00
      Sit-ups - 4:40
Total time - 25:02

This was a good one today.  My legs are still toast and ham strings are struggling from the last few workouts.  Being core and upper body primary was a good choice.  I think I am going to need an ice bath to get on top of this.  Did this with Jen today while the girls were working on the heavy bag doing yesterday's workout.  I have done this workout in the past I am almost positive.  Since my search is not working on the blog I might never find it.  It has been at least 2 years I think.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Heavy bag, Jump Rope, KB Swings, Butterfly Sit-ups

5 Rounds
3 min each station

3 min Heavy bag
3 min of -
50 jump rope
25 KB Swings @ 45lbs
25 Butterfly Sit-ups

Did this one with Emily.  Fun working together.  I am really struggling recovering.  My body is just dragging.  My only guess is the February funk has settled in.  I have not struggled with this for the last few years.  Hope this pushes through soon.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Push-ups, Crunches, Body Squats, Lunges, Jumping Jacks, St. Louis Ball Slams, Pull-ups, Gasser

Torture By Ten's
3 Rounds
10 Push-ups
20 Crunches
30 Body Squats
40 Lunges
50 Jumping Jacks
60 seconds - St. Louis Ball Slams rt/lt arch over head
1 min rest
1 - 3:28
2 - 3:37
3 - 4:18
Total w/ rest - 13:19

10 minutes

3 rounds
15 Pull-ups
1 Gasser - sprint down/back x 2
4 min rest - between efforts

1 - 45.42
2 - 44.34
3 - 41.88

Today flowed well.  I liked today's.  Legs were jello when I started my first gasser.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

KB swings, Ball Slams, Goblet Squats, Butterfly Sit-ups

3 Rounds
20 KB Swings
20 Ball Slams
10 Goblet Squats
20 Butterfly Sit-ups
45 seconds rest

Running short on time.  Just wanted to get one in.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Heavy bag, weighted overhead walk, weighted sit-ups, Box jumps

3 Rounds of 10 min split into 5min and 5 min

5 minutes of heavy bag punching - steady punching
5 minutes for completion of :
1 x 20 yard overhead weighted walk 165lbs
25 x weighted sit-ups @ 25lbs
25 x box jumps - tall black box
Rest remaining of this 5 min
At time move straight into next round

30 minutes of steady movement

Did this with Daniel.  One man was on the bag while other was working the other exercises.
After the 3 exercises I ended up with roughly 45 seconds rest before the bag.  I actually liked this WOD.  Both Daniel and I seem to be tired and sore from workout Sunday.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

"The - Couldn't Get Much Worse"

3 Rounds (was supposed to be 5)
10 Turkish Get-ups - 5rt/5lt, 45lbs bar
20 GHD'S
15 Walking dumbbell push-ups w/ 25lbs dumbbells
10 Burpees
1 Prowler Push
1:30 - rest, ended up doing 2 min after round 2

1 - 4:51
2 - 6:21
3 - 5:52
Total w/ rest - 20:36

Not sure what was up with Daniel and me this morning, or if it was just a poor workout.  We were both miserable. After round two on the recovery between gasps for air I said let's cut to 3 or 4 rounds and have 2 min recovery.  Daniel groaned yes.  We did one more round and made it through.  I pretty much just wrote down 5 exercises that suck and we put them in an order with reps.  At the completion of round 3 when I hit the floor I told Daniel the only thing that could have made that worse was to have had Thrusters in there.  The positive of this morning -  weather is beautiful and I got a workout in side by side with a good bud.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Not much of a day off

My intent was to have a day of not much activity.  I got in my head to clean out the fence row a bit more.  I somehow ended up with my pick axe in my hands busting up roots around the cedars I am trying to get out.  By the end of the day roughly 6 hours later I was scratched all over and a bunch more of the fence row is cleaned out.  Not much of a day off.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Heavy Bag Work, Jump Rope, Crunches

5 Sets of 5 minutes
5 min of heavy Bag punching/kicking
5 min - 100 jump rope, 100 crunches, rest

25 min total of heavy bag
25 min total of 100 jump rope, 100 crunches, rest
50 min total

Today I primarily worked low bag combos.  Lots of close range low hooks and upper cuts.  Hitting in the black tape on the bottom 10inches of the bag.

I liked this one today.  I had steady movement the whole time with rolling sweat by round 3.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Push press, Ball Slams, GHD'S, dumbbell push-up rows, knees to chest-r-l-c, jumping pull-ups

5 Rounds of
10 Dumbbell Push-press @ 55lbs each arm
10 Ball Slams @ 20lbs
10 GHD'S
10 Dumbbell Push-ups w/ row alternate arms @ 55lbs each arm
10 Knees to chest - r/l/c
10 Jumping Push-ups
30 seconds rest

1 - 2:47
2 - 3:04
3 - 3:15
4 - 3:08
5 - 2:56
Total time - 17:12

Decent flow.  The push-up rows were pretty solid.  I was not enjoying them by round 3.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Stationary Bike

30 Minutes Stationary Bike
Fat Burn setting

Hit this one pretty good tonight.   For the plateau of the fat burn setting the workout is at level 10 difficulty.  3 min warm up and 3 min cool down puts you here for 24 minutes.  For the first 22:30 I averaged over 90 rpm's.  The last 1:30 I blasted over 100 rpm's.  The last 3 min of cool down I was still in the mid to high 80's for the rpm's.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Bench Press, FRAN

Bench Press
10 x 135
5 x 185
10 x 225
3 x 225
10 x 135
I have not done 10 reps of 225 for a very long time.  I wanted to do this pretty much just because.  A strange development of Daniels and my new found strength in the bench press.  My left shoulder is in the process of a slow separation.  This has a very solid level of suck about it.  I can only assume the heavier weights on my sissy old joints might just be a bit to much.  This shoulder has a huge knot on it from the many separations in the past.  I guess the poor old thing just can't handle the stress.  Not sure how I am going to proceed over the next few weeks.  I am really enjoying what we have been doing.

21 - 15 - 9
Thrusters @ 95lbs

1 - 1:18
2 - 1:18 - 2:36
3 - 1:25
Total - 5:19

I officially hate this workout!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Body squat, dips, sit-ups with a twist, KB Swings, GHD'S, heavy bag

3 rounds
30 Body Squats
10 Dips
50 Sit-ups w/ a twist
30 KB Swings @ 55lbs
10 GHD'S
1 min rest

1 - 4:56
2 - 4:57
3 - 5:06
Total - 17:00

Heavy Bag -  Random combinations for 20min

February 1st - Stationary Bike

30 minutes Stationary Bike
Fat Burn Setting
It has been a while since I utilized my stationary bike.  I do love the fact that 30 solid minutes on that thing and I am dropping with sweat.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Stationary Bike

30 min Stationary Bike
Fat Burn Setting

Friday, January 30, 2015

Crunches, walkin' miles

1000 crunches - unbroken

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thrusters, Spinning mat jump burpees, Inverted Ab rack toes touches/toes to bar, Gasser

5 Rounds for time of
5 Thrusters @ 135lbs
10 Spinning mat jump burpees
10 Inverted Ab rack toe touches / had to change to toes-to-bar the last 2 rounds
1 Gasser - office windows to garage door of weight room down and back x 2
Rest equaled work time

1 - 2:19
r - 2:19
2 - 2:19
r - 2:19
3 - 2:05
r - 2:05
4 - 2:00
r - 2:00
5 - 1:53
Total time - 19:23

Daniel did this the other day when I was sick except with power clean at I think 165lbs.  I avoid PC with my back so when he and I talked we figured thrusters would be the best sub.  I felt awesome yesterday but only being one day out of sick I did not do this.  Today I now have a runny nose and slight head cold type symptoms.  What the heck! I wanted to do this one today hoping that I would have the steam and this might push this yuck through my system.  I posted 3 to 5 rounds on the board to remind me to evaluate realistically how far I should push.  During round 3 I seemed to speed up and talked my self into round 4.  Daniel showed up at the end of round 3 and hung around for the final 2 rounds.  Thanks brother.  He told me I would negative split again on the last round and with him in my head and right by me I got it done.  I was slipping into another place during that last round, man I was hurting.  Glad I talked myself in to round 4 and Daniel showing up and telling me I was doing 5!!!!!!!  That is what brothers are for.  Took me to the edge. Interestingly having done heavy thrusters a few times in the last few months I felt great with these.  The rest was key and starting each round made a difference too.  I rolled through them and actually did the last round of these faster than the other rounds with no pauses just repped the out.  Happy there too.