Saturday, October 31, 2015

District Meet

T-post driving
Riding and running.
Meet break down

Both guys and girls won today.  First time in school history both teams won together.

10/30/15 district meet set up.

T-post pulling and T-post driving

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Long bike, wall climbs, abs

8 mile bike ride
Wall climbs

Monday, October 26, 2015

Push-ups, Body squats, Butterfly sit-ups

10 Rounds
10 Push-ups narrow
20 Body squats
30 Butterfly sit-ups
1 - 1:34
2 - 1:32
3 - 1:35
4 - 1:28
5 - 1:38
6 - 1:34
7 - 1:26
8 - 1:18
9 - 1:15
10 - 1:11
Total - 14:36

Just wanted to get one in.  I have done this one several times.  I will have to look them up.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Long bike ride

Rode 10 miles on hills at practice

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Campsite WOD

4 rounds
Run - roughly 200 meters
10 KB Swings
20 Sit-ups
10 Med ball cleans
20 Med ball sit-ups
10 Bench dips
1 - 5:19
2 - 4:44
3 - 4:47
4 - 4:45
Total time - 19:36

After workout I walked down to the lake and swam out to the marina dock and back.  Probably 100 meters out 100 meters back.  Water felt awesome.  Probably only a week or two more of decent temp lake water.

Did at campsite.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Run, Leg lifts, Goblet Squats, KB Swings, Sit-ups w/ a twist, Pull-ups, Tire slams

Kids did a 2 to 3 mile warm up
Supposed to be 5 rounds a storm came in and I got 2 full and started 3.
What was prescribed
Kids 2 mile warm up
Boys 5 rounds Girls 4 rounds
800 meter run, I did 600 meters
20 Leg lifts
10 Goblet Squats - @ 55lbs
20 KB Swings - @ 55lbs
20 Sit-ups w/ a twist
10 Pull-ups
20 Tire slams 10 rt 10 lt

Kids were supposed to get 1 to 2 mile cool down.

Electrical storm moved in about mid workout.  I was interrupted several times in my first 2 rounds so I was a bit behind.  Ran 3rd 600 and had to start stopping kids as storm rolled in.  Never got a chance to finish.  Storm just kept building and rolling in.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Inverted Rows, dip rack sit-ups, KB Swings, Single arm SDLHP, partner pull

4 Rounds
5 Inverted rows on dip rack, toes to sky
10 Dip rack sit ups, alternate hands smacking back pad
15 KB Swings
10/10 Single arm SDLHP 10 rt / 10 lt
1 Partner harness pull length of weight room
2 min rest

1 - 1:44
2 - 1:44
3 - 1:39
4 - 1:37
Total w/ rest - 12:45

In early with Daniel.  I was beat from my two workouts yesterday.  I did like this WOD and it's flow. I did a backward roll out of the rack after the sit-ups to the KB Swings.  This helped the flow too.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

PM WOD Hill Repeats on bike

Kellen came over and we hit it on the bikes this afternoon.  Up the big hill by the house to where it flattened out.  Then back down and the small hill on the other side.  That was one.  Starting point for each was the top of the bump between both hills.

We did a 1/2 mile warm up.  Then 5 repeats.  Then a 2 mile cool down, slow pedaling.

This put a hurt on me.  By the end I was weaving all over.

Legs are shot!

Pull-ups, St. Louis slams, Wall Ball, Medball butterfly sit-ups, Med ball Burpees

5 Rounds
10 Pull-ups - kipping
10 St. Louis Ball Slams 20 lbs ball
10 Wall-ball 20 lbs ball
10 Medicine ball Butterfly Sit-ups tap over head/Tap between feet 20lbs
10 Medicine ball Burpees @ 20lbs
1 minute rest

1 - 2:04
2 - 2:07
3 - 2:15
4 - 2:22
5 - 2:08
Total w/ rest -  14:58

Back is pretty sore from the run Thursday.  Great workout, great flow.  I am pretty fatigued.  Glad to have gotten in with Daniel this morning.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Lunges, push-ups, crunches

We were at the track today for 800m repeats.  After the kids were done I did a very short WOD.
12 rounds
10 Lunges
10 Push-ups narrow
10 Full Crunches

120 of each exercise

Thursday, October 8, 2015


Kids did 1/2 on roads and 1/2 on grass today.  Kids were on grass barefoot.  We finished up on the baseball field.  When we got there I decided to run bare foot with the kids.  I can't remember the last time I ran this far with out stopping and at that pace.  I eased into the pace and continued to drop pace as I went.  I covered 2 miles on the grass bare foot.  We shall see how my back responds.  I went 1 mile turning left and 1 mile turning right.  Felt great.  By the last lap Jacob said I was down to 5:50 pace and the last 200 I dropped the hammer and the boys said we were sub 5 pace.  It was fun my last mile Jacob and Nathan ran with me stride for stride.  My feet are sore and I am tired.  Just have to see what my back says over the next few days.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Rock moving (again) ;-)

One of these times I will post a picture.  The rocks seem to be getting bigger and bigger.

10/3/15 Chile Pepper inv. Fayetteville AR

Did not bring my bike and the course is spread out.  I ran a bunch for every race.  My guess well over a mile running.  I also carried the tent on my shoulders in and out easily a 1/2 mile walk one way, if not more.

Kids ran well.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Pull-ups, High knee cross overs, Burpees, GHD'S, Dumbbell Thrusters

3 Rounds
10 Pull- ups - full extensions
10 Walking High Knee Cross Overs 10rt/10lft
10 Burpees
10 GHD'S
10 Dumbbell Thrusters @ 30lbs each side
1 min rest

1 - 1:56
2 - 2:09
3 - 2:12
Total w/ rest - 8:18

Met Daniel before meetings this morning at 6:30.  We just wanted blood up but not much more.   Got it done.

Thursday, October 1, 2015


The CC kids did the dirty dozen on the baseball field today.
Before and after the workout I ran on the grass with the kids.
I think total running was 15 to 20 minutes.  It actually felt pretty good.  First round was 5 to 8 min the second round was I think 12 or so minutes.  Barefoot on great grass.  My calves are a bit sore.