Friday, June 29, 2012

AM WOD with the Kids, Run, Squats, Lever Pulls, Thrusters, Iron Crosses, Lunges, Toes to Bar

2 Rounds for time:
Large loop of soccer field
50 Body Squats
30 Lever Pulls (like butterfly but with one arm at a time reaching across the center line)
20 Thrusters (45lb bar)
20 Iron Crosses (5lb plate start arms out in-front, open to sides close, then straight up over head)
50 Lunges
10 Toes-to-Bar

Did not get a time on this.  I started after the kids.  I had to pull benches and bars for the toes to bar.  I headed out when most the group was on lunges.  Seemed like I had a decent pace going.  I was sweating like a race horse.  Legs were on fire and shaky after done.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Long Bike

Rode to practice in am.
4 miles in
7 miles at practice
4 miles home
Total - 15 miles

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bench Press, Dumbbell Thrusters, Dynamic Push-Ups, Russian Twist (mason twists)

Bench Press
135 x 10
185 x 5
205 x 3
225 x 3
235 x 1
245 x 1  Went up solid, I know I could have gone to at least 255 but decided to be smart

For Time - 15 - 12 - 9 - 6 - 3 reps of:
40lb Thrusters Dumbbell
Dynamic Push-ups, two bumper plates on each side
Russian Twists (Mason Twists) 10lb plate
1 - 2:45
2 - 3:03
3 - 2:33
4 - 1:36
5 - 42.89
Total time - 10:41

Arm still hurting but wanted to do something like this.  The pushups don't seem to hurt it.  Bench went well.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Iron Man 400!

80lbs worth of weighted vests
2 55lb Kettle Bells one each arm
400 meters as fast as you can go

TIME = 3:23

I was super worried about my back.  I probably gamed it a bit to much early.  I was loosing my grip on the left side with about 60+ meters to go and I dropped the weights and took a few deep breaths and walked around in a circle.  Grabbed them and powered in almost at a trot.  I did feel my left leg and foot go tingly but nothing worse than normal.  The next few days will tell the tale.  GREAT WOD!  I am typing this 3 hours later and am still a bit shaky.  I know I can break 3 in this thing.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Long Bike

Jen and I got up early at Boo and Terry's and rode from their house to Castlewood State Park all the way to the river.  The ride ended up being almost 15 miles.  Good time together and a beautiful ride.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Kyle's playground WOD

4 Rounds for time, ALL WITH 20lb VEST:
10 Toes to bar
20 Push-ups
30 Squats
40 butterfly Sit-ups
50 Jump ropes
1 - 3:55 
2 - 4:07 
3 - 4:50 
4 - 4:20 
Total - 17:12
Did this on on my nephews playground in my sisters back yard. Wrote the WOD in the sand box. Followed workout by a jumping session with the kids on the trampoline and a good game of tag.  I am whooped.

Friday, June 22, 2012

6/21/12, handstand holds, weighted pushups, box jumps, deadlift, GHD'S, KB Swings.

4 sets of 15 seconds Hand Stand Holds these were tough and killed my back
3 sets of 15 weighted push ups - 45lb plate
10 sets of 5 tallest box jumps
 4 Rounds for time
6 Dead lifts - 65% of 1 rep max - 240lbs
10 GHD'S
24 1.5 pood KB swings
1 - 1:39 
2 - 2:31 
3 - 2:25 
4 - 2:31
Total time - 9:07
This WOD does not seem that tough but it put both Daniel and I on the floor.  Could have been the heat too.  I have lost 4lbs a workout the last two days.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Squats, push-ups, sled pulls

Started day with Squats
5 x 135 Below Parallel
3 x 205 Below Parallel
3 x 225 Below Parallel
1 x 265 Parallel OLD PR
1 x 285 Parallel NEW PR - For Cross-fit
1 x 135 Below Parallel
NO BELT FOR ANY OF THESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 Rounds for Time
15 Push-ups
Sprint/Sled Pulls - 30 yards
Rest 60 seconds
1 - 24.99
2 - 22.64
3 - 22.16
4 - 22.83
5 - 19.54
6 - 26.73
7 - 22.87
8 - 22.15
9 - 29.30
10 - 41.77 Wheels came off, I could barely get my feet off the ground
Total time with rest - 13:05

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Cardio Cross Fit with the Kids

Running on Soccer field with the kids at 6:15am
1 Lap big lap both fields (BARE FOOT) = 500 meters
30 KB swings
1 Lap
30 SDLHP - Skipped these because of arm and did 1/2 moon rises
1 Lap
30 Body Squats
1 lap
30 1/2 moon rises
1 lap
30 Push-ups
1 lap

6/18/12 Bench Press, Dips, Plate Push

Easy day trying to rest arm
Bench Press
135 x 10
155 x 5
185 x 3
205 x 3
225 x 2
230 x 1

Dips Weighted with vest 3 sets of 10

45lb plate push
2 sets of 4
Daniel and I rotated down and backs 2 turning left then 2 turning right as we finished the 4th we took 60 seconds rest. 

This on hammerd me.  Great blast.
Still resting arm.  It still hurts like crazy.  Tom wants me to take 7 more days off no curling action or pulling.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Year number 4 for the family scramble.  We had a great time.  Took an Ice bath last night trying to be recovered for today.  I am still trying to recover from this weeks workouts.  I also strained my left calf Thursday during the hills.  I am falling apart.  I talked to Tom last night. I have pulled my Bicep Brachialis at the attachment in the forearm.  I have to rest it for 7 to 10 days.  NICE!  AHHHHH, Sucks getting old.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Deadlift, dragonfly, ring dip, med ball explosion, front squat, bar facing burpees, hill sprints

135 x 1
222 x 4
315 x 3
335 x 1
355 x 1
Very happy with this.  I even built up a pad of mats to stand on so I was lifting more from the same height if I was lifting with a regular bar and not the hex bar.

Dragon Fly's 3 x 10 I 2 x 10 and the last set I could only do 6.  This was killing my upper spine for some reason.
Weighted Ring Dips 3 sets of 10, first set was just body weight, next two I had the 20lb vest on.
Just not feeling right doing these they hurt all over and in the middle of my chest on my sternum.  I am completely wiped out.

3 rounds for time
10 x Med ball explosions - trying to hit beam on weight room ceiling
5 x Front Squat 165lbs
15 x Bar facing burpees
1 - 4:13 
2 - 3:50 
3 - 4:12 
Total time - 14:16
Front Squats were rough on my I had to use the weight belt.  Picking up the med ball was rough on my right arm.

Drive to granny hills 5 x 50 yard up hill sprints walk backward down hill for recovery.
I really did not want to do these. I am exhausted and my arm is killing me. However they were awesome. Daniel and I were stride for stride on them. Man it was fun flying up that hill. Sprint and recovery combined was 90 seconds then we were off for the next interval. Tomorrows day off is much needed.

6/13/12 Hammer Gone Bad

3 Rounds
Sledge Hammer Right Side 1 min
Box Jumps 20in 1 min
Sledge Hammer Left Side 1 min
Dumbell Hang Clean 45lb Dumbells 1 min
1 minute rest
WOD is constructed exactly like Fight Gone Bad.  4 rounds counting max number of reps per exercise.  Your score is your total number of reps completed.
Exercise                        Reps R1      Reps R2    Reps R3
Sledge Hammer RS   -----34------------34----------36
Box Jumps                 -----30------------30----------30
Sledge Hammer LS    ----34------------34----------36
Dumbell Hang Clean  ---20------------20-----------25
Total number of reps = 118-----------118----------127 = 363

Short Rest
Mat slams - We alternated for 1 minute slamming the same direction facing each other.  As many reps as possible in 1 min.  We did 4 rounds.  We did 2 rounds slamming with right arm and 2 rounds slamming with left arm.

My right arm is messed up again.  I can barely move it today.  Not sure which exercise did it but my guess is the mat slams.  My favorite part of yesterday.  I need to take care of this.  Not sure of a plan yet.  I am going on 3 plus weeks of this.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Total time - 1:14.34
On the minute
Complete 5 Burpees and complete max reps of 135lb thrusters on the minute.
The goal is to complete 100 Thrusters
At the beginning of every minute complete 5 burpees, for the rest of the minuted perform as many 135lb thrusters as you can in remainder of minute.  At the beginning of the next minute perform 5 burpees and then max rep thrusters and so on until you reach 100 thrusters.  Post total number of minutes it took to complete 100 thrusters.
Inside of workout:
Total thrusters - 100
Total burpees - 370
Total squat cleans - 63 I think 

Posting this 6 hours after finishing WOD. I am fried, my knees are on fire and I did not have time for an ice bath. Either way I finished this sucker. Though there is no way I could have gotten it done with out Daniel. Thanks brother! Possibly one of the hardest things I have done. I believe it was rep 94 I stood up from the burpees for the power cleans and started to dry heave. I am not sure how I made it I had tremmors in my legs by thruster 40. I thought there was no way I could get past 60. I posted a fe weeks back after a WOD that I after that WOD you feel like one bad mother. After this one you are just glad you survived!
1 - 3, 2 - 3,  3 - 3, 4 - 3, 5 - 3, 6 - 3, 7 - 3, 8 - 3, 9 - 3, 10 - 3 = 30 
1 - 3, 2 - 3, 3 - 3, 4 - 3, 5 - 0, 6 - 1, 7 - 3, 8 - 2, 9 - 2, 10 - 2 = 22 = 52
1 - 0, 2 - 2, 3 - 2, 4 - 1, 5 - 0, 6 - 2, 7 - 0, 8 - 2, 9 - 0, 10 - 1 = 10 = 62 
1 - 0, 2 - 1, 3 - 1, 4 - 0, 5 - 1, 6 - 1, 7 - 1, 8 - 1, 9 - 1, 10 - 1 = 8 = 70 
1 - 1, 2 - 1, 3 - 1, 4 - 0, 5 - 1, 6 - 1, 7 - 1, 8 - 1, 9 - 1, 10 - 1 = 9 = 79 
1 - 1, 2 - 0, 3 - 1, 4 - 1, 5 - 1, 6 - 1, 7 - 1, 8 - 0, 9 - 1, 10 - 1 = 8 = 87
1 - 1, 2 - 1, 3 - 1, 4 - 0, 5 - 1, 6 - 1, 7 - 1, 8 - 1, 9 - 1, 10 - 1 = 9 = 96 
1 - 0, 2 - 1, 3 - 1, 4 - 2 = 4 = 100

HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I finished posting this around 12 the next day.  I have already iced my knees twice.  They are still sore.  Daniel adn I talked I can remember thinking the first time I saw this WOD and watched Ben do it.  I thought there was no way I could do that.  I also was thinking yesterday.  When I first started Crossfit I could barely clean 135 with out hurting.  I have been wanting to do this one for a year.  Finally did it.
All I can think of is, I FINISHED!   Thanks again Daniel. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Did this 6/8/12 Hand stand push ups, false grip holds on rings, Skin the cat, Front Squats, Pull-ups

Started day with:
Hand stand push ups.  We were supposed to do 3 sets of 8 reps.  I did 4 sets of 3 reps.  But I did them for real this time.  Still Suck.
4 x 15 seconds false grip holds on rings.
3 sets of 5 Skin the cat on the rings.  I could not drop as low as I wanted to on the back side of these with my arm hurting like it has been.

3 Rounds for time:
6 x 185lb Front Squats
21 Pull-ups
1 - 1:24.24
2 - 3:10.50
3 - 3:35.75 
Total time - 8:10

Short rest then:
5 sets of 50 Rocky crunches.  These are what I call bicycles.  1 min rest between sets.

Workout was good today.  Happy with my slight progress on the HSPU's.  My arm is still killing me.  Need to do something about this.  The front squats hammered my by the second set.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

KB swings, long sled pull, mat slams

Complete 6 Rounds:
You have 1 minute to complete the following:
5 KB swings - 2 pood = 70lbs
1 - 40 yard suicide Run = I did a long sled pull probably 100 or so meters 45lb plate on the sled
Rest 60 seconds between rounds
*if you do not make the 1 minute mark count a penalty of 20 burpees
1 - 28.20
2 - 31.72
3 - 33.00
4 - 34.00
5 - 34.32
6 - 29.53
Total Time - 8:11 including exactly 1 minute rests


5 Rounds
10 Reps Mat Slam alternating Right and Left Sides Rest while partner does his round, Roughly 30 seconds.  I felt better slamming that thing than when I was resting.

My arm is killing me I might need to get it checked out.  Great workout!  Good job Daniel.  I was toast by the last few runs.  I was yelling trying to stay firing on the last 30 meters.

6/5/12 L-Sit, RingDips, Squat Cleans, Double Unders, Shoulder Press, Rope Climb

(A) 4 sets of 15 seconds L-Sit - These went well
(B) 3 sets of 15 Weighted Ring Dips 20 lbs

Met Con
3 Rounds for time:
5 - 10 - 15 reps for cleans and press
Squat Cleans 155lbs
Double-unders - Subbed in singles - 50 - 100 - 150
Shoulder Press 95lbs
Splits - forgot to hit the watch the cleans were killing me
Total Time - 16:39.35
Short Rest
5 x 20 ft rope climbs with 1 min. rest between reps., go as fast as you can up and down.  Last one did with no legs.

Right arm was still killing me today.  I think I made it worse today.  Closing the joint is miserable.  I think I have severely strained something or possibly a small tear.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

6/4/12 - Bike 600+m, KB Swings, Pull-ups

3 Rounds for time:
All done with 20lb weight vest
800m Run - Subbed in 600+m bike
21 1.5 Pood KB swings
12 Pull-ups
90seconds recovery
Temperature was 90deg
1 - 2:44.0
2 - 2:41.46
3 - 2:49.47
Total time - 11:22.35

Finished with 10 x 20 yard sled pulls 1 on the minute every minute for 10 min.  45lb plate on sled

I was spent at the end of this one.  Great workout.  Not sure what is going on with my right arm.  Just above my elbow hurts on the inside.  Small muscle under bicep to the outside of arm.  Hurts badly.  Right shoulder is now hurting.  It hurts when I close the joint.  Noticed it just a bit on the pull-ups

Friday, June 1, 2012

Front Squat, Burpees, Pull ups

For time:
21 - 15 - 9
95lb Front Squat

1 - 3:25.03
2 - 3:01.07
3 - 2:32.06
Total time: 8:58.16

So much for a day off.  Two workouts later here I am.  I started my day with one amazing morning and did a workout.  I then hit the weight room just to cheer Daniel on and decide to hit it with him.  I promised my-self I would just go through it with out pushing.  I kind of kept my promise I went decent pace but I definitely did not slow as much as I should have.  I really liked this workout even for being exhausted.  Little to no sleep and supposed to be day off I liked this.  The front squats were quite good the weight was so light you could roll pretty good.  I want to do this one with the vest on.

Run, Body Squats

100 Body Squats, did sets of 25 as the kids came in on their laps
Then did:
4 Rounds
Run 1 barefoot lap on soccer field = 500 meters
25 Body Squats
at completion of above
25 Toes to bar

Total of 200 body squats and 2000 meters running

Did this with the kids this am.  Man the running feels great.  It was cool the grass was wet and we ran bare foot.  Great morning!