Saturday, February 28, 2015

Preliminary Track WOD

Daniel and I set up the workout that we are going to do with the track kids Monday.   Movements/rotation was smooth.  We did find a few tight spots and adjusted them.  Things should all be ready for the kids.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Sled pulls

10 x 150 meter sled pulls w/ 70lbs on sled

Emily, Anna and I pulled the sled down the driveway and back and traded the harness.  The workout was decently difficult but we had fun.  It was pretty dang cold out.  Good father daughter fellowship and exercise.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Bike with Anna

Got home early and biked 3 plus miles while Anna ran.  She had Mona and I had Missy.  Ran cherry blossom loop.  Two times around that loop is 1 mile.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Bench Press, partner med ball sit-up toss, KB single arm snatch, wall walk, harness pull

Bench Press
10 x 135
5 x 185
6 x 235
5 x 235
5 x 235
5 x 235
10 x 135

6 Rounds of (partner)
10 - Medicine Ball throw sit-ups (tap ball on floor behind head, throw to partner at top)
10 - Single arm snatches, @ 45lbs KB
4 - Wall Walks - supposed to do 5
1 - Harness pull (alternate each round who starts, one in harness while one holds a then switch)
1 minute rest

1 - 2:39
2 - 2:27
3 - 2:24
4 - 2:37
5 - 2:46
6 - 2:34
Total time - 20:34 w/ rest

Fell apart on the wall walks.  We were supposed to do 5.  I only did that round 1.  I then dropped to 4 so I finished with Daniel to be ready for the pulls.  These were also pathetic.  I barely got my chest to the wall and by 3 and 4 I was pretty much falling down after reaching the wall with my chest.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Seated Stationary Bike, crunches, push-ups

30 min Seated Stationary Bike
Machine said I covered almost 9 miles.  I was keeping a pretty solid pace.  Had the bike set at level 10.  At 28 min I set difficulty level to 20 and blasted for a minute.  Then moved down to 5 for the last min for a slow cool down.

50 military push ups
100 crunches

At the level 1 T&F certification conference.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Chest to bar Pull-ups, Wall Ball, GHD'S

3 rounds - had planned 4
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
25 Wall Ball @ 20lbs ball
15 GHD'S
3 minutes rest

1 - 1:58
2 - 1.58
3 - 2:02
Total time w/ rest - 11:59

I am still not feeling recovered.  I am a mess.  I really can't remember stoping a workout mid way through when working out with Daniel.  Maybe 1 other time.  Today I hit round three and mentally and physically fell appart.  My time really did not slip that much but something told me to stop.  I felt terrible not finishing and being there with Daniel.  My quads were still on fire 5 minutes after I stopped.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Bench Press, Dumbbell Push Press, Knees to Elbow walking crosses, Rotating Bag Burpees, St. Louis Ball Slams, Jump ropes

Bench Press
10 x 135
5 x 185
5 x 225
5 x 235
4 x 245
10 x 135

3 Rounds for time of:
10 Dumbbell Push-press @ 55lbs each arm
20 Walking Knees to elbow crosses
14 Rotating Bag Burpees
10 St. Louis ball Slams
50 Single Jump rope
1 min rest - just stayed with Daniel so my rest was shorter

1 - 2:27
r- :46
2 -2:14
r - :39
3 - 2:11
Total time w/ rest - 8:18

I liked the flow of this one.  I think we could have hit 4 rounds but 5 would have pushed it for today.

Monday, February 16, 2015

SDLHP's, Butterfly Sit-ups

200 - SDLHP
25 - Butterfly Sit-ups
100 - SDLHP
50 - Butterfly Sit-ups
50 - SDLHP
75 - Butterfly Sit-ups
25 - SDLHP
100 - Butterfly Sit-ups

1 - SDLHP - 6:19
      Sit-ups - 57.45
2 - SDLHP - 4:15
      Sit-ups - 2:28
3 - SDLHP - 1:59
      Sit-ups - 3:22
4 - SDLHP - 1:00
      Sit-ups - 4:40
Total time - 25:02

This was a good one today.  My legs are still toast and ham strings are struggling from the last few workouts.  Being core and upper body primary was a good choice.  I think I am going to need an ice bath to get on top of this.  Did this with Jen today while the girls were working on the heavy bag doing yesterday's workout.  I have done this workout in the past I am almost positive.  Since my search is not working on the blog I might never find it.  It has been at least 2 years I think.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Heavy bag, Jump Rope, KB Swings, Butterfly Sit-ups

5 Rounds
3 min each station

3 min Heavy bag
3 min of -
50 jump rope
25 KB Swings @ 45lbs
25 Butterfly Sit-ups

Did this one with Emily.  Fun working together.  I am really struggling recovering.  My body is just dragging.  My only guess is the February funk has settled in.  I have not struggled with this for the last few years.  Hope this pushes through soon.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Push-ups, Crunches, Body Squats, Lunges, Jumping Jacks, St. Louis Ball Slams, Pull-ups, Gasser

Torture By Ten's
3 Rounds
10 Push-ups
20 Crunches
30 Body Squats
40 Lunges
50 Jumping Jacks
60 seconds - St. Louis Ball Slams rt/lt arch over head
1 min rest
1 - 3:28
2 - 3:37
3 - 4:18
Total w/ rest - 13:19

10 minutes

3 rounds
15 Pull-ups
1 Gasser - sprint down/back x 2
4 min rest - between efforts

1 - 45.42
2 - 44.34
3 - 41.88

Today flowed well.  I liked today's.  Legs were jello when I started my first gasser.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

KB swings, Ball Slams, Goblet Squats, Butterfly Sit-ups

3 Rounds
20 KB Swings
20 Ball Slams
10 Goblet Squats
20 Butterfly Sit-ups
45 seconds rest

Running short on time.  Just wanted to get one in.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Heavy bag, weighted overhead walk, weighted sit-ups, Box jumps

3 Rounds of 10 min split into 5min and 5 min

5 minutes of heavy bag punching - steady punching
5 minutes for completion of :
1 x 20 yard overhead weighted walk 165lbs
25 x weighted sit-ups @ 25lbs
25 x box jumps - tall black box
Rest remaining of this 5 min
At time move straight into next round

30 minutes of steady movement

Did this with Daniel.  One man was on the bag while other was working the other exercises.
After the 3 exercises I ended up with roughly 45 seconds rest before the bag.  I actually liked this WOD.  Both Daniel and I seem to be tired and sore from workout Sunday.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

"The - Couldn't Get Much Worse"

3 Rounds (was supposed to be 5)
10 Turkish Get-ups - 5rt/5lt, 45lbs bar
20 GHD'S
15 Walking dumbbell push-ups w/ 25lbs dumbbells
10 Burpees
1 Prowler Push
1:30 - rest, ended up doing 2 min after round 2

1 - 4:51
2 - 6:21
3 - 5:52
Total w/ rest - 20:36

Not sure what was up with Daniel and me this morning, or if it was just a poor workout.  We were both miserable. After round two on the recovery between gasps for air I said let's cut to 3 or 4 rounds and have 2 min recovery.  Daniel groaned yes.  We did one more round and made it through.  I pretty much just wrote down 5 exercises that suck and we put them in an order with reps.  At the completion of round 3 when I hit the floor I told Daniel the only thing that could have made that worse was to have had Thrusters in there.  The positive of this morning -  weather is beautiful and I got a workout in side by side with a good bud.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Not much of a day off

My intent was to have a day of not much activity.  I got in my head to clean out the fence row a bit more.  I somehow ended up with my pick axe in my hands busting up roots around the cedars I am trying to get out.  By the end of the day roughly 6 hours later I was scratched all over and a bunch more of the fence row is cleaned out.  Not much of a day off.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Heavy Bag Work, Jump Rope, Crunches

5 Sets of 5 minutes
5 min of heavy Bag punching/kicking
5 min - 100 jump rope, 100 crunches, rest

25 min total of heavy bag
25 min total of 100 jump rope, 100 crunches, rest
50 min total

Today I primarily worked low bag combos.  Lots of close range low hooks and upper cuts.  Hitting in the black tape on the bottom 10inches of the bag.

I liked this one today.  I had steady movement the whole time with rolling sweat by round 3.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Push press, Ball Slams, GHD'S, dumbbell push-up rows, knees to chest-r-l-c, jumping pull-ups

5 Rounds of
10 Dumbbell Push-press @ 55lbs each arm
10 Ball Slams @ 20lbs
10 GHD'S
10 Dumbbell Push-ups w/ row alternate arms @ 55lbs each arm
10 Knees to chest - r/l/c
10 Jumping Push-ups
30 seconds rest

1 - 2:47
2 - 3:04
3 - 3:15
4 - 3:08
5 - 2:56
Total time - 17:12

Decent flow.  The push-up rows were pretty solid.  I was not enjoying them by round 3.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Stationary Bike

30 Minutes Stationary Bike
Fat Burn setting

Hit this one pretty good tonight.   For the plateau of the fat burn setting the workout is at level 10 difficulty.  3 min warm up and 3 min cool down puts you here for 24 minutes.  For the first 22:30 I averaged over 90 rpm's.  The last 1:30 I blasted over 100 rpm's.  The last 3 min of cool down I was still in the mid to high 80's for the rpm's.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Bench Press, FRAN

Bench Press
10 x 135
5 x 185
10 x 225
3 x 225
10 x 135
I have not done 10 reps of 225 for a very long time.  I wanted to do this pretty much just because.  A strange development of Daniels and my new found strength in the bench press.  My left shoulder is in the process of a slow separation.  This has a very solid level of suck about it.  I can only assume the heavier weights on my sissy old joints might just be a bit to much.  This shoulder has a huge knot on it from the many separations in the past.  I guess the poor old thing just can't handle the stress.  Not sure how I am going to proceed over the next few weeks.  I am really enjoying what we have been doing.

21 - 15 - 9
Thrusters @ 95lbs

1 - 1:18
2 - 1:18 - 2:36
3 - 1:25
Total - 5:19

I officially hate this workout!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Body squat, dips, sit-ups with a twist, KB Swings, GHD'S, heavy bag

3 rounds
30 Body Squats
10 Dips
50 Sit-ups w/ a twist
30 KB Swings @ 55lbs
10 GHD'S
1 min rest

1 - 4:56
2 - 4:57
3 - 5:06
Total - 17:00

Heavy Bag -  Random combinations for 20min

February 1st - Stationary Bike

30 minutes Stationary Bike
Fat Burn Setting
It has been a while since I utilized my stationary bike.  I do love the fact that 30 solid minutes on that thing and I am dropping with sweat.