Thursday, June 30, 2016

Canoe trip on the Black River

Took girls and puppies with Dad, Kyle and Terry floating on the Black River.  Had a blast.  Need to post some pics.  5 mile float.  First 3 miles weather was beautiful.  Rained the next mile then stopped for the last mile.  Started raining again as we loaded the bus.

Swimming, rope swinging and paddling.  I had puppies in canoe.  Jen and girls were in Kayaks.  Dad, Kyle and Terry were in a canoe.

6/29/16 Campsite WOD, climbing and swimming at shut-ins

Swam and climbed all over the shut-ins today.  Need to post a few pics.  Great time with the family.  Beautiful day.

At camp after a nap and while cooking dinner.

2 Rounds
50 KB Swings @ 45lbs
250 Crunches
25 Goblet Squats @ 45lbs
150 Bicycles
25 KB Curls @ 45lbs
100 Crunches
25 KB Tricep Press
4 min rest - planned on 2 but had to help Jen start the Coleman Stove

1 - KB Swings - 1:31
      Rest of exercises- 8:05
      Total time of round - 9:37
2 - KB Swings - 1:26
      Rest of exercises- 7:50
      Total time of round - 9:16
Total time of WOD - 22:53

Good workout.  Just what I needed.

6/28/16 AM Cardiofitness class

Kids did 800 warm up

The Decender
1200 run
20 SDLHP (I did 70lbs)
30 Bicycles (I did 100)
20 Push-ups (narrow)
800 run
20 SDLHP (I did 70lbs)
30 Bicycles (I did 100)
20 Push-ups (wide)
600 run
20 SDLHP (I did 70lbs)
30 Bicycles (I did 100)
20 Push-ups (hand release)
400 run
20 SDLHP (I did 70lbs)
30 Bicycles (I did 100)
20 Push-ups (narrow)

When done with above.
30 Toes-to-bar
100/100 Mirror runs

1 mile cool down / stretch

Back a bit stiff.  Only ran 600 each round.  Done pretty quickly with this one.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

AM - heavy bag, jump rope, wall ball

Warm up - clean up weight room with coach Schrader.  Got a sweat rolling.  Decently humid this morning.

6 Rounds
1 min - Heavy Bag
100 - Single Jumps
20 - Wall Ball @ 20lbs ball
2 min rest

I was surprisingly tired at the end of each round.

Friday, June 24, 2016

PM - Shoulders and Arms

Came in late because of tons of things after summer school so had to start mid flow.

All couplets were 12 reps, 10 reps, 8 reps, 8 reps

First couplet - supposed to be third
45lbs KB Press upside down V - start left shoulder up over head and down to right shoulder = 1, reverse = 2. Then to biceps bridge - starting on back reverse grip on barbell in rack on bench press pegs.  Swing and curl body up into a bridge arms and legs fully extended.

Second couplet - supposed to be last
KB curl - @ 45lbs - hold like a bowl index fingers over handel pointing out front,  Then to Spider curl - chest leaning on lg blue box arms hanging over, using curl bar.  We did 55lbs.

Third Couplet - supposed to be first
Ring Pull-ups, to reverse Grip bent over dumbbell row w/ barbell @ 95lbs

Fourth Couplet - supposed to be second
Dumbbell Shrugs - 60lbs, 65lbs, 70lbs, 70lbs. Then to full motion dumbbell shoulder press - @ 30lbs Dumbbells

AM - Cardiofitness class - 800 forward 400 backward, SDLHP, KB Swings, Bicycle Abs

800 warm up if time

Boys 5 rounds, Girls and MS - 4 Rounds
1 round =
800 meters forward
400 meters backward
Front parking lot

Back was a bit sore.  I only ran 400 forward and 400 backward.  Did several rounds with kids helping with form.

When done with all the above
20 SDLHP I did 70lbs KB (Clayton's)
40 Bicycle Abs - I did 100
20 KB Swings @ 70lbs
40 Bicycle Abs - I did 100

When done w/ the above
20 Toes-to-bar
100/100 Mirror runs - I used 10lbs plates

Cool down if time

Thursday, June 23, 2016

PM - Legs - air temp 94, heat index 103

Warm up box jumps

Did first movement (squats and box step ups) last so I could be with Dsniel for the partner stuff.
Everything tonight was 3 sets of 12

One leg dead lifts - @ 45lbs bar, 12 each leg then moving to partner pull double leg jumps roughly 12 to 13 jumps

Next movement

Weighted lunges @ 30lbs dumbbell each arm, 12 each leg then to, one legged med ball box jumps - 3 stacked 45lbs bumper plates @ 20lbs med ball.

Next movement

Glute bridge back on med ball - bar across hips - raise hips up.  @ 95lbs, then to partner pulls weight belt and partner holding rope 40 yards.

Next movement

Front squat at 115 lbs
KB box step up left leg/right leg @ 35lbs - 12 left leg then 12 right leg
Front squat at 115 lbs
KB box step up left leg/right leg @ 35lbs - 12 left leg then 12 right leg
Back squat at 115 lbs with tow chain each side to floor
KB box step up left leg/right leg @ 35lbs - 12 left leg then 12 right leg

Cash out
3 sets of 12 for both of these

Daniel calls them bobble heads - 45lbs bar - 10lbs on one side, tilt torso to right then left = 1, complete 12 then face other direction and repeat so weight is on other side of body.

Land mine Russian twists @ 45lbs bar and 25lbs bumper plate on 1 end base in front corner of rack.  Grab end lace fingers and swing bar up from hip to face level and to opposite hip. Right to left is one.  Complete 12.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

6/21/16 CardioFitness Something new from something old - The Threes!

Kids did 1 mile warm up
Boys 6 rounds girls 5 rounds middle school 4 rounds
600 meter Run - I ran 400 back was achy
3 Burpees
3/3 Turkish-get-ups I used 30lbs dumbbell, 3rt/3lft
9 Body Squat to toe
12 Iron crosses - I used 10's - this was rough
15 Jack Hammers

When done with above
20 toes to bar
100/100 mirror runs

Kids did 1 mile cool down

Daniel cam in too that was cool.  Humidity was awful.  We all thought workout would not be bad considering the reps but it turned out awful.  We think the heat.  Flowed well though.

6/20/16 chest and triceps oooofffff!

Heavy Bench w/ chains
10 x 135
5 x 185
225 w/ chain 2 alone 1 with help
225 w/ chain 2 alone 1 w/ help
225 w/ chain 1 alone 2 w/ help

5 sets of 8 reps for all exercises

First couplet
Dumbbell bench flys then to narrow grip bench
Dumbbell flys starting decline and moving each set up to incline - 60, 60, 50, 50, 40 lbs
Narrow Grip Bench press @ 135lbs last 3 sets were just before failure for last rep.

Second couplet
Overhand grip tricep extensions- palm down pinky on ear side of dumbbell pushing straight up.  Used 15 and 20lbs, 8 then switch arms.  Then 8 Ring Dips.  Alternating through exercises.

Third Couplet
Leaning Ring chest flys - each set move rings closer to ground to increase lean and extension.
Up push-up position chest rows - alternating arms rt/lft 30lbs, 35, 40, 45, 50

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Landscaping - Moving huge rocks, shoveling rock

Not only carrying huge rocks but I was stacking them on the dolly to get them around the house.  We talk often about workouts focused around functional movement.  We did Hack Squats just a few days before this.  That was the exact movement I used to lift the dolly.  We do partner pulls and sled pulls all the time.  I was pulling the dolly up hill and around the house.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

AM - Arms

All 3 sets of 12 in couplet.

1st couplet
Straight Bar curls @ 65lbs to Hammer curls 40lbs each arm

2nd couplet
Spider curl - chest leaning on lg blue box arms hanging over, using curl bar.  Did 45lbs first set.  Next 2 sets I did 55lbs.  Then to biceps bridge - starting on back reverse grip on barbell in rack on bench press pegs.  Swing and curl body up into a bridge arms and legs fully extended.

3rd couplet
Ring pull-ups then to barbell lawnmower pull.  Bar end in base of rack other end has 45lbs bumper plate.  Pull to chest do 12 then switch arm.

4th couplet
Incline sitting on bench shoulder press facing back of bench then to single arm land mine press.  Same set up as lawnmower but now pressing from shoulder.

Did not do last couplet - ran out of time
But it was supposed to be this.
Full motion dumbbell shoulder press, then to bent over barbell rows

Friday, June 17, 2016

Campus CrossFit

Kids did 800 or mile warm up

Primary Playground
100 Lunges
Weight Room
20 KB Swings @ 55lbs
50 Crunches - I did 100

Intermediate Playground
1 Set Monkey bars
H.S. 10 M.S. 5 Pull-ups
Weight Room
20 SDLHP @ 55lbs
50 Crunches - I did 100

Soccer Field - far goal I ran to game field far goal
Jump and touch top
20 KB Swings @ 55lbs
50 Crunches - I did 100

High School Flag Pole
10 wide
10 narrow
10 wide
10 narrow
Weight Room
20 SDLHP @ 55lbs
50 Crunches - I did 100

Kids did 800 or mile cool down

No toes to bar this year.  Gave them a break.

Biked to Primary and Intermediate locations, but ran to the flag pole and far soccer goal on game field.  Had to hang around the Intermediate for a while to help a bunch of people across the Monkey Bars.

It is crazy hot already.  This week has been brutal.  Days in mid 90's heat index this afternoon was temp 94 heat index 104.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

PM legs

2 sets of 8 reps moving from light to heavy though what I was doing I would not consider heavy.
Zercher Squats - 115lbs, 135lbs
Front Squats - 145lbs, 155lbs
Back Squats - 165lbs, 175lbs

Then to
4 sets of 10 reps
Hack squats - bar at heels grip bar keep close to back of legs on the way up to full standing position. Do 1 set then to superman jumps in wrestling room - big mat on floor 3 feet from wall, standing 3 plus feet from mat.  Jump and dive to mat landing on chest.
Hack squat weight - 95, 105, 115, 125.  First time ever doing these interesting movement surprisingly these did not seem to hurt my back.

Then to
4 sets of 10 reps
Single leg bench goblet squats one toe propped on bench while goblet squatting with other leg then switch.  Was supposed to to single leg med ball box jump.  Did not know it was supposed to be on a box did not do these.  I was whooped any way.

Skipped glute bar bridge and wall sprints.

Did do calf raises.
3 sets of 20 with bar

AM Bike Abs

Hard 6

3 min abs

Walk 800
Run 800

Stretch and push-ups

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

AM CardioFitness w/ kids

Kids did 1 mile warm up

High school 4 rounds MS 3 rounds
Run 800 meters
10 partner over burpees while partner is in plank hold position. Then switch.
20 partner butterfly sit-ups alternate arm high claps at end
10 partner push-ups alternate arm hand claps
5/5 Frog jumps
10 Tire jumps, while partner is doing bench dips.  Man on jumps governs time on dips then switch.

At completion of above do the following
20 toes to bar
100/100 mirror runs

1 mile cool down

Great partner WOD.  More chatter than we have had this year.  I liked it.  Temp was in the 70's and humidity was high.  We were all miserable.  I did my usual.  I did not run but hung around b ing partner subs.  I think I did 6 rounds maybe 7 lost count.  I am totally shot from yesterday's workout.

Monday, June 13, 2016

PM - w/ Daniel, chest/tricep super sets, Turkish get-ups, jump rope

Some of this will be hard to describe.  Daniel has come up with some great variations.

Each couplet was completed in 4 Rounds with 8 reps per exercise per exercise per round.  Moving as quickly as possible between exercises.

1st couplet - Dumbbell Flys starting w/ incline then working down to decline.   Move from flys to wide grip bench.
1 - 55lbs Dumbbells, 185lbs bench
2 - 55lbs Dumbbells, 175lbs bench
3 - 65lbs Dumbbells, 170lbs bench
4 - 65lbs Dumbbells, 170lbs bench
Really struggled on the 4 set of dumbbell flys in the decline position.  Got 6 kind of on the 6th, Daniel reset me and I got the remaining.

2nd couplet - weighted ring dips with log chain and Shoulder press.  Daniel did handstand push ups I did 45lbs shoulder press @ 45lbs.
1 - dips hammers me, got 4 I think w/ chain then just 3 more no chain.  Press was fine
2 - adapted chain hooked ends on rings got 5 then 3.  Still struggled, press no problem but burnt.
3 - adapted chain hooked ends on rings got 5 then 3.  Still struggled, press no problem but burnt.
4 - adapted chain hooked ends on rings got 5 then 3.  Still struggled, press no problem but burnt.

3rd Couplet - log chain kettle bell slight incline tricep/lat pull overs.  Daniel nicked named them nose breakers.  Appropriate monicker.  Put middle of chain at handle of 25lbs KB dropped behind head pulled over and tried to spread hands, repeat.  Ring leaning out to chest flys in push up position slowly lowering rings each round deeper/lower and lower.
1 - solid on the pullovers,  solid on the flys
2 - less solid on the pullovers, solid on the flys
3 - hit wall on 5th pullover had to rest on chest for a few sec. Then finish. flys were good
4 - hit wall on 5th pullover had to rest on chest for a few sec. Then finish. Flys were good

Cashed out with 6 x 45lbs barbell Turkish-get-ups.


100 single jumps
50 skipping/single leg front leg kick jumps
100 single jumps
50 skipping/single leg front leg kick jumps
100 single jumps

AM - 7 mile ride - 5 of it hard, push-ups & abs, walk/run, stretch

Cardio fitness class
7 mile ride - 5 of it pretty hard
Stretch, push-ups, 4 min abs - mason twists, leg lifts, side crunches, jack hammers

At summer school
800 meter walk
800 meter run
Stretch then wall climbs

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Heavy Bag, Tire Flips, Jump Rope, Wall Ball, GHD's

5 Rounds
1 min Heavy Bag
5 Tire Flips
100 Singles Jump Rope
10 Wall Ball 20lbs ball
15 GHD's
2 min rest
1 - 4:04
2 - 3:56
3 - 3:54
4 - 4:03
5 - 3:54
Total w/ rest - 27:59

Just flowed through the stations.  Felt pretty solid through the first 3 rounds.  By round 5 I was having to push with a good amount of effort to stay consistent.  Busted the top of my punching bag.  I cleaned up imedietly to get home.  I was still in a daze taking down the bag.  I carried it in to the storage room and when I dropped it against the wall the top hung on the door knob and busted it open.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

6/10/16 PM - squats / single leg weighted step ups

Same as last week......
10 Back Squats (deep) @ 135lbs
10 Left leg box @ 24" single leg squats with foot on box holding 40lbs KB in left hand straight along side.
10 Right leg box @ 24" single leg squats with foot on box holding 40lbs KB in left hand straight along side.
10 Front Squats (A To G) @ 135lbs
10 Right leg box @ 24" single leg squats with foot on box holding 40lbs KB in right hand straight along side.
10 Left leg box @ 24" single leg squats with foot on box holding 40lbs KB in left hand straight along side.
Repeat this cycle 4 times.  On the single leg squats on the box outside hand was supporting holding rack.

Todays was much better than last week and dropped step up weight 5lbs.

I was also fired up because a guy for the second day went through our elementary pick up drive the wrong way.  Yesterday he cussed me.  Today he just drove through.  I guess I should thank him for being a jack leg for making my workout better.

6/10/16 CardioFitness- The Ab Ripper

Kids did 1 mile warm up - I got tires out and ready for slams.

3 Rounds
400 meter run
50 Butterfly Sit-ups
20 Dips / regular or bench, I did regular
50 Sit-ups w/ a Twist
20 Body Squats
50 Crunches
1 Wall climb

Splits - 3rd is off had to stop and talk to custodian
1 - 7:32
2 - 8:59
3 - 10:00
Total - 26:32

Tire slams

Toes to bar - unbroken once I got my fat rear talked into starting them.  Time includes walk and convincing to get on bar.

As usual solid 1st round then misery!

Kids did 1 mile cool down.

6/9/16 AM ride, abs, run PM, started a WOD and had to stop

AM hard 6 mile loop on red barn
Abs / Push-ups

AM Summer School
800 walk
800 run
Stretch / abs / push-ups

PM - started this with Daniel then had to stop because I got to go to sports dinner in Spfd with coach Schrader - 3 cross kids nominated Nathan, Laci and Allison.  Got to hear Tim Tebow speak.  Amazing message.

Hamstring partner exercise. On mat partner holds heels, 5 ankles close 5 ankles 8 in apart.  Slow drop forward till chest is on the ground and then with slight push up curl body back up to verticle with ham strings.  (Ouch!)
4 sets of 10 of these
Partner logging chain pull.  Put chain through weight belt and partner holds ends of chain.  Pull partner and chain 40 yards.
4 sets of 10 of this

We switched here.  One man did holding for both movements and one man did chain hold for pull then switch.

Started this then had to go
10 x 135 lbs back squat
Then 10 x rt leg weighted step ups on bench.  Finished this workout tomorrow evening.

6/8/16 morning ride, abs, run, abs

AM practice
Hard 6 mile ride to park and loop
3 min abs solid burn / push-ups

AM summer school
800 walk
800 run
Abs / push-ups

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Cardio class, Grass bare foot runs, Push-ups, Body Squats, Lever pulls, Lunges

Kids did mile warm up

5 Rounds
Big loop soccer field bare foot
15 Push-ups
20 Body squats
30 Lever Pulls
20 Lunges
1 - 4:52
2 - 5:38
3 - 5:25
4 - 5:52
5 - 5:49
Total time - 27:38

25 Toes to bar
100/100 Mirror runs

Kids did 1 mile cool down

Monday, June 6, 2016

Dumbbell incline flys, decline overhead pullovers, chain dips, dumbbell push-up position rows, narrow bench

AM - 5 mile ride at practice, stretch, push ups, 3 min abs
AM - 800 walk, 800 jog, stretch and and push-ups
Incline Dumbbell Flys
10 x 45lbs
10 x 50lbs
10 x 55lbs
10 x 60lbs

4 rounds of each couplet 10 reps each exercise
Decline Dumbbell pullovers @ 50lbs x 10
Logging chain dips x 10 - finished them all but had to get fired up.


Up push-up position - 10 rows each arm no push up @ 45lbs x 3 rounds, 50lbs x 1 round
Narrow grip bench press @ 115lbs x 10

After the above
4 rounds
60 seconds heavy bag combos
100 single jumps
Ab roll outs
1 min rest

Roughly 1 min a station

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Farmers carry, dock push ups, KB curls, Turkish get ups, KB sit-ups, KB tricep extensions, single arm row

Warm up - Farmers carry @ 45lbs KB switching arms roughly every 100 meters from mom and dads house to dock.

4 Rounds
25 push-ups on edge of dock
20 KB curls at 45lbs
4 Turkish-get-ups 2 per side @ 45lbs KB
25 Weighted sits-ups @ 45lbs KB
25 Overhead Tricep presses behind head to extended
10 Single arm RT arm SDLHP @ 45lbs
10 Single arm LT arm SDLHP @ 45lbs

Long swim after 3rd round.  I was dragging up to this point.  I had decided on only doing 3 rounds until the lake woke me up.  When I got out I was refreshed and rolled through the 4th round.  Long swim after 4th round.

Farmer carry cool down back to house.  Same set up as on the way back as heading down.

Friday, June 3, 2016

AM - Summer workout #1 w/ Cardio Kids

Did a bit of adaptation this year from last year.
Kids did mile warm up.  I did 800 meter run warm up.

Boys did 5 rounds, girls and middle school 4 rounds

I did 4 rounds
I ran 400 kids ran 800
20 Hand release push-ups
30 KB Swings @ 45lbs
40 Butterfly sit-ups

 After all above was done
25 toes to bar
100rt/100lt mirror runs w/ 10lbs each arm

Again pretty rough workout.  I am exhausted from recent workouts and teaching summer school.  A little muggy this morning but there was a drizzle to take the edge off.  I had sweat rolling off me.

I need to remember to post the pic of the WOD design here.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Full day of activity finishing with some misery

AM Practice - 4 mile ride, push-ups, 3 min abs

At school - walked almost 800 meters and then ran almost 800 meters

PM Work out
Leg burn - supposed to do more but with my last few days I struggled here.  Ended up ice bathing after the workout at home.

Different set up here - Daniel design
10 Back Squats (deep) @ 135lbs
10 Left leg box @ 24" single leg squats with foot on box holding 45lbs KB in left hand straight along side.
10 Right leg box @ 24" single leg squats with foot on box holding 45lbs KB in left hand straight along side.
10 Front Squats (A To G) @ 135lbs
10 Right leg box @ 24" single leg squats with foot on box holding 45lbs KB in right hand straight along side.
10 Left leg box @ 24" single leg squats with foot on box holding 45lbs KB in left hand straight along side.
Repeat this cycle 4 times.  On the single leg squats on the box outside hand was supporting holding rack.

I was beat by the end of this.  Sweating like crazy.  Crazy thing was I got the last 2 rounds done faster than the first 2 rounds.
This is a terrible description of the box single leg weighted squat but best I have.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Sled harness pull

Loaded sled with 105lbs plus sled weight, 130lbs total.  Drug up and down drive way and down subdivision road.

15 min steady walking

5/31/16 - moving heavy rocks to side of house