Monday, April 30, 2012

Pull-ups, Bench Press, KB Swings, Wall-Ball

4 Rounds for time:
5 Pull-ups, Chin passing over bar to neck
10 Bench Press 135lbs
20 KB Swings 1 Pood (35lbs)
30 Wall Ball 20lb ball
1 - 2:17.22 Unbroken
2 - 3:18.74 Slow on bench and broke wall ball up 17-13
3 - 3:40.40 Solid on bench, broke up wall ball 17-13
4 - 3:23.72 Slow on bench, UNBROKEN WALL BALL!
Total time - 12:40.08

Finished this one and was in the Cross-fit flop on the floor.  Got a great burn.  I wanted to stay under 3 minutes a round but that did not happen big time.  I guess I should be happy I stayed under 4 for every round.  

Still in save my back mode.  Trying to do exercises that do not stress my back.  I had a ton of kids to work on tonight so Daniel got a head start and was doing something different anyway.  He was finishing as I came in and started warming up.  He had to get home to mow because this week is going to be nuts.  The KB swings at 1 pood were way to light.  I was happy I chose this weight because it worked me just a bit but there was zero stress on my back.  Also very nice to feel that 35lb KB swings felt like next to nothing.  When I first started this mess 2 years ago that was about as far as I could go.  This latest spell has taken some of the steam out of me.  I am very apprehensive now about any lifting.  I want to power clean very badly but I know it is just not a good idea. I have babied my back for 2 weeks.  I am feeling pretty good the pain has begun to subside but there are still days I have as Vicki calls it my John Wayne walk.  I was in so much pain 2 weeks ago that I was very afraid I had digressed back to where I was 4 years ago.  I guess GOD sent me this message to humble me a bit.  I had been backing down a bit on how hard I pushed in WOD's.  However I had also been pressing a bit on how much I had been lifting weight wise.  I also had been feeling so good I had been doing some things that I knew I should not do with my back.  Oh well.  I had been on a good roll with my number of WOD's per month.  I just have to scrap this one up to trying to make the right decision.  12 WOD's for the month is pathetic but I believe it was probably the best thing.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

4/24/12 A few things after the meet

My back is feeling tons better.  I told Daniel yesterday afternoon that for the first time in 2 weeks my back did not hurt when I sneezed so I must be getting better.  When we got back from the meet Daniel did a quick WOD and I timed I don't know how you could do it on your own but a great WOD.  I still am leary about doing to much.
I did -
50 pull-ups
50 push-ups
50 body-squats

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Packing and late WOD

Helping Jen's Grandparents move this weekend.  Spent 5 hours loading a large U-haul.  Back pretty sore.

After dinner I swam with the kids and soaked in the hot tub at the hotel.  At 9:15 I did this WOD in the fitness room.

32 minutes Seated Stationary Bike on Cardio Setting
200 Crunches
100 Push Ups

My back has not been near as sore today.  Even with the heavy lifting I kept stretching and trying to open up the low back.  I am having a better day than the last 7 that is for sure.  Still not great by any means hence the non-impact WOD.  I won't be doing any lifting for quite a while I think.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Dr. Dan's Snake Oil For Bad Backs

How good a bud is Daniel? That guy designed a WOD to try and pull my reer out of this low back funk I am in. Still hurting pretty bad but I got one in with Dr. Dan's ingenunity. I will post times and exercises in the am.
3 Rounds for time:
5 - Swinging Ring Pull-ups
1 - Horizontal Heavy Rope-pull (3 pood) took picture of Daniel doing this I will post later
14 - Lunges
10 - Dips
14 - Scorpions 7 each side
20 - Tire Slams (10 left, 10 right)
5 - Hug a Twinkie
3 - 20ft Wall Ball explosive drives trying to hit main I beam
5 - Bench Press 205lbs
10 - Hanging Bar Swings
15 - Back Extensions

1 - 8:21.76
2 - 8:49.17
3 - 8:14.49
Total Time - 25:25.42

This was surprisingly draining.  The Bench Press was enough to drain you.  Great workout by a great bud.  Thanks Daniel.  My back hurt the whole time except during the lunges.  The Scorpions were horrible but I could tell a great movement that I need to do more often.  Thanks again BROTHER!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Body squat, crunches, push-ups

Did this around 9pm after hanging upside down and rolling out my IT bands.
210 Body Squats did sets of 30 except for the last and did 60.
500 Crunches
100 Push-ups
My back is really bad right now. I have not felt right since the Burpee ring WOD almost 2 months ago. Several WOD'S have stressed it too. I have also had some great WOD's in that time. Clayton and I took the van to Pitt state and by the time we got back to the weight room I could barely walk. I then slept on the cot Sat night with the girls in the basement. I should have moved at the start. By Sunday morning I was in the worst pain I have been in for the last 4 years. My hips are on fire, my feet are burning. The longest I have had a back issue is about 2 days since I started cross fitting. This is going on 6 days. I am way better from Sunday but by no means am I feeling good. I am walking around like an old man. I am hanging upside down several times a day taking alieve and stretching. I can only hope this is not a start of something bad. I am exhausted by mid day just blocking out the pain. I had to do something tonight so here it is. I did also roll out my hips. We shall see.  I am missing working out with Daniel I feel like something is missing each night when I get home not getting workouts in.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Handstand walks, body squats

5 Rounds for time:
25 yard Handstand Walk
50 Body Squats
1 - 1:57.32
2 - 1:59.55
3 - 2:18.49
 4 - 2:21.31
5 - 2:04.71
Total - 10:41.38
Did this after home meet tonight. We wanted a quick one. I suck at handstand walks but it is what it is. I still need to stay away from anything stressing my back. Good to get one in. We were sure we would not get one done till this weekend.  I still suck at hand stand walks.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


For time: 6:20
150 Push-ups
You can rest in the pike position. If you have to rest on the floor at any time a penalty must be assessed.  Run 40 yards.  I subbed in 20 singles Jump-ropes.  This was probably a little longer than Daniels 40s but I was not running so I am comfortable with this sub in.
I think I had to take 4 breaks.
Split 6:20
4 rounds easy going
25 back extensions
1 dead hang back stretching pull up
50 singles fast jump ropes
25 incline sit-ups

AM practice 200 crunches

Sunday, April 8, 2012

A bit of everything, "Sacrifice"

Worked out at 5 pm
Started with Chained Box jumps.  We did big black box.  I think 42 inches?  Weight belt - 2 large tow chains, 1 small.  We went for 10 minutes.  1 minute a round 2 jumps a piece then switch belt.  20 jumps total.  I used Daniels weight vest as well.  I tried the tall box and got it while we were warming up just decided against it during the workout.  
"SACRIFICE" Good one for Easter Sunday.   BAYLESS DESIGN
5 Rounds for time: 22:00
5 Dumbbell Burpees 40lbs
15 Yard plate push 45lbs - These alternated due to changing ends.
5 Ring Dips
2 Clean and Jerks did 105lbs I will do more if we do this again.  Did this to save my back.
15 Yard overhead Barbell Walking Lunge - These alternated due to changing ends.
20 Tire slams with bar, 10 each side
1 Huge Tire Flip
1 - 3:20.82
2 - 3:04.67
3 - 3:21.79
4 - 4:15.68
5 - 3:56.80
Total time: 22:00.19
Daniel came up with this one.  It was a good slow burn and we both slowly wore down unlike the usual Cross fit fall off the cliff.  Daniel did this with the vest on and I forgot my vest so I was with out it today.  Back feeling better but I have hung upside down several times and stretched a bunch and I took 2 Alieves this morning around 10:00am.  Only felt the clean and jerks the last two rounds.

Finished day with Sled Pulls
4 x 40 yard sled pulls at 135lbs

Saturday, April 7, 2012


3 Rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters = Biked over a mile started inside back of weight room and went to mile marker. "Mtn.Bike"
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups = Did Butterfly sit-ups as usual
1 - 7:04.74
2 - 6:58.76
3 - 6:36.01
Total Time: 20:39.51
This is the first time I have done this workout for real.  Looks like time or weather might have played a roll the last two times.  This time we did it because my back is so messed up.  I think this is just what I needed, I felt 100 times better after it was over.  Back still hurts but much better.  As the day has progressed I have stiffened up but for the most part not to bad.


MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011 

Run 800 meters Got back late from Ozark meet.  Subbed in 3:30seconds of jump rope.
1 = 6:08.07
2 = 5:37.65
3 = 5:51.70
TOTAL TIME = 17:37.42
Not bad just feeling very tired and have early practice.  Should have biked but it was dark and I was beat.  Oh well at least I did not miss a day.  Seems like lately just getting it in is enough.
Last time
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Did not feel like I did this as well as I could have. I only biked 800 instead of my usual double of distance here. 
1 - 4:54
2 - 5:30 Had to adjust back ext. this cost me time here.
3 - 5:05
Total = 15:29

Friday, April 6, 2012


10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps of the triplet for time:
Dead-lift 1.5 times body weight 188 this am tried 285, back is killing me I tried this and when I got it up it was way to much.  I adapted to 225.
Bench press - Body weight 188 this am
Clean (Did Squat Cleans) - 3/4 body weight - 143, went as deep as I could go.
10 - 7:11
9 - 10:49
8 - 8:33
7 - 9:39
6 - 8:00
5 - 5:16
4 - 5:19
3 - 5:08
2 - 3:08
1 - 1:32
Total time: 1:04.41

My back was killing me today.  I felt it every rep of every dead lift and squat clean.  Not good.  I had to go so slow I just fell to pieces.  Sweat was pouring off me.  I really hope things start looking up because I am beginning to get frustrated with my back issues again.  Last time I did this was in 2010 and I was heavier.  I adapted the dead lifts to lighter than today and took about half the time I did today.  Cleans are usually or have been one of my strong points.  I have jacked something up.



Deadlift: 1 1/2 body weight = adapted to Just over 200lbs to save back

Bench press: body weight = Weighed 192 this am.
Clean: 3/4 body weight = 144

As usual the deadlifts just took it out of me. I moved through them pretty well but it taxed me quite a bit. Bench press was solid, just a few breaks. From 6 down was unbroken. Squat cleans were legit 90deg. I focused on this because I adapted the Deadlift. They were steady and smooth but wore me slick.

Time = 33:44

Monday, April 2, 2012

Thrusters, pull-ups

AMRAP in 7 min
3 Thrusters 100lbs
3 Chest to bar pull-ups
6 same as above
6 same as above
Continue to increase by 3 reps each round Until time runs out.
1- 18.42 
2- 40.65 
3- 1:21.14 
4- 2:05.65 
5- all thrusters at timer,    Pull-ups at 8:37 
Did this at 9:20 Monday night after a track meet. Ate a hotdog no bun a bag of chips and a poweraid at 4:15 that was the last time I ate. I am worn out. My fire just was not there. My back was also hurting the whole time. By the third round it was hampering my form. I grabbed the belt for the last round. Not good. Oh well I got one in.


Put in garden and cleared brush. Tilled the entire garden again and raking mounds for potatoes. By the time I got in for dinner I could hardly move.