Saturday, July 31, 2010

Run 5K

Run 5K = Biked 10k

Scaled as usual biked twice the distance. Biked 10k = 6.2 miles

Both Jen and I are pretty sore from Roy. Our/my goal was to finish with Jen. We came darn close.

I was 22:51 on the bike for 10k. I would like to see what I could do on a road bike. Doing this on my mtn. bike I know slows me down but I for sure know I am working hard.

Jen finished in 23:00 min. for 5k. We were just 9 seconds appart.

We did this on the roads. Pearson Loop.

Friday, July 30, 2010


"Roy" AKA TURKEY number 2

Five rounds for time of: I believe the grand total was 55 min I don't even really care to look at my watch to look at the splits or the final time. All I do remember is that round 4 took me as long as the first two rounds added together.

225 pound Deadlift, 15 reps

20 Box jumps, 24 inch box

25 Pull-ups

No scaling no sissying out. This one killed me today. The dead lifts which I did some thinking, I have not done since High School = almost 20 years. We have done them a few times over the last few months but I don't think this many. The dead lifts killed me. They slammed me to the ground rubbed me in the dirt then kicked me into the front yard. Which in turn made a usual stronger point of mine (Box Jumps) suck. On a more positive note the pull ups were not as bad as I thought they would be. Pretty much on most of the sets went 13-12.

As usual Jennifer rolled through with no problems. 95 lbs on the dead lifts.

Posted 7/31/10 = Ok, I sucked it up and looked at my times. I am sore all over and had time to swallow my pride. I was able to do the Dead Lifts but it was just to much weight and took to much concentration to keep from huring my back (which is sore but not terrible). I should have scaled the dead lifts.


1 - 4:44
2 - 7:12
3 - 9:23
4 - 14:24
5 - 19:21
Total = 55:06

Thursday, July 29, 2010

AKA THE TURKEY; 7 rounds for time of: 3 Cleans, 4 Ring Hand stand push-ups

Seven rounds for time of:

205 pound Clean, 3 reps, Scaled to 185 did power cleans, did not do squat cleans

4 Ring handstand push-ups, Scaled to my regular vertical push ups.

Power Cleans were rough today. I had a watch going but after round 1 I just stopped caring. Let's just say I have cooked a 25lb Turkey faster than I completed this workout. Overall body feeling drained. Just can't put my finger on the catalyst.

Jen did this one pretty solid. Her Cleans are looking pretty good. We need to work on her shoulder shrug and poping to toes to elevate the bar but other than that pretty darn good. She did 55lbs. I know she can do a ton more after watching today.

Monday, July 26, 2010



For time:

100 Pull-ups ( 12,12,10,6,10,10,10,5,10,10,4,2) = 101 I fell off with one to go so I got torked and did 2 for good measure. I was pretty mad these took so long. Took everything I had to get over the bar on the last 2.
100 Push-ups (25,20,20,15,15,5)
100 Sit-ups (Unbroken) (Unanchored)
100 Squats (Sets of 25) I sissied out here

I had a hard time getting in the goove today. Just did not have the juice again. Pull ups took forever. Doing "Joshie" 3 days ago I think had an effect on today. 126 pull ups last Friday could not have helped. I just saw that tomorrow there is "ROY" with 5 rounds of 25 pull-ups. I am going to have to skip a day to try and finish that one. Positive note on this one is that I still have Jennifer and the McElhaney's coming in. Day 2 for Corey and Christine. They seem to be getting hooked. Let's hope. Clayton I counted today. I think you have hooked like 15 people to this since you started either directly or through someone you have hooked. Just in district. Great work brother!

Pull ups = 10:29 sucked
Push ups = Forgot to hit watch. Pretty sure it was like 4:00
Sit-ups = 9:22 = I think 5:22 if I am right about the 4 min above. Unanchored
Squats = 4:19
TOTAL = 24:11
Terrible effort I need to get focused. I know I should have broken 20 min..

Jen over all time = 38:13 Jen did a ton of great pull ups today.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

For 20 minutes: Run 400meters, rest precisely the time of run.

For 20 minutes:
Run 400 meters = subbed in 800 meter bike.
Rest precisely the time of the previous run

1 - 1:39
2 - 1:45
3 - 1:43
4 - 1:42
5 - 1:41
6 - 1:47

3rd interval I noticed the back tire going flat. When I pedaled hard the bike was all over the place. I could also barely pedal on the corners the bike had no control. My times would have been a little faster by maybe 3 or 4 seconds. I could tell it was making a difference when I could not catch Jen. She runs 400 in what I cover 800. After round 2 I could not catch her so the tire must have made a difference. There was just no time on recovery to get the tire aired up.

1 - 1:41
2 - 1:39
3 - 1:36
4 - 1:36
5 - 1:34
6 - 1:33

10 days off then 6 days straight has taken its toll. I am exhausted. Tomorrow is a day off. I do feel like I got some good work done this week reguardless of the previous 10 days of nothing but situps and push ups.

Friday, July 23, 2010


Complete three rounds for time of:
40 pound Dumbbell snatch, 21 reps, right arm
21 L Pull-ups
40 pound Dumbbell snatch, 21 reps, left arm
21 L Pull-ups

1 - 5:18
2 - 9:21
3 - 12:11
TOTAL = 26:50

Jen's time = 18:37

Wow, another tough one. Today was awesome we had Jennifer, and I with Corey and Christine McElhaney in with us. This was Christine's second and Coreys first Cross Fit workout. Jen is progressing very well. The girls did pull ups with their feet out front on a bench to mimic L-pull ups. As for mine the first and a few on the second set of pull-ups were L style then I just digressed to regular pull ups with a kip. I broke all sets into 11 / 10, even to the end. I was pleased with that part. At 126 pull ups I was just happy to get them done. By round two I was in survival mode. I was taking rests and walking around because my grip was failing by 5th and 6th pull up. The Dumbell Snatch was rough on the left side. Round one was unbroken both arms. Round 2 and 3 I did sets of 11 and 10.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Five rounds for time of: 135lb Thruster 15 reps, run 400m

Five rounds for time of: 23:24

135 pound Thruster, 15 reps

Run 400 meters = sub bike double distance 800meters

1 - 4:37
2 - 5:07
3 - 4:49
4 - 4:27
5 - 4:23

Total = 23:24

Christine (Coach McElhaney) and Ashley did this one today. Great workout. Christine and I subbed in Bike. The Thrusters were rough on me again. Struggled getting close to parallel. I think better than it has been though. Thrusters were broken into sets like this; Round 1 - 3 = 6-6-3, Round 4 = 8-7, Round 5 = 5-5-5

Jen did this a week or so ago while I was at camp. Not sure on time.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


"Fight Gone Bad!" Cross Fit at its finest.

Three rounds of: 289 total pts. Jen = 259.5

Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories) = subbed in burpees 1 per calorie

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

-------------Round 1 ---- 2Round ---- 3 Round ---- Total
Wall Ball -----30 ----------28 ------------24 ---------82
SDLHP ------26 -----------15 -----------18 ----------59
Box Jump ---25 -----------20 -----------15 ----------60
Push Press --20 -----------19 -----------18 ----------57
Burpees -----11 ------------9 -----------11 -----------31
TOTAL -----112 ---------- 91 -----------86 ----------289

For my third work out back after 10 days off this one was rough. There were points that I wished my heart would stop after round 1 just so I would have an excuse to stop. I had Ashley Lawson time me so trying not to look like a complete sissy in front of my athlete probably helped keep me going. Thanks Ash.

The burpees killed my average on this one. On round 2 and 3 I took almost 30 seconds before I could even get the energy to start moving the bar. Rough one today. Back still hurting but feeling better. Using the white roller and hanging a bunch.

Jen did her's the next day 7\22\10
Scaled SDLHP and Push Press 45lbs

-------------Round 1 ---- 2Round ---- 3 Round ---- Total
Wall Ball -----25 ----------24 -----------22 ----------82
SDLHP ------21 -----------21 -----------18 ----------59
Box Jump ---15 -----------16 -----------15 ----------60
Push Press --17 -----------16 -----------18 ----------57
Burpees -----10 ---------- 10 -----------11.5 --------31.5
TOTAL ----- 88 ---------- 87 -----------86 ---------259.5

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Run, kettelbell swings, pull-ups

For time: 23:40

Run 1200 meters = as usual doubled the distance. Biked 1.5 miles

63 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood

36 Pull-ups

Run 800 meters = Biked 1mile

42 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood

24 Pull-ups

Run 400 meters = Biked 800 meters

21 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood

12 Pull-ups

1 - 10:42
2 - 8:32
3 - 4:25
Total = 23:40

This one was tough but it was my first work out for 10 days other than push ups and situps. I have done many of those. I was stinking falling appart on the bike rides. The pull ups were my bain today. No rythm to them at all it was just gut and go. Kettle bell swings were not bad my back has been terrible so I did drop from what should have been 55lbs to 50lbs. There were a few time at the end I could feel my back barking at me to stop. All Kettlebell swings were unbroken. Wish I could say the same for the pull ups. The last set was the only unbroken set. I do like doing extra on the bike to be sure I get the work in. However I left ahead of Jen on the last round and she was done with the run of 400 before I was done with the 800. Still need to do some figuring.

Jen and I did this together. She finished in 23:39.

Monday, July 19, 2010

21 - 15 - 9 sit-ups, push-ups, body squats, burpees

Met-con = it has been a while since i have cross fitted

21 - 15 - 9

Sit ups, push ups, bodysquats, burpees

1 - 3:08
2 - 2:46
3 - 1:48

My back is killing me from all the driving over the last three weeks. At least I hope it is the driving. I have not hurt this bad for a long time. I am going to do the WOD tomorrow come he-- or high water we shall see.

Friday, July 9, 2010

100ft lunge, pull ups, sit ups

Walking lunge 100 ft.
21 Pull-ups
21 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
18 Pull-ups
18 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
15 Pull-ups
15 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
12 Pull-ups
12 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
9 Pull-ups
9 Sit-ups
Walking Lunge 100 ft.
6 Pull-ups
6 Sit-ups

1 - 1:54
2 - 2:21
3 - 2:43
4 - 2:34
5 - 1:50 = Total 11:24
6 - I think I missed this round. I wrote the work out on the board but I think I forgot to write down to 6. I am so torked right now I can hardly stand it. This is the first time I have not finished a work out since I started this stuff having to adapt. AHHHHH!!!!!

My guess is that the last set would have taken my about the same time or a bit faster. So as a guess possibly 1:40 on the set for a 13:04. This still has me fuming.

Jen came in and did this one with me as well. She used bench as assist for pull ups but was doing 5 with no help then went into the rest of the set. Time 15:11

Looks like I will be finding an off day to do this one again.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Almost Day off, push ups, sit ups, body squats, burpees

Well planned on day off but the rain was hammering this am. Got in for morning practice and we ran inside. After 4 laps we did 4 rounds of Sit ups, push ups, body squats and burpees, 25 per set and then run a lap. I stayed at the front door and did the sets with the kids as the groups came by. I ended up hitting 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 75 body squats and this is the crazy one 130 burpees. I was shot after this one was over. Imagine.....

Back still hurting but better than yesterday. The awesome Dr. L. has recomended a Backectomoy. Thanks Dr. L..

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Bike 30K

Bike 30K

Biked 20.25 miles today. From home to red barn loop to 32 then over to max loop to three whistle bridge then home. Jen went 18.2. We are both shot. My back is killing me the last few days. Today it is a little better but not much.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Complete AMR in 15 minutes as you can of: 50 pound dumbbell Push jerk, 5 reps, 7 Box jumps, 30 inch box

Complete as many rounds in 15 minutes as you can of: 12 rounds

50 pound dumbbell Push jerk, 5 reps

7 Box jumps, 30 inch box

1 - .53
2 - missed hitting the watch here, roughly 1:18 for 2 and 3.
3 - 2:36
4 - 1:18
5 - 1:31
6 - 1:10
7 - 1:20
8 - 1:23
9 - 1:14
10 - 1:25
11 - 1:18
12 - .53 Finished this round at 15:06 so went 6 seconds over but finished the round

This one was a burner. Jen came in after morning practice and Ashley Lawson came and did this one too. She and Jen were on 26 inch box and I was on the 30. They used 20lbs dumbbells and I was on the 50's. My back is hurting pretty good today I guess from coming off the pull up bar yesterday. I did a few warm ups with the 50's on the push jerk and was sure I was going to have to scale down. Once we got started I got in a grove and things went fine. Back still pretty sore I will get some alieve in me and hang upside down a few times. We shall see how things go.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Ten rounds for time of: 10 pull ups, 10 dips, 10 sit ups, 10 squats

Ten rounds for time of: 19:40

10 Pull-ups

10 Dips Did not have rings so I used dip rack

10 Sit-ups

10 Squats

1 - 1:13
2 - 1:20
3 - 1:34
4 - 1:53
5 - 1:52
6 - 2:15
7 - 2:12
8 - 2:37
9 - 2:49
10 - 1:50
Total = 19:40

This one was solid though my head still was not right as with the last few workouts. All rounds as RX'ed. All sets were unbroken no pause or rest. All rests were at end of sets. Rounds 3 - 5 I took roughly 20 to 30 seconds rest so my times were pretty consistant on exercise if I was to guess. After round 5 I was taking close to 50 seconds to 50 seconds + rest at end of rounds. So again I think my rounds were pretty consistant on exercises. I wish I had splits on rest and on tasks.

Jen did the work out as well. Pull ups were with a bench toes hooked. Dips were the same with bench under toes so full range of motion was done just with aid.
TIME TOTAL = 26:39

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Out of town at parents, Thruster, Push ups, Body Squat, SDLHP, Sit ups

For time: 11:15

21 - 15 - 9

Thruster = 90lbs
Push Ups
Body Squat
Sumo Dead Lift High Pulls = 90lbs

1 - 4:54
2 - 4:11 took 30 second break after round 1
3 - 2:09
Total 11:15

Thruster and SDLHP were done with a very old set of weights of Dads. Used 90 lbs on a smaller bar than olympic size. Need to get back to main site workouts. My head was just not in this one.

Jen did 25lbs curl bar.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Unpacking From Trip = Body Squats Situps LATE

4 Rounds for Time:

25 Body Squats

50 Situps no foot hold

Back is killing me from all the driving. Needed to get something in.

1 - 1:52
2 - 2:53
3 - 3:09
4 - 2:48

Overall = 10:43

6/29/10 Vacation 150 Burpees for Time

For time: 15:58

150 Burpees

This one was inspired by Amanda Mc., she is a stud. She finished in 14:32.
I finished in 15:58.

Jen ran 4 miles before we did this and she adapted to 75. She finished in 8:29.

Just feel exhausted feeling drained. Tons of hiking in the heat today though the sights are beautiful.

6/28/10 On Vacation Adaptation work out

5 rounds for time:

10 Thrusters = 25lbs dumbell for me and 10 for Jen.

20 Push ups feet elevated 30in = Picnic Table

30 Sit ups no foot hold hands to feet and back over head.

1 - 1:48
2 - 2:30
3 - 3:11
4 - 3:36
5 - 3:08

Total = 14:15

Did this at the camp site with Jen. Many a camper walked by wondering what the heck we were doing. Decent work out. We hiked several miles after into the canyon at Petit Jean Arkansas State park to see the waterfall and then to bear cave.

Yesterdays pull ups have killed me. My back is hurting pretty good all over and my right forearm that has given me trouble for months is on fire. When I stretch my arm straight out and bend my wrist in, the back of my hand burns like I have nerve damage. I am falling appart.