Thursday, February 28, 2013

KB Swings, GHD's

5 Rounds for time:
20 KB Swings at 45lbs
10 GHD's
1 - 1:20
2 - 1:19
3 - 1:14
4 - 1:16
5 - 1:16
Total time - 6:26

Just wanted to get something in.   I struggled to get workouts in this month with my back and arm.  I have not gotten my push-ups and crunches in for a while.  I have to get back on that tonight.

Crunches - 1000
Push-ups - 100

Total for the year
Crunches - 23,000
Push-ups - 2,200

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Power Clean and Jerk, Power Snatch, Burpees

30 - Power Clean and Jerk at 75 lbs
5 min rest
50 - Power Snatch at 75 lbs
10 min rest
3 minutes Burpees as many as possible.

30 - PC&J - 1:58 felt solid could have gone a bit faster but just wanted to keep a good pace.  UNBROKEN
50 - PS - 6:20 this one hacked me off.  I did two sets of ten to start and was not in a good rhythm.  For some reason I picked up the bar for the next set and felt great.  Still had to focus so I did not hurt my back but I strung 30 together.  I know I could have gone 6 flat or sub 6 if I had started like I finished.
BURPEES - 47 Sucked big time here.  I will say they were true chest to floor and full jumping jack over head.  Either way I just could not drop the hammer here.  47 stinks.  I did feel a bit better about how hard I was working.  My heart rate was 170 beats per minute at 60 seconds on the floor.

2/26/13 Bench Press, Push Press

Got another cortisone shot in my elbow/bicep brachiallis today.  So I had to skip several elements today.  I ended up pushing to hard on the push press anyway.

Bench Press 3 - 2 - 1 rest 2 minutes between sets
135 - 10 times
185 - 8 times
205 - 3 times
225 - 3 times
235 - 2 times
245 - 1 time but came off bench again not happy.  I have been working when we do bench which is not very often to keep a flat back usually with feet up.  I think I need to just back down and stop trying to go high when I am not ready.  A year or so ago when we put a little more time for a few months on bench press I was able to hit 245 up I think 2 times with a flat back but feet on the floor.

Push Press
10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2, rest 1 minute

135, 140, 145, 150, 155

This was rough and stressed my arm.


First day of track!
The entire team was in the weight room doing a home grown Bayless WOD.  Kid were in groups of 8 with two different exercises per group.  4 on 1 exercise and 4 on another exercise.

The kids were paired up and one of the kids needed a partner for the harness pulls.
So I held and pulled.
8 pulls down and back 25 meters down and 25 meters back, and 8 holds same distance
Set up like a tabata 20 seconds on 10 seconds off.  10 seconds was the switch harness time.

Had a good burn by the end of these.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Weighted Box step ups, Jump Rope, Push Press, Toes to bar

Weighted chain box step ups.
4 sets of 2 each leg
Both chains on the belt and a 35lb KB in each hand

2 rounds for time:
200 Jump-rope singles
50 Shoulder to over head - I did push press
25 Toes to bar
1 - 5:22
2 - 7:50
Total time - 13:13

Wheels felt like they were coming off at the end of the first round.  The snow days and sitting around not really being able to do anything had me feeling sluggish.

Crunches - 1000
Push-ups - 100

Total for the year
Crunches - 22,000
Push-ups - 2,100


Neighbor is a Highway Patrolmen
He had to work the grave yard shift and coming into our street is rough.  I did not want him to get stuck at 4am coming home.  With even just the little traffic the street had seen we had about 1 and a half to 2 inches of packed ice.  Where there was gravel it was not to bad.  I had to use my floor scraper to get up the ice.  I shoveled steady for about an hour clearing about a lane and a half about 20 plus yards long so we can get in.  I had sweat rolling off me.  I skipped any other workout for the day after that.  My back was pretty sore.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Squat Cleans and toes to bar

10 min amrap:

Squat clean 135
(perform 4 toes to bar on the top of each minute)
1 - 9
2 - 5
3 - 5
4 - 5
5 - 4
6 - 4

7 - 5
8 - 4
9 - 4
10 - 5
Total - 50 reps

This one had me pretty apprehensive.  Daniel came in and I am glad he did.  I was going to start with toes to bar.  Which was wrong.  I felt good the first 3 rounds then I started to fatigue.  The four rounds I did 4 I think I could have gotten a 5th but did not want to press getting to the toes to bar.  I was on the floor when I finished this one.  Exactly 15 minutes after I finished the WOD I puked.  Couple of reasons this was good and bad.  First the bad.  1. I was puking, 2. I ate at 5 guys burgers for lunch and I was tasting left over bacon cheese burger and Cajun fries.  The Good - 1. I had worked out hard enough that I was puking, 2 - I had eaten at 5 guys for lunch and was tasting bacon cheese burger and Cajun fries.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


For time:
9 - 7 - 5
Squat clean thrusters - 125 lbs
Dynamic push ups two 45lb bumper plates stacked, 1 jumping pull up, Dynamic push up.
1 - 3:10
2 - 3:59
3 - 2:52
Total time: 10:03

2/17/13 A mess

Did some Snatches at a light weight.

Deadlift just was not working.

WOD was supposed to be Deadlift and Handstand push-ups.

I dropped the weight from 295 to 225 hoping that would help.  I also was going to do shoulder strict press to sub for HSPU.

My back felt decent when I woke up.  But the lifts just did not feel right. 

I started the WOD and was actually dropping the hex cage so that I did not have the stress of lowering the bar.  My back shifted on rep number 12 and I was done.  I just can't figure it out. 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Tire Slams, Ball Slams Duck unders, Jedi Ropes, Dynamic Push-ups, Mason/Russian Twists

For time:
15 - 12 - 9 - 6 - 3
Tire Slams LT side
Ball Slam duck unders
Tire Slams RT side
Jedi Rope Swings
Dynamic Push-ups
Russian/Mason Twists
Rest the same number of seconds of reps preformed - ex 15sec, 12sec so on
1 - 3:17
rest 15sec
2 - 2:55
rest 12sec
3 - 2:04
rest 9sec
4 - 1:20
rest 6sec
5 - :40
Total time with rest - 11:04

Good one today.  Struggled first and second round to get in a rythm.  Then seemed to get rolling.  The push-ups hammered me.

Crunches - 1000
Push-ups - 100
Total for year
Crunches - 21,000
Push-ups - 2,000

Friday, February 15, 2013

KBS, Jump-rope, SDLHP

For time:

100 KBS - 55lbs
200 Double-unders, 400 Singles
30 SDLHP - 45lbs
1 - 3:03
2 - 4:23
3 - 58.90
Total time - 8:24

Sucked it up big time on the Jump-rope.  KB Swings were unbroken.  Wanted to break at about 50 but I knew if I pushed I could get this unbroken.  By 80 I did not know if I could get it done.  The last 10 were miserable.  This effected my jumps but I was stoked I got them unbroken.  I struggled to even get the rope moving for about 30 seconds.  Did sets of 100 on the Rope.  I was worried about the SDLHP's and my a arms.  We shall see.  They still hurt but had recovered about 90% by the time I started. 

Crunches - 1000
Push-ups - 100

Total for year
Crunches - 20,000
Push-ups - 2,400

Thursday, February 14, 2013

2/13/13 Strict Press, Ring Dips, Thrusters

A. Strict press clusters x 5; rest 15 seconds/rest 2 min
Warmed up

1st Cluster was 95
2nd Cluster was 105
3rd Cluster was 115
4th Cluster was 125
5th Cluster was 135 got 1, 2, fail 3,4, got 5

B. Ring dips; 50 for time (1:58.9) Did 26 at 38sec, then did sets of 10, 10, 4)
For time:
Thrusters 115/65#
CTB chin ups Skipped these because I am a mess.  I got home and crashed.  Body just will not recover.  really not sure what is going on.  Biceps are hurting so bad I can hardly stand it.  I can't straighten my arms with out serious discomfort.
Rested 2 min between rounds.

Round 1 x 20= 2:20
Round 2 x 15 = 2:59
Round 3 x 10 = 1:28
Round 4 x 5 = 16.86 wore belt
Total time was - 13:06

I can't seem to recover.  Like I said above I got home after this and crashed.  Something is going on with my body.  Can't straighten my arms, muscles in my back hurt to the touch.  I hope this is just my February funk.  I have not really struggled with this the last few years. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

KB Swings, Sprints

12min on the minute perform
10 KB Swings - 2 Pood
60 yard sprint

I was averaging roughly 27 to 30 seconds per interval.  I screwed up my splits.  The only time I have felt good for the last 5 or so days is after workouts.  I hurt all over and I am not recovering.  I am eating pretty decent and I am back up to 196lbs.  My right arm bicep bracialis hurt almost the entire length of the muscle and my left arm is hurting now.  I am freaking falling appart.  I took most of the fall off and the arm did not get better so time off is not the key but something has to break.  Obviously I what I am doing is irritating the crap out of it.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Back Squat with chains, Power Clean, No Push-up Burpees

Back Squat 4 - 4 - 4 - 4- 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 with 2 min rest between sets
4 x 185, 4 x 195, 4 x 195, 4 x 200,  2 x 210, 2 x 210, 2 x 215, 2 x 215
Only went to 205 last time.  Just dumb luck today because I forgot to look.  Decent jump from last time on Februrary 11th.  Just read that the chains weigh roughly 40+ lbs at the top and 20 something at the bottom. So I guess the weights above would have 40lbs added.  Not sure if the guys did that or not.  So I guess 225, 235, 235, 240, 250, 250, 255, 255.  I would have to agree with the weight estimation here. I am taller than the other guys so when I stand all the way up after I take it off the rack at the start of my squat the chains are off the ground.  That still is not going to make a ton of difference in the weight though.  I would not think.  Have to ask the guys if they are adding the chain weight on when they post. 

Skipped Snatch running out of time and back not feeling good.

7 Rounds for time
7 Power Cleans
7 No push-up burpees Lateral bar jumps
1 - 1:04
2 - 1:18
3 - 1:42 - had to go open the door
4 - 1:40
5 - 1:30
6 - 1:43
7 - 1:29
Total time - 10:27

Back hurt during the squats. Wierd right hip stuff.  I wanted more weight but decided against it.  WOD was not bad but with out someone to race I gamed it to much.  My back has been hurting so much lately I just took it to easy.  I struggle with not doing a push up on the burpees.  Funny how patterned I have become.  I was to patient on the cleans and should and could have gone way faster.

Crunches 1000
Push-ups 100

Total for year
Crunches - 19,000
Push-ups - 2,300

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Wall ball, pull-ups, Jump rope, Sit-ups, Body Squats

For time: 25:35
100 Wallball
75 Pull-ups
50 Wallball
25 Pull-ups
50 Sit-ups
150 Jump Ropes
100 Body Squats
1 - 4:02
2 - 7:02
3 - 3:12
4 - 3:34
5 - 1:45
6 - 2:14
7 - 3:43
Total time - 25:35

The pull-ups ate my lunch.  I have not been able to do hardly any with my bicep being jacked up.  It has been hurting pretty good the last 2 weeks.  Just struggled here.  I also forgot how many jumpropes and had to stop after 75 and go check my phone which I had to unlock and then find the picture of the WOD.  DUMB!  Squats hammered me too with the pistols from the other day.  I don't think the traveling yesterday helped.  Jen's grandma passed this week so lots of stress for her and the family.  I should have been way faster at this one.  Have to take the good with the bad.  At least I got it in.  I had to miss this Friday for the above reasons and today was supposed to be off.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Heavy Bench, Seated Box Jumps, Sprint 40 yards

Heavy Bench
10 x 135
8 x 185
3 x 205
3 x 225
1 x 235
1 x 245 but came about an inch off bench.  Not happy!  Got it but struggled.

7 rounds for time
3 seated Box Jumps 3ft box
Sprint 40 meters
2 min rest
1 - 24.62 2 - 24.23 3 - 23.21 4 - 22.27 5 - 23.85 6 - 23.44 7 - 21.84 Total time with rest - 14:45

Had to run out the door and up to the pavement edge.  Did sprint down the gravel.  This took a few seconds.  I also could barely get my knees up the first 2 rounds from yesterday.  Jumps were interesting.

Crunches - 1000
Push-ups - 100

Total for year
Crunches - 18,000
Push-ups - 2,200

2/7/13 Power Clean, Dead-lift, Pistol Squats, SDLHP

Heavy Power Clean to a 1 rep.  205lbs
135 x 5
155 x 3
185 x 1
195 x 1
205 x 1
210 x FAIL
Have to be happy here.  Back has been a mess and I have not done this much for a long time.  However this was not a squat clean.  The workout called for Hang Clean.  I just can't do that with my back.  Motion jars to much.  Super happy.
NEXT Deficit Dead-lift, in cage stood on 1 level high bumper plates (SUCKED)
Progression 3 reps x 3 rounds with 2 min recovery
Warm up - 250
3 x 275
3 x 280
3 x 285
These were terrible.  Used a belt.  Back did not hurt but I just could not get the bar going.

For time:
30 Power Clean at 165lbs (supposed to be hang clean but I had to come off the floor each time)
50 Pistol Squats - 25 each leg, used rope for stabilizer.  (still suck at these)
200 x 45lb SDLHP
1 - 4:34
2 - 6:50
3 - 7:09
Total time - 18:34

Power clean took for ever having to come off the floor each time.  But also felt good to just do power clean.  Pistol squats hammered me.  I am typing this 24hours later and my legs still hurt.  SDLHP's were solid.

Crunches - 500
Push-ups - 100

Total for year
Crunches - 17,000
Push-ups - 2,100

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

2/5/13 Crunches/Push-ups/KB Swings (late night)

Did my 1000 crunches
100 Push-ups and
100 x 35lb KB swings
at 10:30pm. 

Someone got sick at school and I covered their Club, so I was busy till 6pm. Then had to get kids to TKD.  Just did not have time to get WOD in that was for today.  Missed a good one.  Arm is hurting again and cant get in for the next cortizone shot for another 2 weeks.  The Filthy 50 kicked the snot out of me.  I have a few sore spots that should not be there. 

From above
Crunches - 1000
Push-ups - 100

Total for year
Crunches - 16,500
Push-ups - 2,000

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Filthy Fifty

For time: 23:14 New PR

50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
1 - 2:56
2 - :47
3 - 1:49
4 - 1:20
5 - 3:57
6 - 1:03
7 - 1:28 could have been way faster, smashed my jiblits kept having to re-adjust
8 -  2:46
9 - 6:00.05 goal was 6 or under.
10 - 1:03
Total time:  23:14 NEW PR, and I could have gone faster on a few and not be any more taxed.  I am pretty happy now. 

Daniel and I came in early this am to get this one in.  We did not discuss it but both of us were in almost 30 minutes early than we planned to meet.  Aparaently we both have sore parts and wanted to get some movement before this.  Pretty solid day for both of us.  I was on the floor but up pretty quickly after. 

Previous times:

1/23/12 = 26:31
7/6/11 = 33:42
12/15/10 = 23:30
4/16/10 = 25:54

Crunches - 1000
Push-ups - 100

Total for year -
Crunches - 15,500
Push-ups - 1,900