Friday, February 28, 2014

Bench press, Toes to bar, Box jumps, KB Swings, Prowler Push

5 Rounds for time, (kind of)
10 x Bench Press @ 135lbs
10 x Toes to bar
10 x Box jump - lg black box
10 x KB Swings @ 35lbs
1   x Prowler push x 2 x 45lb plates
1 minute rest
1 - 2:47
2 - 2:41
3 - 2:40
4 - 2:27
5 - 2:19
Total time w/ rest - 16:57

Donated blood today, so I am down a pint.  Did not want to push very hard.  I walked between stations.  I hit my gallon club marker today with the blood drive.  Since I was not pushing at all I am really surprised that I got faster each round.  Some of it was that I was getting out of breath but I started cold and was getting warmed up as I went.  I had a good rolling sweat going by the end.  I kind of kept waiting for the lack of blood to hit me and it did not.

AM - Stationary Bike

Stationary Bike
30 minutes
Fat Burn setting

Monday, February 24, 2014

Bench Press, KB Swings, SDLHP, Single Arm SDLHP

Started with bench press
10 x 135
10 x 185
9 x 205
4 x 225

30 x 35lb KB Swings
30 x 55lb KB Swings
30 x 35lb SDLHP
30 x 55lb SDLHP
15 x 35lb Single arm SDLHP Rt arm
15 x 35lb Single arm SDLHP Lt arm

Had to leave early to get Anna from track practice.  Though I can tell I am still feeling the effects of the workout from last Tuesday.  My bench press stunk today though it was a bit rushed.  The KB Swings and SDLHP had me winded.  I hope I come out of this soon.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Tire Slams, KB Swings, GHD's, Pull-ups, Mason Twists, Dips, Burpees

3 Rounds for time - kind of:
10 Tire slams - 5 each side
10 KB Swings @ 55lbs
10 GHD's
10 Pull-ups
50 Mason Twists
10 Dips
10 Burpees
1 - 5:21
2 - 5:11
3 - 4:44
Total time - 15:17

Anna came up with this one.  Emily, Anna and I brought Abby in to do a workout today.  We had a good time.  I am still feeling Tuesday.  Holy cow.  I got tired fast on this so I just went through the motions.  My back seemed to get a bit sore as I progressed into round 2 so I was also a bit nervous.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Knees to chest, squats, iron crosses, wall sits, Burpee pull-ups, obliques, elevated push-ups, flat abs

2 Rounds for completion w/ Emily
35 - Knees to elbows
15 - Body Squats
25 - Iron Crosses - used 5lbs because I am beat
1:15 - wall sit
7 - Burpee pull-ups
50 - Obliques
15 - Elevated Push-ups
45 - Flat abs

The girls and I did a sled push relay.  I would start us off down and back.  Then Anna would take it then Emily would take the sled each girl going down and back.
Round 1 - 2 x 25lb plates
Round 2 - 4 x 25lb plates
Round 3 - 0 plates - just sled
This was quite a bit of fun.

I am still beat up and healing from Armageddon.  I did this one side by side with Emily.  Good time.  Anna designed this one too.  Ladies on the sled.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Calf Raises, GHD's, Mason Twists, KB Swings, Lunges, Walking Push-ups

3 Rounds for completion
35 Weighted Calf Raises @ 30 lbs dumbbells
10 GHD's
40 Mason Twists
15 KB Swings @ 50lbs
20 Lunges
10 Walking Push-ups @ 30lbs dumbbells

Did this one with Emily today, Anna's design.  We had fun.  I thought it might work out some of the soreness but no dice.  I still am just as sore.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Post Armageddon

I have steadily gotten more sore as the day has progressed.  I wanted to get in and do some movement.
10 - toes to bar
5 - pull-ups
3 x 10 lunges
3 x 10 GHD'S
30 - KB Swings @ 35lbs
Bench Press
10 x 135
6 x 185
6 x 185
10 x 135
5 tall black box jumps
Lots of stretching.

My quads are getting more and more sore.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


100 Pull-ups - 8:37 - 20 then sets of 10
100 Toes-to-bar - 14:06 - by the last 20 I could barely hold onto the bar.  Did in sets of 10 after 1st 20
100 Front Squats - 7:19 w/ 45lb bar
100 Burpees - 19:07 - sets of 10 and 20, should have gone faster here
100 Rope Climbers - 2:26 - ab movement on floor reaching for toes arms start at chest and finish and extended toes
100 sec Wall-sits - 2:50 took this long to get 1:40
100 Push Press - 5:56 w/ 45lb bar - sets of 25 kind of
100 sec Plank - 2:05 took this long to get 1:40, we did this on elbows
100 Wall Ball 20lb ball - 11:43 - 4 sets of 25
100 Push-ups - 6:34 - 25 narrow, 25 wide, 25 narrow, 25 wide
100 Crunches - ??? Forgot to hit split I knew I would forget one!
100 Body Squats - 4:43
TOTAL TIME - 1 hour 25 minutes

Holy cow this was brutal!  I probably could have gone a bit faster but I just wanted to finish this one. It does not make much difference.  It is 3 hours since the finish and I am beat.  I will say that every rep is legit.  I really focused on every rep being full range of motion pull-ups through body squats.  Burpees were chest to floor on push-up part and full extension on jump clap.  Pull-ups were full arm extension and to neck over bar, Push-ups were deep to floor.  There was not an exercise I skimped on.  I went into this with the mentality of survival.  I knew it was tough and I wanted to do it right, so I knew I did all the elements correctly and 100%.  Proof of how tough this one is, by the burpees my legs were quivering.  Did this with a few of the boys.  Great job gentlemen!

Post work out ice bath

Monday, February 17, 2014

Armageddon prep

Just flowed around the weight room.  Just posting each exercise and number of reps.  Broke most of them into sets of 10 and 20.

Very narrow bench - @135lbs x 35reps x 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps
Toes-to-bar - 30 reps x 3 sets of 10
Pull-ups - 20 reps - 4 sets of 5 reps nice and slow full extensions
Tire slams 25lb bar - 60 reps - 3 sets of 20 reps - 10 rt side 10 left side slams
Tall black box jump - 10 jumps
Front Squat w/ 45lb bar x 10 deep A to G

Lots of stretching

Took an ice bath for 20 min tonight.  Water was 36 deg.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

HEAVY Prowler Push

     450 lbs on the sled

5 Sets of heavy Prowler Push
2 x Prowler Push - 2 plates = 90lbs Down and back 2 times
1 min rest
2 x Prowler Push - 4 plates = 180lbs Down and back 2 times
1 min rest
2 x Prowler Push - 6 plates = 270lbs Down and back 2 times
2 min rest
1 x Prowler Push - 8 plates = 360lbs Down and back 1 time
2 min rest
1 x Prowler Push - 10 plates = 450lbs Down and back 1 time

1 - 32.59
2 - 51.02
3 - 2:03 this is when I decided I needed to cut a rep on the last 2 rounds
4 - 1:11
5 - 1:27
Total time w/ rest - 12:07

I hit the split on the watch only after I had the sled turned back around ready for the next round.  During the rest I put the next two plates on for the next rounds.

I knew this was going to be hard but holy cow.  I had planned 2 trips down and back on all rounds but after the 6 plate round I knew I would not make it for 2 down and backs for the last two rounds so I adjusted to one down and back.  It was everything I had to finish the last 2 plus rounds.  When I hit the floor on the end of the last round my calves were on fire, to be specific my soleus muscles were on fire.  The pain was so bad I could hardly stand it.  I tried to drain my legs and that made it worse.  I finally just laid there and dealt with the pain.  It finally subsided about 5 minutes after I finished.  The crazy thing is that now 3 hours later they are not sore at all.  This makes me nervous for tonight or tomorrow.  As bad as they hurt I can not believe they wont be sore at some point.  The last rep of round 3 and round 4 and 5 I was pretty much to a walk pushing the sled.

2/15/14 District Wrestling movement

Wanted just a bit of movement today since I was not going to have time for a workout.  8 hours today in a chair scoring wrestling.  Went to weight room before things started up.

5 sets of
5 pull ups
10 toes to bar
5 push ups

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Bench Press, Front Squat

5 rounds not for time:
10 x 135lbs Bench Press - more narrow than normal
5   x 135lbs Front Squat - A to G

Pretty sore from the last few days.  Just wanted an easy workout and wanted some full range of motion squats.  I was A to G on these.  Really focused on good form and very tight core.  I got loose one time and my right side lower back bit a little.  Same place as a week or so ago.  That was set 2 and from there on out I really slowed down went as deep as I could go with chest up and core solid.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Heavy Prowler Sled Push, Butterfly Sit-ups, Military Push-ups

4 Rounds for time of:
1 Prowler Push Down and Back - 270lbs on sled - 6 x 45lbs plates
25 Butterfly Sit-ups
25 Military Push-ups
1 min rest

1 - 1:14
2 - 1:37
3 - 1:48
4 - 1:34
Total time - 9:14

Wanted a short powerful blast today.  Last two days have been decent.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Pull-ups, Lunges, Toes-to-bar

8 Rounds for time:
10 Pull-ups
20 Lunges
10 Toes-to-bar
1   Min rest

1 - 1:10
2 - 1:16
3 - 1:12
4 - 1:11
5 - 1:09
6 - 1:13
7 - 1:18
8 - 1:07
Total time - 16:41

This ended up being a bit tougher than I planned.  I had anticipated moving through smoothly and doing strict pull-ups.  By round 3/4 I was in to a kipping but I did focus on full extension and chin over bar.  Toast by the end.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Bench Press, Box Jump, Ring Push-up, Prowler Sled Push

Started with Bench Press
10 x 135
10 x 185
10 x 205
6 x   225
10 x 135
Solid round of bench today.  I think it helped having Daniel today.  I flowed through the sets.  I might have gotten a 7th on 225 but it would have been iffy.  I did not push to far on that set.

10 Rounds for time of:
10 Box Jumps - tall black box
5 Ring Push-ups
1 Prowler Push
1 minute rest
1 - 1:08
2 - 1:10
3 - 1:02
4 - 1:00
5 - 1:03
6 - 1:05
7 - 1:06
8 -1:10
9 - 1:06
10 - :56
Total time - 19:00 with rest.

Daniel called to get me in.  I am glad he did.  I have been dragging with hurting my back last week.  This was a good one.  I cut my rest each round ranging 4 to 10 seconds.  I wanted to start with Daniel each round so I had motivation to keep driving and he had something to push him.  I took my full min before round 10 and it helped a bit but I doubt I could have consistently been under 1 minute each round even with a full 60seconds rest.  Thanks for the call Daniel.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

KB Swings, Toes to bar, Thrusters, SDLHP's, Prowler Push

4 Rounds for time of:
20 KB Swings @ 45lbs
20 Toes to bar
2.  Thrusters
20 SDLHP's @ 45lbs
2.  Prowler Pushes - down and back x 2
2 min rest
1 - 3:06
2 - 3:30
3 - 4:06
4 - 4:34
Total time w/ rest - 21:17

It was hard but I was enjoying this one until round 3.  I felt a twinge mid back in thrusters then on the SDLHP my pelvis shifted on rep 6 or 8 and I felt my low back start to seize up.  I finished the round and the last but skipped the thrusters last round.  I also slowed way down.  I can only guess that the thruster weakened me and then I got loose in my core.  This sucks.  I have been doing tons better with my back over the last few weeks.  I can't miss any workouts with this.  I am going to hang a bunch today and hope for the best.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Stationary Bike

30 minutes Stationary Bike
Fat Burn Setting

2/3/14 - Russian KB Swings, GHD'S, Walking push-ups, Burpees, Single arm SDLHP's

4 rounds for time of:
10 Russian KB swings
10 GHD'S
10 walking push ups 35lbs
10 Burpees
20 Single arm SDLHP 10 each side
90 seconds rest
1 - 2:47
2 - 3:04
3 - 2:40
4 - 2:38
Total time with rest - 15:40

I was having a hard time getting motivated today.  Austin came in after school and announced he was ready to hit a good one.  I finally got motivated.  Thanks Austin.   Daniel did this one a few weeks ago.  Another good one.  Different set up.  I pushed hard to blast the last two rounds.  Like with my day I was having a hard time getting rolling in this.  Once I got into the movement I was able to drop the hammer.

Did things a bit backward today.  Wanting to get going with the kids I did the workout first and did heavy bench after.  It was fun because I went and got Anna.  She tried bench for the first time.  She was wobbly but was able to do the bar 3 or so times.  Anna wanted to feel some of the heavier weights so she would get in there and I would lift it so she could feel.  Good time.

10 x 135
10 x 185
10 x 205
3 x 225 fell apart here I should have been able to hit at least 6.
10 x 135

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Push-ups, Sit-ups, Body squats

10 Min AMRAP
10 Push-ups
10 Butterfly sit-ups
10 Body squats
Finished 15 rounds
1 - 37.79
2 - 43.47
3 - 40.92
4 - 40.99
5 - 40.29
6 - 39.87
7 - 37.82
8 - 38.86
9 - 38.15
10 - 39.62
11 - 40.11
12 - 39.88
13 - 40.86
14 - 40.06
15 - 36.75
Total time for 15 full rounds - 9:55.44

1st of the month.  I wanted to start the month off right.  Not necessarily with a great workout but just to start the month off with a workout.