Monday, September 29, 2014

9/28/14 PM Family Fun

The Longs and the Bandy's went for some rough trail riding this afternoon.  Covered roughly 10 miles of some pretty decent terrain.  Only had a hand full of crashes ;-).  A great time was had by all.  Beautiful weather and great fellowship.

9/28/14 AM WOD

4 Rounds
30 foot Rope Wind down
10 Toes to bar
10 dumbbell push press 40 lbs each arm
10 dumbbell full squats 40 lbs each arm
30 foot Rope Wind back
90 seconds rest
1 - 1:37
2 - 1:24
3 - 1:27
4 - 1:31
Total time w/ rest - 10:26

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Short WOD with CC kids

1 round
40 KB Swings @ 55lbs
40 SDLHP @ 55lbs
40 Push-ups (narrow hands)
50/50 Mirror Runs 50 rt leg forward 50 lt leg forward
30 Toes-to-bar

Hit punching bag for about 10 minutes

September 16th Meet set up day

Drove Fence posts (roughly 50) most of the morning and found a great adaptation for the sled push.

The porta-poties had to be moved and no one was there to get that done.

September 21st

5 Rounds
10 Ring Dips
10 Med Ball Cleans
10 Supline Rows (rings)
Down and back Sled Push on pavement (these burnt today)
1 min rest

1 - 1:20
2 - 1:08
3 - 1:08
4 - 1:12
5 - 1:34 - Blasted rt knee cap on rack safety bar coming out to do cleans.  Hurt like crazy. Still tender to touch 2 days later as I post this.
Total w/ rest - 10:24

September 20th

Started with Bench Press
10 x 135
6 x 185
3 x 205
1 x 240
1 x 240
1 x 240
5 x 205
10 x 135

10/10 - 20 Punching Bag (punches) - Alternating Right and Left swings
10/10 - 20 Punching Bag (kicks) - Alternating Right and Left Kicks
10 - Rack abs did these a week or so ago.  Feet in bottom of pull-up racks touching back pad at top
10 - Ball Slams
10 - Wall Ball
1 min rest

1 - 2:27
2 - 2:23
3 - 2:24
4 - 2:30
5 - 2:30
6 - 2:33
Total time w/ rest - 19:39

September 17th

4 Rounds
5 - Pull-ups Chest to Bar
5/5 - 10 Single arm KB Swings @30lbs
15 - Weighted Step ups medium box with 40lbs each arm
20 - GHD's
1 min rest

1 - 2:01
2 - 2:00
3 - 2:03
4 - 2:18
Total w/ rest - 11:23

Box step ups were awful.  I was in rough shape by round 3. 

September 14th

5 Rounds
1 Barbell - ab roll - Partner style - Ron-Daniel-R-D-R - first man starts and motors on hands feet on bar and switches with other man.
20 Lunges
10 KB swings @ 55lbs
5 Burpee Bar Overs
1 min rest

1 - 1:54
2 - 1:51
3 - 1:52
4 - 1:58
5 - 2:06
Total w/ rest - 13:44

Sucked at the Bar overs today.  Had to cheat on just about every one after round 1.

September 13

5 Rounds
10 - Ball Slams
10 - Goblet Squats
20 - Ab (feet locked at back of pull-up racks at mirrors and full sit-up with a 8lbs med ball touching back pad over head) great new ab movement.  Good work Daniel.
10 Jumping Jack Push-ups

1 - 1:16
2 - 1:18
3 - 1:26
4 - 1:36
5 - 1:42
Total time - 11:21

September 1st

5 Rounds
10 Partner Ball Slams - stood 15 to 20 feet apart and did a ball slam for distance to the partner they caught and returned in same fashion
30 Jump Rope
15 straight leg swings (ab)
16 dumbbell Push up swings - swinging one arm up and over body to full extension alternating arms with each rep.
1 min rest

1 - 2:29 
2 - 2:42
3 - 2:51
4 - 3:00
5- 2:48
Total time - 17:54

August 30th

5 Rounds
5 Burpee Bar Overs
10 Weighted Sit-ups
10 Push Press
1 Harness Pull
1 min rest

1 - 2:15
2 - 2:06
3 - 2:03
4 - 2:05
5 - 2:20
Total w/ rest - 14:50

New element with the Bar overs.  

August 27th

4 Rounds
6 partner Ball Side Throws 20lb ball
50 Jump ropes
10/10 - 20 total 1 arm Clean and Jerk - 40 lbs 
1 Sled Push @ 90lbs on the sled
1:30 rest

1 - 1:49
2 - 1:44
3 - 1:48
4 - 1:44
Total time - Lost total time?

Since we have lost a wall to do wall slams on we still wanted this element.  Daniel and I stood about 15 to 20 feet apart and did the same motion as the Wall Slam throwing motion but throwing to each other in the air, catching and returning.  Great exercise adaptation.

August 25th w/ CC kids 99.5 deg / Heat Index 102deg

6 Rounds
400 Meters
15 Weighted sit-ups 25lb plate
15 Push Press dumbbells - 45lbs each arm
15 Single arm SDLHP @ 55lbs
5 Burpees

After WOD
25/25 Mirror Runs
25 Toes to bar

Man this was a crazy hot one today.  Everyone worked hard.  Rule was you must finish run enter weight room take a drink, complete weight exercises, take a drink before leaving weight room for the run.  Fell off the planet the last 2 rounds.
1 - 3:50
2 - 4:25
3 - 4:58
4 - 4:51
5 - 6:19
6 - 6:46
Total time - 31:13

August 24th

4 Rounds
6 Ninja Jumps - 2 boxes side by side stand in middle jump straight up spread legs for landing - tall black boxes
8 Pull-ups
10 Wall-Ball
12 GHD's
30 Second Rest

1 - 2:13
2 - 1:57
3 - 1:53
4 - 1:54
Total time - 9:30 w/ rest

After WOD

4 Harness blast - each

August 20th

4 Rounds
20 Ball Slams 20lb ball
15 Goblet Lunge 20lb ball
10 Knees to Elbow
5 Burpee Pull-ups
1 min Rest

1 - 1:38
2 - 1:25
3 - 1:27
4 - 1:25
Total time - 8:23 w/ rest

August 18th 92Degrees

4 Rounds
Run 400 meters
20 SDLHP @ 55lbs
25 Lever Pulls
10 Goblet Squats @ 55lbs
10 Good Mornings - no weight
10 Iron Crosses

After workout
50/50 Mirror runs
25 Toes to bar

August 17th

10 Rounds
10/10 - 20 Sledge Tire Slams
1 Down weight room length - Harness partner pull
40 Air Sprints

1 - 1:06
2 - 1:05
3 - 1:07
4 - 1:08
5 - 1:06
6 - 1:07
7 - 1:08
8 - 1:09
9 - 1:08
10 - 1:05
Total time - 21:31

August 16th

4 rounds
10 each Partner med-ball TWISTS passing to partner
10 Push Press 135lbs
10 Burpees
1 Frog Jump Wheel 
1 min Rest

1 - 2:01
2 - 1:54
3 - 1:57
4 - 2:16
Total - 11:11

Frog jump things sucked!

August 13th

3 Rounds
5/5 each person - GHD Medicine Ball Catch one guy does full GHD touches floor with 20lb med ball and overhead throws to partner on other GHD motion repeated.
10 Chest to Bar pull-ups
50 Jump rope
10/10 - 20 One arm pull snatch
10 Box jumps

1 - 2:58
2 - 2:57
3 - 3:15
Total time - 11:42

This was a surprisingly rough one.  Took Daniel down.  I was not feeling great but hit him hard.  He must have had a bug or something.

August 10th

4 rounds
10 Pull-ups
15 Thrusters 45lbs
20 SDLHP's 45lbs
25 Sit-ups w/ a twist
30 KB Swings - 45lbs
15 Ball Slams
1 min Rest

1 - 3:32
2 - 3:46
3 - 4:07
4 - 4:09
Total w/ rest - 18:37 

August 9th

15 min Stationary Bike

3 Rounds
25 KB swings 35lbs, 40lbs, 45lbs
20 Sit-ups w/ a twist
20 Elevated push-ups
20 SDLHP's 35lbs, 40lbs, 45lbs
20 Body Squats
15 min Stationary Bike

1 - 3:02
2 - 3:20
3 - 3:16
Total - 9:39

July 31st

Quick one

Bench Press
10 x 135
10 x 185
5 x 205
3 x 225
10 x 135

80 x GHD's
10, 20, 30, 20

Did the GHD's between the bench press sets


4 rounds -

A new format.  Interesting, struggling on how to post it.  Hope this looks right.  Posting the picture I took.  It was actually a bit of fun.  One man started with one exercise and on the right and the man doing the punches/slams/hits.  Went until the other man was done with each exercise before moving on to the next station.  The punches/slams/hits were in this pattern R/L/R/L for right and left sides.

July 29th

5 Rounds
10 Pull-ups
20 Lunges
15/15 Single arm SDLHP
40 Sit-ups - Butterfly
10 Box Jump (Tall black box)
1 min rest

1 - 3:13
2 - 3:00
3 - 3:12
4 - 3:35
5 - 3:05
Total time w/ rest - 20:08

Daniel really pulled away from me on rounds 3 - 5.  I am feeling very fatigued. 

July 28th

5 Rounds
15 KB Swings @ 55lbs
10 Burpees
15 Back Extensions
3 Thrusters @135
2 min rest

This one was rough on me.  I really struggled on the Thrusters.  I did 5 of 135 the first round and it was way to many for how I was feeling.  To much has been going on.

July 26th

Cut down a few more trees and pieced them up.

July 26th

Cut down a few trees in the yard and pieced them up.

Monday, September 22, 2014

July 25th

Helped move all the weights back to the weight room.

Bench Press
10 x 135
10 x 185
10 x 205
5 x 225
10 x 135

Then WOD
3 Rounds
10 Push-ups
10 Butterfly Sit-ups
10 KB Swings @ 55lbs
10 sit-ups w/ a twist
10 right side tire slams
10 left side tire slams
10 Crunches
1 down and back sled pull w/ 45lb plate
1 min rest

Did not time this.

July 22nd

Short warm up with Cardio kids
5 rounds each loop and exercise is 1 round
Grass Lap
15 partner Burpees,  burpee then the jump is a lateral jump over your partner in push-up position.

Grass Lap
15 Clapping push-ups

Grass Lap
15 leap frogs over partner

Grass Lap
25 Sit ups with a high 5 with partner at top of sit-up

Grass Lap
High Knee Jump over partner in plank position

July 20th

3 Rounds
Sled Pulls - long down and up hill pull down Daniels drive way with sled I think we had a 45lb plate on sled.  Roughly 300 meters.  While one man is pulling sled the other is completing the following.  1 set - 20 KB Swings @ 55lbs, 20 Sit-ups, 20 SDLHP's @ 55lbs

The Sled pull took roughly 3 min each round.

The up hill pull was rough.

July 19th

5 Rounds
6 tire flips - 3 out 3 back
40 Tire Slams 20 each side
10 Tire Jump
25 GHD's in tire
1 Min Rest

1 - 2:39
2 - 2:39
3 - 2:50
4 - 2:47
5 - 3:02
Total time w/ rest - 18:02

July 18th

Some what of a rest day.  After Cardio kids did CrossFit I went through a bit of movement to get some blood flowing.  

Bench Press NARROW Grip
10 x 135
10 x 185
6 x 205
3 x 225

15 pull-ups dead hang in 3 sets
25 KB swings at 45lbs
25 GHD's

July 17th

AM Biked 13 miles with Cardio

Cut trees all day at George and Glennas.  Got home at 11:15pm.  Long hard day.  I feel like someone has beaten the tar out of me.

July 16th

AM - Bike 10 miles with Cardio kids

Cut 2 trees at George and Glennas

July 15th CrossFit with Cardio kids

Two part workout Part outside Part inside

3 Rounds Soccer field
2 loops Grass (Big Loops)
10 Push-ups
50 Body Squats

3 Rounds Weight room
600 meter run
20 Lever pulls
20 Iron Crosses
20 Hollow rocks
1 set of tire jumps

After WOD
25 Toes to bar


July 14th Mulched up first trees I cut at George and Glennas

July 13 Work on Deck and Yard

July 12 Work on Deck and Yard

July 11th PM WOD

5 Rounds
10 Pull-ups
20 KB Swings
30 Butterfly Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
10  Box Jumps - tall black box
1 Sled push - 45lbs on each side
2 min Rest

1 - 3:42
2 - 3:38
3 - 3:21
4 - 3:16
5 - 3:04
Total time w/ rest - 25:03

I tried to go as fast as I could each round.  I thought the WOD had decent flow.

July 11th AM WOD w/ CardioFitness

5 Rounds
Run 600 meter
20 Push-ups Alternate hands each round wide, narrow
30 KB Swings/SDLHP
     Round 1, 3, 5 = KB Swings
     Round 2, 4     = SDLHP
40 Sit-ups with a twist, Lever pulls
     Round 1, 3, 5 = Sit-ups with a twist
     Round 2, 4     = Lever pulls

After WOD
25 Toes to bar

Actually ran today and felt great.  Legs got very tired by round 3 - 5.  Had to force body to stay on my toes to save my back.

July 9th Morning Bike, Canoe trip

July 7th Bike, KB Swings, Sit-ups, Push-ups

Morning and Afternoon bike rides with kids.  6 to 8 in the morning and 8 to 10 in the evening.

100 KB Swings @ 55lbs for time

50 KB Swings - 1:30
1 min rest
50 KB Swings - 1:32

Short rest

100 Sit-ups with a twist
100 Push-ups 50 wide and 50 reg.

July 6th JBD Camp 8 miles hilly bike ride

July 3rd 100 Burpees for time

50 Burpees at 4:33
2 min rest
50 Burpees at 4:23

Total time w/ Rest 10:57, 8:56 on exercise time

July 2nd Vacation WOD KB, SDLHP, Bench Dips, Body Squats

Vacation WOD
1 Round
50 KB Swings @ 55lbs
25 Rt arm SDLHP @ 55lbs
25 Lt arm SDLHP @ 55lbs
50 Bench Dips
50 Body Squats
8 min rest
50 Butterfly Sit ups
50 Push-ups