Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Sunday, February 25, 2018


Couplet Super Sets

4 Sets of 15 Reps
Soft box Medball Ninja Jumps @ 20lbs Ball
KB Single Leg Step-ups 24” Box - Reps 20, 14, 10, 8

Reps 15,12,10,8
Squats @ 135,135,145,155lbs
Weighted Walking Lunges @ 25,30,35,40lbs

Reps 18-14-10-8 - Reps for each leg
Single Leg Dead Lifts @ 65lbs
Single Leg KB Bench split squat @ 25,25,30,35lbs KB

Box single Leg leap to thick pad 3 Sets of 5 each leg
HamString Push-ups @ 12 Reps


We shall see if the jumps got my back.  My whole body is fried from the last 3 days of workouts. Went out to brunch and then to Wonders of Wildlife with Jen, the girls and Dad today.  That place is amazing!

2/24/18 Shoulders / Back / Chest / Triceps / Biceps

Super Set Couplets

Reps 15-12-12-10-10
Incline Dumbbell Flys
Rope bent over rows

Reps 15-12-10-10-10
Flat Bench Long Flys 20 and 25lbs Dumbbells
Bent over Barbell Rows - 95-105-115-115-115lbs

5 Sets of 15 Reps
Weighted Dip w/ chain
Caber Bar Hammer Grip Curls @ 75lbs

Straight arm Triceps Pull-overs
20 Reps - 25lbs, 30,35,40,40lbs

2/23/18 Triceps / Biceps

Couplet Super Sets all exercises 4 Sets of 10

Caber Bar Hammer Grip Curls @ 65lbs
Caber Bar Hammer Grip Triceps Extensions Skull Crushers @ 65lbs

Rope Curls 45lbs plate at end of Barbell
Dips Body Weight Deep Dips

Dumbbell Curls Hammer Grip @ 30lbs Dumbbells
Triceps Kickbacks 10 each arm @ 30lbs

KB Curls @ 45lbs
Rope Push-ups

Thursday, February 22, 2018

AM/PM Stationary Bike

40 plus min each ride

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Great Ab workout designed by Daniel

4 Rounds
Round 1 - 20 Reps of everything 40 if it was a single side exercise
Round 2 - 15 Reps same as above
Round 3 - 10 Reps same as above
Round 4 - 5 Reps same as above

Ab workout
Soft box elevated wheel roll outs
Bar twist walk @ 45lbs Bar
Can opener sit-ups
Wall Slams right side / left side
Hollow Rocks
Tick Tocks
Wheel roll outs
Side Crunches right side / left side
Back Extensions
Medball Slams @ 20lbs
Bicycle Crunches
Wall Sprint


AM and PM Stationary Bike

Sunday, February 18, 2018


Front Squats - Deep AtoG
14 - 115
12 - 125
10 - 135
8 - 145
6 - 155

4 Rounds
Hack Squats 12-11-10-8 Reps - weight 135,145,155,165
MedBall Lateral Box Jump/ Reps 8-10-11-13
1:15 Rest

4 Rounds
Band Lunges 10 each leg
Band Jumps - cross straps over head, drop bar on rack 1 hole each round
1:00 Rest

4 Rounds
12 - HamString Push-ups
Weighted HamString Arch ups 12 Reps each leg
Suitcase Dumbbell Carry high knee toe walk at 60lbs each arm

5 trips
Mop sprints - plate push style down 300 hall - used a folded pair of sweatpants

Good workout today.  Changed format a bit from the previous few months.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Repeat day 2

4 Rounds
Heavy Bag Combos
50 Jump Rope Singles
Rope Pulls Hand over hand
Rope Drag - Run back to reset rope

3 Rounds
Heavy Bag Combos
50 Jump Rope Singles
10 Dumbbell Shoulder Press @ 30 lbs 10 Reps each arm
Rope Pulls
Rope Drag - Run back to reset rope

2 Rounds
Heavy Bag Combos
50 Jump Rope Singles
10 Deep Chest Incline Flys @ 15lbs Dumbbells
Rope Drag - Run back to reset rope

Day 2 did this yesterday but changed a few elements today.  Daniel called so we got in together.  He wanted to try this format.  Did it barn burner style.  Putting on gloves was rest between sets.  Rest only between the completion of the all the rounds in a set.  Had heart rate at 150 plus alert each round.

Thursday February 15th

110 Burpees
1:40 Seconds Wall Sit

Friday, February 16, 2018

Lunch Time WOD

3 Rounds
Heavy Bag Combos
50 Jump Rope Singles
Rope Pulls Hand over hand
Rope Drag - Run back to reset rope

4 Rounds
Heavy Bag Combos
50 Jump Rope Singles
10 Barbell Rope Curls
Rope Pulls
Rope Drag - Run back to reset rope

3 Rounds
Heavy Bag Combos
50 Jump Rope Singles
Rope Triceps Push-ups
Rope Drag - Run back to reset rope

Had to rush this to get done on lunch break.  Liked the flow.  Little to no rest between each round took break after the Sets before the next set.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Plyometrics and Armageddon

Plyometrics with the kids

Part of Armageddon.  I kept trying to get rolling and got interrupted.  I’m not kidding 35 minutes of interruptions during the first exercise.  I finally gave up the ship and just did the stuff I could not do at the house.  Then of course my girls had all eaten so I wanted to have time with them.  So abandoned the rest of the workout.  As it was I did not get home until 6:30.

Exercises I completed

100 - 85 Caber Bar Hammer Grip Curls- still can’t do pull-ups.
100 - Toes to bar
100 - Front Squats
100 - Rope Climbers Abs
100 - Wall Ball
100 - Push Press
100 Seconds is plank

100 Burpees
100 Squats
100 Crunches
100 Push-ups
100 Seconds wall sit

Friday, February 9, 2018

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Heavy bag, Jump Rope, Sit-ups w/ a twist, 400 meter run

Plyometrics with kids

3 Rounds
Heavy Bag Combos for 2 or 3 min
100 Jump Rope Singles
25 Sit-ups with a Twist
400 meter run

Body feels heavy and dragging

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Plyometrics, Core work and Medball


3 Rounds
10 Medball Sit-ups
10 Medball Chest-pass against wall rt Leg left leg step

Monday, February 5, 2018

Dumbbell Deep Squats, Crunches, Stair Assents, Crunches, Weighted Stair Assents

4 Rounds
10 - Deep Dumbbell Squats @ 50lbs each arm - racked to shoulders
100 - Crunches
4 x Stairs accents
100 - Crunches
2 x Weighted Suit Case Carry Stair Assents @ 50lbs Dumbbells each arm

Worked through this steady and smooth.  Not feeling great today.  Body drained.  I’ve been feeling a bit off lately.  My guess is my February funk is back.  We went to Missouri Southern indoor meet yesterday.  Kids had a good time.  Weather went bad.  Sleet and snow.  Roads on way home were awful.  40mph on hwy 44 on the way home.  There were wrecks everywhere.  It was good that we were later.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Quick work out after Plyometrics

Plyometrics with the kids

1 Round
30 Body Squats to a toe
30 Leg Lifts
20 Walking Push-ups @ 30 lbs Dumbbells
20 Wall-ball @ 20 lbs Ball unbroken
20 Push-Press @ 115lbs unbroken
50 Mason Twists @ 45lbs Plate
Planks - 90 Seconds reg., 45 Seconds right side, 45 Seconds left side