Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Push Press, 5 Ball Slams, Sled Pulls

As many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of:
3 Push Press
5 Ball Slams
*for push press use between 185 - 225 lbs - USED 185lbs
*for ball slams use between 40-60 lbs - USED 40lbs Daniel stuffed 2, 20lb med balls in a sack.  Worked well.
6 x 25 yard prowler pushes w/ 180 lbs - Did Sled pulls here with 180lbs
*rest 90 seconds between efforts.

Rounds in 8 min
1 - 36.62
2 - 1:02.14
3 - 1:16.14
4 - 1:08.49
5 - 1:19.52
6 - 1:05.26
7 - 1:25.53
Finished 7 Rounds in 7:53
Headed to bar and as Daniel picked his up time blew.  He pulled about 8 to 10 seconds ahead of me by the end.  It is funny how long 8 minutes felt here.  Just a solid amount of time for this one.

These were heavy push presses.  I am going to say mine stunk today.  Did not feel great nor was I feeling like I was finishing with good extension.  I was just trying to get them done.  By round 4 my left wrist was having a hard time holding the weight.  I had to break up 3 reps that is pathetic.  Some how I tweaked my neck on the right side.  Currently it is killing me.  I think the weight was just a bit to much on the heavy side.  Oh well I did it .

We rested 10 minutes and then did sled pulls with 180 lbs in the gravel behind the weight room.  These were awesome.  Worked out perfect.  As stated you were to take 90 seconds rest.  This worked out just perfect.  By the time Daniel finished and I was strapped in it was pretty close to 90.  We kept recovery on Daniel so we could stay even.  Man this was fun.  The first few went smooth and then by 4 it hit both of us.  I love these kind with Daniel.  We just fire each other up and drive.  Probably my most favorite workout in the last few months.  Thanks Daniel.  AWESOME WOD!

Monday, January 30, 2012


21 - 15 - 9
135lb Squat Cleans
Ring Dips

1 - 5:48
2 - 6:06  - Took one minute rest before starting this so maybe a 5:06?
3 - 2:36
Total Time - 14:32

I love these workouts.  My back has not been hurting but just not feeling right.  On set one by right glute deep in, bit and hurt by rep 3 or 4.  Felt better by rep 15 or so.  Back felt very tight and on the edge of going.  I am typing this several hours later and back seems ok but stiff and sore.  Legs are shot they are sore all over.  Hips and tail end are sore.  Not sure if last time I did full squat cleans.  Looks like I did the workout early on when starting cross fit.  Man something has happened.  What the heck I went from 8:32 in June of 2010 to 14:32 today.  I just don't understand what is going on.  Either something is wrong or getting old sucks.  The only thing I can figure is that I really did not go into this with intensity.  Went into it with more of the lets just finish it.

Last time - Not sure if these were full squat cleans I do not state that.  Today's were all A to G!

Just found this again my Blog is not finding things on searches.  However I am still slower.  Did this one last January and I state that I was doing full squat cleans.  Still 4 minutes slower here!  What the heck!!!!!!!!


1 = 4:02.47

2 = 3:51.14
3 = 2:37.18

TOTAL = 10:38.78
Good day to day. The time on this one is miserable but Daniel and I did this one after the Cross Fit total. So two firsts today. First of all I have never done the total because of my back and never have I done two workouts in one day. So I have to take the good with the bad. Last time I was 8:32 over two minutes faster last time. Daniel and I did full squat cleans. Not sure that I did full squat cleans last time. Both Daniel and I were way slower today. I did wear the weight belt for this one since we had so many squat cleans and I had just done squats and dead lifts in the Total.

MONDAY, JUNE 14, 2010

Time: 8:32

Workout went great as RX'd. Despite back hurting pretty bad the last few days I strapped the belt on tight and went for it. Seemed to do just fine. Daniel and I were in sync the whole time. This was awesome to push each other. Daniel pulled away on the cleans last round and finished about 30 seconds ahead of me. Funny how fast that 30 seconds moves. Even better Andy Love was in today. So the three of us were on at the same time.
Jen and Jenni went at the same time. Jen did 45 lb bar, and did ring dips with a bench to rest toes on similar to pull up set up. She finished in 6:20. Nice to work out with my wife I hope she starts to get addicted as I am.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Kettlebell Swings, Pull-ups

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps of:
KB Swings 2 pood - 70lbs, had to use dumbell
Chin Ups
*Russian Swings - did standard KB swings Splits
10 - 37.66
9 - 46.31
8 - 50.85
7 - 51.49
6 - 48.46
5 - 56.54
4 - 41.55
3 - 30.66
2 - 19.50
1 - 15.74
Total time - 6:38
Right after we finished we went in the gym and ran from gym down hall and did 6 x 60 meter sprints with 90seconds rest. Had a great time with these. Did not time them. My grip was fried after the first set of swings an pull-ups. Not sure why other than I held it by the top to help my position for my back. I struggled from there on out. I could barely hold on to the bar after round of 8. I just slowed down and did a slightly more strict style pull-up. Grip was an issue even round of 1. Strange stuff grip is rarely a problem.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Workout by Bayless

For time:
10 exercises 30 seconds rest between
 50 Grasshoppers
50 Body Squats
50 Scissor kicks
50 Push-ups
50 Jumping-jacks
50 Crunches
50 Superman's
50 High knees
50 Bicycles elbows to knees
50 Burpees
1 - 27.22
2 - 53.52
3 - 23.46
4 - 40.51
5 - 41.67
6 - 28.07
7 - 46.06
8 - 18.72
9 - 18.55
10 - 4:02.12
Total time - 13:32.19
Needed something and Daniel and I want to stay close on workouts.  Solid at home WOD.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Front squat, chest to bar pull-ups

7 Rounds for time: 13:12
7 - 165lb Front Squat
7 - Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
1 - 48:40
2 - 1:20
3 - 1:37
4 - 2:35
5 - 2:32
6 - 2:20
7 - 1:57
Total time: 13:12

 I am shot I hope this one did not push me over the edge. I fell to pieces after round 3. My knees have been killing me all day. Not sure if it was sand bag this morning or filthy 50 yesterday,or both but I am toast. Tomorrow will be a rest day. I am starting to believe I need to make a change in my vitamin intake. I don't believe the multi vitamin is getting it done. I am also thinking I need to pull in the fish oil. I have only been 39 for just over a month but it has been a rough start ;-). I have made the decision to be more consistent this year and have done better but that will be tough this spring. Daniel and I were very consistent last spring. I hurt my shoulder bad last spring late and effected my training all summer and fall. I could not even do push ups this fall. I set a goal of pistol squats and muscle ups by last June. Got the muscle ups then shredded my shoulder. I still have not got the pistol squat. Just some thoughts for the next few months. I reall want to hit my 40th birthday next Dec. in the best shape I can possibly be. Thanks for cheering me on and keeping 1st mile = 17:36 2nd mile = 16:39 Total time = 34:15 Average mile = 17:08me going tonight coach B.!

AM WOD Walk 2 miles w/ 50lb sand bag

1st mile = 17:36
2nd mile = 16:39
Total time = 34:15
Average mile = 17:08

Daniel came over this am and we hit this at 6am. I figured 15min miles would be slow. Man I was wrong. Either I was dragging or we really just could not go much faster. This was our first time on this one so we at least have a base line. We walked my drive up around the Long's field and back. Should be a good fat burner. Temp was in the high 20's low 30's.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Filthy Fifty

For time:
50 Box Jump
50 Jumping Pull-ups
50 Kettelbell swings @ 1 pood = 35lbs
50 Walking lunges
50 Knees to elbow
50 Back extensions
50 Push press @ 45lbs
50 Wall Ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders - subbed in 100 singles

1 - 2:09
2 - 1:01
3 - 1:27
4 - 1:16
5 - 5:43
6 - 1:12
7 - 1:32
8 - 3:24
9 - 7:25
10 - 1:18
Total time: 26:31

This is crazy! This is my second slowest time. 4th time doing this. I don't understand what is going on. I was faster than this my first time doing this when I was just starting and was in bad shape. I just don't get it. I am pissed now I will pr the next time I do this. I am tired and as usual I am drained but I am also pretty fired up.

Previous times:
7/6/11 = 33:42
12/15/10 = 23:30
4/16/10 = 25:54

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Power Clean, Pull-ups

15 minutes - 1 set every minute on the minute.
2 x Power cleans @ 80% of 3 rep max. 160 pounds
5 x Chin-ups
Complete 2 Power cleans and 5 chin-ups each minute on the minute for 15 minutes.

Got this from Crossfit Football. My blog is not working, I could not search and find any cleans of any kind and there are tons. I think I found my best 1 rep so I guessed my 3 rep off just a bit less at 80% of 200lbs. So 160 lbs for the workout. I have no idea if there is any difference in a chin up or a pull-up. I just did pull ups to my neck as my usual. Decent workout. Pretty easy I was getting a bit fatigued by the last 2 rounds but not bad. I was just a bit worried about my back from the number of reps. 30 power cleans and 75 pull-ups. I did not do full squat cleans because I am still feeing a pretty steady level of fatigue from this past week.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bench Press Bayless style

135 x 10
185 x 5
205 x 5
215 x 4
225 x 2
235 x fail
205 x 5
205 x 5
185 x 5
155 x 5
135 x 10

This is my 5th day in a row. I am shot. My legs are progressively getting more and more sore. I am just now starting to stiffen up 2 days later. I won't see Daniel for three days do we got one into day. My chest was still toast from Sunday's WOD. I hope tonight worked some of that out. I am taking tomorrow off. I will just be on the bike with the kids for a Fartlek. I hope this will pull my legs out of what I have done to them. Solid WOD today. I was not happy with the heavy sets but I never bench press so I have to take the good with the bad.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Jump rope, hand stand walks

5 rounds
50 - jump rope, hand stand walk
40 - same
30 - same
20 - same
10 - same
Doubled jump reps, H.S. walks are number of steps.
1 - 2:50
2 - 3:23
3 - 2:20
4 - 1:40
5 - 49.99
Total time - 11:05

Today I sucked it up. Jumps stunk, right toe kept getting caught. I tripped up more tonight than I can remember. Hand stand walks were about the best they have been. Still stunk. I changed the rope out and things were a bit better.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Back Squat, Ring Dips

21 - 15 - 9
225lb Back Squat
Ring Dip
1 - 6:03
2 - 7:18
3 - 3:23
Total time: 16:46

Wow for me this was a bunch of reps for 225. Daniel said that he knew I would be way happier with the WOD if I did not scale down. He was right I even mentioned scaling before we started. The reps went smooth. Don't get me wrong I worked my tail off to get them. I think staying with 225 made me slow down and go deep. Every rep was way below parallel. Very happy with today. By the last rep I know I was close to done. I had really concentrate on form to ensure my back was ok. Thanks for pushing me brother.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Wallball, toes-to-bar

5 Rounds for time: 5:42.15
12 - Wallball shots 20lb ball
12 - Toes-to-bar

1 - 44.66
2 - 48.24
3 - 1:12.63
4 - 1:35.67
5 - 1:20.95
Total time: 5:42.15

Long day and I was not going to get one in. Again it seemed like Daniel and I are linked. He did not get back until 9. If he had been any earlier I would not have been able to get in. Thanks for calling brother. We did this one because we knew it would be fast. I am still fried from yesterday's. My chest is toast.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

KB Swings, Bench Press, Body Squats, Butterfly Sit-ups

4 rounds for time : 27:38
40 - KB Swings 45lbs
40 - Bench Press 95lbs
40 - Body Squat
40 - Butterfly Sit-ups
Round Splits
1 - 5:09.03
2 - 6:47.82
3 - 7:53.89
4 - 7:48.57
Total Time - 27:38.31
About 20 min after WOD I met the girls and we played basketball for about 30 min. We had a great time but this pretty much finished me off.

Put this one together this morning. It ended up being much tougher than I had planned. I am sure I could have pushed harder but I can't guarantee that. I was shot when this was over. 160 reps of everything put together a solid workout. Everything was unbroken but the bench press. I was trying for sets of ten by the end and was able to do it until the end. I had to finish the round with a set of 5. I am exhausted.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Pull-ups, Dumbell Deadlifts, Push-press

20 minutes AMRAP
10 pull-ups
6 Dumbell Deadlifts 70lbs, supposed to be 5 reps at 75lbs. No 75's or 80's, so I got the 70's
and added a rep.
8 Push-press 135lbs
1 - 1:07
2 - 1:39
3 - 2:04
4 - 1:43
5 - 2:04
6 - 2:09
7 - 2:39
8 - 3:01
9 - 1:43
10 - 1:37
Total 10 rounds had about 10 seconds left before the 20 min.

I know I could have done more rounds but this was my 4th day on and I lost fire and concentration a few times. I was also worried about the dead lifts. I had to go so far down to get the dumbells to the floor. I did these really slow just to be safe. Everything was unbroken. I was tired heart was up but I know I could have gone faster.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Tabata tire slams, burpees, tire slams

Tabata 8 rounds of each exercise 20sec on 10 off
Tire slams
Rest 1 min
Rest 1 min
Tire slams


Both Daniel and I are exhausted. We always seem to go to tire slams when we get like this. I was glad for this one, great idea Daniel. Daniel said I went white on my last set of burpees. Those things just hammer me. I think I got my money's worth today. Thanks Daniel.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Stationary Bike, Dumbell Curls

30 min Stationary bike manual setting.

200 Dumbell Curls, 35lbs, sets of 20

Playing Mr. Mom again tonight could not get one in. Daniel did pull-ups on the min workout. I wanted to at least be similar for our recovery. I have done his WOD I think twice before. This was not equal but best I could do from home late at night. He got 171 reps if my math was right. At least I got a biceps workout. Arms burn and are sore but still not what they would have been with Daniels.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Deadlifts, push-ups

10 Rounds for time:
15 Deadlifts 135 lbs
15 Push-ups
1 - 37.11
2 - 36.03
3 - 40.78
4 - 47.30
5 - 49.57
6 - 1:00.93
7 - 1:18.78
8 - 1:14.22
9 - 1:18.62
10 - 58.09
Total time : 9:21.43

Still very nervous about my back. Dead-lifts had been becoming one of my strengths speed wise. When Daniel and I decided to do this one it was with some apprehension. I did want to start working DL back into the WOD's. Thought this would be a good one with the light weight. I did enjoy this one. Daniel and I did this one side by side. I was being careful with the deadlifts and the push ups hammered me. All DL were unbroken and I could have gone faster but I am worried about my back moving again. I was toast reguardless.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Run 400, box jump, wall ball

For time:
Run 400m - subbed in 600m bike
30 - 24" box jumps -28" to 30" box
30 - 20lb wall ball
1 - 5:07
2 - 5:12
3 - 5:36
Total time - 15:56

Weather is so awesome I had to get outside. Even did wall ball outside and box jumps just inside the door. This was supposed to be 5 rounds but family was in town and I had to get home . I also was working on 1.5 hrs of sleep from getting grades put in the computer. Also my body is exhausted. I hope this means I am getting in shape because I am worn slick. I even changed WOD'S right before I started because I was pretty sure I did not have the steam for the other one. First round of this one I jumped off the bike and went for my first box jump and almost did not make it. Same on second jump. I was struggling getting my hamstring to fire on my left side. A few jumps in it got going and no more problems. I just slept for 14 hours and feel a bit better but still feel fatigue in joints and grip strength.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

SDLHP, Run 800m

Three rounds for time of:

Row 1000 meters
Run 800 meters - Subbed in Bike and only did 800 instead of my usual 1200m.  Had to get the girls home.
1 - 2:47
2 - 2:37
Round - 5:24
3 - 3:05
4 - 2:34
Round - 5:39, 11:04
5 - 2:56
6 - 2:19
Round - 5:15, 16:19

This one went pretty smooth.  All rounds of SDLHP were unbroken.  I went at a steady even pace.  Probably could have gone a bit faster but with out Daniel pushing me I seem to be struggling with intensity.  Good to get one in.  I have been feeling very tired this whole week.  Not sure why.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Modified Fran

For Time:
21 Thrusters 95lbs
21 Pull-ups
15 Thrusters
15 Pull-ups
9 Thrusters
9 Pull-ups
6 Thrusters
6 Pull-ups
3 Thrusters
3 Pull-ups
2 Thrusters
2 Pull-ups
1 Thrusters
1 Pull-ups
1 - 1:45
2 - 3:37
3 - 3:20 - Running time 8:44 - First time I did Fran, May 26th 2010 - 7:35 I guess I need to take the good with the bad. 
4 - 2:33
5 - 1:59
6 - 55.82
7 - 51.82
Total Time - 15:05
Should not be two unhappy with this. I intended to do Fran but just go at a slow steady pace. For some reason I am very fatigued and very unmotivated. I did the round of 21 unbroken and I was satisfied with the split. Then the wheels came off I could not string the next two rounds together on the Thrusters. No idea why. I was so frustrated with how things were progressing I decided to add a few more rounds. That is when I added the round of 6 then to 3 then 2 and then 1. I still am in disbelief as to how slow this was and how bad I hurt and panzied out. I did this with the focus of at the end of the month doing the Burpee / Thruster workout. One minute a round start round with 5 Burpees and then as many 135lb Thrusters in the remaining part to the minute until you hit 100 Thrusters. I have wanted to do this since I first saw it. I hate thrusters but man they work a person. Just seems like a challenge I would like to face. I would like to hit it at the end of the month then hit it again in May or June. I hope to be back in a more solid shape by then. I have contemplated only doing 50 the first time.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Pull-ups, Push Press, SDLHP

For time : 6:36
10 muscle ups = subbed in 20 pull-ups
100 Push Press 75 lbs
100 SDLHP 45 lbs

1 - 27.97
2 - 3:14.88
3 - 2:54.03
Total time - 6:36.88

Had a crap day. Had tons of stuff to do school starts back tomorrow. Was going to start with rotating tires then change Jen's back breaks. I found out after several hours of battle that I needed a special tool to not only compress but to also rotate the part to reset for the breaks. Thank goodness for Josh he drove up after work and brought the tool. What took me all day fighting with we were done in 35 min. Got finished at 9:00pm. Thanks Josh.

Daniel got me in tonight. I am glad he called. I was so mad about the breaks I did not want to do anything. This was a great one. I wish I could do muscle ups with out them killing my shoulder. Thanks for getting me in Brother.

Did not get a workout in on the 31st which I had planned. The workout I did on the 30th hammered me. All the travel was taking its toll on my back too. I just could not seem to get motivated to get one in. My torso was fried. On the 1st we were coming back from Branson and getting shopping done in Spfd. By the time I thought I could get something done it was 9pm.