Friday, May 31, 2013

Bench Press, Tire Slams, Farmers Carry

Bench Press Power Matrix for 230lbs
8 x 135
8 x 160
5 x 180
3 x 190
1 x 215
1 x 215
1 x 215
5 x 185
10 x 135

2 Rounds for time:
50 Tire Slams small bar, RT side
50 Tire Slams small bar, LT side
50 yard Farmers Carry 100lbs RT side
50 yard Farmers Carry 100lbs LT side
2 minute rest

1 - 2:53 Sledge Hammer both sides
2 - 1:14 Farmer Carry both sides 100lbs
REST - 2 min
3 - 2:56 Sledge Hammer both sides
4 - 1:12 Farmer Cary both sides 100lbs  
Total time - 10:17 with rest, 8:16 with out rest added in.

Daniel did weighted pull-ups while I benched.  Worked on new grip.  I did sets of 4 and 5 strict dead hang pull-ups before each round of bench.  Taking full recovery between bench sets.
Daniel and I kind of did the WOD as a partner WOD with him starting first and then me starting while he was farmer carrying.  My rest was 2:01 waiting for Danile on the Sledge.  Can't get much closer than that.  This one wore me slick on the slams.  50 reps a side is a bunch of swinging.

Crunches - 1000
Push-ups - 100

Total for the year
Crunches - 30,000
Push-ups - 3,000

Monday, May 27, 2013

Long walk / Run Hills - 80 minutes

In Branson at the inlaws for bluegrass and BBQ.  Jen and I woke up about 6am and took the dogs out for a long walk and run.  I tried to run every up hill which in Branson is 50% of the time.  Some were easy to trot and others put the hurt on me.  Probably the most I have run in a long time.  We walked the flats and the down hills.  We were out for 1 hour and 20 minutes.  After the run/walk we went down to the lake and I jumped in.  The water is pretty cold but felt awesome.

Great morning with my wife and a great workout.

We went to SDC and I rode the new roller coaster Outlaw Run.  The coaster its self is freaking amazing.  The cars you sit in are horrible.  Probably the most uncomfortable I have ever been on a roller coaster.  The ride seems to be built for people about 5'6" or smaller.  There is a bar that smashes your shins the whole time.  All the guys my height came off the ride rubbing their shins.  Reason for concern here is that on the first turn and bump my back got jarred and I am feeling it tonight and all day.  As good as I was feeling this am I am pretty crappy tonight.  I have been hanging upside down and stretching as much as I can.  I am hoping for the best.

Sunday May 26th Driving T-Posts hanging fence and finishing the garden.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

State Meet Swimming workout and a run

For time
5 rounds
50 meter swim
25 push-ups

Time - 10:23

Recovered about 10 minutes and went for a jog.  I ran up the road and found a side street that ended up a dead end.  The street had a huge down hill.  I ran to the top of the hill and then ran backward down the hill and then forward up the remaining hill to the dead end.  Short rest then backward down the hill and then ran up the hill going out and back to the hotel.

I think a good workout next year would be to run backward down that hill and run back up several times.  Should make for a good workout with a twist.  Have to remember this.

Also we forgot that we did two swimming wods last year.  The one we forgot was this: 5 rounds - 25 meter underwater swim, 50 body squats.  We did this May 26th 2012 in 8:51.

Finished up with 100 regular crunches and 200 bicycles.

Getting more and more sore.  Good to be back.

Last time
May 24th 2012
8:55May 27, 2011

Friday, May 24, 2013

And So It Begins

I am in horrible shape.  One year ago to date I hurt my arm and it still is not better (at all).  This spring has been horrible for my back.  I have had roughly a month and a half off, almost 2 months.  I am ready to get started again.  It is May 24th 2013 state track meet.  Daniel and I got up early and did a WOD.  Here we go.

10 reps of 40 meter sprints up hill in parking lot next to the hotel.
2 min rest
50 Burpees

Walk 400 meters + of recovery.

300 abb movements, 100 crunches, 200 bicycles

Hope this is number one of many to come.  I need this again. 


Tilling and mounding up the dirt.  This activity hammers my back.


Tilling and mounding up the dirt.  The bending over to mound the dirt hammers my back.