Friday, June 21, 2019

Cardio CrossFit Day 6 - Partner Workout

Kids did 1 mile warm up

Middle School 3 Rounds / High School 4 Rounds

800 Run
10 - Partner over Burpees - partner in plank
20 - Partner High ten Butterfly Sit-ups
10 - Partner Push-ups with a clap alternate hands
5/5 - Partner Frog Jumps
8 - Tire Jumps

When done with above

20 Toes to bar
100/100 Mirror Run

1 mile Cool Down

Did this one like normal just went around as a spare partner when needed.  Did every round with Steve helping to encouraging him.  He had been off a week plus so today was rough.  I was pretty whooped after this.  Humidity really rolled in today.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

CardioCrossFit day 5 - The Decender

Kids did 1 mile warm up

1200 meter run ( I ran 800 )
20 SDLHP @ 70lbs
30 Bicycle abs
20 Push-ups (narrow)
1 set double leg jumps for distance.  Try to cycle knees.  Used rows of cones.  5 jumps, jumping from cone to cone.

800 meter run
20 KB Swings @ 70lbs
30 Lever Pull abs
20 Push-ups (wide)
1 set double leg jumps for distance.

600 meter run
20 SDLHP @ 70lbs
30 Bicycle abs
20 Push-ups (narrow)
1 set double leg jumps for distance.  Try to cycle knees.

400 meter run
20 KB Swings @ 70lbs
30 Lever Pull abs
20 Push-ups (wide)
1 set double leg jumps for distance.

When done with above
20 Toes to bar
100/100 Mirror Runs

Glad this descended in distance.  I did run more today.  Did 800, 800, 600, 400.  Was pretty shot by the end.  I like this one.

My Splits
1 - 6:59
2 - 8:10
3 - 6:02
4 - 5:16
Total time - 26:29

Monday, June 17, 2019

Bear crawl - Heavy bag drag - 200 meter run

I think 3rd year to date time I’ve done this one.

Had to get done quick tonight.  Anna was nominated for the Cross Country athlete of the year and the girls CC team was nominated for the Southwest Missouri team of the year.  Caleb was nominated for the CC athlete of the year.

10 Rounds
50 foot bear crawl heavy bag drag alternating arms each crawl
200 meter run - down to end of fence on Rounds I finished drag at garage door.  Ran to power line pole.

1 min rest between rounds
1 - 1:35
2 - 1:32
3 - 1:35
4 - 1:27
5 - 1:29
6 - 1:22
7 - 1:28
8 - 1:29
9 - 1:25
10 - 1:14
Total time -

Holy cow I love this workout.  Man it is a mean one.  I hit the weight room floor in the CrossFit flop. Oxygen debt and hurting head to toe.  30 seconds after I was over 160 beats per min.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Short Torso set

Kids in for ice bath so I did a quick torso set

3 Rounds
10 x Bench press @ 135lbs

20lbs dumbbells never setting them down
15 x Chest down incline bench reverse shoulder back flys
10 x Sitting upright start at chest palms in in front press. Palms forward starting at shoulders overhead press.  Both together count as 1 rep.
15 x Standing dumbbell hammer curls
15 x standing triceps Extensions both dumbbells holding together behind head

Carried 24 x 80lbs bags  of concrete from trailer to stack in garage

Friday, June 14, 2019

Day 4 Cardio-CrossFit

Kids did 1 mile warm I did 400 meters

Middle school                               High School
4 Rounds                                         5 Rounds
400 meter               Run                     800
15         Hand Release Push-ups.        20
20         KB Swings I used 62lbs.       30
30               Butterfly Sit-ups              40

When done with all the above
25 Toes to bar
100/100 Mirror Runs

1 to 2 mile cool down

My Splits
1 - 5:57
2 - 6:10
3 - 7:07
4 - 6:19
5 - 7:35 took this round a bit easier.  I was planning on stopping at round 4 but pride got the best of me so I slowed down and got it done.
Total time - 33:10 roughly

Felt pretty decent the first 2 rounds but then “how” I felt took a turn for the worse.  4th split was better than the 3rd but sheesh!!!!  I was hurting.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Day 3 CardioCrossFit - The Threes

1 mile warm up.  I did 600.  Feeling very very slow today and I was.  The kids were passing me like I was standing still.

Middle school 4 rounds High School boys 5 rounds girls 4

600 meter run
3  Burpees
3/3 Turkish get ups 3 right side 3 left side. I used 45lb KB
9 Body Squats to a toe
12 Iron Crosses I used 10lbs plates
15 Jack Hammers

When done with all the above.
20 Toes to bar
100/100 Mirror Runs 100 right foot out front 100 left foot out front.  I used 10lbs plates.

Like I said I was dragging today on the runs.  Not sure why.  Side note my dumb rear rolled a tractor in the back yard while I was on it.  Lucky I did not die.  Jumped off as it started to roll.

Kids did 1 mile cool down

Monday, June 10, 2019

6/9/19 Digging drainage ditches for new drain pipes

6/7/19 CardioCrossFit day 2 Ab Ripper

1 mile warm up - as team and groups

3 Rounds
400 meter run
50 - Butterfly Sit-ups
20 - Bench Dips
50 - Sit-ups with a twist
20 - Body Squats
50 - Crunches
1 - Wall Climb

After all three rounds are complete do the following
25 Toes to bar
20 left side sledge hammer tire slams
20 right side sledge hammer tire slams

1 mile cool down with a teammate or group

Did this today with the exception of the miles at start and finish.  Covered about 600 meters for those.    Things went pretty smooth.  Raced Shaylee and the girls groups on the runs and exercises.  First two rounds I was pretty solid.  Last round I fell off the planet.  And as I looked back same thing happened the last few years.

1 - 8:20
2 - 8:26
3 - 10:14 - died 😳
Total time - 28:40

6/5/19 Yard work. Digging drainage ditches.

Yes it sucked as bad as it sounds!

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

PM upper body

Came in with Daniel at 3:00pm.  Worked out twice tho Day last year.  I am sure I will be paying for this.  Elbows are starting to hurt again.

4 Super Sets of super sets

Set 1
3 Rounds of
6 x heavy curls - I did light dumbbells
6 x skull crushers with caber bar laying on bench.  @ 75 and 85 lbs
To Failure x Diamond Push ups
1 min rest between round of 3 exercises

2 min Rest

Set 2
3 rounds of
8 x Spider Curls
8 x Seated overhead dumbbell triceps press @ 50lbs
1 min rest between round of 2 exercises

2 min Rest

Set 3
3 Rounds of
10 x Rope curls
10 x Band triceps pulls to behind hips.  On knees with Arms pulling bands across body and finishing behind hips.
1 min rest

2 min rest
3 Rounds of
12 x Incline seated dumbbell bench Curls @ 35lbs each arm
12 x small KB bent over triceps press
1 min rest

2 min rest

Cash out!!!!!

80 - Full body med ball press throws for power and distance.  Set up ten 20lbs med-balls with partner.  He threw as partner realigned balls at his end.   Rest was setting up balls.  Jump to feat and throw balls back as partner repeats,  throw was a partial/20deg squat and chest press. Thank

Day 1 Cardio CrossFit

Kids 1 mile warm up

HS - 5 to 6 Rounds MS - 4 Rounds
Middle school did half of all reps
400 Meter Run
20 KB Swings @ 50lbs
100 Bicycle Abs
20 KB Thrusters @ 50lbs
100 Crunches
20 Push-ups

After all above is done
25 Toes-to-bar or Knee Lifts
50/50 Mirror runs

1 mile cool down