Saturday, December 31, 2016

Chest and triceps toaster, then short met con Thrusters, Medball box jump, GHD's, St. Louis Slams

Chest/Tricept Couplets
5 Sets of 10 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 6 reps

Bench Press w/ chains w/ 135lbs on bar
Dumbbell Flys starting incline and work to decline @ 40lbs

Chained Ring dips
KB Tricep extension @ 40lbs KB

Chained KB Nose Breakers - Tricep pull overs - 25lbs KB
Chained Elivated Ring Push-ups - rings at hip level, toes up on tallest box in full push-up position chain draped over shoulders/neck.

Ring chest flys two steps forward lean forward into push-up up position to go down upen arms into fly position.  I had to adapt to basically a push up.
South Paws - basically bent over position with extended arm pulling dumbbell across chest.  Switch sides.  @ 15lbs dumbbell

At completion of above

3 Rounds
10 Thrusters @ 95lbs
10 Med ball box jumps.  Small wooden boxes @ 20lbs
10 GHD's
10 St. Louis Slams
40 Seconds Rest

1 - 1:51
R - :40
2 - 1:52
R - :40
3 - 1:51
Total time w/ rest - 6:55

I was done after the Couplets.  This basically was survival mode.  Just shut the world out and went.

Typing this 6 hours later.  My arms are toast!  Not sure what I will be getting done tomorrow to start off the new year.  With this workout posted I will be one workout shy of my goal the last 2 years to average 20 workouts a month.  However, since starting this path 7 years ago the last two years have been my best in terms of consistency in numbers of days exercising.  Doubt I will have the fire to hit any kind of workout tonight to get my goal.  Either way I am very happy with this year.  Lots of great things in the family and jobs. We have been blessed.  Glory to GOD.

Friday, December 30, 2016

Torso Couplets

3 sets of 10 Reps per couplet
Did 10 GHD sit-ups after each individual set

Single arm Triceps extension left/right @ 25lbs

Wall ball @ 20lbs ball
Ball slams @ 20lbs ball

Spider curls @ 65lbs
Dumbbell Shoulder press @ 35lbs

Lawnmower Row @ 90lbs
Grenade Push @ 90lbs

120 total GHD sit-ups

Felt completely unmotivated today.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

AM Hard bike ride - 7 plus Hard miles

Girls ran 3 miles this morning.

I headed out after them so I could chase them down.  Caught them rode with them for a few min then headed out on the rest of the ride.

Covered over 7 miles pretty hard.  Woke up this morning and my calves were pretty sore from the hill repeats yesterday.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Bike ride warm up, 100 meter hill repeats, bike ride cool down

Rode to Blue Bird Park 1.5 mile warm up

Stretched and jogged around

4 x 100 meter hill repeats - very steep incline

1 - 19.96
R - 2:00
2 - 20.47
R - 3:00
3 - 19.98
R - 3:00
4 - 21.45

Wanted to do 6.  After 3 I was thinking 5.  Finished 4 and my hammys and gluteus told me I was done.  My heart was recovering just fine.  I was at 120 at 2 min.

1.5 mile cool down ride home

Monday, December 26, 2016

Friday, December 23, 2016

6 mile Fartlek ride with the boys

6 mile Fartlek ride with the boys

6 x 90 second surges 3 min Rest, 5 minutes rest after third surges.

Been a while since I have been on the bike.  I have been hitting legs pretty hard this week.  My legs were pretty fried early.  40 degrees and a steady misty rain the whole time.  Miserable for most activities but for a Fartlek it was great conditions.

12/22/16 PM - Went indoor rock climbing for our anniversary

It has been a while but we went to an indoor gym in Spfd had a great time.  Toasted Grip.

Hit the sauna at the hotel a few hours later.  20 minutes.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Jump Rope, Heavy Bag, KB Swings, Butterfly Sit-ups, Pull-ups

3 Rounds
100 Jump-Rope
1:30 Heavy Bag
100 Jump-Rope
20 KB Swings @ 55lbs
50 Butterfly Sit-ups
20 Pull-ups @ Kipping
4 min Rest

1 - 7:13
R - 4:00
2 - 7:00
R - 4:00
3 - 6:46
Total w/ rest - 29:01

Nothing to crazy pretty worn down from the last few workouts and finals.  I am finding that I am needing to come up with a warm up plan.  I am not feeling good in my 1st Rounds of workouts lately.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Narrow Bench, Incline to decline Dumbbell Flys, Weighted/chained ring dips, Shoulder press, KB chain triceps pullovers, Ringpush-ups each round drop move rings closer to ground

For each couplet 4 sets of 8 reps

Narrow Bench Press at 155lbs
Incline to decline Dumbbell Flys @ 55lbs

Chained Weighted Ring dips
Shoulder press @ 65lbs

Slight incline chain/KB triceps pull-over
Ring Push-ups - start w/ rings at chest level each set move rings closer to ground.  Last set 4 inches above ground.  Start with arms extended rings directly under Chest.  Drop into deep push-up position rings at shoulders.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

12/19/16 LEGS!

Each couplet was 4 sets of 10

Single leg dead lifts @ 65lbs - 10 one leg 10 the other leg
Weighted back extensions @ 35lbs

Weighted Lunges @ 40 lbs each arm 20 total 10 each leg
Weighted single leg calf raises @ 40 lbs 10 each leg

Partner drags.  Chain through weight belt.  Sprint down and back length of weight room.

Just did 3 sets of 10.
Front squat x 2 Back x 1 @ 135lbs
Weighted Single leg step ups 35lbs KB 10rt leg, 10 Lft leg

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Heavy Bag, Clean and Jerk Burpees, Double arm suitcase plate carry, Butterfly Sit-ups, Med ball overhead A Skips

3 Rounds
1 min Heavy Bag
5 Clean and Jerk Barbell Burpees @ 85 lbs
Down & Back Weighted carry over 3 small boxes length of weightroom 45lbs plate each arm
50 Butterfly Sit-ups
Down & Back over head Med ball "A" Skips, length of weightroom and back

1 - 5:47
R - 1:30
2 - 5:43
R - 1:33
3 - 5:26
Total 20:00.77

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Heavy Bag, GHD's, Jump Rope, Wall Slams, Ball Slams

4 Rounds
1 min Heavy Bag
10 GHD's
100 Jump Rope
10/10 Wall Slams @ 20lbs ball
10 Ball Slams @ 20lbs
2 min Rest
1 - 3:04
2 - 3:15
3 - 3:22
4 - 3:08
Total - 18:51

Didn't feel great tonight.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Medicine Ball Box Jump Burpees, GHD

3 Rounds - Did not time
10 Medicine Ball Box Jump Burpees @ 20lbs ball and large blue box
10 GHD Sit-ups crossing over the mid line when touching feet

Monday, December 12, 2016

LEGS - Zercher Squats, Front Squats, Back Squats, Hack Squats, Double leg broad jumps, Single leg bench Goblet Squats, Single leg med ball box jumps

2 Sets of 8 Reps
8 Zercher Squats @ 115lbs
8 Front Squats @ 135lbs
8 Back Squats @ 135lbs

4 Sets
10 Hack Squats @ 135lbs
8 Standing broad Jumps

4 Sets of 10
10rt/10lt Single Leg Goblet Squats @ 35lbs KB
10rt/10lt Single Leg Med Ball Box Jumps @ 20lbs box

Saturday, December 10, 2016

AM - Movement stationary bike, Treadmill walk/run, Decline sit-ups w/ a twist

20 minutes on seated stationary bike

10 minutes Treadmill walk/run/walk @ 15% incline 5 min run in middle

2 x 25 decline sit-ups with a twist

Friday, December 9, 2016

PM -WOD Pull-ups, Weighted Dumbbell step ups, Weighted sit-ups, Walking Lunges

10 min seated stationary bike warm up

10 Rounds
10 pull-ups
10 Weighted step-ups @ 45lbs each arm
10 Weighted sit-ups @ 25lbs
10 Walking Lunges

10 min seated stationary bike cool down

1 - 2:12
R - :30
2 - 2:15
R - 1:00
3 - 2:11
R - 1:00
4 - 2:09
R - 1:00
5 - 2:03
R - 5:00
6 - 2:02
R - 1:00
7 - 2:07
R - 1:00
8 - 2:00
R - 1:00
9 - 2:01
R - 1:00
10 - 1:47
Total w/ rest - 33:23

First 6 Rounds were pretty strict on the pull-ups.  Last 3 were basically kipping every rep.  Good WOD.  Weightroom at hotel is awesome!

Strange happening.  My right calf got the worst cramp I have ever gotten.  Worst part it was cramping all over.  The muscles were cramping in groups and shaking like crazy.  Took easily 5 min for me to get it to pass.  Looked like I had divots in my calf.

Quick Morning movement before MTCCCA

10 min Treadmill brisk walk @ 15% incline

300 Crunches
50 Push-ups
300 Crunches
10 x 20lbs dumbbell single arm extensions 10rt/10lft
50 Body Squats
10 min Treadmill brisk walk @ 15% incline
400 Crunches

12/7/16 - Heavy Bag Combos, Goblet Squats, Medball slams, Crunches, KB Swings

3 Rounds
1 minute Heavy Bag Combos
10 Goblet Squats @ 55lbs
10 Medicine Ball Slams @ 20lbs
10 Heavy Bag Carries
100 Crunches
10 KB Swings @ 70lbs
2 min Rest

1 - 5:00
2min Rest
2 - 4:47
2min Rest
3 - 4:48
Total time - 18:36

12/6/16 Single Arm Snatch, Single Arm Over Head Squat, Hanging Knee Swings to Chest

3 Rounds
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch Lft arm @ 35lbs
10 Single Arm Over Head Squat Lft arm @ 25lbs
10 Hanging knee raises R/L/C
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch Rt arm @ 35lbs
10 Single Arm Over Head Squat Rt arm @ 25lbs
10 Hanging knee raises R/L/C
1 minute rest

1 - 3:53
1 min
2 - 4:13
1 min
3 - 4:02

Overhead squats were rough on me.  Need heavier weight on the Snatch.

12/5/16 Upper body super sets

For each couplet 4 sets of 8 reps

Narrow Bench Press at 155lbs
Incline to decline Dumbbell Flys @ 55lbs

Chained Weighted Ring dips
Shoulder press @ 45lbs did sets of 16 because I only used bar

Slight incline chain/KB triceps pull-over
Ring Push-ups - start w/ rings at chest level each set move rings closer to ground.  Last set 4 inches above ground.  Start with arms extended rings directly under Chest.  Drop into deep push-up position rings at shoulders.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

12/2/16 Heavy Bag Combos, Jump Rope

30 minutes
Heavy Bag Combos on and off.  Jump Rope on breaks.

Jump Rope - 300

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Bench Press, Turkish Get-ups, Butterfly Sit-ups, Body Squats

10 x 135
10 x 155
8 x 175
3 x 205
2 x 225
10 x 135

30 x Turkish Get-ups
10 - 2:46
2 min Rest
10 - 2:31
2 min Rest
10 - 2:37
2 min Rest
Total time - 11:57

Did not Rest last 2 years really but did today.

8 min Rest - Talking to Conrad

4 Rounds
25 Butterfly Sit-ups
25 Body Squats
1 - 1:05
2 - 1:17
3 - 1:25
4 - 1:23
Total -   5:10

Had to hustle.  Ran book for MS Double dual in main gym.  Bolivar, Lebanon, Republic.

3 Years in a row same workout same date.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Pull-ups, Burpees, Toes-to-bar, KB Swings, Goblet Squats

5 Rounds
10 Pull-ups
10 Burpees
10 Toes-to-bar
10 KB Swings @ 70lbs
10 Goblet Squats @ 70lbs
Rest was a mess as you will see

1 - 2:01
Rest - 1:30
2 - 2:06
Rest - 2:00
3 - 2:43 - felt terrible after this round, pulse was still at 170 after 2 min
Rest - 10:00
4 - 3:09
Rest - 5:00
5 - 4:16
Total time - 32:50

This put the hurt on me.  Could not get my heart to recover after round 3.  It was 170 plus for 2 min.  Way to long.  Could not make my self quit.  I just took a long break and got back into it at a slower pace.  Felt better but man the beginning of this thing punted me.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Heavy Bag, Ninja Jumps, Bench Press, Spider Curls, GHD's

5 Rounds
1 min Heavy Bag Combos
6 Ninja Jumps - lg blue boxes
8 Bench Press Narrow Grip @ 135lbs
10 Spider Curls @ 65lbs
12 GHD's
2 min rest

1 - 3:25
R - 2:00
2 - 3:32
R - 2:00
3 - 3:42
R - 2:00
4 - 3:25
R - 2:00
5 - 3:11
Total w/ rest - 25:18

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Morning run, walk

We were at mom and dads at the lake.  Girls went out for their run so I walked all thedown hills and flats and ran the hills.  Covered probably 2 miles.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Early morning House of Cards


800 meter warm up

1 round - house of cards set

11/22/16 Heavy Bag, Jump Rope, Thrusters, Toes to bar, KB Swings

5 Rounds
1+ Min Heavy Bag Combos
100 Jump Rope Singles
3 x Thrusters @ 135lbs
15 Toes to bar
20 KB Swings @ 70lbs
2 min Rest

1 - 3:42
2 min Rest
2 - 3:47
2 min Rest
3 - 3:57
2 min Rest
4 - 3:44
2 min Rest
5 - 3:34
Total time - 26:49

Did not think this was going to be that rough but by round 3 I was hurting.  After round 5 I hit the ground doing the crossfit flop.  I should have known.  I was trying to convince myself before the workout to go hard.  Man this one got me!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Heavy Bag, Chest to bar pull-ups, Jump Rope, Tire Squat throws, 400 meter run

3 Rounds
400 meter Run
3 to 5 min Heavy Bag Combos
100 Jump Rope Singles
10 Chest/Stomach to bar Pull-ups
8 Tire Squat Throws

No times just moved through exercises.  Listed is also not the order I followed every time.

Thursday, November 10, 2016


Completed 1 triplet and a few Couplets
4 sets of each 10 reps of each

Front Squat @ 135lbs / Rt leg KB step ups / Lft leg KB step ups both at 45 lbs KB - 3 stacked rubber plates

Large blue box jumps / Jump rope - singles 100

Goblet Squats @ 45 lbs / Hack Squats @ 135lbs

Heavy Grain bag carry 25 yards 60 lbs / rest

Back is pretty sore from front squats and what ever else sparked it.  Hope it heals up.

11/9/16 - quick workout before heading to spfd for SWCCCA meeting

Had about 45 min to get a workout in before we headed to spfd for swccca meet.

Did sets of 10 and 20 for the hodgepodge of exercises

7 sets of 10 Full range pull-up

5 sets of 20 KB Swings @ 70lbs

5 sets of 10 Ring dips

5 sets of 20 GHD's

Sunday, November 6, 2016

AM workout - Heavy bag, Body Squats, GHD's, Pull-ups

on the min
4 Rounds
As many reps as possible per exercise per min
1 min - Heavy Bag
1 min - Body Squats
1 min - GHD's
1 min - Pull-ups
3 min Rest

Did not count reps just went through flowing.

11/5/16 STATE CC

running every where.  Amazing day.  Two all state boys.  Nathan was 3rd.  3 all state girls, Kelie was 2nd, Laci was 16th, Anna was 18th.  Girls won!  State Champs!

Friday, November 4, 2016

Day before state - running course

Ran / walked the course with the kids.

Back sore

Went to hotel weight room.  Did 4 sets of 25 weighted sit ups with a twist.  8 lbs med ball.  Heaviest they had.  10 x 40lbs push up dumbbell rows.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

11/2/16 - Wall Ball, Crunches, Jump Rope, Alternating Single Arm KB Snatch

3 Rounds
10 Wall Ball @ 20lbs
100 Crunches
100 Jump Rope Singles
10/10 Alternating Single Arm KB Snatches @ 45lbs
1 min Rest

1 - 3:38
2 - 3:31
3 - 3:30
Total w/ rest - 12:41

Monday, October 31, 2016

Heavy Bag, Jump Rope, KB Swings, GHD's, Body Squats, SDLHP

3 Rounds
1 min Heavy Bag
100 Jump Rope Singles
20 KB Swings @ 70lbs
15 GHD's
20 Body Squats
15 SDLHP @ 70lbs
2 min Rest

1 - 4:27
R - 2 min
2 - 4:33
R - 2 min
3 - 4:19
Total w/ rest - 17:20

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Heavy bag, Ninja Jumps, GHD's, Lunges, Bench Press, Jump Rope

5 Rounds
1 minute Heavy Bag
10 Ninja Jumps
20 GHD's
30 Lunges
20 Bench Press @ 115
100 Jump Rope Singles
2 Minute Rest

1 - 5:56
Rest - 2 minute rest
2 - 5:26
3 - 5:35
4 - 5:47
5 - 5:29
Total w/ rest - 36:15

10/29/16 - District meet - Champions x 2

Ran like crazy today.  Warrensburg course is spread out a bit but not conducive for a bike.  Ran all over today.  Between the running and the stress of getting the kids ready I was whooped and dragging by the end of the day.

10/26/16 mileage on bike and abs

AM - 5 miles hard on bike

PM - 9 mile decent pace ride

Ab set/push-ups

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Evening WOD - B.O.B., Abs, Weighted Box alternating step ups, Abs, Push-ups

3 Rounds
1 min B.O.B.
30 Butterfly Sit-ups
15RT/15Lft Weighted Step-ups @ 45lbs KB
30 Sit-ups with a twist
30 Push-ups
1:30 Rest

1 - 5:52
2 - 5:26
3 - 5:15
Total - 19:34

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Long ride on the bike at practice

Kids had long recovery today.

I rode a hard 6 then covered the last 5 with the boys back into school.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Team had 400 meter race pace repeats today.  They did awesome.  I wanted a workout but had to get to Alpha House banquet.  So I did 200 meters of Lunges.  Did not time this.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Butterfly sit-ups, B.O.B., Lateral Goblet Squats, Crunches, KB Curls, KB Tricep extensions, Sled pulls

2 Mile ride while Emily got in a run

3 Rounds
25 Butterfly Sit-ups
1 min B.O.B. Combos
5rt/5lt Lateral KB Squats @ 45lbs
50 Crunches
20 KB Curls @ 45lbs
50 Crunches
20 KB Tricep extensions @ 45lbs
1 Down and back Sled-pull @
3 min Rest

1 - BF sit-ups - :46
B.O.B & Rest of movements - 5:41
Rest - 3 min
2 - BF sit-ups - :47
B.O.B & Rest of movements - 6:03
Rest - 3 min
3 - BF sit-ups - :58
B.O.B & Rest of movements - 6:12
Total time w/ rest - 26:29

This thing tore up my legs.  Hamstrings were on fire by round 2 of lateral Squats.  Man I am a sisssy. Have to get back to some level of consistency working out.  Splits show me falling off the map.

10/13/16 400 run, Leg lifts, Goblet Squats, KB Swings, Sit-ups w/ a twist, Pull-ups, Tire Slams

Split workout today because of storm yesterday.

Some kids just ran 6 to 8 miles

Others ran 2 to 3 miles then to weight room.

I biked almost 3.
Then :

5 Rounds
400 meter run
20 Leg lifts
10 Goblet Squats @ 70lbs
20 KB Swings @ 70lbs
20 Sit-ups w/ a twist
10 Pull-ups
10rt/10lt Tire Slams

Kids had 1 to 2 mile cool down.

I was moving very slow today!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

CC Practice - Dodge Ball, and 50 Burpees

Storm rolled in and kept us in from a long recovery run.  So we played some dodge ball and I did some Burpees with Kellan.

10/11/16 Conference Meet

We ran our conference meet today.  Lots of biking and running.  Kids did amazing.  The teams won every race.  MS boys and girls, JV boys and girls, Varsity boys and girls.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Ninja Jumps, Heavy Bag, Jump Rope, Tire Slam/Flips, Butterfly sit-ups

400 meter run warm-up

3 Rounds
5 Ninja Jumps
1 minute Heavy Bag
100 Jump Rope Singles
1 Tire Flip / 5rt/5lt Tire Slams x 5 Times
30 Butterfly Sit-ups
2 min Rest

1 - 6:06
2 - 6:01
3 - 5:46
Total w/ rest - 21:53

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Bike, Burpees

Rode 5 miles with the girls

50 Burpees for time
1 - 42.52
2 - 45.58
3 - 44.91
4 - 45.10
5 - 45.15
Total time - 3:43

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Thrusters, Pull-ups, GHD's, Tire Throws

AM - rode 3 miles

PM - ran over a mile on soccer field, 3 big loops.  Walked 3 laps around game field.

Then - after practice

6 Rounds
3 Thrusters @ 135lbs
6 Pull-ups
9 - GHD's
6 - Tire Throws

1 - 3:08
2 - 3:03
3 - 2:46
4 - 2:46
5 - 2:32
6 - 2:13
Total time - 21:30

I needed a workout.  My body was begging for something.

Catholic Invitational

Great meet.  Lots of biking and running.

Packing today.  Kids did great.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

CrossFit with the kids

Kids did 1 mile plus warm up

6 Rounds HS
4 Rounds MS

400 meter run
10 Burpees
20 Lever pulls
10 Body squats up to a toe
50 Crunches
10 Iron crosses @ 10 lbs plates
1 Set of tire jumps

1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
Total -

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Upper body Couplets

My body is beat up!  Schedule, stress, inconsistent training.  Not sure what is the issue but I am a mess.  Just kind of existed this morning.

Performed in Couplets
Reps per set were:
12 - 11 - 10
Spider-Man curls @ 60lbs I think/Pull-ups
KB Curls @ 55lbs / 1 Rope climb
Bent over curl rows @ 85lbs / Alpha Press @ 70lbs KB
Arnold Press @ 30/35/40 lbs / Leaning flys @ 15lbs each side each set
Grenade Press @ 90lbs / Lawnmower Pulls @ 90lbs

Tried to do 100 crunches between exercises for the first few Couplets.  Forgot by last 2 couplets.  I was trying to finish so I could get home.

9/24/16 - Hermitage Invitational

Lots of running and biking

It it so hard a few times I went dizzy and foggy when I stopped.

9/23/16 - good ride in am and a hard ride at pm practice

AM - 3 miles

PM - 6 miles, Abs

9/21/16 - Holy cow!

Long run day.  Anna's truck broke down at the 10 mile turn around.  Had to tow it back in to the shop.    Started driving Chevy back to school.  Got 200 meters from the intersection of Hartford and Division and there was a guy and his wife pushing their car.  I jumped out and pushed them to Chicago street.  I would bet an easy 1/2 mile of pushing that car.  I was dripping with sweat and fried.  And of course the dang fitness tracker I wear tracked none of it because my arm was pushing the car not swinging.  I was pretty hacked.  Wanted to get a workout in today but the truck breaking down shattered that plan. Ended up getting a good workout in.

9/20/16 short weight room element after mid range run

Kids did 5 to 6 mile run

Then =

50 Crunches - I did 100
25 Push-ups "wide"
50/50 Mirror Runs @ 10lbs each arm

25/25 Figure 4 - I did 50/50
25 Push-ups narrow
50/50 Mirror Runs

150 Scissor kicks
25 Push-ups - wide
50 Butterfly's
25 - Push-ups - narrow

1 Rope Assent - I did several

9/18/16 weekend WOD

3 Rounds
5 Thrusters @ 135lbs
10 Pull-ups
15/15 Tire Slams
100 Bicycles
6 Tire Throws
2 min rest

1 - 5:10
2 min
2 - 5:29
2 min
3 - 4:40
Total - 19:20

Still exhausted from the week.  My training has been so inconsistent I just don't feel great.  I am struggling with a drive to hit a long hard workout.

9/16/16 - Abs on a rainy day

Homecoming this week has made things crazy.  A huge front came through and canceled the parade.  Coming down so hard for so long we had to run in the halls and do a very hard ab workout.
15 min run inside

10 min Abs!
Guys 20 Girls 15 push-ups
Jack hammers
Leg lifts 
Skopec's 30sec rt/30sec lft
Full body
Guys 20 Girls 15 Push-ups - short break
Flat abs
Obliques 30sec rt/30sec lft
Lever Pulls 
Plank - belly down
Guys 20 Girls 15 Push-ups

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Running intensive crossfit with CC kids

Kids ran 1 mile warm up
Round 1
800 meter and back run CF loop = 1mile, I ran to 400 mark and back.
25 - KB Swings - all rounds @ 55lbs
25 - Push-ups - wide
25 - SDLHP - all rounds @ 55lbs
50 - Figure 4 25 each side - I did 50/50
Round 2
Heartford to Division intersection - I ran to first entrance of primary.
25 - KB Swings
25 - Push-ups - narrow
25 - SDLHP
50 - Butterfly
Round 3
Front of HS down bus route far gate, MS - middle gate
25 - KB Swings
25 - Push-ups - wide
25 - SDLHP
50 - Bicycles - I did 100
Round 4 - only HS high Mileage kids full, low mileage to CF 400, no MS
Track Loop 1 lap - I ran to front of subdivision
25 - KB Swings
25 - Push-ups - narrow
25 - SDLHP
50 - Crunches - I did 100

After all above
20 Toes-to-bar
100/100 Mirror runs

1 mile cool down

Splits kind of - got stopped several times
1 - 10:49
2 - 16:08
3 - 16:09
4 - 14:35
Total time - 57:43 - got stopped several times

Very happy I was able to do this again.  Did it last year too.  Ran more this year than last just a bit farther in a few places.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Hard Bike

Biked a solid 12 miles with the kids on Max Loop.

Got a flat (again) but this time I was just a spot over a mile from school.  I did have to walk up the monster hill.

9/13/16 Home CC meet

Set up and break down not to mention coaching.  Hit 20,000 steps on the fit counter by the end of the day and that was not even calculating the time on the bike.

9/12/16 Painting course at practice

Would not usually count this.

The attachment was lost for the painter behind the kabota.  I had to walk pushing that sucker the whole way.

9/10/16 T-post driving - PM

set the rest of the posts for the meet

Drilled my head with the top of the post driver.  It caught the post and I had my hands high so I literally drove the driver into my head.  Busted my head pretty good.  Had thick CC ball hat on.  Probably kept me from getting more damage.  Saw stars and stumbled around the field for a while.  No stitches needed.  No way I was not concused.

Description I sent to Jen.  Right after it happened.

Driving one of the tall t-posts for the chute.  Top was over my head.  I lifted up for the drive down, the bottom lip of the driver caught on the post.  The solid steel top where my hands were on the handles plummeted to my head with the help of all my force I was using to hit the pole.  I feel like I stabbed a knife into my head through to the roof of my mouth.  What a great end to a beautiful day 😡.

9/10/16 early morning WOD

3 Rounds
400 meter run
1:30 Heavy bag combos
100 Jump rope singles
20 KB Swings @ 70lbs
50 Butterfly Sit-ups
10 Pull-ups
2 min rest

1 -
Rest - 2 min
2 -
Rest - 2 min
3 -

Busy week coming.  Wanted to be in weight room for a bit.

9/9/16 Ran Long hill Repeats - up Max Loop hill 305 meters long

Ran hard driving 5 x 305 meter long hill repeats

Recovery was walk/jog back down to start

9/8/16 Carthage meet - flat tire had to run/walk everywhere

Ran Hills with Anna

Anna got in a slight wreck.  Someone crossed the center line and hit mirrors.  Thank goodness that was all.  She was late to repeats so I ran the ups with her.  5 x 100 meter hill repeats.

9/5/16 Ran Hills with Anna

Anna got in a slight wreck.  Someone crossed the center line and hit mirrors.  Thank goodness that was all.  She was late to repeats so I ran the ups with her.  5 x 100 meter hill repeats.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Driving T-Posts at the course for meet next week

9/4/16 Upper body couplets

4 rounds of each couplet
Completing 12 reps each set
Narrow Bench @ 135lbs
Dumbbell Flys @ 55lbs

Dips - dip rack
Dumbbell Full Range Shoulder Press @ 30/35/35/35

Dumbbell - Grenade Push @ 100lbs
Dumbbell - Lawnmower Pull @ 100lbs

KB Curls @ 55lbs
KB Tricep press @ 45/40/40/40 lbs

Posting this the next day.  Pretty fatigued from this.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Afternoon WOD with CC kids

kids 1 mile warm up

5 Rounds HS 4 Rounds MS
600 meter run
20 Sit-ups w/ a twist
10 Hand release Push-ups
20 Body Squats to a toe
20 Rope climber sit-ups
HS - 2 Wall climbers MS - 1

When done with above
30 Toes to bar
100/100 Mirror runs

1 to 2 mile cool downs

I planned on taking splits.  I even hit my watch at the end of each round.  Every single round I got interrupted or stopped having to help kids or answer questions.  However I was a mess by the end.  I apparently did not drink enough water today.  I got very dehydrated.  I drank 1/2 a gallon of crabapple juice before and during dinner. Not to mention the water I drank during the workout.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

4/27/16 - 400 Run, Heavy Bag, Lateral Goblet Squats, Pull-ups, GHD's, Jump Rope, Heavy Bag running transfer

4 Rounds
400 meter run
1 minute - Heavy Bag punching combos
5/5 Lateral Goblet squats Rt/Lt
10 Pull-ups
15 GHD's
100 Jump Rope Singles
3 Heavy Bag running Transfers - 30 yards down, transfer shoulder after setting down and run back.
2 min Rest

1 - 7:37
2 min rest
2 - 7:56
2 min rest
3 - 8:12
2 min rest
4 - 8:08
Total time w/ rest - 37:55

Lateral Goblet squats got my hammys again!  Good workout.  I liked the flow.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

8/23/16 Heavy bag, Toes to bar, Jump rope, Heavy bag transfer

After practice

5 Rounds
1 min Heavy bag combos
10 Toes to bar
100 Jump rope singles
10 Heavy bag transfers - tall boxes about 5 feet apart, lift/twist/turn/put down - repeat

1 - 3:05
2 - 2:53
3 - 2:59
4 - 2:43
5 - 2:37
Total time - 16:35 w/ rest

Wanted to get something in quick today that was not to draining.  Not bad set up.

8/22/16 CrossFit with the CC kids

Kids did 1 mile warm up

Rounds Boys 6 Girls 5 - MS 5 and 4
400 meter run
40 Bicycles
10 Push-ups
10 KB Swings @ 70lbs
10 Overhead Lunges @ 45lbs plate
20 Butterfly Sit-ups
1 Set tire jumps

After done with above

100/100 Mirror runs
20 Toes to bar

1 mile cool down.

Today was broken for me.  I did not get to really do the workout.  I only got 5 rounds done and had to constantly stop.  Not a bad thing but helping kids get through exercises and such.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Partner WOD

4 Rounds - Reps are listed per man and done as 1 round = both triplets
10/10 Partner Wall Ball 20 lbs ball
15/15 GHD Med ball pass 10 lbs med ball w/ handle
5/5 Partner Ab wheel
1 min rest
10/10 Sand bag box step ups passing bag to partner alternating
15/15 Partner clapping push-ups
5rt5lt/5rt5lt Partner Weighted Chain pulls 5rt side pulls 5lt side pulls
1 min rest

1 - 2:38
R - 30 sec
1 - 1:55
R - 1 min
2 - 3:06
R - 1 min
2 - 1:46
R - 1 min
3 - 3:00
R - 1:04 min oops
3 - 1:40
R - 1 min
4 - 3:12
R - 1 min
4 - 1:42
Total time w/ rest - 25:39

We did this as a partner WOD.  Every exercise done together.  I loved this format and have every time we have done it.  We match up well, what he can push on pushes me and vice versa.  Could not get a better partner for this kind of workout.  We had planned on 30 seconds rest between groupings.  We found quickly that was not going to work.  The first triplet was rougher than the second.  By luck this turned into a great set up.  The GHD's whipped us both.  We also tried to alternate sides when doing the movement elements that involved prodominetly one side.

8/20/16 - Run, Barbell Burpee Clean and Jerk, GHD's, SDLHP, Tire Lift and Throw, Ball Slams

4 Rounds
400 meter run
10 Barbell Burpee Clean and Jerk @ 75lbs
15 GHD's
20 SDLHP @ 55lbs
10 Tire AtoG Squat Lift, Shoulder Press Throw
10 Medball Slams @ 20 lbs ball
2 min rest

1 - 8:05
2 - 9:15
3 - 8:49
4 - 8:49
Total time - 41:01

This was a grinder.  Planned 15 tire throws but dropped to 10 because they were rough and I tweeted my back on number 5 of first round.  Still a bit sore posting this the next morning.  Liked the flow overall.

Several days of rides at practice

Aug 16 - 7 mile ride - abs

Aug 17 - 6 mile ride - abs

Aug 18 - 10 mile ride - abs

Monday, August 15, 2016

CC team Cardio Crossfit number 2

Kids did 1 or 2 mile warm up

4 or 5 rounds
800 meter run - I ran 600
10 Iron Cross @ 10lbs plates
20 Lever Pulls
5/5 Side ways Goblet Squats
40 Long flutter kicks
10 Hand release push-ups
1 - 5:34
2 - 6:26
3 - 6:29
4 - 5:31
5 - 6:57
Total time - 30:56

When done with above complete
100/100 Mirror runs @ 10lbs plates
20 Toes-to-bar

Kids did 1 mile cool down.

My hamstrings are on fire!  Sideways goblet squats hammered them!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Pull-ups, KB Swings, Goblet Squats, Toes to bar

3 Rounds
10 Pull-ups
15 Heavy KB Swings @ 70lbs
20 Goblet Squats @ 55lbs
25 Toes-to-bar
5 min rest kind of

Heat got to me tonight.  Really struggled to get these movements in.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

First WOD with CC kids

1 mile warm up

600 meter run - I ran the 600 today
6 - Burpees
12 - Bench dips
18 - Windshield wipers
24 - Lunges
30 - Sit-ups w/ a twist

When done
100/100 Mirror Runs
25 Toes to bar

1 mile cool down

Saturday, August 6, 2016

AM - Pull-ups, Back squats, Weighted sit-ups, Weighted Overhead lunges, Thrusters, Jump Rope

Run 800 meters warm up

3 Rounds
10 Pull-ups
10 Back Squats @ 135lbs
10 Weighted sit-ups @ 35lbs plate
10 Overhead weighted lunges @ 45lbs bumper plate
10 Thrusters @ 95lbs
100 Jumprope singles
2 min rest
1 - 4:06
2 min rest
2 - 4:20
2 min rest
3 - 3:50
Total time w/ rest - 16:17

800 meter run cool down

Thursday, August 4, 2016

PM in the heat while the girls ran. Sled Pull - 96deg/102 deg heat index

Pulling loaded sled 25 lbs sled, 45, 35, 25 lbs plates on sled.

Down and back walking sled pulls.  Walked full length of drive way.  Walked to far edge of street and back to oak trees by drive way edge far side.  Down and back equaled 1.

6 total repeats think distance was 200 meters or just shy.

The heat was getting to me this morning at the end of my workout.  I am still a bit shakey from it.  However tonight I had no problems.

Upper body, short WOD

8 mile bike with kids
3 min abs

Then ----- went to weightroom after practice.

3 sets of 12 reps per couplet
Couplet 1
Narrow grip bench @ 135lbs
Incline Dumbbell flys slowly declying bench. 50/55/60 lbs Dumbbells

Couplet 2
Barbell row at 90lbs 12rt/12lft side
Full range dumbbell press @ 30/35/40 lbs Dumbbells

Couplet 3
Barbell grenade pushes @ 90lbs
Lat and Tricept extensions @ 50/55/60lbs dumbbell, should have used higher weights here

Short WOD

2 Rounds - planned 3 but the heat was getting me - 90deg/ heat index 98deg

1 min heavy bag
20 Twisting GHD's with a 13lbs med ball
100 Singles jump rope
30 Wall ball throws at 20lbs med ball
20 Med ball slams
2 min rest

1 - 5:38
2 min rest
2 - 6:16
Total time with rest - 13:55

Felt great at start.  By end of round 1 of WOD I was feeling the heat and humidity.  Cut short 1 round.

8/2/16 Bike, abs, Kayaking

Morning Practice 7 mile bike


The family went to the Niangua today and got two seater kayaks.  We went 8 miles.  River was up from all the rain.  Had a great time.

8/1/16 First day of practice

6 mile ride with kids

Drills on grass

Stretch 4 min abs

After kids left I ran 1 mile on the baseball field grass.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Biked with girls at the lake

Biked 5 plus miles with girls at Table rock by mom and dads.  Earlier this week.

Heavy bag, GHD's, Jump Rope, Tire Slams, Tire flips

3 Rounds
1 minute Heavy Bag combos
20 GHD's
100 Jump Rope
10rt/10lt tire slams
10 Tire Flips
2 min rest

1 - 4:59 - 5 tire flips
R - 2:00
2 - 5:45 - 10 tire flips
R - 2:45 threw up right as I was getting ready to start.
3 - 5:47 - 10 tire flips
Total time - 21:18

Had no plan this morning.  Threw something together.  Wanted more rounds but I was really not feeling it today.  First round I only did 5 flips.  Just did not feel right.  Second and third round they flowed.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Narrow grip bench, Pull-ups, Back squats, GHD's, Jump rope, rest then Sled Push, Goblet Carry

5 Rounds
10 Narrow grip bench @ 135lbs
10 Pull-ups
10 Back Squats @ 135lbs
10 GHD's @ 13.5lbs med ball w/ handles
100 Jump Rope Singles
2 min Rest

1 - no split
2min rest
2 - 3:20
2m r
3 - 3:47
2m r
4 - 3:25
2m r
5 - 3:10
Total time - 21:44 missing 1st round so probably 24?

Rest 20 min

5 Rounds
25 yard Weighted Sled Push 2 x 45lbs plates on sled
Run back to start pick up 100lbs dumbbell Goblet carry back
25 yard Sled push back to start
Run back pick up 100lbs weight Goblet carry back to start
Rest time equaled work time each round

1 - 1:40
Rest - 1:40
2 - 1:31
Rest - 1:30
3 - 1:36
Rest - 1:36
4 - 1:44
Rest - 1:44
5 - 1:31
Total time - 14:23 I think

Good workout today.  Energy better but not great.  As my splits show on the sled push 4th round got me.  The goblet carries were hurting my chest and back.  I kind of shifted weight to one side of my chest or the other.  Alternating each down and back.  My heart rate was 180 at 30 seconds after finishing.  Drank 1/2 gallon of water during workout today.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Last day CardioFitness class

Kids did 1 mile warm up
The Flowing Workout
600 meter run on grass or road - I ran all distances as prescribed on the road.
10rt/10lt SDLHP @ 40lbs KB
20 Crunches
600 meter run on grass or road
10rt/10lt Single arm KB Swings @ 40lbs KB
20 Crunches
600 meter run on grass or road
5rt/5lt Single arm KB Snatch @ 40lbs KB
20 Crunches
600 meter run on grass or road
5rt/5lt Turkish Get-ups @ 40lbs KB
20 Crunches
Transition Run 800 meters floppy
40 Hollow Rocks
10 Hand release push-ups
400 meter run
40 Windshield wipers
20 Bench dips
400 meter run
40 Crunches
20 Walking push-ups

Kids did 1 mile cool down.

Kids ran 14 miles yesterday.  We took it easy on the legs today.  Emily took an ice bath after the workout.

My splits
1 - 6:36 had to move and reset fans
2 - 4:36
3 - 4:20
4 - 7:29 - Turkish get-ups
5 - 5:32 transition run 800
6 - 3:55
7 - 5:40
8 - 5:39
Total time - 43:51

Energy is a little better than it has been.  Still did not feel as sharp as I should be.  I am super happy with the amount of running I have been doing.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

AM CardioFitness class

Kids did mile warm up.

4 Rounds
800 meter run - I did 600 meters
20 Weighted Lunging Thrusters - I used 25lbs Dumbbells
20 Lever Pulls
10 Jumping Burpees
1 set of box and tire jumps - boxes from tallest to shortest then 3 of the biggest tires.  Jump or climb over any way possible

Splits - I should not put them down because they are awful.  Something is wrong with me.  I can barely function.  I think roughly 5 min slower a round than last year.  Now I was running further but no excuse I am a train wreck.

1 - 8:45 had to get Pyle the sit up bench
2 - 9:49 helped Lauren on how to do lunging thrusters
3 - 11:27
4 - 11:55
Total time - 42:58

Feel like death!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Workout after practice - I am beat!!!!

Planned on 5 rounds - slipped to 3 by the end

3 Rounds
1 min Heavy Bag
10 Pull-ups
10/10 Wall slams with 20lbs ball 10rt/10lt
30 Ball Slams 20lbs ball
40 Goblet Squats @ 45lbs
20 GHD's
2 min rest

Splits - you will see why I trashed the last two rounds.
1 - 6:34
2 min rest
2 - 7:38
2 min rest
3 - 7:48
Total time - 26:02

10 mile ride w/ Nathan and abs

Steady clip on bike with Nathan 10 miles

5 min abs
Leg lifts
Side crunches 30/30
Figure 4's 30/30

Friday 7/15/16 Cardiofitness WOD

Dawt mill run got canceled yesterday so we will have to make up next week.

Today's WOD
Kids did 1 mile warm up
5 Rounds
600 meter run - I ran this too
20 Push-ups alternate rounds wide/narrow
30 KB Swings/SDLHP's
     Round 1,3,5 - KB Swings
     Round 2,4    - SDLHP's
40 Sit-ups w/ a twist/Lever Pulls
     Round 1,3,5 - Sit-ups w/ a twist
     Round 2,4    - Lever Pulls
When done with all the above
25 Toes to bar
100/100 Mirror Runs
 Kids 1 mile cool down

I am beat!

Wednesday 4th day of camp 7/13/16 Kayak - canoe trip for kids

In kayak - paddled my rear off.  I am whooped!

Wednesday - 4th day of camp 7/13/16 AM Ride

AM Ride - long ride right out of camp

Tuesday 3rd day of camp 7/12/16 - PM - Hodgepodge

PM - tube ride with kids. Lots of arm work rowing to get done in time.
Short ride right out of camp
Single arm KB Snatch
25 right arm/25 left arm = From ground swing KB over head to up position and let fall to the ground to reset.
2 sets
25 Push-ups
50 Sit-ups w/ a twist
Totals - 50 push-ups, 100 Sit-ups w/ a twist

Tuesday - 3rd day JBD 7/12/16 - AM long hard ride

AM - long hard ride turning left out of camp 2 times.  1 time w/ boys 1 time w/ girls

Monday 7/11/16 - 2nd day of camp PM ride and workout

Long hard ride right turn out of camp.

Back at camp
100 SDLHP's @ 45lbs = 2:53 - unbroken
250/250 - crunches = 500 crunches
36 Push-ups

Monday 2nd day of JBD camp - 7/11/16 AM ride

50 min ride left out of camp - oooofff.  No matter how many years I do this the first time up this hill I feel like death.

Sunday 7/10/16 - 1st day JBD ride and workout

PM - ride with runners - to right of camp.  In field and around.

Back at camp I did a workout.

100 KB Swings @ 45lbs - 3:06 unbroken
Then - 36 Push-ups; 200 bicycles

Sunday 7/10/16 - Day 1 JBD Camp

Early PM - Camp Set up. Helping Greg drive stakes for big tents.  Setting up all our tents and our big tent.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

AM - Upper body Couplets

All couplets were 3 sets of 12 reps.
Level GHD's between each set 20reps

First Couplet
Narrow Grip Bench Press @ 135lbs
Incline Dumbbell Flys @ 55lbs

Second Couplet
Spider Curls @ 55lbs curl bar

Third Couplet
Triceps Pull-overs @ 55lbs curl bar
Full Range Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 25's, 30's, 35's

Fourth Couplet
Land mine press - 45lbs barbell w/ 45lbs bumper plate at 1 end
Lawnmower pulls - same weight as above

12 sets of GHD's 20 each set - total 240 GHD's

Friday, July 8, 2016

The Utility 2016 Cardio fitness

Kids did Mile warm up

HS 4 rounds MS 3 rounds
800 meter run - I ran 600 each round
Holding weights each exercise
10 - Bicycles - held 20lbs Dumbbells
10 - Push-press - held 20lbs Dumbbells
10 - Calf Raises - held 20lbs Dumbbells
10 - Iron Crosses - held 10lbs Plates
10 - Goodmornings - held 10lbs Plates
10 - Push-up high plank pulls
10 - Weighted sit-ups - held 20lbs Dumbbells
10 - Tire Slams
10 - Bench Dips
When done with above
25 Toes to bar
100/100 Mirror runs

Kids did 1 mile cool down

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Heavy bag, Wall ball, Weighted GHD's, Pull-ups

7/6/16 - AM practice - bike 8 miles, 5 min abs
Today AM - Practice ride 6 plus miles, ABS 3 min because storm was coming in.

My workout after practice

4 Rounds
1 min Heavy bag
10 Wall ball @ 20lbs ball
10 GHD's @ 13.5lbs ball touching floor behind head
10 Pull-ups
Roughly 2 min rest

No time other than the timer tracking the min.  Took me 3 min or less each round.

Monday, July 4, 2016

AM ride with the girls, exercise at the lake

Rode 6 miles with the girls.

After ride/run I went down to the dock and did the following.
500 Crunches
Sets of 25 push-ups - to 100
500 Crunches
Sets of 25 push-ups - to 50
Swam roughly 200 meters
Sets of 25 push-ups - to 50

1000 crunches
200 push-ups

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Workout with the girls at Grandmas and Grandpas

Girls did 1 mile warm up while I wrote out the workout and laid towels down for them to do the down exercises.
Did this with my ladies.
4 Rounds
Run 800 meters - 1 lap around mom and dads subdivision.  I biked 2 laps per round = 1 mile
20 Body squats - I did KB Squats with 45lb KB
10 Lunges
20 Jumping squats - I just came to a high toe
10 Jumping Jacks
20 Calf raises
10/10 Donkey Kicks right/left
10/10 Fire Hydrants right/left
50 Glute ham raises
20/20 - Single leg flute ham raises right/left
10 Push-ups - I did 20 a round

1 - 11:35
2 - 13:31
3 - 14:07
4 - 14:04
Total time - 53:19 ooooff!

Ran to lake and swam with the girls when we finished.

This one put the hurt on all of us.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Canoe trip on the Black River

Took girls and puppies with Dad, Kyle and Terry floating on the Black River.  Had a blast.  Need to post some pics.  5 mile float.  First 3 miles weather was beautiful.  Rained the next mile then stopped for the last mile.  Started raining again as we loaded the bus.

Swimming, rope swinging and paddling.  I had puppies in canoe.  Jen and girls were in Kayaks.  Dad, Kyle and Terry were in a canoe.

6/29/16 Campsite WOD, climbing and swimming at shut-ins

Swam and climbed all over the shut-ins today.  Need to post a few pics.  Great time with the family.  Beautiful day.

At camp after a nap and while cooking dinner.

2 Rounds
50 KB Swings @ 45lbs
250 Crunches
25 Goblet Squats @ 45lbs
150 Bicycles
25 KB Curls @ 45lbs
100 Crunches
25 KB Tricep Press
4 min rest - planned on 2 but had to help Jen start the Coleman Stove

1 - KB Swings - 1:31
      Rest of exercises- 8:05
      Total time of round - 9:37
2 - KB Swings - 1:26
      Rest of exercises- 7:50
      Total time of round - 9:16
Total time of WOD - 22:53

Good workout.  Just what I needed.

6/28/16 AM Cardiofitness class

Kids did 800 warm up

The Decender
1200 run
20 SDLHP (I did 70lbs)
30 Bicycles (I did 100)
20 Push-ups (narrow)
800 run
20 SDLHP (I did 70lbs)
30 Bicycles (I did 100)
20 Push-ups (wide)
600 run
20 SDLHP (I did 70lbs)
30 Bicycles (I did 100)
20 Push-ups (hand release)
400 run
20 SDLHP (I did 70lbs)
30 Bicycles (I did 100)
20 Push-ups (narrow)

When done with above.
30 Toes-to-bar
100/100 Mirror runs

1 mile cool down / stretch

Back a bit stiff.  Only ran 600 each round.  Done pretty quickly with this one.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

AM - heavy bag, jump rope, wall ball

Warm up - clean up weight room with coach Schrader.  Got a sweat rolling.  Decently humid this morning.

6 Rounds
1 min - Heavy Bag
100 - Single Jumps
20 - Wall Ball @ 20lbs ball
2 min rest

I was surprisingly tired at the end of each round.

Friday, June 24, 2016

PM - Shoulders and Arms

Came in late because of tons of things after summer school so had to start mid flow.

All couplets were 12 reps, 10 reps, 8 reps, 8 reps

First couplet - supposed to be third
45lbs KB Press upside down V - start left shoulder up over head and down to right shoulder = 1, reverse = 2. Then to biceps bridge - starting on back reverse grip on barbell in rack on bench press pegs.  Swing and curl body up into a bridge arms and legs fully extended.

Second couplet - supposed to be last
KB curl - @ 45lbs - hold like a bowl index fingers over handel pointing out front,  Then to Spider curl - chest leaning on lg blue box arms hanging over, using curl bar.  We did 55lbs.

Third Couplet - supposed to be first
Ring Pull-ups, to reverse Grip bent over dumbbell row w/ barbell @ 95lbs

Fourth Couplet - supposed to be second
Dumbbell Shrugs - 60lbs, 65lbs, 70lbs, 70lbs. Then to full motion dumbbell shoulder press - @ 30lbs Dumbbells

AM - Cardiofitness class - 800 forward 400 backward, SDLHP, KB Swings, Bicycle Abs

800 warm up if time

Boys 5 rounds, Girls and MS - 4 Rounds
1 round =
800 meters forward
400 meters backward
Front parking lot

Back was a bit sore.  I only ran 400 forward and 400 backward.  Did several rounds with kids helping with form.

When done with all the above
20 SDLHP I did 70lbs KB (Clayton's)
40 Bicycle Abs - I did 100
20 KB Swings @ 70lbs
40 Bicycle Abs - I did 100

When done w/ the above
20 Toes-to-bar
100/100 Mirror runs - I used 10lbs plates

Cool down if time

Thursday, June 23, 2016

PM - Legs - air temp 94, heat index 103

Warm up box jumps

Did first movement (squats and box step ups) last so I could be with Dsniel for the partner stuff.
Everything tonight was 3 sets of 12

One leg dead lifts - @ 45lbs bar, 12 each leg then moving to partner pull double leg jumps roughly 12 to 13 jumps

Next movement

Weighted lunges @ 30lbs dumbbell each arm, 12 each leg then to, one legged med ball box jumps - 3 stacked 45lbs bumper plates @ 20lbs med ball.

Next movement

Glute bridge back on med ball - bar across hips - raise hips up.  @ 95lbs, then to partner pulls weight belt and partner holding rope 40 yards.

Next movement

Front squat at 115 lbs
KB box step up left leg/right leg @ 35lbs - 12 left leg then 12 right leg
Front squat at 115 lbs
KB box step up left leg/right leg @ 35lbs - 12 left leg then 12 right leg
Back squat at 115 lbs with tow chain each side to floor
KB box step up left leg/right leg @ 35lbs - 12 left leg then 12 right leg

Cash out
3 sets of 12 for both of these

Daniel calls them bobble heads - 45lbs bar - 10lbs on one side, tilt torso to right then left = 1, complete 12 then face other direction and repeat so weight is on other side of body.

Land mine Russian twists @ 45lbs bar and 25lbs bumper plate on 1 end base in front corner of rack.  Grab end lace fingers and swing bar up from hip to face level and to opposite hip. Right to left is one.  Complete 12.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

6/21/16 CardioFitness Something new from something old - The Threes!

Kids did 1 mile warm up
Boys 6 rounds girls 5 rounds middle school 4 rounds
600 meter Run - I ran 400 back was achy
3 Burpees
3/3 Turkish-get-ups I used 30lbs dumbbell, 3rt/3lft
9 Body Squat to toe
12 Iron crosses - I used 10's - this was rough
15 Jack Hammers

When done with above
20 toes to bar
100/100 mirror runs

Kids did 1 mile cool down

Daniel cam in too that was cool.  Humidity was awful.  We all thought workout would not be bad considering the reps but it turned out awful.  We think the heat.  Flowed well though.

6/20/16 chest and triceps oooofffff!

Heavy Bench w/ chains
10 x 135
5 x 185
225 w/ chain 2 alone 1 with help
225 w/ chain 2 alone 1 w/ help
225 w/ chain 1 alone 2 w/ help

5 sets of 8 reps for all exercises

First couplet
Dumbbell bench flys then to narrow grip bench
Dumbbell flys starting decline and moving each set up to incline - 60, 60, 50, 50, 40 lbs
Narrow Grip Bench press @ 135lbs last 3 sets were just before failure for last rep.

Second couplet
Overhand grip tricep extensions- palm down pinky on ear side of dumbbell pushing straight up.  Used 15 and 20lbs, 8 then switch arms.  Then 8 Ring Dips.  Alternating through exercises.

Third Couplet
Leaning Ring chest flys - each set move rings closer to ground to increase lean and extension.
Up push-up position chest rows - alternating arms rt/lft 30lbs, 35, 40, 45, 50

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Landscaping - Moving huge rocks, shoveling rock

Not only carrying huge rocks but I was stacking them on the dolly to get them around the house.  We talk often about workouts focused around functional movement.  We did Hack Squats just a few days before this.  That was the exact movement I used to lift the dolly.  We do partner pulls and sled pulls all the time.  I was pulling the dolly up hill and around the house.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

AM - Arms

All 3 sets of 12 in couplet.

1st couplet
Straight Bar curls @ 65lbs to Hammer curls 40lbs each arm

2nd couplet
Spider curl - chest leaning on lg blue box arms hanging over, using curl bar.  Did 45lbs first set.  Next 2 sets I did 55lbs.  Then to biceps bridge - starting on back reverse grip on barbell in rack on bench press pegs.  Swing and curl body up into a bridge arms and legs fully extended.

3rd couplet
Ring pull-ups then to barbell lawnmower pull.  Bar end in base of rack other end has 45lbs bumper plate.  Pull to chest do 12 then switch arm.

4th couplet
Incline sitting on bench shoulder press facing back of bench then to single arm land mine press.  Same set up as lawnmower but now pressing from shoulder.

Did not do last couplet - ran out of time
But it was supposed to be this.
Full motion dumbbell shoulder press, then to bent over barbell rows

Friday, June 17, 2016

Campus CrossFit

Kids did 800 or mile warm up

Primary Playground
100 Lunges
Weight Room
20 KB Swings @ 55lbs
50 Crunches - I did 100

Intermediate Playground
1 Set Monkey bars
H.S. 10 M.S. 5 Pull-ups
Weight Room
20 SDLHP @ 55lbs
50 Crunches - I did 100

Soccer Field - far goal I ran to game field far goal
Jump and touch top
20 KB Swings @ 55lbs
50 Crunches - I did 100

High School Flag Pole
10 wide
10 narrow
10 wide
10 narrow
Weight Room
20 SDLHP @ 55lbs
50 Crunches - I did 100

Kids did 800 or mile cool down

No toes to bar this year.  Gave them a break.

Biked to Primary and Intermediate locations, but ran to the flag pole and far soccer goal on game field.  Had to hang around the Intermediate for a while to help a bunch of people across the Monkey Bars.

It is crazy hot already.  This week has been brutal.  Days in mid 90's heat index this afternoon was temp 94 heat index 104.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

PM legs

2 sets of 8 reps moving from light to heavy though what I was doing I would not consider heavy.
Zercher Squats - 115lbs, 135lbs
Front Squats - 145lbs, 155lbs
Back Squats - 165lbs, 175lbs

Then to
4 sets of 10 reps
Hack squats - bar at heels grip bar keep close to back of legs on the way up to full standing position. Do 1 set then to superman jumps in wrestling room - big mat on floor 3 feet from wall, standing 3 plus feet from mat.  Jump and dive to mat landing on chest.
Hack squat weight - 95, 105, 115, 125.  First time ever doing these interesting movement surprisingly these did not seem to hurt my back.

Then to
4 sets of 10 reps
Single leg bench goblet squats one toe propped on bench while goblet squatting with other leg then switch.  Was supposed to to single leg med ball box jump.  Did not know it was supposed to be on a box did not do these.  I was whooped any way.

Skipped glute bar bridge and wall sprints.

Did do calf raises.
3 sets of 20 with bar

AM Bike Abs

Hard 6

3 min abs

Walk 800
Run 800

Stretch and push-ups

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

AM CardioFitness w/ kids

Kids did 1 mile warm up

High school 4 rounds MS 3 rounds
Run 800 meters
10 partner over burpees while partner is in plank hold position. Then switch.
20 partner butterfly sit-ups alternate arm high claps at end
10 partner push-ups alternate arm hand claps
5/5 Frog jumps
10 Tire jumps, while partner is doing bench dips.  Man on jumps governs time on dips then switch.

At completion of above do the following
20 toes to bar
100/100 mirror runs

1 mile cool down

Great partner WOD.  More chatter than we have had this year.  I liked it.  Temp was in the 70's and humidity was high.  We were all miserable.  I did my usual.  I did not run but hung around b ing partner subs.  I think I did 6 rounds maybe 7 lost count.  I am totally shot from yesterday's workout.

Monday, June 13, 2016

PM - w/ Daniel, chest/tricep super sets, Turkish get-ups, jump rope

Some of this will be hard to describe.  Daniel has come up with some great variations.

Each couplet was completed in 4 Rounds with 8 reps per exercise per exercise per round.  Moving as quickly as possible between exercises.

1st couplet - Dumbbell Flys starting w/ incline then working down to decline.   Move from flys to wide grip bench.
1 - 55lbs Dumbbells, 185lbs bench
2 - 55lbs Dumbbells, 175lbs bench
3 - 65lbs Dumbbells, 170lbs bench
4 - 65lbs Dumbbells, 170lbs bench
Really struggled on the 4 set of dumbbell flys in the decline position.  Got 6 kind of on the 6th, Daniel reset me and I got the remaining.

2nd couplet - weighted ring dips with log chain and Shoulder press.  Daniel did handstand push ups I did 45lbs shoulder press @ 45lbs.
1 - dips hammers me, got 4 I think w/ chain then just 3 more no chain.  Press was fine
2 - adapted chain hooked ends on rings got 5 then 3.  Still struggled, press no problem but burnt.
3 - adapted chain hooked ends on rings got 5 then 3.  Still struggled, press no problem but burnt.
4 - adapted chain hooked ends on rings got 5 then 3.  Still struggled, press no problem but burnt.

3rd Couplet - log chain kettle bell slight incline tricep/lat pull overs.  Daniel nicked named them nose breakers.  Appropriate monicker.  Put middle of chain at handle of 25lbs KB dropped behind head pulled over and tried to spread hands, repeat.  Ring leaning out to chest flys in push up position slowly lowering rings each round deeper/lower and lower.
1 - solid on the pullovers,  solid on the flys
2 - less solid on the pullovers, solid on the flys
3 - hit wall on 5th pullover had to rest on chest for a few sec. Then finish. flys were good
4 - hit wall on 5th pullover had to rest on chest for a few sec. Then finish. Flys were good

Cashed out with 6 x 45lbs barbell Turkish-get-ups.


100 single jumps
50 skipping/single leg front leg kick jumps
100 single jumps
50 skipping/single leg front leg kick jumps
100 single jumps

AM - 7 mile ride - 5 of it hard, push-ups & abs, walk/run, stretch

Cardio fitness class
7 mile ride - 5 of it pretty hard
Stretch, push-ups, 4 min abs - mason twists, leg lifts, side crunches, jack hammers

At summer school
800 meter walk
800 meter run
Stretch then wall climbs

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Heavy Bag, Tire Flips, Jump Rope, Wall Ball, GHD's

5 Rounds
1 min Heavy Bag
5 Tire Flips
100 Singles Jump Rope
10 Wall Ball 20lbs ball
15 GHD's
2 min rest
1 - 4:04
2 - 3:56
3 - 3:54
4 - 4:03
5 - 3:54
Total w/ rest - 27:59

Just flowed through the stations.  Felt pretty solid through the first 3 rounds.  By round 5 I was having to push with a good amount of effort to stay consistent.  Busted the top of my punching bag.  I cleaned up imedietly to get home.  I was still in a daze taking down the bag.  I carried it in to the storage room and when I dropped it against the wall the top hung on the door knob and busted it open.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

6/10/16 PM - squats / single leg weighted step ups

Same as last week......
10 Back Squats (deep) @ 135lbs
10 Left leg box @ 24" single leg squats with foot on box holding 40lbs KB in left hand straight along side.
10 Right leg box @ 24" single leg squats with foot on box holding 40lbs KB in left hand straight along side.
10 Front Squats (A To G) @ 135lbs
10 Right leg box @ 24" single leg squats with foot on box holding 40lbs KB in right hand straight along side.
10 Left leg box @ 24" single leg squats with foot on box holding 40lbs KB in left hand straight along side.
Repeat this cycle 4 times.  On the single leg squats on the box outside hand was supporting holding rack.

Todays was much better than last week and dropped step up weight 5lbs.

I was also fired up because a guy for the second day went through our elementary pick up drive the wrong way.  Yesterday he cussed me.  Today he just drove through.  I guess I should thank him for being a jack leg for making my workout better.

6/10/16 CardioFitness- The Ab Ripper

Kids did 1 mile warm up - I got tires out and ready for slams.

3 Rounds
400 meter run
50 Butterfly Sit-ups
20 Dips / regular or bench, I did regular
50 Sit-ups w/ a Twist
20 Body Squats
50 Crunches
1 Wall climb

Splits - 3rd is off had to stop and talk to custodian
1 - 7:32
2 - 8:59
3 - 10:00
Total - 26:32

Tire slams

Toes to bar - unbroken once I got my fat rear talked into starting them.  Time includes walk and convincing to get on bar.

As usual solid 1st round then misery!

Kids did 1 mile cool down.

6/9/16 AM ride, abs, run PM, started a WOD and had to stop

AM hard 6 mile loop on red barn
Abs / Push-ups

AM Summer School
800 walk
800 run
Stretch / abs / push-ups

PM - started this with Daniel then had to stop because I got to go to sports dinner in Spfd with coach Schrader - 3 cross kids nominated Nathan, Laci and Allison.  Got to hear Tim Tebow speak.  Amazing message.

Hamstring partner exercise. On mat partner holds heels, 5 ankles close 5 ankles 8 in apart.  Slow drop forward till chest is on the ground and then with slight push up curl body back up to verticle with ham strings.  (Ouch!)
4 sets of 10 of these
Partner logging chain pull.  Put chain through weight belt and partner holds ends of chain.  Pull partner and chain 40 yards.
4 sets of 10 of this

We switched here.  One man did holding for both movements and one man did chain hold for pull then switch.

Started this then had to go
10 x 135 lbs back squat
Then 10 x rt leg weighted step ups on bench.  Finished this workout tomorrow evening.

6/8/16 morning ride, abs, run, abs

AM practice
Hard 6 mile ride to park and loop
3 min abs solid burn / push-ups

AM summer school
800 walk
800 run
Abs / push-ups

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Cardio class, Grass bare foot runs, Push-ups, Body Squats, Lever pulls, Lunges

Kids did mile warm up

5 Rounds
Big loop soccer field bare foot
15 Push-ups
20 Body squats
30 Lever Pulls
20 Lunges
1 - 4:52
2 - 5:38
3 - 5:25
4 - 5:52
5 - 5:49
Total time - 27:38

25 Toes to bar
100/100 Mirror runs

Kids did 1 mile cool down

Monday, June 6, 2016

Dumbbell incline flys, decline overhead pullovers, chain dips, dumbbell push-up position rows, narrow bench

AM - 5 mile ride at practice, stretch, push ups, 3 min abs
AM - 800 walk, 800 jog, stretch and and push-ups
Incline Dumbbell Flys
10 x 45lbs
10 x 50lbs
10 x 55lbs
10 x 60lbs

4 rounds of each couplet 10 reps each exercise
Decline Dumbbell pullovers @ 50lbs x 10
Logging chain dips x 10 - finished them all but had to get fired up.


Up push-up position - 10 rows each arm no push up @ 45lbs x 3 rounds, 50lbs x 1 round
Narrow grip bench press @ 115lbs x 10

After the above
4 rounds
60 seconds heavy bag combos
100 single jumps
Ab roll outs
1 min rest

Roughly 1 min a station

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Farmers carry, dock push ups, KB curls, Turkish get ups, KB sit-ups, KB tricep extensions, single arm row

Warm up - Farmers carry @ 45lbs KB switching arms roughly every 100 meters from mom and dads house to dock.

4 Rounds
25 push-ups on edge of dock
20 KB curls at 45lbs
4 Turkish-get-ups 2 per side @ 45lbs KB
25 Weighted sits-ups @ 45lbs KB
25 Overhead Tricep presses behind head to extended
10 Single arm RT arm SDLHP @ 45lbs
10 Single arm LT arm SDLHP @ 45lbs

Long swim after 3rd round.  I was dragging up to this point.  I had decided on only doing 3 rounds until the lake woke me up.  When I got out I was refreshed and rolled through the 4th round.  Long swim after 4th round.

Farmer carry cool down back to house.  Same set up as on the way back as heading down.

Friday, June 3, 2016

AM - Summer workout #1 w/ Cardio Kids

Did a bit of adaptation this year from last year.
Kids did mile warm up.  I did 800 meter run warm up.

Boys did 5 rounds, girls and middle school 4 rounds

I did 4 rounds
I ran 400 kids ran 800
20 Hand release push-ups
30 KB Swings @ 45lbs
40 Butterfly sit-ups

 After all above was done
25 toes to bar
100rt/100lt mirror runs w/ 10lbs each arm

Again pretty rough workout.  I am exhausted from recent workouts and teaching summer school.  A little muggy this morning but there was a drizzle to take the edge off.  I had sweat rolling off me.

I need to remember to post the pic of the WOD design here.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Full day of activity finishing with some misery

AM Practice - 4 mile ride, push-ups, 3 min abs

At school - walked almost 800 meters and then ran almost 800 meters

PM Work out
Leg burn - supposed to do more but with my last few days I struggled here.  Ended up ice bathing after the workout at home.

Different set up here - Daniel design
10 Back Squats (deep) @ 135lbs
10 Left leg box @ 24" single leg squats with foot on box holding 45lbs KB in left hand straight along side.
10 Right leg box @ 24" single leg squats with foot on box holding 45lbs KB in left hand straight along side.
10 Front Squats (A To G) @ 135lbs
10 Right leg box @ 24" single leg squats with foot on box holding 45lbs KB in right hand straight along side.
10 Left leg box @ 24" single leg squats with foot on box holding 45lbs KB in left hand straight along side.
Repeat this cycle 4 times.  On the single leg squats on the box outside hand was supporting holding rack.

I was beat by the end of this.  Sweating like crazy.  Crazy thing was I got the last 2 rounds done faster than the first 2 rounds.
This is a terrible description of the box single leg weighted squat but best I have.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Sled harness pull

Loaded sled with 105lbs plus sled weight, 130lbs total.  Drug up and down drive way and down subdivision road.

15 min steady walking

5/31/16 - moving heavy rocks to side of house

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Partner Harness Pull, Wall Ball, Tire Slams, Side way wall slams, Ball Slams, Medball Sit-ups

6 Rounds
1 - Partner Harness Pull - down
10 Wall Ball
10/10 Tire Slams rt/lt
5/5 Med ball Rt/Lt side throws wall slams
10 Med Ball Slams
10 Med Ball Sit-ups switch each round touch behind head come over and touch ground on either left side or center or right side.  Alternate each round as follows 1 - Left side, 2 - Center, 3 - Right, 4 - Lt, 5 - C, 6 - Rt
Alternating rest times.  Posted in splits.  Tried for 1:30

1 -3:08
Rest - 1:30
2 - 2:49
R - 1:30
3 - 2:56
R - 3:00
4 - 2:46
R - 1:30
5 - 2:49
R - 2:00
6 - 2:57
Total time w/ rest - 26:55

Wow this one ate my lunch.  Had to add recovery time to survive.  Each of us kind of decided what the rest would be at the end of round.  Did not seem difficult but man this one put the hurt on us.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Heavy bag, Box Jump, GHD's, Burpees

5 Rounds - Steady push
1 minute Heavy bag combos
10 Box jumps 36" box, tallest metal one
10 GHD's
10 Burpees
1 min rest

Did not time but had the WOD timer going off every minute.  Rounds with rest were roughly 5 min.

Got faster the last 3 rounds.  That same push cost me a pretty good toll.  Lost concentration for half a second round 5, jump number 8, I jumped and right toe got caught.  Busted the fire out of my shin.  Still finished the round and workout!  Shin currently feels like it is going to explode.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Pull-ups, Jump rope, Lunges, GHD's, Heavy bag

14 min AMRAP
10 Pull-ups
100 Jump rope singles
25 Lunges
10 GHD's
30 seconds Heavy bag

Completed 4 rounds.  Did not push hard just flowed pretty quickly.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

AM Hill Running

Met Daniel out on the hills by the hotel.  I did 4 x 140 meter up hill runs.

Friday, May 27, 2016

AM in pool room wake up movement

10 Goblet Squats @ 45lbs
10 right arm SDLHP @ 45lbs
10 left arm SDLHP @ 45lbs
100 sit-ups
10 KB Swings @ 45lbs
10 push-ups
20 Goblet Squats @ 45lbs
20 right arm SDLHP @ 45lbs
20 left arm SDLHP @ 45lbs
100 sit-ups
20 KB Swings @ 45lbs
20 push-ups
30 Goblet Squats @ 45lbs
30 right arm SDLHP @ 45lbs
30 left arm SDLHP @ 45lbs
100 sit-ups
30 KB Swings @ 45lbs
30 push-ups

Holy moley I was not ready to move.  The first round of 10's whipped me.  I was feeling much better by the last round.  Pool room was hot so I had a solid sweat going.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

B.O.B., Jump Rope, Bicycle abs

4 Rounds
B.O.B. Combos
100 Jump Rope singles
100 Bicycle Abs

Set B.O.B. at different heights
Round and height
1 - 6ft
2 - 6'6"
3 - 6'6"
4 - 5'6"

Good sweat rolling again.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

B.O.B. , Jump Rope, Abs

5 rounds
B.O.B. Combos - hit while a song was on for full song
Then moved to
Abs - sets of 100, butterfly, R/L/C, Sit-ups w/ twist, sit ups, crunches
Jump Rope singles - sets of 100

Had sweat rolling during this one.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Parachute sprints

4 x 120 meter parachute runs

Dropped recovery time so I cut the number of intervals.

1 - 18.82
R - 1:30
2 - 21.98
R - 1:30
3 - 18.96
R - 1:30
4 - 22.04
Total time - 5:52

5/22/16 Shoveling rock and building a stone wall

Thursday, May 19, 2016

5/18/16 parachute runs

6 x 120 yard parachute runs

1 - 22.20
R - 2 min
2 - 18.24
R - 2 min
3 - 23.93
R - 2 min
4 - 19.22
R - 2 min
5 - 21.82
R - 2 min
6 - 18.47
Total time - 12:06

Like last time heading north on the field the wind was gusting at my face.  Felt like it was lifting me off the ground.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Box jumps, hammer grip pull-ups, GHD belly slams, Blocking pad exercises

6 Rounds Partner WOD
Resting man - sitting on small black box in crunchy frog position while other man is on.

Working man
5 - Box jumps on huge metal frame box
10 - Hammer Grip Pull-ups
5 - GHD blocking pad ab slams - resting man hits GHD guy on chest/stomach w/ pad
Blocking pad High Knees down / hand crossover mat in push-up position crawl down
5 Burpees

Splits of both men work/rest time initial is man working.
D - 1:30
R - 1:39
D - 1:36
R - 1:51
D - 1:36
R - 1:45
D - 1:41
R - 1:45
D - 1:59
R - 1:55
D - 1:49
R - 1:52
Total time - 21:04

Something different again.  Liked it but man I was gassed at the end.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Parachute sprints round 2

6 x 120 yards Parachute Sprints

Did 4 of these Tuesday did 6 today.  Remembered to take splits and time recovery today.  Wind was pretty high today.  Threw me all over.  Even better you can tell which direction was with the wind and which was against.  I was able to get fast enough to pull the chute even with the wind and somehow still drag me pretty good.

1 - 19.74 against wind
2 min rest
2 - 20.17
2 min rest
3 - 22.68
2 min rest
4 - 19.13
2 min rest
5 - 25.25
2 min rest
6 - 20.00
Total time w/ rest -  12:09

Good workout again.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

5/10/16 parachute sprints

I was feeling pretty good today and had a few min when we finished the workout.  The sprinters had been working parachute runs.  I grabbed the biggest chute and did 4 x 120 meter sprints barefooted in the thick grass on the field.  Goal posts to goal post.  Felt good.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Landscaping - "Heavy Rock Moving"

Overhead reverse KB Throws/Sprints, Tire flips/Tire slams, Sled Push/Plank hold across tires

3 Rounds partner WOD
While one man was sprinting other was overhead reverse KB Throwing, switch when sprinting was done.
Move to
1 man flipping tire (small one today), other man tire slam with short heavy bar alternating sides, switch when man was done flipping.
Move to
1 man pushing sled other was in long plank position across tires, hands and toes.

3 Rounds
2 x Down and back 50 meter sprints on soccer field
While other man does Overhead reverse KB toss - 45 & 55lb KB's
Move to
15 x Tire flip, other man tire slam w/ short heavy bar
Move to
2 x Down and back sled push @ 25lbs plates, other man in long plank extended push-up position hold till other man finishes then switch.

We had planned 4 rounds but 3 was plenty.  Holy cow!  Told Daniel I would not classify this as a barn burner but I think the field caught fire and was heading to the barn.

Friday, May 6, 2016

B.O.B., Push-ups, Med-ball Sit-ups press, KB Lunges, Body Squats

3 Rounds
Punching B.O.B. For a few min
25 Push-ups
25 Med-ball sit-ups w/ a press
25 KB Gobblet style Lunges @ 45lbs
25 Body Squats

Did for completion no time.  I am exhausted for some reason.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

AM Ride into school

Em ran in Hollister last night so we left the truck at in-laws with the intent I would ride to school in the morning.
I rode in.  The ride was awful.  One of the worst I have had in a while.  I felt like death the whole time.  I definetly got a good workout in.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

AM WOD - Pull-ups, Goblet Squats, Butterfly Sit-ups, Heavy bag

600 meter jog warm up

5 Rounds
10 Pull-ups (strict)
20 Goblet Squats - 55lbs KB
60 Butterfly sit-ups
1 minute Heavy Bag
2 minute rest

1 a - 3:40 movement
   b - 1 min - heavy bag
   c - 2 min rest
2 a - 3:56
   b - 1 min
   c - 2 min rest
3 a - 3:50
   b - 1 min
   c - 2 min rest
4 a - 4:09
   b - 1 min
   c - 2 min rest
5 a - 4:02
   b - 1 min
TOTAL TIME w/ Rest - 32:44

Did not rush on this.  Just got the work done.  I feel drained and out of shape.  Had a pretty good sweat going.

4/30/16 hard bike ride while the girls ran.

I hot lapped Cherry Blossom 3 times while the girls ran it.  Then back to house.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Early AM hot laps at the track on bike

It's been a few days and I really needed something.

Band kids needed to go early so we met at the track at 5 am.  While they warmed up I was hot lapping the track.

On their recovery I was hot laping the track on my bike.

Legs were on fire and I am exhausted still several hours later.

Great workout.  I covered my guess 7 miles maybe more.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

SBU Invitational

Lots and lots of running today.

Girls 4 x 8 shattered the school record and meet record and ranked 1st in the state.  9:33.  Holy cow.  Allison also ripped up the 800 running a 2:16.  Nathan popped off a 4:29 mile.
4 x 8 splits
Alena - 2:24
Kelie - 2:26
Hollie - 2:24
Allison - 2:17

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Pull-ups, Goblet Squats, Push-ups, Crunches, KB Swings, SDLHP

Late at hotel weight room
Wanted to get some movement in nothing was rushed.

Did 3 sets
10 pull-ups
20 Goblet Squats @ 45lbs
25 Push-ups
50 crunches
20 KB Swings
20 SDLHP @ 45lbs

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Stationary bike, Crunches, Push-ups

30 minutes Stationary Bike - Manual setting 6

1000 Crunches

100 Push-ups

100 meters of Burpees

100 meters of burpees
Hand walked out to push-up position.  Did burpees from there.  So body length covered with each Burpee.
Took split at 50 meters
50 - 3:20
50 - 6:05
100 meters - 9:25

Did this on the track after practice.  Front stretch.  Legs are stiff from the lunges Tuesday.  Strange, I almost was twice as slow on the second 50 meters. Did not feel that slow.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Hillcrest Relays

Running for the races.  Lots of back and forth from start to 200.  Raced Taylor back and forth during 4 x 4.

Lunges, Push-ups

220 yards of Lunges on the turf at JFK

100 Push-ups

4/17/16 - Bike with the girls

3 mile Bike with girls

4/17/16 Box Jump, SDLHP

Set clock for 12 minutes
1 minute - 36 inch Box Jump - 14
1 minute - 115lbs SDLHP - 12
2 minutes - 36 inch Box Jump - 22
2 minutes - 115lbs SDLHP - 21
3 minutes - 36 inch Box Jump - 30
3 minutes - 115lbs SDLHP - 31

Total reps
Box Jumps - 66
SDLHP - 64
Total - 130

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Run, Heavy Bag, Goblet Squats, Pull-ups, Butterfly Sit-ups, KB Snatch, Butterfly leg lifts, Single arm SDLHP

Warm up run 400 meters lots of stretching and massage w/ softball on glutes, hips and ham strings.
4 Rounds
Heavy Bag
15 - Goblet Squats
10 - Pull-ups
25 - Butterfly Sit-ups
5/5 - Single Arm KB Snatch
20/20 - Leg Lifts
5/5 - Single arm KB SDLHP
2 min rest

1 - 4:20
R- 2m
2 - 5:02
R - 2m
3 - 5:53
R - 2m
4 - 5:19
Total w/rest -

I am beat from yesterday.  We got back at 2 and I was not in bet till 3.  Ran like crazy for all the races.  Girls 4 x 8 broke school record 9:.44.01.  Ranked 1st in the state right now.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Pitt State - Running

Running like crazy cheering for kids.  Wish I had a pedometer I covered some serious mileage today. My low back and hamstrings are on fire.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Early AM WOD, Toes-to-bar, Burpee Pull-ups, Bar Burpees Clean and Jerk

4 Rounds
10 Toes-to-bar
10 Burpee Pull-ups
10 Burpee clean and jerk push-up on bar @ 75lbs
Sprint down and back length of weight room

1 - 2:27
2 min rest
2 - 2:51
2 min rest
3 - 2:38
2 min rest
4 - 3:04
Total time w/ rest - 16:50

We had planned 5 rounds.  We opted for 4.  It was a good thing I fell off the planet round 4.  I am logging this almost 8 hours later and I am still toast.  Great workout though!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

PM WOD w/ Anna and Emily

3 Rounds each set/station on the min every min
Sit-ups w/ a twist
KB Swings @ 45lbs
Punching Combos
Sled Pull 25yards down 25 yards back w/ 75lbs on sled

Fun to do one with the ladies. They had 25lb KB.  Roughly 25 to 30+ reps per station

4/9/16 PM ride with the girls and puppies, abs and push ups

girls ran 3 and 4 miles

I rode with them.  We did abs and push ups.

4/9/16 Early morning WOD

5 Rounds
10 Dumbbell Thrusters @ 40lbs each arm
  1 Set Box jumps - 5 boxes starting @ 24"  up to the tallest cage box
10 Dips
10 Dip rack pad slap alternating arms
10 Dip rack supine pulls
5/5 single leg bench goblet squats @ 55lbs
200 single jump rope
Rest 90sec, 90sec, 2min, 2min

1 - 3:29
1:30 rest
2 - 3:39
1:30 rest
3 - 3:55
2 min rest
4 - 4:26
2 min rest
5 - 4:00
Total time - 26:32

10 min rest

20 min Heavy Bag combos.

Loved the flow but the jump rope killed both of us.  Calves were on fire.  Next day my glutes and hips were sore.  Calves were not, strangely.  Great workout.  We were beat.  If Daniel had not been in this with me I would have quit after 4.  As you can see round 4 was awful.

4/8/16 re-work rocks out front.

moving huge rocks for landscaping

Friday, April 8, 2016

4/6/16 Stationary Bike, Crunches, Push-ups on wobble pillows, body squats on wobble pillows,

Short WOD
2 rounds
25 Push ups on wobble pillows
50 Crunches
25 Body squats on wobble pillows
10 min stationary bike

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Box jumps, Pull-ups, Lunges, Sit-ups w/ a twist, Goblet Squats

5 Rounds
10 Box jumps - Tall blue boxes
10 Pull-ups
20 Lunges
20 Sit-ups w/ a twist
10 Goblet Squats
1 min rest

1 - 2:28
2 - 2:22
3 - 2:19
4 - 2:33
5 - 2:21
Total time w/ rest - 16:05

Friday, April 1, 2016

Track meet in Bentonville Ark

a long day
Got home at 1:30am
Ran tons today.  Legs are shot.  Hamstrings are crazy sore.  Kids had a good day.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Bench Press, Single Arm KB Snatch, GHD/Back Extension/GHD, Rainbow Kicks, Harness Pull

Bench Press
10 x 135
5 x 185
4 x 225
4 x 225
4 x 225
10 x 135

3 Rounds
10rt//10lft - Single arm KB Snatch
10/20/10 - GHD/Back Ext./GHD
5/5 - Rainbow kicks on pull up dip racks swing toe touch to right the feet to ground swing to left toe touch
1 Harness pull
1 min rest/1:30 rest

1 - 2:44
1 min rest
2 - 2:48
1:30 rest
3 - 2:52
Total time - 10:56

Wanted a quick one.  It was a solid gasser.  I have been sick since last Friday evening.  Started as allergies but progressed into full body aches and sore throat.  I slept all day Friday mom and dads.  Really did not start feeling better till this afternoon.  Throat still sore but better.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Bike, Lunges, Push-ups

6.5 mile ride hard

25 lunges then 25 Push-ups for just over 200 meters

1 - 1:05
2 - 1:15
3 - 1:19
4 & 5 - 3:13
6 - 1:05
7 - 1:16
8 - 1:57
9 & 10 - 3:16
Total - 14:29

Posting this 9 hours later.  Legs are still shakey.  Stomach got stirred up with this one today.  Still not feeling great.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Bike at practice, hard and in grass. Hot mile on track, Abs

6 miles on bike w/ kids

Back at track went hard mile crazy hard wind.
1 - 51.73
2 - 53.24
3 - 57.51
4 - 57.11
Total - 3:39.59

Abs at home 10 min
50 push-ups
5 min x 2 - 1 min a movement
Obliques - 30 seconds each side, penguins, mason twist, leg lifts, jack hammers.
50 push-ups

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Bike at practice, body squats, push-ups, calf raises

6 mile bike ride with kids at practice

Later in the evening
50 Body squats
50 Push-ups
500 Calf raises

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Bike, push-ups, abs

7 mile bike ride with Anna and Emily

Got back and did the following
50 Push-ups
100 R-L-C
100 Penguins
100 Rope climbers
100 Crunches
25/25 Obliques rt/lt side
100 Crunches
50 Push-ups

Cold today but fun to be out with the girls.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

AM - Heavy Bag, Walking Barbell Swings, Walking Lunges, Deep Rack Push-ups, Supine Pulls in dip rack, Medball Slams, KB Swings, Dumbbell Thrusters, GHD's, Walking High Knees

5 Rounds
2 man workout, one man does walking Barbell swing 1 length of floor(down), and hitting heavy bag while other man does all other movements 30 seconds each, so 4 minutes of movement in individual exercises and 8 min of movement total per round.  No real rest.

                          -- Walking lunge
                          -- Rack deep push-ups
                          -- Supinerows in dip rack
Heavy bar         -- Ball Slams @ 20lbs ball
Twisting walk/  -- KB Swing @ 45lbs
Heavy bag         -- Dumbbell Thrusters @ 45lbs
Combos.            -- GHD's
                          -- Walking high knees

We wanted a grind and got it.  Great workout.  Liked the flow and set up.  Second one we have done like this this month.  This one was considerably tougher than the last one.  40 minutes of total movement.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Sand Bag 100 meter walk, Sand Bag Burpees, 70 meter sprint

5 Rounds
100 meter Sand Bag Walk, 50 down 50 Back
Sand bag burpees up and back down small bleacher on field
70 meter sprint
2 min rest

1 - 2:16
2 - 2:18
3 - 2:22
4 - 2:23
5 - 2:11
Total time w/ rest - 19:32

I really liked this workout.  The burpees were a new set up.  We set bag on the ground by bottom bleacher seat did burpee.  On way up on burpee picked up sand bag and place on bleacher seat and do another burpee.  Grab bag and drop in front of next bleacher and repeat to top of bleacher set.  At top do two burpees then repeat going back down.  So 20 burpees per set.  100 burpees total.

200 Meter Hill Repeats

Kids had 200 meter hill repeats up Lillian.  Recovery was walking backward down hill back to start.

I love hills so could not pass up doing some with them.

I did 5 x 200 meter hill repeats.  Had a great time with the kids.  Calf seemed to hold up.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

KB Swings, Goblet Squats, SDLHP, B.O.B. Combos

50 KB Swings @ 45lbs = 1:27
2 minutes B.O.B.
50 Goblet Squats @ 45lbs = 1:30
2 min B.O.B.
50 SDLHP @ 45lbs = 1:18
2 min B.O.B.

Splits looked like this
KB S - 1:27
Hit BOB 2 min - total 3:33 w/ set up
Started GS @ 5:00
GS - 1:30
Hit BOB 2min - total 3:29 ""
Started SDLHP @ 10:00
SDLHP - 1:18
Hit BOB 2 min
Total time - 14:02

Monday, March 14, 2016

50 Burpees for time

50 Burpees for time
25 - 1:32
1 minute rest
25 - 1:34

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Heavy bag, Goblet Squats, Sit-ups w/ a Twist, Pull-ups, KB Swings, Crunches

5 Rounds
1 minute Heavy bag
10 Goblet Squats @ 55lbs
25 Sit-ups w/ a twist
10 Pull-ups
25 KB Swings @ 55lbs
50 Crunches

1 - 4:42
2 - 4:34
3 - 4:29
4 - 4:26
5 - 3:56
Total w/ rest - 30:11

Finally feeling better today.  Still lots of drainage.  Low back is hurting.  My only guess is from all my caughing.  The bruse finally came to the surface on my left calf.  Looks like I did tear my calf.  It still is not better.  I am not limping but I can move on it pretty good if I get it nice and warmed up.  2 weeks ago today I tore it.  Noticed the bruse a day or so ago.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Heavy Bag, Burpees, Weighted Sit-ups, Bench Press, Overhead Lunges

4 Rounds
2 Minutes Heavy bag
10 Burpees
20 Weighted Sti-ups @ 25lbs
10 Bench Press @ 135 lbs
20 Overhead Lunges @ 45lbs
2 Minutes Rest

1 - 5:12
2 - 5:27
3 - 5:14
4 - 4:54
Total time w/ rest - 26:50

Still sick.  Industrial waste coming out of me when I cough.  One of these days I will get over this.  This current round started Monday of this week.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

AM Ride 5 miles

Morning Practice
5 mile ride - Last 2 miles were hard, went back out after 3 mile loop.
3 min Plank after

Still pretty sick.  Lungs and such pretty rough.  Wanted to get my blood up just a bit to see if I can push this thing through.  

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Rainy Day Track

Very large front came in today so we had practice at the High School.  We went from the weightroom we got lucky the really heavy stuff did not come in until the last 1/4 of the work out.  The kids did anywhere from 4 to 10 rounds of the following.
4 to 10 rounds of I completed 6 rounds
800 meter run - I ran 400's
15 Burpees
50 Abs of choice
15 Lunges
50 Abs of choice

All movements were to be done under control.  Today was to be long recovery keeping heart rate below 140.  My calf held up to the runs.  It is still pretty sore.  I am sick again.  Respiratory something again.  I can not remember being sick this many times in a row for roughly the last 22 years.  Sever Jack leg boys drove down the road at a high rate of speed and sliding on the wet pavement.  Very dangerous with the kids on the road.  I ran down and addressed this.  Back is pretty sore for some reason too.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Heavy Bag, Lunges, Windshield Wipers, Deep Push-ups, GHD's, Walking High Knees

2 man Workout
One man on heavy bag while other man completes all other movements.  30 seconds per movement = heavy bag for 2:30.
                  ---   Walking Lunges 30 sec
                  ---   Windshield wipers 30 sec
Heavy bag   ---   Deep Push-ups 30 sec
     2:30      ---   GHD's 30 sec
                  ---   High Knees walk 30 sec

Both of us are beat this morning.  Needed something to just get the blood flowing.  Holy cow yesterday put it on us.  Calf is recovering.  Not limping anymore but still can't run.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Bench Press, Pull-ups, Goblet Squats, GHD's, KB Swings

Started day with bench press
10 x 135
5 x 185
4 x 225
5 x 225
5 x 225
10 x 135

1 minute on 1 minute off format until complete w/ all reps.
Complete as many reps as possible until reaching 100 reps per exercise then rotate to next exercise

Exercises and reps per round
100 Pull-ups - 25 - 22 - 20 - 15 - 18
100 Goblet Squats @ 40lbs - 30 - 28 - 26 - 16
100 GHD's - 26 - 23 - 20 - 20 - 11
100 KB Swings @ 40lbs - 35 - 36 - 29

Great workout.  I liked this format.  It just seemed to keep a nice flow.  I was whipped by the end. 17 minutes/rounds to complete workout, 33 min total workout with rest.  I finished a few rounds fast enough to jump on reps for the next activity.  I decided not to because I was being a wus.  Calf is better 6 days later.  It still hurts to come to a toe but not a sharp miserable pain like it was.

Friday, March 4, 2016

3/3/16 Bike on Road, 2 x 1 mile blasts on bike on track

5 mile bike on roads park loop

1 mile on track full blast

10 minutes

1 mile on track full blast
Splits on laps
1 - 52.21
2 - 54.66
3 - 1:00.28
4 - 57.20
Total - 3:44

Calf still pretty sore.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Stationary Bike, Body Squats, Push-ups

Ab set at practice (SAP).  6 minute abs.  25 Push-ups
1 min - windshield wipers
1 min - penguins
1 min -
1 min -
1 min -
1 min - Scissor kicks

10 Min stationary bike
50 Body Squats
25 Push-ups
10 Min stationary bike
50 Body Squats
25 Push-ups

Monday, February 29, 2016

Stationary Bike, Push-ups, Crunches

30 minutes stationary bike
500 Crunches
50 Push-ups

Calf is still hurting pretty badly.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Prep-WOD for first day of Track

Tabata set up
20 seconds on 10 seconds off 2 sets and then 30 seconds rest.  One man on one exercise one man on another.
Air Sprint/Jumping Pull-ups
St. Louis Slams/High Knees
GHD's / Rest
Bags and ladder follow the leader
Wall walk / Body Squat
Heavy Rope/Speed skate
Supine pull/Push ups
Goblet Squat/Rack push
Gasser down and back / rest
Tire Slam / Step ups
DOT drill / Jumping Jack
Sled Push down and back / Rest
Toes to bar / KB Swings
Dead Lift @ 135lbs / Box jumps

During the sled pushes on my second run second drive with my left leg my left calf popped.  I can only hope that it is strained and not torn.  I have already iced and elevated but it is throbbing.  I finished the workout only skipping the box jumps.  Pretty solid WOD.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Worked on deck all day

I am whooped!

2/26/16 after school, heavy bag work, Jump Rope, Toes to bar

3 Rounds
Heavy Bag work
Jump rope singles 100/ TTB/100/TTB and

Did this to music.  Full song on heavy bag then 2 songs for toes to bar and jump rope singles and Toes to bar.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Dumbbell Hang clean, GHD's, Supine Rows, Full Crunches feet on ground, Lunges, Burpee Pull-ups

4 Rounds
10 Dumbbell Hang Cleans
10 GHD's
10 Supine Rows
50 Full Crunches/sit-ups
25 Lunges
10 Burpee Pull-ups
1 Minute Rest

1 - 3:50
1:00 rest
2 - 4:07
1:00 rest
3 - 4:03
1:00 rest
4 - 3:54
Total - 18:55 w/ rest

Great to finally be in w/ Daniel again. Great WOD.  Took heart rate at 10 seconds after finish and I was at 185.  At 1 min I was at 150.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

PM Stationary Bike, Push-ups, Crunches

25 Push Ups
300 Crunches
25 Push Ups
30 min Stationary bike above 86 rpm's at lvl 6
25 Push Ups
300 Crunches
25 Push Ups

5am Stationary Bike 30 minutes Fat Burn Setting

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Stationary Bike, Crunches

20 Minutes Stationary Bike lvl 6
500 Crunches
20 Minutes Stationary Bike lvl 6
500 Crunches

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Bike and Abs

11 mile ride with the girls.  Em ran 3 then Anna and I rode another 8.

500 crunches

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Heavy Bag, Jump Rope

40 minutes
Heavy Bag Combos
4 sets of 100 Jump Rope

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Bench Press, KB Swings, SDLHP's, Goblet Squats, Abs

Bench Press
10 x 135
5 x 185
4 x 225
4 x 225
3 x 225
2 x 225
10 x 135

2 sets
10 x KB Swings @ 55lbs
100 x sit-up/crunch
10 x Goblet Squat @ 55lvs
10 x SDLHP
50 - 25/25 Rt side across Lt side across sit ups

2/16/16 Armageddon - on the sissy side

I've been sick so I just cut back and flowed at a pretty even pace.
50 Pull-ups - 3:32
50 Toes-to-bar - 6:45
50 Front Squats - 5:40
50 Burpees - 7:17
50 Rope Climbers - 1:49
50 sec Wall-sits - 1:10 - 50 seconds but this included walk to the wall
50 Push Press - 2:12
50 sec Plank - 1:41
50 Wall Ball 20lb ball - 5:44
50 Push-ups - 2:28
50 Crunches - 2:08
50 Body Squats - 2:45
TOTAL TIME - 43:16

I have still not been on top of my game.  I wanted to get something done but not put my self in the world of hurt this one puts you in.  As it was I was feeling pretty crappy.  Good to watch the boys hitting this one and see the improvement from year to year.

Monday, February 15, 2016

30 Minutes Stationary Bike

30 Minutes Stationary Bike

Fat Burn Setting
88 RPM plus average

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Stationary Bike

Fatburn setting 30 minutes

Average rpm over 85.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Fartlek fun

5 mile Fartlek with the boys.  Did a new set of intervals today.  1 mile warm up, 3 x 45 sec surges w/60 seconds rest, then 2 minutes rest then 3 x 30 sec surge w/60 second recovery, then 3 minute rest and repeat.  Bike got a flat on the front tire with about 1.75 miles left.  I was able to pedal for about 400 plus meters or so then the tire went off the rim.  My legs were fried at this point from pedaling.  I got hacked because I had to time recovery and the surges so I had to stay moving and up with the boys no matter what.  I jumped off the bike and started to run with the bike on my shoulder because it would not roll.  Jacob took a picture with about 1 mile left coming down the big hill on Red Barn loop.  
The video is from behind the baseball field on the hill coming up to the high school on the bus route.  I was going to throw the bike in the back of Jacobs truck because they had taken off on there recovery after the last surge.  I was hacked because I wanted to run it all the way in but I was getting beat.  The boys back up to me but go past me.  I look Nathan in the eyes and he says on your not getting in.  I then here the music ramp up and it is the start of the ROCKY theme.  I got juiced and fired up the hill.  31 second blast up hill with the bike on my shoulder.  It sucked but we all had a great time today.  Great way to finish off a week.  Not to mention I was sick last Friday through Wednesday this week.  Thursday and today were not much better.