Saturday, July 30, 2011


Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters - Subbed in 600 meter bike
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups - tried to go a little more of a strict pull up but not fully

1 - 2:33.03
2 - 2:46.15
3 - 2:57.27
Total time - 8:16.45

Low back and traps are on fire from Squat Snatch yesterday.  Just really hurting.  I talked to Daniel I just don't need to do the squat snatches again for a very long time until I can get my over head squat going.  I am torn up.  To much pain for a normal WOD.  Something just gets me on those.  Also for the first time in as long as I can remember I have a pretty bad ear infection in my right ear.  Did not seem to effect the WOD but man it hurts.  Time from this to last is not comparable since I am biking shorter.  Daniel and I have found that biking 600 to running 400 seems to be comparable time wise with accereration/decelleration and parking the bike.  He and I can be pretty even when I do that.  Today he was just up on me after the pull ups roughly 2 seconds.  Last round his 400 got him.  I waited 10 or 15 seconds so we could do the KB's together.  I know he waited for me yesterday it was the least I could do.  We started together and started the pull ups together.  He finished 4 seconds up on me for a huge pr.  Great job Daniel!  Also we got up this morning and the girls and I biked with Jen.  Jen put in a 9 miler great job ma'ma! And girls.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Run 400 meters = as usual subbed in 800meter bike
Round 1 = 3:42
Round 2 = 3:57
Round 3 = 3:53
Total Time = 11:33
Just was not into this today. I was up at 6:30 and should have come in. As it was I went back to bed and got up an hour later and did not make it in until 10am. Wind was high which made the bike miserable. Just did not have any fire today. I am going to hit it tomorrow and do "Jackie" looks like it will burn.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Wallball, Squat Snatch

Three rounds for time of:

30 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball (10.5 foot target)
75 pound Squat snatches, 30 reps (movement initiates with barbell below the knees)

1 - 5:09.93
2 - 7:06.09
3 - 6:54.17
Total Time - 19:10.19

Met Coach at 5am this morning.  Knew I was going to get frustrated with the Squat Snatches.  I was right.  I just can't drop down into the overhead squat position.  Back, Shoulders or both something is hindering this action.  I dropped as deep as I could each rep still frustrated.  As usual wallball was solid. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Weighted push-up 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

1 - 45
1 - 70
1 - 90
1 - 100
1 - 110
1 - 120
1 - 135 Fail

Interesting WOD today.  First time doing anything like this.  Ashley stayed to stack the weights and did it as well.  I was very unsure as to how to approach this one.  I am not sure if I could have done 130 or not but I was pleased over all with this WOD considering the problems I have been having with my shoulder.  The real test for the shoulder will be the weighted dips this next week.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Seven rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters subbed in 600meter bike
135 pound Back squat, 29 reps

1 - 3:46.46
2 - 3:39.32
3 - 3:36.22
4 - 4:12.78
5 - 3:51.18
6 - 4:02.09
7 - 3:56.89
Total time - 27:04.94

Holy cow this one was a strange burn.  203 x 135lb squats.  My legs have not been recovering lately I am sure this one is going to fatigue me for a few days.  I dread the thought but I might take ice bath #3 for the summer.  We shall see.  I am not sure the temperature at 9am as I did this but when I got finished I layed on the smooth concrete and there was a lake of sweat under me that pooled up then ran in a 4 inch wide stream away from my body.  After I got up it still was flowing.  That is nuts!  Worried about tomorrow with the weighted push-ups shoulder is still not 100%.  Goal was to be under 5 minutes a round and I almost got all under 4min.  Round 6 was really close I should have been able to get it under just was running out of steam on the squats.  I had plenty of time on round 7 to be way under 4 but as the split shows I was just under.  The first round was broken up 3 times on the squats.  By round two I was going 19 or 20 on the first go and finishing up with 10 or 9.  Daniel if you are doing this one tonight in the heat good luck!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Hodge Podge

3 Rounds
10 x Overhead Squats
60 x Single Jump Rope
10 x GHD
10 x Push-Ups
10 x Strict Pull-Ups

1 - 2:46.83
2 - 3:18.62
3 - 3:47.28
Total Time - 9:52.73

This was supposed to be 3 rounds 10 x 135lb overhead squat, and 30 Double Unders.  Two things I can't do.  So I adapted to the above.  I did not press very hard just flowed from one exercise to the other.  Still very frustrated that I can not Overhead squat worth a poop.  Good news is that I seem to be able to do full range GHD's now with some regularity.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Five rounds, each for time of: with rest 25:41, Just rep time was: 15:01.1

20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
Rest precisely three minutes between each round.
1 - 2:50.88
rest 2:37.23= cut short to stay with Daniel
2 - 2:41.41
rest - 2:45.99 =  cut short
3 - 2:42.41
rest - 2:40.98 = cut short
4 - 3:10.96
rest - 3:00.13 = took full rest
5 - 3:11.41 
Total Time:  25:41.40 = with rest
With out rest added in: 15:00.01
A 2:22second pr I think if my math is correct.  Thanks Daniel!

I have been scared of this one for a while I tried it this winter and quit round two.  My blog as usual has not been able to find the workout since I did it.  I had not realized I had done it.  I thought I had but could not find it till today.  I searched and there it was.  It was tough but got it done.  Daniel and I were back together so that helped.  It has been a while.  I cut my recovery short each round to stay with him and help push him and the both of us.  All round were unbroken but round 4 on the body squats but that was just a 5 second pause same thing on round 5.  If my math is correct that should be a 1:32 pr.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
1 = 2:55
2 = 3:12
3 = 3:04
4 = 4:09
5 = 3:53
Total time = 17:23
This one was awesome. First time I think I have done pull ups as prescribed. The only part of work out that was not unbroken was the push ups. Great day! Most of this was unbroken. The push ups were the only thing that broke me. I was so exhausted after droping the hammer on round 3 that I failed out on the push ups. I was hurting bad. Collapsed on the recovery. Seemed to get back in the grove on round 5 but 5 was still to dang slow. If daniel had not been finished and cheering me on I would have taken longer I think. This one broke me down. You boys will love this I was dry heaving out the truck window on the way home after this one. I think the late hours of this week took their toll. By the way we won Conference on both sides guys and girls last night.

I made an attempt at Barbra just because I had no equiptment but did have a Cedar tree with a branch that kind of worked. I had not been feeling good the last day or so. I think to much traveling and to much Holiday food. I finished round one and realized I should not have been doing anything. I ended up finishing 3 rounds. We will not discuss times per round. I was just happy to finish 3 rounds.
3 Rounds of "Barbara" tree branch as pull-up bar.  Just a bad day and forgot rest time.
Totals =
60 = pull-ups
90 = push-ups
120 = sit-ups
150 = body squats

Front Squat

Did this 7/22/11
Front Squat
# of reps
1 - 205lbs tried 225 just was to much
10 - 185lbs split 5 and 5
1 - 215lbs
20 - 165lbs split 10 and 10
1 - 225 fail
30 - 135 split 15, 10, 5

This was a wierd one.  Had no idea how to get it done.  I think I did ok for me but not super happy with the weights. My legs have not been recovering very well the last month plus.  I took an ice bath after this one to try and survive Barbara tomorrow.  This was my second Ice bath in 4 weeks.  It hurt pretty bad.  I use to jump in those things shoulder deep to get my hips.  I guess another sign of my age.  10 min was a rough one tonight.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Waiter Walk, GHD, Back Extension

Three rounds for time of: 13:49.40

50 pound dumbbell Waiter walk, 100 meters, Right arm
30 GHD Sit-ups
50 pound dumbbell Waiter walk, 100 meters, Left arm
30 Back extensions

1 - 4:01.87
2 - 4:29.05
3 - 5:18.48
Total Time - 13.49.40

Jen did this one with me but cut hers short because she did the WOD with the kids this morning.  It was nice she headed out on the last Waiter walk and kept me going.  The last round really hurt.  I flew through the GHD's first round.  I was pretty fired up.   The GHD's and Back Extensions really fatigued my legs.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pull ups, hand stand push ups

For time: 21 Pull-ups = broken
21 Handstand Push-ups = broken
18 Pull-ups = Broken
18 Handstand Push-ups Broken
15 Pull-ups = Broken
15 Handstand Push-ups Broken
12 Pull-ups = broken
12 Handstand Push-ups = broken
9 Pull-ups = Unbroken
9 Handstand Push-ups = Broken
6 Pull-ups = broken
6 Handstand Push-ups = Broken
3 Pull-ups = Unbroken
3 Handstand Push-ups = unroken
Handstand push-ups are "nose to floor" and pull-ups are "strict" or non-kipping.
Splits -
1 = 4:05.64

2 = 5:02.47
3 = 3:51.66
4 = 3:01.15
5 = 2:30.70
6 = 1:47.04
7 = 46.52
Total Time: 21:05.18

As usual hand stand pushups were trash.  With my shoulder issues probably as bad as they have ever been.  I even digressed to hooking my toes and using my legs a bit to pull back up.  On a brighter note I made dang sure the pull-ups were non kipping strict pullups.  That slowed things down but they were good solid pullups.

Last Time
Monday, August 30, 2010

Daniel was in the House! Having him in there was awesome. He hung around to drive me through. He pushed me through the hard stuff. It was stinking amazing. Definetly would not been near as fast. I have missed having him around. Hopefully we can get back to the routein. He got me back on the bar after my last set of six with no rest and I still can't believe I cranked out those three with no rest. Thanks Daniel.
I still suck at hand stand push ups. I would not say they were even as good as they have been in the past.
1 = forgot to hit the split
2 = 6:52
3 =4:06
4 = 3:39
5 = 2:26
6 = 1:52
7 = 1:12
Total Time: 20:11

Monday, July 18, 2011

Deadlift, Push-ups

Five rounds for time of:

Run 400 meters
145 pound Deadlift, 20 reps
20 Push-ups
145 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
10 Push-ups

Splits =
1 - 1:21.85
2 - 2:15.06
3 - 2:09.04
4 - 2:18.50
5 - 2:45.77
Total time - 10:50.22

Weight room was loaded this morning when I went in and was getting ready.  Getting out to get on my bike would have sucked.  I forgot and skipped the biking part/running.  Solid WOD reguardless.  Jen came in and did the workout with me.  Good morning together.

Friday, July 15, 2011


Five rounds for time of: 37:11.51
155 pound Deadlift, 12 reps
155 pound Hang power clean, 9 reps
155 pound Push jerk, 6 reps

1 - 3:00.57
2 - 5:33.72
3 - 11:17.05 , got chalk
4 - 8:09.15
5 - 9:11.02
Total Time = 37:11.51

Holy cow.  I don't know what I have done but my low back is on fire and way out of wack today.  I will hang get it to move and when I start to walk I get a few steps and something moves and sinches up.  Hurt before the WOD and is killing me after.  I probably should not have done it today.  Pride took over.  I was exhausted from the hours and biking the crazy hills at camp.  Long drives kill my back too.  Either way I have done this 2 times before and all of them have sucked.  I promised my self I would not scale this time and do it right.  I did not scale and did all exercises correct.  Even the push jerk I got the dip drive dip going.  The dead lifts were unbroken.  The hang power cleans were killing my back but I did get the first 2 rounds unbroken.  The push jerks the first 2 rounds were unbroken I think.  Round 3 I went to get some chalk from Claytons bag and took forever.  Clayton did give me a WOD tip.  I would try to get to my last rep on the power cleans and then rest the last power clean I would go into the push press.  By the end of round 2 the sweat was rolling off of me almost in a stream from my hands when I would reach down for the bar.  The dripping was so fast it literally would have been a stream of sweat if it went any faster.  I lost 5 lbs plus from the workout.  I am currently 21 hours into a fast as well.  I am going to go for 24 hours, made 24 hour barrier.  I blew my diet at camp this week and trying to get re-set.  Between my back and some intestine issues this is not a good day.  Plus the WOD was miserable again.  I did get it done and not adapted or scaled.  I was 192 this morning and am now 185.  Glad to see that the weight was still gone even with eating poorly the last few days.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Camp mileage July 12th through July 14th

Dawt Mill Run for the kids at camp, all of these runs were on crazy hills.

I biked roughly 18 miles over the 13.6 mile course watching and cheering for my kiddos.  I am beat tonight.  I was going to do todays WOD but I don't have the steam.  I am going to do it tomorrow.

Yesterday Wednesday July 13th

Biked 7 in the AM and paddled for 4 hours in the PM pretty solid workout in a kayak.  Shoulders and arms pretty tired.

Tuesday July 12th

Biked 6 in the AM and 3 in the PM

Wall Ball, Box Jump, Kettelbell Swings

Did this MONDAY JULY 11th at JBD camp


wall ball
box jump
kb swing 1.5pood =55lbs
1 - 5:55.46
2 - 6:23.06
3 - 5:47.00
4 - 4:13.13
5 - 2:10.87
TOTAL - 24:29.52

Biked 6 miles on hills before this and 5 miles this evening. 
Hot and humid!  Did this WOD under a tree at the Northfork river.  Actually felt pretty solid in this one.  Wallball and KB swings are my strengths.  I went steady and solid, all rounds were unbroken.  I rested no longer than 40 seconds between rounds. Most rounds I tried to only rest 30 seconds.  With the heat and humidity and activity level here at camp I never pushed, just moved steady and smooth.  Not that I did not hurt.  I was heaving for breath and dizzy in the last few rounds.  I did not try to accererate the KB swings like I can sometimes and did not drive as hard as I can on the up stroke of the wall ball shots.  Pretty happy with today.  I did this around 11am and I am pretty sure it was close to 98 with heat index over 100.  A few hours later I know it was 102 with heat index well over 108.  One hot week at camp.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Front Squat, Burpee Pull-ups

Three rounds for time of:

135 pound Front squat, 12 reps
12 Burpee pull-ups

1 - 1:45.58
2 - 3:29.29
3 - 3:21.43
Total time = 8:36.06

Two good things about today.  First I got to workout with Daniel today.  Second I was getting a workout in.  Other than that not a daggum thing was good about todays WOD.  I stunk it up.  I had my feet to wide on the squats and the burpees have been in my head since the filthyfifty.  Daniel finished over 3 minutes ahead of me on this short blast of a WOD.  Not sure what the deal is.  We normaly are right together on these with Daniel pulling away on the last set by a few seconds.  Just frustrated.  Daniel said my knees were bowing in on the squats.  I narrowed my stance considerably and I got in the grove.  I keep forgetting that I can finally squat right and don't have to have a wide stance to get it done.  Seems the more narrow the stance the better lately, and for going deep.  I also had to grab the belt for round 2.  Something got my back round 1.  I think the wide stance on the squats and then the drop from the bar on the burpee pull-ups.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 reps

Warm up 10 x 135, 1 x 225

1 - 245 x 3
2 - 275 x 3
3 - 315 x 3
4 - 335 x 3 Tied PR
5 - 350 x 3 New PR

After yesterday I am just happy to be lifting.  I half expected to not have the juice to go today.  The set of 315 felt heavy and moved slow on first rep.  335 and 350 moved slow on first rep but then just went.  I know I could have gone higher but no reason.  I am just happy to get today in and holy cow a new 3 rep crossfit PR.  My one rep is only 365.  This lift is coming along nicely.  I put the belt on for 335 and 350.  On 350 I squeezed into the last holes on the belt.  Sucker had a pinch on me that is for sure.  Went 16+ hours on fast today again.  When body is empty around 11am and decently hydrated I seem to be down to 183.  As soon as I start to eat I hit 187 pretty quickly.  Doing Claytons mirror test I think 178 is not going to get me where I want to be.  probably more like 170 but I don't know that I want to be that light.  We will just have to see as the weight loss progresses.  Also teaching elementary school and coaching I am not sure how the diet will go when school starts.  May have to alter some things.  Again just have to see.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

1 - 225 x 3
2 - 250 x 3
3 - 275 x 3
4 - 315 x 3
5 - 335 x 3
Another Cross Fit and PR for the back. Never, Never, Never thought I would be doing this again. My back has been bothering me and after yesterdays huge workout my hips, knees and ham strings are on fire. Very pleased with the last two days and I guess I have to be happy with the last 3 days I have pr'ed on all 3 of them.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Filthy Fifty

For time:  Holy Cow this was terrible 32:42.62
50 Box jump, 24 inch box = unbroken
50 Jumping pull-ups = unbroken
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood = unbroken
Walking Lunge, 50 steps = unbroken
50 Knees to elbows = broken 25/15/10/5
50 Push press, 45 pounds = unbroken
50 Back extensions = broken 25/25
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball = broken 25/15/10
50 Burpees = broken 25/25 but so slow I could not believe it.  I also lost count several times I am almost positive I did 60 plus.
50 Double unders =subbed in 100 singles

Splits -
1 - 1:40 
2 - 3:50
3 - 1:43
4 - 1:26
5 - 3:59
6 - 1:03
7 - 1:43
8 - 3:31
9 - 12:26
10 - 1:16 
TOTAL TIME = 32:42
Heart rate was at 110 for quite a while after. 

This was one of the worst workouts I have had in a long time.  I felt good through the knees to elbows.  Jumping pullups I was getting almost to collarbones for at least 25 of them.  The knees to elbows had to be broken as usual.  Last time I had to break the push press.  I flew through them.  During the back extensions I felt my energy bottom out.  Last night was a mess.  We ate at 5.  I did not really have a chance to eat because I was cutting everyone elses steak.  We had figured we would loose the first game of the tournament at 6 we kept going and going and going we played that game until 7:40.  We ended up winning and moving on to the championship game.  We played from 7:50 to 9:00pm and lost.  Still a big deal for our girls.  We only played with 8 and played like champions.  Problem being I did not eat hardley anything yesterday.  I had a protein drink at 6am this morning but pretty much had nothing in my system.  I felt good this morning but man it hit me hard today.  I am typing this at 11:47am and have been on just over 18 hours of a fast with little in my system the day before.  I just got off the scale.  At 5:45 this morning I was 187 I just weighed in at 183.  Great on the weight but I just had a terrible WOD because of a nutty schedule yesterday.  I went to bed last night at 12am starving.  Hopefully my schedule will even out and I can get some good work done diet and WOD wise.  It was pretty warm and humid this am too. 
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Filthy Fifty For time: 23:30 PR by 2 min and 24 seconds.
50 Box jump, 24 inch box = unbroken
50 Jumping pull-ups = unbroken
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood = unbroken
Walking Lunge, 50 steps = unbroken
50 Knees to elbows = broken badly
50 Push press, 45 pounds = broken 30/20
50 Back extensions = unbroken
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball = broken 3 sets
50 Burpees = broken 5/20/15/10
50 Double unders =subbed in 100 singles
Tried to take splits but forgot to hit it once and the wall ball and burpees were together because Daniel and I were so close. I did 5 burpees while Daniel finished his set and he did 10 when I was on my first 25. Second time on this one. First time I did it was in april I had not been crossfitting very long. 25:54 last time to a 23:30 today. I said I was excited to do this one again sometime to improve on my time. I did that part of this with a 2:24 PR. Problem is I am still out of shape and was scared to death of this one and puked several times about 5 minutes after I was done. I wonder what I could have done if I had done this in shape 3 months ago. That would have been interesting to see.
1 = 2:18
2 =
3 = 2:47
4 = 1:05
5 = 3:05
6 = 1:37
7 = 1:25
8 =
9 = 9:52
10 = 1:06
Total Time = 23:30

Friday, April 16, 2010
Filthy Fifty For time: 25:54
First time doing the Filthy Fifty. This was awesome. There really was not a part of this that I excelled on tonight. Daniel and I decided because of track schedule that we would take the last two days off and hit the next six hard. Knees to elbows I had my knees to my eyes or above but need to work on that one. The Burpees were brutal but I made it through with Daniel giving me goal of number done in small alotments of time. Never stopped. I still suck at double unders and I am still woried about hurting my back again with the double unders. I doubled the number of jump ropes and did 100 one jumps instead of 50 doubles. Back still sore from doing the 7 sets of 1 on Wednesday night. Went to heavy and I am paying for it in my lower back, legs and feet numb an sore. Looking forward to the next time we see this workout to try and improve this effort.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Did this 4/3/2011

Supposed to be: For time:  Run 800 meters, Snatch, 30 reps, Run 800 meters

I did :

Bike 45 minutes on hills with wife running. 

50 reps Barbell 45lb Thrusters
1min rest
50 reps Barbell 45lb Thrusters

1 - 1:30.80
Rest 1:00
2 - 1:35.06
Total Time - 4:05.86

The bike was not to hard.  The flats and downs were no stress.  The hills however were tough no matter how hard I was pedaling.  We were running at the lake.  The thrusters were thrown in because I have  no access to a weight room and really was not wanting to do snatch.  I was pretty happy with my splits from set 1 to set 2.  Dang close and probably closer than the watch said I had my watch on the ground and had to put bar down and reach forward to hit the split.  Pretty consistant.  I had a solid burn after this one.  Short and sweat.

Side note the tree branch pull-ups yesterday must have been even harder than I thought.  My abbs are killing me today from trying to muster the momentum to get collarbone high on that stinking thing.  OUCH!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Run 800 meters, 30 muscle-ups

For time:  21:03.97

Run 800 meters = Biked .80 of a mile
30 Muscle-ups = subbed in 100 pull-ups, on a thick moving branch
Run 800 meters = Biked .80 of a mile

Splits per exercise:
Bike - 3:55.88
100 Pull-ups - 12:57.13
Bike - 4:10.78
Total Time - 21:03.97

At the inlaws.  Bike was done on some pretty solid hills.  Tried to find flat there just is not much to be had.  I did the pull-ups on a cedar tree branch that was way thicker than the pull-up bar I use usually.  Could not close my hand around it.  The branch also moved quite a bit with each pull-up.  Kipping was a wreck with a moving branch and a thick grip.  First set was 25 then sets of 10 from then on out to 100.  I was shot on these by #45.  Rough one today.  Still pleased with effort.

Friday, July 1, 2011

800 Meters, Clean and Jerk

For time:

Run 800 meters = biked 1200 meters
Clean and Jerk, 30 reps = 135lbs
Run 800 meters = biked 1200 meters

Splits for each interval
1200meter bike - 3:43.22
30 Clean and Jerks 135lbs - 9:14.45, pretty consistant just about 3min a set of 10
1200 meter bike - 3:58.35
Total time = 16:56.02

Could have gone way faster.  Just wanted to get this in.  I really did not have to break up the C&J's as much as I did.  Probably could have gone with more weight too.  Still happy with today.  Not sure how I am going to adapt tomorrows yet.