Friday, December 30, 2011

Pull-ups, KB Swings, Push-ups, Jump rope, Crunches

For time:
50 - Pull-ups on moving tree branch
100 - KB Swings @ 45 lbs
200 - Push-ups
300 - Jump-ropes singles
400 - Crunches
1 - 4:15
2 - 5:01
3 - 11:51
4 - 4:12
5 - 4:19
Total - 29:40

Could not drag my hiney out of bed this AM to get in a workout so I had to make one up at the in laws. I hate doing pull-ups on that branch. The branch is thick and moves like crazy. I took a nap before I did this and felt like dirt during the WOD. Every exercise was broken like crazy. Not very happy other than the fact that I will have tied the second highest month of the year after tomorrow. This fires me up because I promised my self I would start earlier this year. When Daniel gets back he and I should be pretty consistent during the weeks to come I hope. Things are going very well with Master Carver. Looks to be ahead of schedule. What a blessing for the new year.
Fasting seems to be going well. 17 hours today. I woke up at 193lbs, 5 lbs down from last week. My goal is to maintain my workouts and strength but to get my weight to low 180's my goal weight is 178lbs or below 180. This is going to be tough.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Stationary bike, Push-ups, Crunches

16.5 min Stationary Bike Interval setting. 85+ rpm's
100 push-ups
500 crunches

Spent all day cleaning garage, taking Christmas lights off the house and changing the oil in the truck and van. Was not able to get a good workout in. I got a 19 hour fast today. At at 1:30 just a little then ate at 5:30 dinner. Started fast at 6:30 tonight did not exercise until 9:30. I am posting this at just after midnight and I am dang hungry.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Stationary Bike

AM - 1 mile bike with Jen, Kyle and Jasmine. Holy cow this was like a 3 ring circus. After I dropped the two off at the house Jen and I went another 2.5 miles, so total 3.5 for the AM.

PM - 30 min Stationary bike, Interval setting average 85rpm plus.
500 Crunches

Back seems to be doing better today even with traveling. Yesterday's WOD seemed to help. Fasted 21.5 hours today. Only had a large coffee on the way home. Broke fast at 5:30pm last bite at 6:30. Weighed at about 10pm and was at 193. The fasts the last 2 days have gone pretty well. I have not struggled. I woke up this AM and my stomach growled. This made me nervous that I was not going to make it. I seem to be feeling better.

Monday, December 26, 2011

SDLHP, KB Swings, Push-ups, Body Squats

AM - 4 mile bike w/ Jen

10 Rounds for time:
10 SDLHP @ 45 lbs
10 KB Swings @ 45 lbs
10 Push-ups
10 Body-squats
1 - 54.76
2 - 1:05
3 - 1:10
4 - 1:07
5 - 1:08
6 - 1:03
7 - 1:14
8 - 1:08
9 - 1:10
10 - 1:02
Total time - 11:06

Back still pretty sore. Did this in Boo and Terry's garage. Got a decent burn from this one. I did not get any crunches in today. Not happy with that. I have not been feeling good lately and I have attributed this to putting on 10 plus lbs over Thanksgiving and a few more over the last few weeks. I hit 198lbs this last week. I had been down to 183 this summer and stayed at roughly 185 all fall. I have to get back on a good diet. The last few days I have been back on the 16 hour fast. Today I fasted for 21 hours. I felt good even doing a workout. I think I can tell I need a protein drink. I had some sugars for dessert tonight. I am going to try a long fast tomorrow too if I can. In the next few days I am going to try and hit a 24 hour fast. I almost feel like I just need to reset the system. And of course get off the sugars.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Pull-ups, front squats, sit-ups butterfly's

3 Rounds for time:
20 Pull-ups
10 Front Squats 135lbs
30 Butterfly sit-ups
1 - 2:11
2 - 2:43
3 - 3:18
Total time - 8:13

Just wanted to get one in today. Back is still pretty sore. I chose the front squats because they have not hurt my back in the past. About 15 min after my back started to hurt. I am posting this 9 hours later and my back is killing me. I guess I am hurt worse than I thought. I hope with all the traveling I don't make this worse. I am going to have to stay away from anything that puts pressure on my back for the next few weeks.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Tire Slams, Sit-ups, Body Squats

5 Rounds for time : 9:40
10 - RT side slams
10 - LFT side slams
20 - Sit-ups Butterfly's
20 - Body Squats
20 - Sit-ups Butterfly's

1 - 2:00.61
2 - 2:00.05
3 - 2:00.58
4 - 1:51.53
5 - 1:47.46
Total time - 9:40.23

Hurt my back pretty good yesterday. Had a rough yesterday and today. Good news that less than 24 hours later I was getting it to move when stretching. Promised myself I would not miss because of my back unless I just can't move. Got in today for a home made version. Tire slams are my stand by. I mixed those with situps and body squats for my WOD. Got it done feel great. The splits are proof that the warmer I got my back the better things went. Super happy with today. For me this just proves how much work I have done and how much better I am. Big thanks to my boys for getting me into this and changing my health for the better. I know I am still going to have bad days and like I learned yesterday I am still in need of being cautious. As good as things have gotten I need to be careful. It was the deadlift that got me and every WOD I do with them in it I am scared. This is a good lesson that I am right to be cautious.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


"ADAMBROWN"Two rounds for time of:
295 pound Deadlift, 24 reps
24 Box jumps, 24 inch box
24 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
195 pound Bench press, 24 reps
24 Box jumps, 24 inch box
24 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
145 pound Clean, 24 reps

Not a good day. I felt great going in. Ready for a hug Pr. Then the crap started happening. During second section of wall ball in round 1 my watch stopped. I was on number 7 or 8 on power cleans before i realized the stop. Then got to dead lift on the second round and on rep 8 my back shifted big time. This drives me crazy for several reasons. DL scare me everytime i do them, i was being crazy careful making sure I was not rushing the movement, so even being careful i hurt my self. Also the fact that I stopped mid work out and did not finish. I can hardly remember a WOD that I had to quit. I figure I am in for a rough few days.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Stationary bike

Stationary bike
Fat Burn setting
30 minutes 80+ rpm avg

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Squat clean thrusters, pull-ups, GHD'S

3 rounds
5 x 135lb squat clean thrusters A to G
10 x pull-ups
20 x GHD's

1 - 1:39
2 - 3:31
3 - 4:24
Total time - 9:35

12/19/11 Stationary Bike

60 minutes stationary bike.

30 minutes fat burn 80 plus avg.
30 minutes self adjust levels 4 to 8.

Forgot to post this so have to back date. Took girls to piano so did not get in to the weightroom. I need to be on this more often but I don't like missing crossfiting. Need to get back on the diet.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Tire slams, GHD'S, push-ups, KB Swings

3 Rounds
20 - RT side tire slams
20 - LFT side tire slams
20 - GHD'S
20 - Push-ups
20 - KB Swings 1.5 pood
3 rounds
10 - RT side tire slams
10 - LFT side tire slams
20 - Incline sit ups
10 - Push-ups
10 - KB Swings 10 lbs

Dad splits
1 - 3:08.72
2 - 4:01.27
3 - 3:50.86
Total time - 11:00.85
Anna splits
1 - 2:59.93
2 - 3:48.13
3 - 2:59.21
Total time - 9:47.27

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Bench press 10 sets of 2 one min rest

1 - 135
2 - 145
3 - 155
4 - 165
5 - 175
6 - 185
7 - 195
8 - 205
9 - 215
10 - 225

Got intrupted tonight so I rushed this and was not planning on doing it in the first place. Struggled with 215 and 225 more than I should have.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


For time:  25:22
10 Handstand push-ups
250 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
25 Box jumps, 30 inch box
50 Pull-ups
100 Wallball shots, 20 pounds, 10'
200 Double-unders = Subbed in 400 singles
Run 400 meters with a 45lb plate

Exercise Splits
1 - 24:08
2 - 28.99
3 - 2:32.01
4 - 2:44.65
5 - 6:35.98 = was at 12:45 total time
6 - 12:37.23 = would have been way faster with out the interuption.
Total Time =25:22.94

Have not done a big one in a while.  Daniel and I were in tonight.  That was great.  We decided to do a long one.  Both of us I think were needing one.  I have been hiding from this one for weeks.  Still had a huge PR.  Wall Balls went well.  Flew through the Dead Lifts.  I do think the Hex Bar helps.  It started to pour down raining and lightening as we headed out for the 400 meter 45lb plate run.  A car pulled up and the girls were in the weight room so I had to wait so I knew they were ok. I lost at least a minute here.  I circled the fence and came back by the weight room.  I then headed back out when I saw the car was gone.  I am pretty sure I went to far but rather go to far than too short.  I walked the whole time until the last 100 plus meters.  I then broke into a run.  Daniel met me and came in with me.  I got fired up when he yelled lets step on this things throat.  For some reason that fired me up.  I am happy with this huge pr but I know I could have gone faster.  Thanks for getting in Daniel and the workout.  I thought I was tired but I am really feeling the workout now.  Kind of a delayed fatigue.  I feel it in my arms and in my legs around the knees.  Holy cow I just did the math and was looking at last times effort.  I remember walking the entire 400 meters and did it in 4:45.  I must have gone way over 400 meters and been walking around waiting for the guy to leave.  Man that hacks me off now.  I would love to see where I would have been because I was ready to fire on that 400. 

Friday, December 24, 2010


For time:
10 Handstand push-ups = same as usual
250 pound Deadlift, 15 reps OOPS I thought this was 290 and that is what I did.
25 Box jumps, 30 inch box
50 Pull-ups
100 Wallball shots, 20 pounds, 10'
200 Double-unders = scaled to 400 singles
Run 400 meters with a 45lb plate

1 - 17.87sec
2 - 2:25 Went 40lbs to heavy. For some reason I thought this was 290 not 250. On a positive note this is a pr for me since starting cross fit. With my back I have just had to take it easy here! We will see tomorrow if I did to much.3 - 1:41 Alternated jumps with a few kids
4 - 3:35 Had to clear a rack one of the kids jumped on mine
5 - 9:20 Had to wait several times not that it would help these killed me today.
6 - 7:14 Had to wait several times on a rope there was a ton of us at this point at the same time.
7 - 4:45 Walked to save my back.

Total Time = 29:28 Holy cow 2:19 seconds faster than last time and I had to do some standing around when I would have been moving. I am thinking I could have done this in the low 20's now seeing where I was last time and how much I had to wait today. That is good news.

Had fun with this one today. I sent a message out to my kids last night and 11 of them showed up today for this. It was awesome. My time suffered because of having to wait and do some set up when someone was where I was heading. That is ok we had a great time and had one heck of a workout. Good to get one in this week. I had the stomach flu for the last few days.

"Nutts"For time: 31:47.610
Handstand push-ups still did verticle but did not use feet at all. Blew through these. 250 pound Deadlift, 15 reps Did 235 quite an improvement. Still worried about the back.25 Box jumps, 30 inch box This was awesome, teamed with Daniel. He jumped then I jumped.50 Pull-ups Sets, I did 25, 15, 10 Wallball shots, 20 pounds, 10' , Sets of 25 would have liked a split on this.200 Double-unders Scaled and did 400 singlesRun 400 meters with a 45lb plate. Was going to do stair steps with weight and got torked after 10 and walked the 400 meters with the weight. I ended up walking to far. I wanted to be out there to push Daniel. We both were hurting. We finished together.This was a rough one. Jennifer and I met Daniel and Jenni, This was a great time with everyone in the gym at once flying around. My wonderful daughter popped Daniel in the head while swing on the rope while he was doing his double unders. We were both ready to puke at the time. I got so mad at her for not following directions and hitting him I was able to finish the jump rope section pretty solid. As I stated above I finished with Daniel. We were both hurting but this one had put it on Daniel. He has stuck with me several times in the past when I was toast. The least I could do was stick with him and talk him threw the end of this one.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Row 250 meters = sub. In SDLHP, 25 Push-ups

AMRAP in 20 min: 10 rounds
Row 250m- subbed in 25 SDLHP
25 - Pull-ups

1 - 1:01
2 - 1:15
3 - 2:04
4 - 2:01
5 - 2:15
6 - 2:40
7 - 2:41
8 - 2:31
9 - 2:02
10 - 1:23 - 19:58

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Stationary Bike

30 minutes stationary bike
Fat burn setting average 90 plus RPM's

Today was supposed to be a day off but I am going to have to miss Tuesday because I am helping coach wrestling so I will have to miss. I need to get on the stationary more often. Weight is back up again 193lbs. Also need to get back on the crunches. Back is pretty sore from yesterdays WOD. Good part of that is that it is not sore like my regular pain sore. This is muscle fatigue. That fires me up a bit because there was potential to hurt with the exercise that I did.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

A to G squat clean finish movement w/ thruster, pull-ups

5 Rounds for time
10 - 105lb A to G squat cleans finish movement with a thruster on way back up.
10 - Pull-ups

1 - 1:38
2 - 2:49
3 - 2:49
4 - 2:51
5 - 2:16
Total time - 12:24

Wanted something quick after the ACT today. I have been wanting squat cleans and any time you do a thruster you get a good workout. So I combined them today. I can only guess the 300 body squats from Thursday are still effecting me. This WOD hammered me. I was shot when I finished. I was going to go with 135 on the clean-thrusters then thought better. Man I am glad I did. I would have been very frustrated if I had. I really concentrated on going as deep as my body would go on the squat cleans and on the upstroke into the thrusters I finished high and pushing head through to fully finish movement. I am sure the leg fatigue made this much more challenging than I think it normally would have been.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Hanging ring ext., Forward and backward rolls, Sots Press

Five rounds for time of:

5 Hanging ring extensions (right arm + left arm = 1)
5 Forward rolls
5 Backward rolls
45 pound Sots press, 10 reps

1 - 1:12
2 - 1:23
3 - 1:42
4 - 1:32
5 - 1:36
Total Time - 7:28

Actually got to do this with Daniel tonight.  Does not happen very often.  The rings were a bunch easier than I figured.  Fun new movement.  The rolls are what got me.  Daniel was flying on those.  The Sots press sucked as much as I thought is would.  Just have trouble with anything over my head like that.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Push-ups, sit-ups, body squats

For time:
100 push-ups
200 sit-ups
300 body squats

1 - 1:04
2 - 1:16
3 - 1:20
4 - 1:22
5 - 1:32
6 - 1:50
7 - 1:55
8 - 1:57
9 - 1:52
10 - 1:45
Total time 15:57

I broke down the totals I to 10 rounds. Did 10 push-ups, 20 sit-ups, 30 body squats. Not bad today. I have been craving body squats and I got them today.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

GHD, Pull-ups

25 GHD's
5 Pull-ups
20 GHD's
10 Pull-ups
15 GHD'S
15 Pull-ups
10 GHD'S
20 Pull-ups
25 Pull-ups

1 - 1:19
2 - 1:54
3 - 2:15
4 - 2:15
5 - 3:05
Total time - 10:49

Afternoon fell appart as usual. Jen had to work and I popped up having a meeting. Meeting ran late and I had to get the kids fed and get back to the high school in 40 min. To work the book at a wrestling meet. Ahhhh. I worked out at about 7:30 pm. I am wanting some body squats but this one seemed to just fit tonight. I could have pushed quite a bit harder. Slowed down on the GHD's and I alternated grip on the Pull-ups. All pull-ups were unbroken until the last two rounds. Took much longer on the pull-ups tha I should have the last round. Still happy I got one in today.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Dead lift , hand stand walk

21 225lb dead lift
21 yard hand stand walk
15 225lb dead lift
15 yard hand stand walk
9 225lb dead lift
9 Yard hand stand walk

1 - 1:28
2 - 1:42
3 - 1:13
Total time - 4:25

Needed something fast and for some reason even for the last few days I have wanted to do dead lift so this one fit perfect.  The deadlift was all strung together, and I was flying.  Probably the fastest rounds of dead lift I have ever done.  Perfect weight and once I was in the rythm I was flying.  Felt great.  Wish my back was at 100% I would love to see where my max for DL is.  They rounds were perfect I was burnt by the last round and sore for 2 days.  I still suck at hand stand walk, I did it as fair as I could.  3 to 4 steps on my hands then down.  I would step back to where I fell so I was sure I did the full distance on my hands.  Oh well I had to get the girls to piano. I was in and out in 20 min.

12/1/11 GHD Wallball, Wallball 2'fers

21-15-9 reps for time of:

GHD Wall ball, 10 pound ball
Wallball "2-fer-1s", 20 pound ball
1 - 2:10
2 - 3:25
3 - 1:52

I hated this WOD.  Probably why I forgot to post it.  I could not bring the wallball out over my head so I only went back to a deep GHD and then came up for the throw.  Over the head put to much stress on my back.  I did move through these pretty quick but the motion was not done as per the workout.  I just watched the video again and they seemed to be throwing the ball very low so they pretty much came up with out it.  I still don't think it would have been a good idea with my back to touch the groud with the ball but throwing it early may help the upstroke.  The 2'fers I just flat sucked on.  Busted my self in the head/face many times, did singles and had to re-do more times than I want to relate.  I did get all the reps in but I was not happy with the effort or function.  Just a poop day and then I have missed the last 3 days.  This week is nuts too schedule wise.  I can not miss again!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

SDLHP, Box jump, Push-up, Sit-ups, Jumping pull-ups, Back Ext., Dips, Turkish G-U

For time:  24:31
Row 500 meters
20 inch Box jump, 50 reps
Push-ups, 50 reps
Sit-ups, 50 reps
Jumping pull-ups, 50 reps - screwed this up, did like burpee pullups.  Bar was above finger tips.  Had to jump to grab bar.  If done right this would be at least 3 min faster.  AHHHHH!
50 Back extension, 50 reps
Dips, 50 reps
1.5 pood Turkish Get-up, 20 reps, alternating arms = 40lbs
1 - 1:04
2 - 1:49
3 - 1:07
4 - 1:20
5 - 4:31
6 - 1:05
7 - 3:11
8 - 10:21
Total Time - 24:31
Like I stated above I jacked up the jumping pull-ups.  Added 3 min and a bunch of fatigue un-needed.  The turkish get ups were killing me.  I did a few warming up with 55lbs.  It was heavy but not terrible.  By the end I could not get the dang thing off the ground.  I had to switch to 40lbs.  Probably could have done more but I did not want to chance it.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:  6 rounds + 3 wall climbs

3 Wall climbs
10 Up-downs
5 Parallette pass-throughs (forward + back = 1)
10 Grasshoppers (right + left = 1)
For the wall climbs, toes and chest touch the ground to toes and chest touch the wall. For the up-downs, thighs touch the ground then stand up fully. For the pass-throughs, the hips open at the front and back. For the grasshoppers, the shin contacts the opposite forearm.

Number of rounds and splits
1 - 1:31.40
2 - 2:38.11
3 - 3:24.41
4 - 4:21.12
5 - 3:12.08
6 - 3:27.87
+ - 3 wall climbs

Interesting set up.  Some movements I have never done.  Had a good time with these.  The wall climbs were rough as usual and torked the back a bit.  The updowns got the back a bit too.  Over all a great workout.  Stephen Waldo did this one with me.  Great WOD.  Stephen did well.  I waited for him a few times to help keep him fired up and going.  I don't think I could have gotten a full 7th round even with out waiting for him.  Either way I was spent, and enjoyed the workout.  The Grasshoppers were fun.  I got in a rythm and rolled through them.

11/27/11 30 SquatClean and Jerks

30reps of 135lb Squat Cleans and Jerk

Sets of 10
1 - 1:48.34
2 - 3:21.61
3 - 2:58.37
Total Time - 8:08.32

Did this one with Daniel at 8pm Sunday.  Good to be in thanks coach.  Great quick workout.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Bayless Thanksgiving Day Special Year 2

50 push-ups - 5 Jumping Jacks = :46.80
45 PU - 10 JJ = 1:54.10
40 PU - 15 JJ = 2:31.79
35 PU - 20 JJ = 2:12.99
30 PU - 25 JJ = 1:21.12 got some rest after 20 p-u's Jen called from walmart just before the sale
25 PU - 30 JJ = 1:35.75
20 PU - 35 JJ = 1:25.43
15 PU - 40 JJ = 1:06.10
10 PU - 45 JJ = :56.17
5 PU - 50 JJ = :40.20
TOTAL TIME = 14:38.52 over a minute pr

Did this around 10:30 on Thanksgiving night.  The girls were watching Dirty Jobs and I was doing this.  Jen was at Wal-mart fighting the crowds for some deals.  Did this last year with Jennifer in Boo's basement.  Her basement was loaded with cat hair.  I remember being in pretty bad shape by the end.  Did not get the abbs done that needs to change soon.  Still suck at push-ups need to start doing those and abbs again nightly.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
The Bayless Thanksgiving Day Special
Biked 5 miles with Jennifer.
Did this in my sisters basement. In St. Louis.
50 push-ups - 5 Jumping Jacks = 1:05
45 PU - 10 JJ = 1:39
40 PU - 15 JJ = 2:29
35 PU - 20 JJ = 2:31 Did 37 on accident
30 PU - 25 JJ = 2:11
25 PU - 30 JJ = 1:59
20 PU - 35 JJ = 1:13
15 PU - 40 JJ = 1:46 Forgot top hit split on time.
10 PU - 45 JJ = :56.84 fast because of hitting late on last one.
5 PU - 50 JJ = :56.1
TOTAL TIME = 15:53
Push-up total = 275
This had me burning early. I was struggling with fatigue on the push ups early. By round 2. Flew threw the jumping jacks. Good workout Coach Bayless. Jen did this one with me she was on the standard full body push ups till round of 25 push ups then she did adapted from knees.
Cashed out with:
100 Crunches
50 Butterfly sit ups
100 Right-Left-Center
500 Crunches
50 Butterfly Sit Ups
200 Crunches

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

11/22/11 Thrusters and weighted pull-ups

Three rounds, 15-12-and 9 reps, for time of:
135 pound barbell Thrusters
45 pound weighted Pull-ups

1 - 5:40
2 - 5:09
3 - 4:05
Total Time = 14:55

Oh boy this one hurt.  I really took it steady and smooth on the work out.  Legs are still pretty sore the next day.  Not as bad as I have been over the last few weeks but pretty sore.  I did not adapt this one at all.  I was happy I did not adapt.  With this is the first string of three workouts I have done together since August.  Hopefully I can keep this string going.  That will be 2 months earlier than last year.

11/21/11 KB Snatch and Pull-ups

21-15 and 9 rep rounds of:
Left-arm Kettlebell snatch, 1.5 pood = adapted to 25lbs
Right-arm Kettlebell snatch, 1.5 pood = adapted to 25lbs

1 - 3:54.81
2 - 4:28.70
3 - 2:57.30
Total Time - 11:21.30

Still getting back into the routine again.  Snatches kill my back and the back has been very sore for some reason.  I dropped down from 55lbs to 25 just to get through this one.  Good news was the pull-ups were flowing.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

KB swings, SDLHP, Med Ball Squat Cleans, Push Ups

Planned 4 rounds made 2, I am way out of shape AHHH!
25 45lb KB swings
25 45lb SDLHP
25 20lb Med Ball Squat Cleans
25 Push-ups

1 - 3:58
2 - 4:43
Total time - 8:41

Holy crap I am out of shape!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Deadlifts, Sprints

FOR TIME = 2:49.72
9 Deadlifts 315 lbs
Sprint 50 yards Down and back touching wall to wall 2 times
6 Deadlifts 315 lbs
Sprint 100 yards Down and back touching wall 4 times
3 Deadlifts 315 lbs
Sprint 150 yards Down and back touching wall 6 times

1 - 22.09
2 - 12.48
SPLIT - 34.57
1 - 40.23
2 - 27.59
SPLIT - 1:07.82
1 - 29.69
2 - 37.64
SPLIT - 1:07.33

TOTAL TIME - 2:49.72

Had to do this later than planned.  Corey had a kid get stuck about 20 plus miles out of town and had to drive out there.  Got the girls back and cleaned up for Emilys concert tonight.  Her line went awesome!  Dad was proud.  Ended up going about 7:50 on this.  Went pretty smooth considering how I feel.  My jaw is jacked my entire body is hurting from Tuesday.  Still felt like I cranked on the dead lifts even taking it moderatly easy.  The runs surprized me.  I stayed on my toes and did not push super hard but ran and touched each wall for the down and backs.  Happy with todays effort.  Had the heart pumping for only being on for 2:49.  Thanks for the WOD Daniel it was just what I needed.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

"Tabata Something Else"

Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.
Post total reps from all 32 intervals to comments.

1 - 12; 2 - 12;  3 - 12;  4 - 12;  5 - 12;  6 - 9;  7 - 8;  8 - 8 Total Reps
1 - 16; 2 - 16; 3 - 16; 4 - 16; 5 - 3; 6 - 6; 7 - 6;  8 - 7 Total Reps

1 - 16; 2 - 15; 3 - 15; 4 - 14; 5 - 14; 6 - 14; 7 - 14; 8 - 15 Total Reps

1 - 18;  2 - 19; 3 - 18; 4 - 18; 5 - 18; 6 - 18; 7 - 18; 8 - 20 Total Reps

Today was quite possibly one of the worst WOD's I have done in a long time.  Failure was eminent in all exercises.  Form was terrible.  I am not kidding when I say that my form and level of failure was equivalent to when I first started Crossfit.  During the second or third round of sit ups I was dry heaving.  Daniel was yelling keep it down and keep going.  Thanks brother.  I did but man it sucked.  Last year it took till January to be in the gym every day.  For 8 months I was dedicated.  Probably the longest and most consistent string of weight training I have ever had and I was in good shape.  I hope I can keep this going from now on.

Saturday, April 30, 2011


1 - 19
2 - 18
3 - 15
4 - 10
5 - 10
6 - 8
7 - 9
8 - 8
TOTAL = 97
1 - 25
2 - 15
3 - 15
4 - 15
5 - 15
6 - 15
7 - 15
8 - 15
TOTAL = 130
1 - 16
2 - 17
3 - 16
4 - 15
5 - 15
6 - 15
7 - 15
8 - 15
TOTAL = 124
1 - 18
2 - 18
3 - 18
4 - 18
5 - 18
6 - 18
7 - 18
8 - 23
TOTAL = 149
TABATA SCORE 149 + 124 + 130 + 97 = 500
Dad came in and counted this one for me. Thanks Dad. I was stupid on the pull-ups and learned my lesson. I think I held back to much on the body squats. The sit-ups were all I could do, but were unbroken, and the push-ups were to pretty much to failure every time with short rests breaking them up. This one was tough. great work out though. I feel good about it since it is my first time on this one. My right shoulder is still killing me. It just throbs. Right bicep is really sore and tight at the attachment in the elbow too, after this one.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Rows and Push press

For time: 7:48.29

Row 300 meters - subbed in 30 x 45lb SDLHP for all rows with KB
135 pound Push press, 20 reps
Row 300 meters
135 pound Push press, 15 reps
Row 300 meters
135 pound Push press, 10 reps
Row 300 meters
135 pound Push press, 5 reps

1 - 2:01.60
2 - 2:17.96
3 - 2:06.43
4 - 1:22.30
Total Time - 7:48.29

Daniel got me in today.  Great to see him and to get a WOD in with him.  These are good ones to do together.  We are pretty even on these exercises so we were together the whole time.  He pulled away as he usually does in the last two rounds.  His training has been very consistant the last two months.  As mine has not.  I felt good on this one but boy I can tell I am out of shape again.  My legs are my weak point and were shaking by round two in the SDLHP's.  I am sure my upper body is in just as bad of shape just have not tested it as much yet.  He has and will be spending a lot of time in KC with Carver.  So these times will be slim over the next few months but good to be together when we can.  Prayers out to the little man.  Hang tough C-MAN!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Tire Slams, towel pullups

6 rounds for time:

20 Right Side Tire Slams
20 Left Side Tire Slams
10 towel Pull-ups alternate top hand each round = Ok I forgot a towel and tried the rope.  Sucked.  Just did pullups.

1 - 1:38
2 - 2:27
3 - 2:36
4 - 2:56
5 - 3:17
6 - 2:59
Total time = 15:56

Again wow I am out of shape.  Yesterdays workout killed my legs I can hardly walk.  Either way I did get one more WOD in this month compared to this time last year. 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Wall ball, pull-ups

4 Rounds for time:
30 Wallball
15 Pull-ups

1 - 1:22.50
2 - 1:46.35
3 - 2:20.05
4 - 3:55.60
Total Time - 9:24.50

Holy cow I am in bad shape.  The first two rounds I felt fine.  Really did not feel like I was pushing that hard.  Round 3 I fell off a cliff.  During the wall ball my legs were actually shaking from fatigue wierd.  The pullups were tough but not bad.  By round 4 I was really falling appart.  Got through the wall ball and I could not even get the energy to jump up on the bar.  I did all rounds unbroken but what a mess.  Two good things about today were, 1 - I got a workout in, 2 - I tied last year number of workouts in October.  Daniel called me with a decent one with one of my favorite activities (tire slams).  6 rounds 20 rt and 20 left slams and 10 pullups with a towel alternating which hand is up each round.  If I get this one in tomorrow I will beat my total number of WOD's from last year in October.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Squat Cleans, Kettelbell swings

5 Rounds for Time
7 x 155lb Squat Clean
14 x 1.5 pood Kettelbell swings

1 - 1:33.61
2 - 3:23.3
3 - 3:29.72
4 - 4:02.45 
5 - 3:25.90
Total Time: 15:54.98

Daniel called again last night and got me in today.  I was probably coming in anyway because the ladies were out on a 20 mile run and my job was to get Ice Bath ready.  We paced our selves pretty well.  I struggled just because it has been such an inconsistant last 2 months.  I have to try and get at least 2 WOD's in this week to be at least where I was last year.  Squat cleans went pretty well. My legs are sore.  Went A to G for every rep.  Threw bar into my throat on round 3 or 4 and had to go get trash can because I was dry heaving.  Not a big deal did not loose much time at all.  KB's rocked as usual.  Thanks again Daniel.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pansy WOD

12 - 9 - 6 - 3 for time
95lb squat clean
Doubleunders - doubled and did singles
185lb dead lift
24" Box jump
Begin each round with a 50 meter bear crawl

1 - 3:36
2 - 3:59
3 - 2:53
4 - 2:02
Total time = 12:22

I totally sissyed out today.  I have not worked out in I think almost 2 weeks.  This WOD was supposed to start at 21 and drop by three each round.  I was not man enough to even try today.  I also went slow as molasses.  Not very happy but I got it in at least.  Last year I only did 5 WOD's in October and I promised myself I would get more than that this year.  I am not on a great path.  Good news though.  I am so rested that 2 weeks ago my just sitting around heart rate was 48.  Has not been that low in a long time.  I can only guess my resting is a few beats lower than that.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

October 7th 2011

3 rounds for time:
10 - Toes to bar
40 - 55lb SDLHP
30 - Body squats
10 - Pull-ups
100 - Crunches

1 -
2 -
3 -
Total time -

Made this one up for the kids and I figured I would do it since I had not worked out since Sunday.  I did more reps and weight of each exercise but I still new it would be done fast.  I am glad I got one in.  Legs are a bit sore today.  Not sure what part, did not think I did enough body squats to matter.   Jen and Vicki ran 18 miles Friday night and both were in bad shape when they got back.  I wanted to have this done before they got in.  Good thing I did they were both hurting.    

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Wall Ball, Toes to bar, Box jumps

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of: 10 rouns plus Wall ball

10 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
10 Toes to bar
10 Box jumps, 24" box

1 - 59.11
2 - 1:07.87
3 - 1:18.28
4 - 1:27.60
5 - 1:16.85
6 - 1:32.15
7 - 1:45.88
8 - 1:38.87
9 - 1:41.49
10 - 1:43.50 put me at 14:31.60
11 - 27.50 wall ball before the buzzer went off for 15min.  Had second or two to spare.  Did not finish round.

Good workout today.  Daniel got hold of me last night and got me in today.  I am glad he did.  Thanks brother.

9/28/11 WOD with TEAM

4 Rounds
400 meters = I actually ran, I am regretting it but not as bad as I thought.
20 KB swings 55lbs
15 weighted lunges 50lbs each arm
20 waitor walks, 10 right arm, 10 left arm 55lbs
50 Crunches


Thursday, September 22, 2011

95 lb Thrusters, pull-ups

Warm up
5 pull ups slow and hang long and deep at bottom
2 deep slow dips hang at bottom
Good wall stretch, shoulder on ball and back on roller.

Four rounds for time of:

Run 400 meters
95 pound Thruster, 15 reps
15 Pull-ups

1 - 1:29
2 - 2:24
3 - 4:13
4 - 4:10
Total time = 12:18

Man I am loosing it.  No fire and man this hurt.  Fight Gone Bad is Saturday and I don't even want to do it just because I have no motivation and I have already missed so many days.  Not sure what I am going to do.  I felt good the first round I did not even feel like I pushed but I fell off the wagon quick.


For time:
25 Walking lunge steps - 31.84
20 Pull-ups - 29.31
50 Box jumps, 20 inch box -
20 Double-unders - 1:52
25 Ring dips - 1:42
20 Knees to elbows - 1:36
30 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood - 2:13
30 Sit-ups - 1:20
20 Hang squat cleans, 35 pound dumbbells - 2:39
25 Back extensions - 34.72
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball - 1:52.33
3 Rope climb ascents - 2:24

Total time = 17:18.13

Thrusters 9/15/11

Thruster 3-3-3-3-3-3-3

5 x 135 warm up
3 - 135
3 - 145
3 - 155
3 - 165
3 - 175 Felt at pull down middle of my back
5 x 135 Cool down

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Wall ball, Rope climb

Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of: 9 Rounds

15 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
15 foot Rope climb, 1 ascent

1 - 48.22
2 - 58.92
3 - 1:00.96
4 - 1:06.02
5 - 1:12.0
6 - 1:09.19
7 - 1:06.39
8 - 1:15.66
9 - 1:09.98
Total Time = 9:47.34

Forgot to tape my leg and tore the crap out of it.  Had to change the way I decended the rope and still tore it up.  I finished 9 rounds with I think 25 seconds to spare.  I just panzied out on this one.  I could have hit 10 rounds if I had taped, been motivated and pushed at the end.  Kind of frustrated with today.  At least I was in there.  Thanks again Daniel for getting me in this morning.

Friday, September 9, 2011

pull-ups, squats

5 Rounds
20 Pull-Ups
20 Body Squats

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - Total Time =

I have missed I think 5 days or so.  I can't believe this is already happening.  Not good.  I need to really get it together and get these in each day.  Hopefully I can get back into things.  Just threw this one together today to get upper and lower body some work.  First and second round were ok and then I just started to fall appart.  I have been sick as a dog this week and my back still is not right from hurting it last week picking up the T-Posts.  I was thinking yesterday that a year ago I had a pretty solid pr in Fight Gone Bad.  I know I am in better shape now but it still frustrates me to miss days.  Daniel has been trying to get me back in the weight room we have just been to busy.  Thanks for the peer pressure brother you helped me get this one in tonight .

Sunday, September 4, 2011

8 KB Swings, 20 Burpees

Five rounds of:
3 Cleans
20 Burpees
1 - 48.99
2 - 58.68
3 - 1:24.83
4 - 2:10.94
5 - 2:33.50
Total time = 7:56.94

Burpees killed me as usual.  My back is still hurting from Thursday morning putting the T-posts in my trailer.  Good thing Daniel talked me out of doing the Cleans.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Double unders, Box Jumps, Kettlebell swings

Five rounds for time of: 14:22

40 Double-unders
30 Box jumps, 24 inch box
20 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
1 - 2:33.90
2 - 3:17.31
3 - 2:55.60
4 - 2:59.00
5 - 2:36.49
Total Time - 14.22.30 Huge PR and I was holding back a bit because of the recent inconsistancy. PR by 5:14.
Rest 11 min
Run splits - ran laps on Soccer field
1 - 2:40.89 I believe these are roughly 400 meters, I think.  It is around both fields and down in the drainage.
Rest 1min
2 - 2:33.44
Rest 1 min
3 - 2:24.33
Rest 1 min
4 - 1:55.25
I hung from the soccer goal on the rest each time to stretch out the back.  Holy cow I can believe I am running again!

With the inconsistancy as of late I did not push as hard as I could have.  I still had a huge pr.  This was done just a month or so after I started in June of 2010.  I started in March of that year.
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Five rounds for time of: 40 Double-unders, 30 Box jumps, 24 inch box, 20 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
Five rounds for time of: 20:08
This one was tough but was a blast. We had the Bandy's and the Bayless's going all at once. Daniel set up 4 stations. Good times. First round Daniel and I were flying going head to head. It hit me about half way through the jumps we had 5 rounds so I told him I was backing down. We both had gotten caught up in the moment. I was on the ground when this one was over so I am glad I backed off a bit at the beginning. I took a bad fall on the second round of box jumps. I was not concentrating and I came down hard on my left foot at the top of the jump on the box. The box spun before I could get my right foot down. The box flipped and I ended up tied up like a goat in a fence the dang thing. Busted my right fore arm pretty hard. Got a pretty solid cut and bruse. I did not pause very long I was pretty fired up for breaking my concentration which probably helped. I just held my arm at my chest for a few jumps while the pain went away.
Jen did the workout as RX'd. She did awesome! Her Double unders killed her. She stuck to her guns and did them all. I would guess she did more total jumps than I did by half. The rope has brused her arms and legs. I was proud of her. She is still a little tentitive on the box jumps.
TIME : 34:39
The girls have joined Cross Fit today. They seemed to have a blast. They asked to do it again and even started requesting different things like rope climbs.
They did the following.
TIME : 3:32
3 Rounds
10 box jumps 12"
10 meter bear crawl
10 meter forward rolls to a standing position
5 push ups

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Muscle ups, Squats

Three rounds for time of:
12 Muscle-ups = subbed in 24 pullups, 24 dips
75 Squats
1 - 2:32.77
2 - 5:17.61
3 - 8:48.14
Total Time - 16:38.52
Rest 18 minutes
2 laps 7:57 full both soccer fields
1 lap 2:54
rest 1 min
1 lap 2:27

I could barely lift my knees after the workout. The first and second laps were horrible.  I felt like I was going to die.  Workout was brutal too.  The first round I was rolling.  The squats hammered me and I fell off the planet for the next two rounds.  All rounds of pull-ups were unbroken.  Dips were broken round 2 and 3.  Squats were unbroken 1st round, 2nd and 3rd round were broken.  To much rest time but 3 days off really seemed to take its toll.  My back seems to holding up ok.  I was just happy to be running.  I wore my toe shoes again for the WOD and run.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

HSPU / Pull-Up

With a continuously running clock, do one pull-up and one handstand push-up the first minute, two pull-ups and two handstand push-ups the second minute, three pull-ups and three handstand push-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able. When you cannot complete the required number of reps for either exercise, continue only with the other as long as you are able.
Use as many sets in any order each minute as needed.
Post number of minutes successfully completed for each exercise to comments. Their sum is your score.
Score = 28
Total HSPU = 78, Got to 12 reps
Total Pull-Ups = 136, Got to 16 reps
Tried to get back on the bar at 17 minutes and just did not have the steam.  I just sissied out plain and simple.

Hand Stand Push Ups were sucky as usual but better than the last few times.  Made myself come to toes and push with no support off the bar where my feet rested.
Pull ups were strict until round 10 then I was kipping.  By round 14 I had to split the rounds.  Not to bad today.  Not super happy I wanted or thought I could get to 18 on the pull-ups.  Holy cow still sore from GATOR SATURDAY!  I skipped doing this yesterday I wanted to get home and see my family.  Skipping the WOD bothered my but not seeing them seemend to be bothering me more.

Did this right after I started Crossfitting (day 6)!  Holy Cow if I need any evidence I have improved,  I remember doing this one and man I felt like I was a lower life form.  Quite an improvement.  I only made it 6 min!
pull up / push up increasing each minute
March 20th
4th day cross fit
This workout sucked I did terrible
In 1 minute
1 pull up
1 hand stand push up
In 1 mintue
2 pull ups
2 hand stand push ups
I got to 6 and 6 and failed out. WORTHLESS TODAY. Score 12.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Eight rounds for time of:
185 pound Front squat, 5 reps
26 Ring push-ups
1 - 1:16.48
2 - 2:39.28
3 - 3:29.62
4 - 4:26.94
5 - 4:26.92
6 - 4:08.54
7 - 5:14.77
8 - 3:58.47
Total Time = 29:41.06

Knew the squats and push-ups were going to hurt.  208 ring push ups, i had to do them military style to save my shoulder.  I was at failure by the end.  40 front 185 lb squats were rough.  I think I got better as I went along, went nice and deep below parallel most of the reps.  I wanted that more than time.  I had trouble keeping the bar in place I was sweating so hard.  I was hitting 3 to 2 split most of the time.  I went into this knowing I was not going to push hard and I know I could have taken less rest but man I am shot after this.  Good WOD! 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Run 400, 5 Deadlifts

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of: 6 rounds + 400 ride.
400 meter run = Biked 600+ meters
5 Deadlifts = 295lbs

1 - 1:54
2 - 2:14
3 - 2:20
4 - 2:26
5 - 2:24
6 - 2:26 = 13:46
7 - 2:24 = 16:11
I had at least 400 meters of my 600+ ride done at the 15 min alarm.  Just went ahead and finished.  I am glad I did I at least dropped my split tied for 4th fastest.

Rare time in the fall tonight.  Daniel and I got to hit this one together.  Thanks for waiting a few minutes coach!  1st Day of school today.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tire Slams, Thrusters

4 rounds for time
15 Right side tire slams
15 Left side tire slams
15 Thrusters 45lb bar

1 - 1:24.55
2 - 1:44.33
3 - 1:41.27
4 - 1:52.05
Total Time - 6:42.20

Over head squat was supposed to be today.  I can't do them worth a crap so I adapted and changed for today.  I love tire slams and thrusters just hurt.  Either way after almost 7 min of WOD my heart rate was at 150 at 1 min rest, 140 at 2 min and 120 at 3 min. 

Monday, August 15, 2011


Four rounds for time of:

Row 500 meters = subbed in 50 SDLHP
Rest 3 minutes
1 - 1:00.11
2 - 1:04.83
3 - 1:08.88
4 - 1:09.19
Total time = 13.21.24 
With out rest = 4:23.01

Did this one before practice today.  Moved pretty good I had wanted to stay at 1:00 but just could not get it done then my goal was to stay under 1:10.  I was able to get that done but just barely.  Nice short burn tonight.  Missing Daniel on this one.  It would have been nice to have him there.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

CrossFit Games Masters Chipper

For time: 10 Handstand push-ups
20 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball to 10' target
30 Toes-to-bar
40 Power cleans, 135 pounds
50 Burpees
60 Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds

1 - 15.57
2 - 49.09
3 - 1:28.68
4 - 9:00.73
5 - 8:09.55
6 - 3:56.26
Total time = 23:39.88

As usual I sucked at the HSPU I pretty much just went through the motions.  Wallball was solid, probably one of the best rounds of toes to bar I have had in a long time.  I went 25 unbroken with a tight core, that seemed to make my low back bark a bit but I have been hurting for the last few days.  Power cleans had me worried with my back being sore.  I used a belt today and just went sets of 5 but moved pretty good on the sets.  Rest was probably to long a few times.  Grip became an issue.  The burpees were what they were.  I went 25 took a short break and finished.  The rows did me in.  Went 30, 16, 14 on the round.  If I had gonefull bore on this today I know it would have put the hurt on me for a while.  I went into today with the mind set of get it done and work hard but don't blow out the cobs.  I felt weak and shakey setting things up and everything felt heavy.  Once I was into it that went away.  Shoulder and back have been barking at me lately.  Jen and the girls came in with me today.  It was great having everyone in together.

Friday, August 12, 2011

CrossFit Games Event 10 = for time

For time: 12:08.23
20 calorie Row = subbed in 45lb SDLHP Unbroken
30 Wallball Shots, 20 pound ball = unbroken
20 Toes to bar = unbroken
30 Box jumps, 24" box = unbroken
20 Sumo-deadlit high-pull, 108 pound kettlebell = 100lb dumbbell = unbroken
30 Burpees = unbroken
20 Shoulder to overhead, 135 pounds = sets of 4 maybe a 6 or so but I can't remember.
120 foot Sled pull, sled plus 165 pounds = Stacked 4 x 45lb plates and just pushed the length of the weight room.  They fell appart 6 feet from the end of the weight room.

Everything was unbroken till I got to the shoulder to overhead.  I could only string 4 together.  I might have gotten 6 one time but I can't remember.  I was at the same pace as yesterday until burpees and I got one burpee behind at the 6 min barrier.  Ashley and I completed this one at the same time.  We both think yesterday hurt more at the end but the shoulder to overhead was so slow we were recovering on our feet even though we were hurting.  Good workout.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

CrossFit Games Event 8 = 6 min

Complete as many reps as possible in 6 minutes of: 135 reps
20 calorie Row
30 Wallball Shots, 20 pound ball
20 Toes to bar
30 Box jumps, 24" box
20 Sumo-deadlit high-pull, 108 pound kettlebell
30 Burpees
20 Shoulder to overhead, 135 pounds
120 foot Sled pull, sled plus 165 pounds

Much better today.  I was actually farther along at 3 minutes today than I was yesterday.  I was 80 yesterday at 3 minutes I think I was at just about 90 today.  Today I finished 6 minutes with 135 reps.  Of that 135 the last 15 were the burpees.  I had a bit more steam during the burpees than I thought I would have. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

CrossFit Games Event 8

CrossFit Games Event 8

Complete as many reps as possible in 3 minutes of: 80 reps
20 calorie Row = 45lb SDLHP
30 Wallball Shots, 20 pound ball
20 Toes to bar
30 Box jumps, 24" box
20 Sumo-deadlit high-pull, 108 pound kettlebell
30 Burpees
20 Shoulder to overhead, 135 pounds
120 foot Sled pull, sled plus 165 pounds

Not a very taxing workout today.  I wish I could do the Toes to bar and box jumps faster.  I got 80 reps in, Row, WB, Toes to bar, and 10 box jumps.  Have this WOD for 6 min tomorrow.

Freeking amazing news is that I ran 1 3/4 miles at practice tonight.  We were barefoot on grass around the soccer field.  I wore the vibrams for 1 mile and the rest barefooted.  My back seems to be ok.  We will just have to see how she fairs.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

From 8/5/11 Friday

I was at mom and dads with the kiddos and family.  Jen and I got up for her run.  Decent run slow bike for me I think roughly 5 miles.  When we got back I did 200 push-ups, 100 wide arms and 100 military.  I intertwined the push-ups between sets for abs.  I did 1000 ab movements.  I think they were standard crunches, rope climbers, right/left/center, bicycles, there were other variations and I have gone blank.  After that I took dads kayak down to the lake and paddled for 20 minutes or so.  Covered some decent distance nothing too stressful but fun. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Muscle-ups, Deadlift, GHD's, Jumprope

For time:
5 muscle ups Subbed in 10strict pull-ups, 10 dips for every round, unbroken
245 pound Deadlift, 10 reps = unbroken
15 GHD Sit-ups = unbroken
Sprint 50 yards = subbed in single jumpropes 30
5 muscle ups
245 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
15 GHD Sit-ups
Sprint 100 yards = subbed in single jumpropes 50
5 Muscle ups
245 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
15 GHD Sit-ups
Sprint 150 yards = subbed in single jumpropes 60
5 muscle ups
245 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
15 GHD Sit-ups
Sprint 200 yards = subbed in single jumpropes 70

1 - 2:22.08
2 - 3:08.71
3 - 3:42.64
4 - 3:57.38
Total time - 13:10.81

Did this before practice in a rush.  Pretty solid I know I short changed the running to jump rope exchange.  I did do strict pull ups and dips to sub for muscle ups.  Still don't want to hurt my shoulder again.  Again I still have to be stoked about the deadlift.  245lbs 40 times.  I still can't believe I am deadlifting.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Rope Climb, Clean and Jerk

For time:
15 foot Rope climb, 5 ascents
145 pound Clean and jerk, 5 reps
15 foot Rope climb, 4 ascents
165 pound Clean and jerk, 4 reps
15 foot Rope climb, 3 ascents
185 pound Clean and jerk, 3 reps
15 foot Rope climb, 2 ascents
205 pound Clean and jerk, 2 reps = got the clean but could not get jerk
15 foot Rope climb, 1 ascent
225 pound Clean and jerk, 1 rep = fail, did not get clean or jerk

1 - 3:33
2 - 6:27
3 - 5:13
4 - 10:23 = 26:06
5 - ?????
Total - ?????

Left my watch at the house so timed on the cell phone.  Splits are not very accurate and by the last two rounds I was just wanting to be able to get the clean.  Rope did beat up my hands.  I set the clean and jerks up across the weight room on the power stations on the floor.  This way I did not have to set up and break down each time I got to the lift.  Like I stated above the 205 I got the clean but did not get the jerk.  The 225 I did not get the clean or jerk.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

12-9-6 135llb squat clean and jerk

Three rounds, 12-9- and 6 reps, for time of:

135 pound Squat clean and jerk
Muscle-up - subbed in 2 pull-ups and 2 dips for every muscle-up
1 - 3:58.77
2 - 5:22.09
3 - 3:00.85
Total - 12:21.71
I know I can do the muscle-ups I even set up the rings.  I hurt my shoulder so bad several months back they are just in my head.  I could swing up and start my turn over but just could not finish.  To scared I am going to get hurt again.  Very frustrating.  I am so out of shape with the dips they ate me alive.  I did the pull-ups unbroken.  Just a small to medium kip and neck to bar.  Dips were broken like crazy.  These are usually my strength.  Next time I think I will do ring dips instead as well.

Daniel is going to be pissed as well.  They were supposed to be squat cleans then the jerk.  He was doing them and I had in my head they were just clean and jerks.  I am such a moron.  Sorry Daniel.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Run 800 meters x 3

Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters = Subbed in bike 1600meters
Rest 2 minutes
1 = 3:23.45 = 1600 meters
Rest 1:43 staying with Daniel
2 = 3:38.26 = 1600 meters
Rest 1:21 staying with Daniel
3 = 3:29.11 = 1600 meters

Daniel and I met early this morning at 7:30 to beat the heat.  Yesterday was 111deg.  I was on my new to me mtn. bike.  It did not seem to make that big a difference on time but I was robbing myself a ton of recovery trying to start with Daniel.  I got an awesome burn today with this WOD.  I had wanted to use my road bike to see how much a difference it made when I got tired.  There was a 4inch hose under pressure across the track that gave the mtn bike a pretty good jolt so I figured there was no way I could give the road bike a try today.  Hopefully next time. 

Saturday, January 29, 2011

1 = 2:28 = 1200 meters
Rest 2:00
2 = 3:35 = 1600 meters
Rest 2:00
3 = 3:31 = 1600 meters
Daniel and I did this at that track today at 1pm it is unseasonably warm today sun out and 60 degrees. Supposed to get hammered by snow Monday night though. On to the work out. My goal was to bike as far as needed to finish with Daniel so our recovery was the same. He blasted the first one so I only got 3 laps = 1200 meters but we finished 1 second appart and I was flying to catch him. Great job Daniel. The next two were rough on Danile so I blasted the mile and we finished together. Legs were toast after this one back is feeling better but still sore between shoulder blades where I hurt it last Sunday and for some reason my lower back where I have all my problems has been barking at me a bit. Just sitting here my left leg and foot hurt. Good workout and a great day!
Last time I did something similar
4 Rounds
Rest as needed between efforts.
1- 3:26
2- 3:27
3- 3:20

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Weighted dip 3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1 reps

3 - 25lbs
2 - 35lbs
2 - 45lbs
2 - 55lbs
1 - 65lbs
1 - 75lbs
1 - 85lbs
1 - 95lbs FAIL
1 - 90lbs FAIL

Just ran out of steam on this one.  Don't know if it was from the WOD a few minutes before or not.  With as bad as my shoulder has been I was just happy to be able to get it done.  All dips were below parallel on the arm.  Either way I am happy a very productive day in the weightroom.  I would have liked to cracked 100 but it was just not in the cards today.


1000 meter row = subbed 45lb SDLHP x 100reps
45 pound Thruster, 50 reps
30 pull-ups
Row = 2:12.36 UNBROKEN
Thruster = 1:56.36 Never put bar down but had 3 pauses.  probably 10 to 15 seconds a pause.
Pull-Ups = 1:25.94 broken 15-5-10
TOTAL = 5:34.68 PR by 1:48 not bad but should have been way better.

I was excited for this one last night but when I got in this am not so much.  I still have to be happy but I wanted under 5 min.  I am sure the pauses in the Thrusters and obviously breaking up the pull-ups did not help.  Daniel and I were right together through the SDLHP's, he got maybe 5 to 8 reps up on them at the end of those.  The thrusters I should have been able to stay with him.  The pauses were the death of me they might have even been longer than I thought.  Either way I was at 4:08 finishing the Thrusters and Daniel came off the pull ups at 4:11.  Obviously I fell appart on the Thrusters and pull ups.  When I hit the ground after the pull-ups my arms were cramping like after fran and some of the others.  The combo of pull-ups and SDLHP fried my biceps.  After about 10 min or so I did the dip workout from yesterday.  I will post it above.

Monday, November 29, 2010
Row = 2:52 broken I think 50-30-20
Thruster = 2:52 broken I think 25-15-10
Pull-Ups = 1:37 broken I think 15-8-7
TOTAL = 7:22.03
Bayless was right, this one burnt. I did not go as hard on the SDLHP because I am just getting back after so long off. The Thrusters were not as bad as I had played them out to be in my mind as I had worked through this in my head. I broke them up more than I should. The pull-ups could have been stronger but when I finished I hit the ground and I could not move my arms. They were fried. Better description was that they were burning like your legs would from lactic acid after a hard race. I know I could have broken 7 min today with better planning and more confidence. Still got some good work done, for the road back. I have now surpassed total number of work outs in the last 8 days than I did all of October

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters - Subbed in 600 meter bike
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups - tried to go a little more of a strict pull up but not fully

1 - 2:33.03
2 - 2:46.15
3 - 2:57.27
Total time - 8:16.45

Low back and traps are on fire from Squat Snatch yesterday.  Just really hurting.  I talked to Daniel I just don't need to do the squat snatches again for a very long time until I can get my over head squat going.  I am torn up.  To much pain for a normal WOD.  Something just gets me on those.  Also for the first time in as long as I can remember I have a pretty bad ear infection in my right ear.  Did not seem to effect the WOD but man it hurts.  Time from this to last is not comparable since I am biking shorter.  Daniel and I have found that biking 600 to running 400 seems to be comparable time wise with accereration/decelleration and parking the bike.  He and I can be pretty even when I do that.  Today he was just up on me after the pull ups roughly 2 seconds.  Last round his 400 got him.  I waited 10 or 15 seconds so we could do the KB's together.  I know he waited for me yesterday it was the least I could do.  We started together and started the pull ups together.  He finished 4 seconds up on me for a huge pr.  Great job Daniel!  Also we got up this morning and the girls and I biked with Jen.  Jen put in a 9 miler great job ma'ma! And girls.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Run 400 meters = as usual subbed in 800meter bike
Round 1 = 3:42
Round 2 = 3:57
Round 3 = 3:53
Total Time = 11:33
Just was not into this today. I was up at 6:30 and should have come in. As it was I went back to bed and got up an hour later and did not make it in until 10am. Wind was high which made the bike miserable. Just did not have any fire today. I am going to hit it tomorrow and do "Jackie" looks like it will burn.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Wallball, Squat Snatch

Three rounds for time of:

30 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball (10.5 foot target)
75 pound Squat snatches, 30 reps (movement initiates with barbell below the knees)

1 - 5:09.93
2 - 7:06.09
3 - 6:54.17
Total Time - 19:10.19

Met Coach at 5am this morning.  Knew I was going to get frustrated with the Squat Snatches.  I was right.  I just can't drop down into the overhead squat position.  Back, Shoulders or both something is hindering this action.  I dropped as deep as I could each rep still frustrated.  As usual wallball was solid. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Weighted push-up 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

1 - 45
1 - 70
1 - 90
1 - 100
1 - 110
1 - 120
1 - 135 Fail

Interesting WOD today.  First time doing anything like this.  Ashley stayed to stack the weights and did it as well.  I was very unsure as to how to approach this one.  I am not sure if I could have done 130 or not but I was pleased over all with this WOD considering the problems I have been having with my shoulder.  The real test for the shoulder will be the weighted dips this next week.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Seven rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters subbed in 600meter bike
135 pound Back squat, 29 reps

1 - 3:46.46
2 - 3:39.32
3 - 3:36.22
4 - 4:12.78
5 - 3:51.18
6 - 4:02.09
7 - 3:56.89
Total time - 27:04.94

Holy cow this one was a strange burn.  203 x 135lb squats.  My legs have not been recovering lately I am sure this one is going to fatigue me for a few days.  I dread the thought but I might take ice bath #3 for the summer.  We shall see.  I am not sure the temperature at 9am as I did this but when I got finished I layed on the smooth concrete and there was a lake of sweat under me that pooled up then ran in a 4 inch wide stream away from my body.  After I got up it still was flowing.  That is nuts!  Worried about tomorrow with the weighted push-ups shoulder is still not 100%.  Goal was to be under 5 minutes a round and I almost got all under 4min.  Round 6 was really close I should have been able to get it under just was running out of steam on the squats.  I had plenty of time on round 7 to be way under 4 but as the split shows I was just under.  The first round was broken up 3 times on the squats.  By round two I was going 19 or 20 on the first go and finishing up with 10 or 9.  Daniel if you are doing this one tonight in the heat good luck!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Hodge Podge

3 Rounds
10 x Overhead Squats
60 x Single Jump Rope
10 x GHD
10 x Push-Ups
10 x Strict Pull-Ups

1 - 2:46.83
2 - 3:18.62
3 - 3:47.28
Total Time - 9:52.73

This was supposed to be 3 rounds 10 x 135lb overhead squat, and 30 Double Unders.  Two things I can't do.  So I adapted to the above.  I did not press very hard just flowed from one exercise to the other.  Still very frustrated that I can not Overhead squat worth a poop.  Good news is that I seem to be able to do full range GHD's now with some regularity.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Five rounds, each for time of: with rest 25:41, Just rep time was: 15:01.1

20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
Rest precisely three minutes between each round.
1 - 2:50.88
rest 2:37.23= cut short to stay with Daniel
2 - 2:41.41
rest - 2:45.99 =  cut short
3 - 2:42.41
rest - 2:40.98 = cut short
4 - 3:10.96
rest - 3:00.13 = took full rest
5 - 3:11.41 
Total Time:  25:41.40 = with rest
With out rest added in: 15:00.01
A 2:22second pr I think if my math is correct.  Thanks Daniel!

I have been scared of this one for a while I tried it this winter and quit round two.  My blog as usual has not been able to find the workout since I did it.  I had not realized I had done it.  I thought I had but could not find it till today.  I searched and there it was.  It was tough but got it done.  Daniel and I were back together so that helped.  It has been a while.  I cut my recovery short each round to stay with him and help push him and the both of us.  All round were unbroken but round 4 on the body squats but that was just a 5 second pause same thing on round 5.  If my math is correct that should be a 1:32 pr.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
1 = 2:55
2 = 3:12
3 = 3:04
4 = 4:09
5 = 3:53
Total time = 17:23
This one was awesome. First time I think I have done pull ups as prescribed. The only part of work out that was not unbroken was the push ups. Great day! Most of this was unbroken. The push ups were the only thing that broke me. I was so exhausted after droping the hammer on round 3 that I failed out on the push ups. I was hurting bad. Collapsed on the recovery. Seemed to get back in the grove on round 5 but 5 was still to dang slow. If daniel had not been finished and cheering me on I would have taken longer I think. This one broke me down. You boys will love this I was dry heaving out the truck window on the way home after this one. I think the late hours of this week took their toll. By the way we won Conference on both sides guys and girls last night.

I made an attempt at Barbra just because I had no equiptment but did have a Cedar tree with a branch that kind of worked. I had not been feeling good the last day or so. I think to much traveling and to much Holiday food. I finished round one and realized I should not have been doing anything. I ended up finishing 3 rounds. We will not discuss times per round. I was just happy to finish 3 rounds.
3 Rounds of "Barbara" tree branch as pull-up bar.  Just a bad day and forgot rest time.
Totals =
60 = pull-ups
90 = push-ups
120 = sit-ups
150 = body squats

Front Squat

Did this 7/22/11
Front Squat
# of reps
1 - 205lbs tried 225 just was to much
10 - 185lbs split 5 and 5
1 - 215lbs
20 - 165lbs split 10 and 10
1 - 225 fail
30 - 135 split 15, 10, 5

This was a wierd one.  Had no idea how to get it done.  I think I did ok for me but not super happy with the weights. My legs have not been recovering very well the last month plus.  I took an ice bath after this one to try and survive Barbara tomorrow.  This was my second Ice bath in 4 weeks.  It hurt pretty bad.  I use to jump in those things shoulder deep to get my hips.  I guess another sign of my age.  10 min was a rough one tonight.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Waiter Walk, GHD, Back Extension

Three rounds for time of: 13:49.40

50 pound dumbbell Waiter walk, 100 meters, Right arm
30 GHD Sit-ups
50 pound dumbbell Waiter walk, 100 meters, Left arm
30 Back extensions

1 - 4:01.87
2 - 4:29.05
3 - 5:18.48
Total Time - 13.49.40

Jen did this one with me but cut hers short because she did the WOD with the kids this morning.  It was nice she headed out on the last Waiter walk and kept me going.  The last round really hurt.  I flew through the GHD's first round.  I was pretty fired up.   The GHD's and Back Extensions really fatigued my legs.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pull ups, hand stand push ups

For time: 21 Pull-ups = broken
21 Handstand Push-ups = broken
18 Pull-ups = Broken
18 Handstand Push-ups Broken
15 Pull-ups = Broken
15 Handstand Push-ups Broken
12 Pull-ups = broken
12 Handstand Push-ups = broken
9 Pull-ups = Unbroken
9 Handstand Push-ups = Broken
6 Pull-ups = broken
6 Handstand Push-ups = Broken
3 Pull-ups = Unbroken
3 Handstand Push-ups = unroken
Handstand push-ups are "nose to floor" and pull-ups are "strict" or non-kipping.
Splits -
1 = 4:05.64

2 = 5:02.47
3 = 3:51.66
4 = 3:01.15
5 = 2:30.70
6 = 1:47.04
7 = 46.52
Total Time: 21:05.18

As usual hand stand pushups were trash.  With my shoulder issues probably as bad as they have ever been.  I even digressed to hooking my toes and using my legs a bit to pull back up.  On a brighter note I made dang sure the pull-ups were non kipping strict pullups.  That slowed things down but they were good solid pullups.

Last Time
Monday, August 30, 2010

Daniel was in the House! Having him in there was awesome. He hung around to drive me through. He pushed me through the hard stuff. It was stinking amazing. Definetly would not been near as fast. I have missed having him around. Hopefully we can get back to the routein. He got me back on the bar after my last set of six with no rest and I still can't believe I cranked out those three with no rest. Thanks Daniel.
I still suck at hand stand push ups. I would not say they were even as good as they have been in the past.
1 = forgot to hit the split
2 = 6:52
3 =4:06
4 = 3:39
5 = 2:26
6 = 1:52
7 = 1:12
Total Time: 20:11

Monday, July 18, 2011

Deadlift, Push-ups

Five rounds for time of:

Run 400 meters
145 pound Deadlift, 20 reps
20 Push-ups
145 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
10 Push-ups

Splits =
1 - 1:21.85
2 - 2:15.06
3 - 2:09.04
4 - 2:18.50
5 - 2:45.77
Total time - 10:50.22

Weight room was loaded this morning when I went in and was getting ready.  Getting out to get on my bike would have sucked.  I forgot and skipped the biking part/running.  Solid WOD reguardless.  Jen came in and did the workout with me.  Good morning together.

Friday, July 15, 2011


Five rounds for time of: 37:11.51
155 pound Deadlift, 12 reps
155 pound Hang power clean, 9 reps
155 pound Push jerk, 6 reps

1 - 3:00.57
2 - 5:33.72
3 - 11:17.05 , got chalk
4 - 8:09.15
5 - 9:11.02
Total Time = 37:11.51

Holy cow.  I don't know what I have done but my low back is on fire and way out of wack today.  I will hang get it to move and when I start to walk I get a few steps and something moves and sinches up.  Hurt before the WOD and is killing me after.  I probably should not have done it today.  Pride took over.  I was exhausted from the hours and biking the crazy hills at camp.  Long drives kill my back too.  Either way I have done this 2 times before and all of them have sucked.  I promised my self I would not scale this time and do it right.  I did not scale and did all exercises correct.  Even the push jerk I got the dip drive dip going.  The dead lifts were unbroken.  The hang power cleans were killing my back but I did get the first 2 rounds unbroken.  The push jerks the first 2 rounds were unbroken I think.  Round 3 I went to get some chalk from Claytons bag and took forever.  Clayton did give me a WOD tip.  I would try to get to my last rep on the power cleans and then rest the last power clean I would go into the push press.  By the end of round 2 the sweat was rolling off of me almost in a stream from my hands when I would reach down for the bar.  The dripping was so fast it literally would have been a stream of sweat if it went any faster.  I lost 5 lbs plus from the workout.  I am currently 21 hours into a fast as well.  I am going to go for 24 hours, made 24 hour barrier.  I blew my diet at camp this week and trying to get re-set.  Between my back and some intestine issues this is not a good day.  Plus the WOD was miserable again.  I did get it done and not adapted or scaled.  I was 192 this morning and am now 185.  Glad to see that the weight was still gone even with eating poorly the last few days.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Camp mileage July 12th through July 14th

Dawt Mill Run for the kids at camp, all of these runs were on crazy hills.

I biked roughly 18 miles over the 13.6 mile course watching and cheering for my kiddos.  I am beat tonight.  I was going to do todays WOD but I don't have the steam.  I am going to do it tomorrow.

Yesterday Wednesday July 13th

Biked 7 in the AM and paddled for 4 hours in the PM pretty solid workout in a kayak.  Shoulders and arms pretty tired.

Tuesday July 12th

Biked 6 in the AM and 3 in the PM

Wall Ball, Box Jump, Kettelbell Swings

Did this MONDAY JULY 11th at JBD camp


wall ball
box jump
kb swing 1.5pood =55lbs
1 - 5:55.46
2 - 6:23.06
3 - 5:47.00
4 - 4:13.13
5 - 2:10.87
TOTAL - 24:29.52

Biked 6 miles on hills before this and 5 miles this evening. 
Hot and humid!  Did this WOD under a tree at the Northfork river.  Actually felt pretty solid in this one.  Wallball and KB swings are my strengths.  I went steady and solid, all rounds were unbroken.  I rested no longer than 40 seconds between rounds. Most rounds I tried to only rest 30 seconds.  With the heat and humidity and activity level here at camp I never pushed, just moved steady and smooth.  Not that I did not hurt.  I was heaving for breath and dizzy in the last few rounds.  I did not try to accererate the KB swings like I can sometimes and did not drive as hard as I can on the up stroke of the wall ball shots.  Pretty happy with today.  I did this around 11am and I am pretty sure it was close to 98 with heat index over 100.  A few hours later I know it was 102 with heat index well over 108.  One hot week at camp.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Front Squat, Burpee Pull-ups

Three rounds for time of:

135 pound Front squat, 12 reps
12 Burpee pull-ups

1 - 1:45.58
2 - 3:29.29
3 - 3:21.43
Total time = 8:36.06

Two good things about today.  First I got to workout with Daniel today.  Second I was getting a workout in.  Other than that not a daggum thing was good about todays WOD.  I stunk it up.  I had my feet to wide on the squats and the burpees have been in my head since the filthyfifty.  Daniel finished over 3 minutes ahead of me on this short blast of a WOD.  Not sure what the deal is.  We normaly are right together on these with Daniel pulling away on the last set by a few seconds.  Just frustrated.  Daniel said my knees were bowing in on the squats.  I narrowed my stance considerably and I got in the grove.  I keep forgetting that I can finally squat right and don't have to have a wide stance to get it done.  Seems the more narrow the stance the better lately, and for going deep.  I also had to grab the belt for round 2.  Something got my back round 1.  I think the wide stance on the squats and then the drop from the bar on the burpee pull-ups.