Monday, November 30, 2015

Pull-ups, Burpees, Toes-to-bar, KB Swings, Goblet Squats

5 Rounds
10 Pull-ups
10 Burpees
10 Toes-to-bar
10 KB Swings
10 Goblet Squats
1 min rest

1 - 1:55.36
2 - 1:54.97
3 - 1:58.17
4 - 2:09.05
5 - 2:09.68
Total w/ rest - 14:07

Man getting back into this has been rough.  Tonight put the hammer on me again.  No puking but my brain was fried.  No oxygen.  I was a mess for quite a while.  I had myself talked into stopping after round 4.  Nathan P. yelled at me that last round was coming.  I hit the floor.  He said you know you can do this.  Pride kicked in and I got to my feet and got it done.  Thanks brother.  Not to mention there was 15 of my kids in the weightroom doing abs.  I could not sissy out on that last round.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Heavy bag, Sit-ups, Lunges, Dips, Box jumps, Jump rope

5 Rounds
1 minute a station
Heavy Bag combos
Sit-ups - 30/30/30/30/30
Lunges - 30/32/32/32/32
Dips - 20/25/25/25/25
Box jumps - 10/10/10/10/11
Jump rope - 110/110/110/110/140

Feeling better.  Went one more round today.  Roughly the same amount of reps.  I don't think these exercises were as hard on me as the last 2 or I am snapping my body out of this funk.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Heavy bag, Sit-ups, Thrusters, jump-rope, ball-slams

4 Rounds
1 min a station
Heavy Bag
Sit-ups - 28/28/30/30
Thrusters @ 95lbs - 10/10/10/12
Jump-rope - 110/100/110/120
Ball-slams - 31/31/35/35
Rest - 2 min

11/25/15 - Heavy bag, body squats, sit-ups, jump-rope, pull-ups

3 rounds
1:30 seconds a station
Heavy Bag
Body Squats

Workout number one since state cross country post.  To put it mildly I had a rough day.  5 rounds was my goal.  I had to tell myself I was going to get 3 rounds.  I threw up after round one.  By the pull-ups in round 3 I was dryheaving every time my chin went over the bar.  I hit the trash can and threw up several times after I finished.  Today was rough.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

State Cross Country meet

Ran a bunch again today.  My legs are not functioning well right now.  I am posting this at almost 10pm.
It was a rough day.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Pre-meet run on state course

Ran/walked State course with the kids

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Heavy Bag, Tall cage box jumps, Barbell power clean and jerk Burpees, Lever pulls

5 Rounds 1 min a station as many reps as possible
Heavy Bag
Tall cage box jump
Barbell clean and jerk Burpees
Lever pulls
Rest 1 min

Met Daniel early we needed to get in.  Been to long.  Hit a deer by cherry blossom at 6:05.  Driving crazy slow but still got him.  Damage but after slamming on the breaks I was probably going only 20 when I hit him.  He spun but never hit the ground and ran off.