Tuesday, August 31, 2010

21-18-15-12-9-6 and 3 rep rounds of: SDLHP 75lbs, Push Jerk 75 lbs

21-18-15-12-9-6 and 3 rep rounds of:

Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds
Push jerk, 75 pounds

1 - 1:04
2 - 1:15
3 - 1:34
4 - 1:23
5 - :53
6 - :36
7 - :20.5

Total = 7:07

Felt really good on this one. I think I could have gone faster on this one. I took a few rests that I don't think I needed. I only rested inbetween the sets for a few seconds. I did slow on the SDLHP's but the Push Jerks were smooth. I got in a rythm and rolled through them.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Pull ups, hand stand push ups

For time:
21 Pull-ups = unbroken
21 Handstand Push-ups = broken
18 Pull-ups = Broken 12, 6
18 Handstand Push-ups Broken
15 Pull-ups = Broken 10, 5
15 Handstand Push-ups Broken
12 Pull-ups = Unbroken
12 Handstand Push-ups = broken
9 Pull-ups = Unbroken
9 Handstand Push-ups = Broken
6 Pull-ups = Unbroken
6 Handstand Push-ups = Broken
3 Pull-ups = Unbroken
3 Handstand Push-ups = Broken 2,1

Handstand push-ups are "nose to floor" and pull-ups are "strict" or non-kipping.

Daniel was in the House! Having him in there was awesome. He hung around to drive me through. He pushed me through the hard stuff. It was stinking amazing. Definetly would not been near as fast. I have missed having him around. Hopefully we can get back to the routein. He got me back on the bar after my last set of six with no rest and I still can't believe I cranked out those three with no rest. Thanks Daniel.
I still suck at hand stand push ups. I would not say they were even as good as they have been in the past.

1 = forgot to hit the split
2 = 6:52
3 =4:06
4 = 3:39
5 = 2:26
6 = 1:52
7 = 1:12
Total Time: 20:11

Friday, August 27, 2010

"Test 3"

Tabata Squat
Max reps of Muscle-ups in 4 minutes

The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals. Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals. Begin time for muscle-ups immediately after the last 10 second rest interval. Test score equals Tabata score multiplied by number of muscle-ups completed.

Rings were set 3 inches over my head. I tried full height muscle ups and still can't seem to get them in.

I finished the workout and a minute later I was puking like crazy. I have no idea what went on. I can only guess the change in elevation and swinging around.

1 - 24
2 - 23
3 - 23
4 - 23
5 - 23
6 - 22
7 - 22
8 - 21

Muscle Ups = 23

SCORE = 483

Thursday, August 26, 2010

50 Jump and touch,40 Squats,30 Sit-ups,20 Push-ups,10 Pull-ups

Tie a five-pound plate to hang an honest 18" above your tiptoe reach and complete 5 rounds for time of:
50 Jump and touch
40 Squats
30 Sit-ups
10 Pull-ups

I was super worried about the jumps and my back. I tried to stay on my toes and probably jumped 10 or so inches off the ground to save on the impact. All rounds were un-broken but the jumps. My time was rolling I can only assume that the reason it is so fast is because of the jumps being scales because I was flat scooting.

1 - 4:12
2 - 4:15
3 - 4:35
4 - 4:08
5 - 4:07
TOTAL = 21:19

1 - 7:33
2 - 7:51
3 - 8:25
4 - 8:34
5 - 7:02
TOTAL = 39:28

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

30-25-20-15 and 10 rep rounds of: Burpees, box jump, toes to bar

30-25-20-15 and 10 rep rounds of:
Box jumps, 24 inch box
Toes to bar

All burpees and box jumps were unbroken but slow. The toes to bar pull ups were rough on me my grip was failing. Type more tomorrow have to be up at 4:30 and it is 10:30.

RON TIME = 31:00
JEN TIME = 27:00

Monday, August 23, 2010

400 meter Walking lunge

400 meter Walking lunge

This workout was brutal. I loved it. I started to feel the puke come up at 280 meters. Corey told me to keep my head up, seemed to do the trick. Corey and I finished together and headed back to get Christine. We both forgot to hit the watch. We were both pretty torked. We estimate 13min to sub 13. I was doing sets of 10 to 15 then a standing break for just a few seconds. I also lost count around 180 or so.

JEN had to do later at home half up hill I was fired up for her.

JEN TIME = 15:17

Friday, August 20, 2010

Three Rounds for time: 20 pull ups, 20 dips, 50 body squats

3 rounds for time:

20 pull ups
20 Dips
50 Body Squats

I had not worked out for 3 days so I was full of juice today. We also had a time trial today and the kids ran awesome! I was juiced. Workout went pretty good except I forgot to do the body squats on round two. After I finished round 3 I did a set of 100 body squats. Set was 50 and short break then 30 and 20.

RON TIME = 12:05


Monday, August 16, 2010

Weighted pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

This was a decent one. First one I have been happy with in weeks. I think I could have gone higher. PR'ed by 30lbs but I really have never done this.

Body Weight 195#
1 - 30lbs
2 - 40#
3 - 45#
4 - 50#
5 - 60#
6 - 70#
7 - 80#

Saturday, August 14, 2010



50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:

Double-unders = As usual scaled to singles but double the number


Ron = 8:30

Jen = 13:13

Friday, August 13, 2010


Ten rounds for time of:
95 pound Thruster, 10 reps
10 Ring push-ups

Thrusters are still the bain of my existance. They just kick the crap out of me. I was struggling going parallel.

1 - 47.20
2 - 1:25
3 - 1:08
4 - 1:38
5 - 1:49
6 - 1:46
7 - 1:45
8 - 1:52
9 - 1:37
10 - 1:38
TOTAL = 15:28

1 - 1:38
2 - 1:39
3 - 1:39
4 - 1:34
5 - 1:47
6 - 1:41
7 - 1:36
8 - 1:50
9 - 1:48
10 - 1:34
TOTAL = 16:51

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Two rounds for time of:
295 pound Deadlift, 24 reps = scaled to 220, did sets of 10, 10, 4
24 Box jumps, 24 inch box = Unbroken all sets
24 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball = Unbroken all sets
195 pound Bench press, 24 reps = sets of 5 all the way through
24 Box jumps, 24 inch box = Unbroken all sets
24 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball = Unbroken all sets
145 pound Clean, 24 reps = sets of 5 all the way through

Did at 8pm and it was still 90 deg with heat index at close to 100. Yea! I am typing this at 11:20 and just checked it is still 83 but feels like 91. Holy cow.

This one was tough. I have turned into a complete sissy on these. However one good aspect is that I only scaled one activity and that was the deadlifts. I did 220 on the dead lifts but felt really good on those. The bench was rough but testimony to crossfit and its powers. I have done no bench press since the WOD a few months back when I did 185, 60 times. So to be able to crank out 48 reps of 195 I am stoked. I just did them in sets of 5 as to not fry myself. Same with the cleans. They were tough and being tired by that point it was tough on the back going back down releasing the weight. I did these in sets of 5 as well. I will post time tomorrow it is late and I have early practice. And the watch is across the house.

Long and short of it is that this was a hero's work out and I finished. Can't not finish these and it kills me to scale down.

1 - 22:10
2 - 29:50
TOTAL = 52:00 Oh yea this one sucked!

1 -
2 -

Monday, August 9, 2010

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

185 pound Back squat, 7 reps
45 pound dumbbell Overhead walking lunge, 10 steps (right hand)
7 Burpees
45 pound dumbbell Overhead walking lunge, 10 steps (left hand)

Ron = 5 rounds, plus squat,right lunge, 7 burpees
Yea I sucked on this one. I even had to scale the squats to 155lbs

Jen = 7

The only good thing about this workout was that there were 6 of us going at once. That did fire me up. Bayless's and the McElhaney's and the Bandy's. That was awesome. 6 people putting themselves through missery!

Friday, August 6, 2010

As many rounds and reps as possible in ten minutes of: 55kg Squat clean, 6 reps, 12 Pull-ups, 24 Double-unders

As many rounds and reps as possible in ten minutes of: 3 and 2/3 rounds

55kg = 121lbs, did 123lbs Squat clean, 6 reps

12 Pull-ups = had some grip issues on round 3 and 4

24 Double-unders = adapted as usual doubled number of reps and did singles

Moved decently through this one. I wanted 4 plus rounds but did not get even close. Jen did this one with me side by side tonight. When we hit 10 minutes we both had finished the pullups and were heading to pick up the jumpropes. We both finished the 4th round but over the time limit.

This workout was supposed to have a snatch and clean and jerk 1 rep max. We just did not have time tonight and with my back going for 1 rep maxes makes me nervous period. So we opted out tonight.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Five rounds for time of: 135 pound Squat clean thruster, 5 reps, 10 Chest to bar pull-ups

Five rounds for time of:

135 pound Squat clean thruster, 5 reps

10 Chest to bar pull-ups = all unbroken

Pretty solid no scaling. Felt good to crank one and not feel like I needed to lower the weight. I will admit after round one I thought I was going to knock this one out of the park. Then the fatigue hit. I was like Daniel on this one. I was sure after round 3 I was going to shatter 10 min not a chance. The end snuck up on me. I broke 12 and was happy to get it. By the end I was screaming on the pull ups to stay fired up and get the chest all the way up to the bar. I will admit I could have knocked off I bet a min plus. See rounds 3 - 5. I have been having so much trouble with my back lately I wanted to be very sure I was focused and in control before each squatclean thruster. No reason to jack myself up and not be able to work out tomorrow. The right shoulder is still killing me just hurst for any overhead movement so tonight was no exception. Stripped it out with the massage stick several times before I started. My goal for next time is 10 min or under.

1 - 1:27
2 - 2:05
3 - 2:50
4 - 2:53
5 - 2:36
Total = 11:53

Jen =

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Three rounds for time of: 50 Double-unders, 25 Wallball "2-fer-1s", 20 pound ball

Three rounds for time of: 8:20

50 Double-unders = modified doubled the number for singles.

25 Wallball "2-fer-1s", 20 pound ball

Holy cow I love how much these short ones burn. I think I over heated last night on the 400/burpee workout. My insides are tearing me up tonight. The 2-fer-1's were tough but wall ball is one of my stronger exercises. I did struggle going deep enough on the second squat to be up in time. Several times the ball was at my hips when I caught it. I used the b-ball goal at the house for the target. I just had to throw higher and I was in better position. The jump ropes I did my usual doubling the number of jumps for singles. My back has been giving me trouble, more in my legs and foot pain. My right shoulder is giving me fits again. Hurts pretty bad. Took two rounds last night to warm up enough to not be killing me on each push up of the burpees.

1 - 2:33
2 - 2:38
3 - 3:09
TOTAL = 8:20

no splits
TOTAL = 10:52

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

6 rounds for time of: Run 400 meters, 25 Burpees

6 rounds for time of:

Run 400 meters

25 Burpees

Set up under a bar that is one foot above your reach for the burpees. Jump and touch the bar for each burpee rep.

Did these under my basketball goal and lowered to 1 foot over my finger tips. The problem was we did this at home and there were to many turns. I had to come to a complete stop on the bike multiple times during the ride or dang close. In and out of the drive way so I did not eat it on the gravel. Not a great place for trying to time a WOD. Back is giving me problems. My left leg just would not work most of the workout. I had to post off my right arm and swing my left leg up under me to stand up and jump for the rim. Not really any pain just a lack of movement. Interesting.

We did this as the sun was setting trying to beat the heat. I believe it was still 89deg at this time. It did cool down considerably. The most challenging part was not choaking to death on the bugs as I rode. I think I swallowed 5 or 6 bugs on the first two rides, not to mention the ones in my eyes.

1 -4:32
2 - 5:19
3 - 6:24
4 - 5:52
5 - 6:55
6 - 6:13
TOTAL = 35:17

1 - 5:53
2 - 5:58
3 - 6:02
4 - 6:46
5 - 5:59
6 - 7:23
TOTAL = 38:04