Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Partner Harness Pull, Wall Ball, Tire Slams, Side way wall slams, Ball Slams, Medball Sit-ups

6 Rounds
1 - Partner Harness Pull - down
10 Wall Ball
10/10 Tire Slams rt/lt
5/5 Med ball Rt/Lt side throws wall slams
10 Med Ball Slams
10 Med Ball Sit-ups switch each round touch behind head come over and touch ground on either left side or center or right side.  Alternate each round as follows 1 - Left side, 2 - Center, 3 - Right, 4 - Lt, 5 - C, 6 - Rt
Alternating rest times.  Posted in splits.  Tried for 1:30

1 -3:08
Rest - 1:30
2 - 2:49
R - 1:30
3 - 2:56
R - 3:00
4 - 2:46
R - 1:30
5 - 2:49
R - 2:00
6 - 2:57
Total time w/ rest - 26:55

Wow this one ate my lunch.  Had to add recovery time to survive.  Each of us kind of decided what the rest would be at the end of round.  Did not seem difficult but man this one put the hurt on us.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Heavy bag, Box Jump, GHD's, Burpees

5 Rounds - Steady push
1 minute Heavy bag combos
10 Box jumps 36" box, tallest metal one
10 GHD's
10 Burpees
1 min rest

Did not time but had the WOD timer going off every minute.  Rounds with rest were roughly 5 min.

Got faster the last 3 rounds.  That same push cost me a pretty good toll.  Lost concentration for half a second round 5, jump number 8, I jumped and right toe got caught.  Busted the fire out of my shin.  Still finished the round and workout!  Shin currently feels like it is going to explode.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Pull-ups, Jump rope, Lunges, GHD's, Heavy bag

14 min AMRAP
10 Pull-ups
100 Jump rope singles
25 Lunges
10 GHD's
30 seconds Heavy bag

Completed 4 rounds.  Did not push hard just flowed pretty quickly.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

AM Hill Running

Met Daniel out on the hills by the hotel.  I did 4 x 140 meter up hill runs.

Friday, May 27, 2016

AM in pool room wake up movement

10 Goblet Squats @ 45lbs
10 right arm SDLHP @ 45lbs
10 left arm SDLHP @ 45lbs
100 sit-ups
10 KB Swings @ 45lbs
10 push-ups
20 Goblet Squats @ 45lbs
20 right arm SDLHP @ 45lbs
20 left arm SDLHP @ 45lbs
100 sit-ups
20 KB Swings @ 45lbs
20 push-ups
30 Goblet Squats @ 45lbs
30 right arm SDLHP @ 45lbs
30 left arm SDLHP @ 45lbs
100 sit-ups
30 KB Swings @ 45lbs
30 push-ups

Holy moley I was not ready to move.  The first round of 10's whipped me.  I was feeling much better by the last round.  Pool room was hot so I had a solid sweat going.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

B.O.B., Jump Rope, Bicycle abs

4 Rounds
B.O.B. Combos
100 Jump Rope singles
100 Bicycle Abs

Set B.O.B. at different heights
Round and height
1 - 6ft
2 - 6'6"
3 - 6'6"
4 - 5'6"

Good sweat rolling again.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

B.O.B. , Jump Rope, Abs

5 rounds
B.O.B. Combos - hit while a song was on for full song
Then moved to
Abs - sets of 100, butterfly, R/L/C, Sit-ups w/ twist, sit ups, crunches
Jump Rope singles - sets of 100

Had sweat rolling during this one.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Parachute sprints

4 x 120 meter parachute runs

Dropped recovery time so I cut the number of intervals.

1 - 18.82
R - 1:30
2 - 21.98
R - 1:30
3 - 18.96
R - 1:30
4 - 22.04
Total time - 5:52

5/22/16 Shoveling rock and building a stone wall

Thursday, May 19, 2016

5/18/16 parachute runs

6 x 120 yard parachute runs

1 - 22.20
R - 2 min
2 - 18.24
R - 2 min
3 - 23.93
R - 2 min
4 - 19.22
R - 2 min
5 - 21.82
R - 2 min
6 - 18.47
Total time - 12:06

Like last time heading north on the field the wind was gusting at my face.  Felt like it was lifting me off the ground.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Box jumps, hammer grip pull-ups, GHD belly slams, Blocking pad exercises

6 Rounds Partner WOD
Resting man - sitting on small black box in crunchy frog position while other man is on.

Working man
5 - Box jumps on huge metal frame box
10 - Hammer Grip Pull-ups
5 - GHD blocking pad ab slams - resting man hits GHD guy on chest/stomach w/ pad
Blocking pad High Knees down / hand crossover mat in push-up position crawl down
5 Burpees

Splits of both men work/rest time initial is man working.
D - 1:30
R - 1:39
D - 1:36
R - 1:51
D - 1:36
R - 1:45
D - 1:41
R - 1:45
D - 1:59
R - 1:55
D - 1:49
R - 1:52
Total time - 21:04

Something different again.  Liked it but man I was gassed at the end.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Parachute sprints round 2

6 x 120 yards Parachute Sprints

Did 4 of these Tuesday did 6 today.  Remembered to take splits and time recovery today.  Wind was pretty high today.  Threw me all over.  Even better you can tell which direction was with the wind and which was against.  I was able to get fast enough to pull the chute even with the wind and somehow still drag me pretty good.

1 - 19.74 against wind
2 min rest
2 - 20.17
2 min rest
3 - 22.68
2 min rest
4 - 19.13
2 min rest
5 - 25.25
2 min rest
6 - 20.00
Total time w/ rest -  12:09

Good workout again.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

5/10/16 parachute sprints

I was feeling pretty good today and had a few min when we finished the workout.  The sprinters had been working parachute runs.  I grabbed the biggest chute and did 4 x 120 meter sprints barefooted in the thick grass on the field.  Goal posts to goal post.  Felt good.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Landscaping - "Heavy Rock Moving"

Overhead reverse KB Throws/Sprints, Tire flips/Tire slams, Sled Push/Plank hold across tires

3 Rounds partner WOD
While one man was sprinting other was overhead reverse KB Throwing, switch when sprinting was done.
Move to
1 man flipping tire (small one today), other man tire slam with short heavy bar alternating sides, switch when man was done flipping.
Move to
1 man pushing sled other was in long plank position across tires, hands and toes.

3 Rounds
2 x Down and back 50 meter sprints on soccer field
While other man does Overhead reverse KB toss - 45 & 55lb KB's
Move to
15 x Tire flip, other man tire slam w/ short heavy bar
Move to
2 x Down and back sled push @ 25lbs plates, other man in long plank extended push-up position hold till other man finishes then switch.

We had planned 4 rounds but 3 was plenty.  Holy cow!  Told Daniel I would not classify this as a barn burner but I think the field caught fire and was heading to the barn.

Friday, May 6, 2016

B.O.B., Push-ups, Med-ball Sit-ups press, KB Lunges, Body Squats

3 Rounds
Punching B.O.B. For a few min
25 Push-ups
25 Med-ball sit-ups w/ a press
25 KB Gobblet style Lunges @ 45lbs
25 Body Squats

Did for completion no time.  I am exhausted for some reason.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

AM Ride into school

Em ran in Hollister last night so we left the truck at in-laws with the intent I would ride to school in the morning.
I rode in.  The ride was awful.  One of the worst I have had in a while.  I felt like death the whole time.  I definetly got a good workout in.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

AM WOD - Pull-ups, Goblet Squats, Butterfly Sit-ups, Heavy bag

600 meter jog warm up

5 Rounds
10 Pull-ups (strict)
20 Goblet Squats - 55lbs KB
60 Butterfly sit-ups
1 minute Heavy Bag
2 minute rest

1 a - 3:40 movement
   b - 1 min - heavy bag
   c - 2 min rest
2 a - 3:56
   b - 1 min
   c - 2 min rest
3 a - 3:50
   b - 1 min
   c - 2 min rest
4 a - 4:09
   b - 1 min
   c - 2 min rest
5 a - 4:02
   b - 1 min
TOTAL TIME w/ Rest - 32:44

Did not rush on this.  Just got the work done.  I feel drained and out of shape.  Had a pretty good sweat going.

4/30/16 hard bike ride while the girls ran.

I hot lapped Cherry Blossom 3 times while the girls ran it.  Then back to house.