Sunday, December 31, 2017


Couplet Super Sets

Reps per set 18 - 18 - 16 -14
Double Bungie Squats to a toe
Reps per set 12 - 12 - 10 - 8
Back Squats @ 135
90 Seconds Rest

Reps per set 12 - 12 - 10 - 8
Hack Squats @ 135
Reps per set per Leg 12 - 12 - 10 - 10
Heavy Weighted Step ups short box w/ 40lbs Dumbbell
75 Seconds Rest

Reps per set per Leg 12 - 10 - 8 - 6
Weighted Lunges @ 30 and 25lbs Dumbbells
Reps per set 4 x 14
Back Extensions
60 Seconds Rest

Reps per set 4 x 12
HamString Push-ups
Reps per set 4 x 40rep
High knee wall push sprints
30 Seconds Rest

Really good design today.  Daniel put together a good one.  Liked the flow.  Legs are tired but not shredded like they have been.  At least that is how they feel now.

12/30/17 PM - Arms/Abs

Triplets in Super Sets

3 Sets
10 - Supine Rows
10 - Dips
50 - Bicycles
90 Seconds Rest

3 Sets
10 - Rope Curls @ 45lbs plate on end of bar
10 - Nose Breakers w/ Caber bar @ 65lbs
50 - Crunches
90 Seconds Rest

3 Sets
10 - Hammer Grip Curls w/ Caber Bar @ 65lbs
10 - Overhead Tricep Extensions w/ Caber Bar @ 65lbs
25 - Jack Hammers
90 Seconds Rest

3 Sets
10 - Rope Push-ups
10 - Dumbbell Hammer Hammer Grip Curls
90 Seconds Rest

Arms were swollen and toast after this one.  Done in roughly an hour.

12/29/17 Fartlek Friday 5 plus miles with the kids.

Thursday, December 28, 2017


4 Rounds
1 minute Heavy Bag
50 Bicycles
25 Overhead Triceps Dumbbell Extensions
50 Crunches
25 Chest Dumbbell Flys - 12 Thumb Up, 12 Palm Up
25 Sit-ups w/ a Twist
1 minute Rest

Caleb, Hunter, Brett came in and did Plyometrics.  After I ran them through that I did this.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

AM Family Workout, Walk and CrossFit

Temperature was 3 degrees

Girls ran I walked a mile or so.

Back to house

I did 4 Rounds Girls did 3 Rounds
10 Burpees
10 Windshield wipers
10 Body Squats to a toe
10 Jack Hammers
10 Push-ups
50 Crunches
10/10 Stair Lunges

Sunday, December 24, 2017

PM Legs and Abs before Christmas Eve dinner

3 Rounds of each Couplet

3 Rounds
4 Reps - Stairs run
100 Crunches
1 min Rest
1 - 1:50
2 - 1:52
3 - 1:53

2 Minutes Rest

3 Rounds
15 Goblet Squats @ 45lbs
100 Crunches
1 min Rest
1 - 1:34
2 - 1:31
3 - 1:31

2 min Rest

3 Rounds
12 Single Leg Goblet Squats @ 20
100 Crunches
1min Rest
1 - 2:10
2 - 2:10
3 - 2:08

2 min Rest

3 Rounds
10 Med Ball Thrusters Y - up to right = 1, Down and up to left = 1
100 Crunches
1 min Rest
1 - 1:14
2 - 1:11
3 - 1:05

Really hurt my back yesterday doing the Plyometrics with the girls.  Hoping it clears up quickly.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

AM Plyometrics, Short WOD

2 Rounds
2 Burpees
25 Ball Slams @ 20lbs
2 Burpees
25 KB Swings @ 45lbs
2 Burpees
25 Wall Ball @ 20lbs
2 Burpees
25 SDLHP @ 45lbs
3 min Rest

1 full set of Plyometrics with Anna, Emily and Jen @ weight room

12/22/17 Fartlek with Caleb, Will, Charles

12/19/17 Plyos with the kids, 50 Ball Slams @ 20 lbs ball

Sunday, December 17, 2017


Leg Couplets

4 Rounds of 12 Reps
Heavy Goblet Squats @ 70lbs Dumbbell / Wall Ball 20lbs Ball

4 Rounds of 12 Reps
Single Leg Ring Squats 12rt/12lft / Reverse Walking Lunges 12rt/12lft

4 Rounds of 12 Reps
Single Leg Bench Goblet Squats @ 35lbs KB 12Rt/12lft / KB Suitcase hold high knees 12rt/12lft

4 Rounds
Partner Harness Pull Forward / Partner Harness Pull Reverse

Daniel and I were wanting a shift of exercises.  Some old things but some new.  I was exhausted after this one.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Upper body quadruplets 4 Sets of 3 Rounds each set

3 Rounds
1 min Heavy Bag
15 Curls - Hammer Grip Caber Bar - @ 65lbs
15 Triceps Extensions laying on bench Hammer Grip w/ Caber bar @ 65lbs
15 Butterfly Sit-Ups
1 min Rest or less after each round

3 Rounds
12 KB Curls
12 Overhead Triceps Extensions
12 Oblique’s 12 each side
1 min Heavy Bag
1 min or less Rest

3 Rounds
15 Dumbbell Flys on bench palm up
15 Deltas - @ 50lbs KB
25 Bicycles
1 min Heavy Bag
1 min or less Rest

3 Rounds
1min Heavy Bag
50 Crunches
Military Push-Ups
Dumbbell Flys w/ Thumb up
1 min or less Rest

12/15/17 - GHD’s w/ weight, Shrugs, Around the world, Tricep Extensions with plate

4 Rounds
10 GHD’s with a twist, with 10lbs plate - 2 Rounds w/ a 25lb plate
10 Around the world w 35lbs plate
10 Overhead Triceps Extensions
10 Shrugs w/ 80lbs Dumbbells

Round 2 I used a 25lbs plate for the GHD’s.  Core tired by number 6 as I would touch the ground with the plate and pull it back over my head I would bust my head on the base of the GHD rack.

12/14/17 Plyometrics

12/12/17 Plyometrics and The Filthy Fifty

12/10/17 Legs

Couplet 1
Hack Squats (14 - 12 - 10) Reps
1 Leg Dead Lift (10 - 12 - 14) Reps
2 min Rest after each set

Couplet 2
(14 - 12 - 10) Reps
Squats - Back Squat
Weighted Step-Ups @ 35lbs - 14 each leg, etc
90 Seconds Rest

Couplet 3
Sets of 15 Reps
Ninja Jumps Soft Box
Long Lunges - reach w/ each step
60 Seconds Rest

Triplet 4
Sets of 15
HamString Push-Ups
Back Extensions
45 Seconds Rest

A few min rest then we jumped into a short CrossFit

3 Rounds
Back against wall, wall slams in an X shape.  5 at right hip, 5 at left hip 5 over left shoulder 5 over right shoulder.
Heavy Bag Carry Down and Back full weight room
10 Med Ball Slams
30 Second Blast on Stationary Bike

Good to be back in with Daniel Today.

Friday, December 8, 2017

MTCCCA Meeting - WOD

Year to date workout.  Found out I am way out of shape or I’m not feeling good.  Though I thought I was feeling fine.  Last year was 10 Rounds this year was 5 Rounds.

10 min Stationary Bike

5 Rounds
10 Hammer Grip Pull-Ups
5/5 Weighted Step-Ups @ 45lbs per arm
10 Weighted Sit-Ups @ 25lbs plate on steep decline bench round 2,3,5 were with a twist at top.
10 Walking Lunges
2 min Rest

After workout - 5 minutes Stationary Bike

Did not take splits.

No fire today.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Drills, Plyometrics, Assender

Started the day with these drills and finished with the Assender.
Warm up drill day -
Lateral shuffle - lines of cones forward progression - good body position drop hips - running with lines of cones
Lateral shuffle - lines of cones forward progression - 360deg turn at end of each line of cones as progression is made forward
Lateral Shuffle  / break down touch floor at end of cone forward progression on shuffle around next line of cones
Forward and reverse shuffle to turn and progression forward - running with lines of cones

Bounding Plyometric choice list
4 to 5 sets of each movement
Two foot hop (ankle flex) dbl leg hop
Dble foot ankle flex side to side hop
Tuck jump knees up hug knees
Tuck jump knees up / butt kick with heels
Split squat jump/ high arm - tall torso
Double leg front cone hop
Diagonal cone double leg hops

4 Rounds
1 - Med Ball box jump burpee
2 - Pull-ups - Ebow hurting, subbed in Caber bar Curls @ 75lbs
3 - Burpee Pull-ups - subbed in Curls and reg Burpees 
4 - Barbell Burpees (man makers), @ 75lbs
5 - Thrusters - 75lbs
6 - Supine Rows
7 - Wall Balls @ 20lbs Ball 
8 - Back Extensions
9 - Body Squats
10 - Sit-ups - Butterfly 
2 min rest

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Triceps Extensions, Jump Rope, MedBall Explosive Throws, Crunches

4 Rounds
20 Hammer Grip Caber Bar Standing Overhead Extensions @ 45lbs
100 Jump Rope Singles
25 Medicine Ball Explosive Throws - Full Squat Throw as high as possible @ 20lbs Ball
100 Crunches

Did not take splits

Heart was at 160 beats per minute after the med ball stuff.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Turkish-get-ups, Butterfly Sit-ups, Body Squats

30 Turkish Get Ups @ 45lbs barbell
Broke into Sets of 10


4 Rounds
25 Sit-ups
25 Body Squats

No rest as fast as possible.  No splits.  Had running watch.  First round was well under 1 min.  Next few were a bit over.  Ended up somewhere total time of 4 min 50 or less.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Heavy Bag, Ninja Jumps, Hammer Curls w/ Caber bar, Dumbbell Hammer Grip Chest Flys, GHD’s

5 Rounds
1 min Heavy Bag
6 Ninja Jumps
20 Hammer Grip Curls w/ Caber Bar @ 45lbs
20 Hammer Grip Dumbbell Chest Flys @ 15lbs dumbbells
12 GHD’s

No splits this year.

Sunday, November 26, 2017


3 Sets of 10 Reps 

Back Squats a to g - @ 135lbs 
Weighted Step ups @ 35lbs KB
100 Crunches 
90 Seconds Rest 

Lateral Goblet Squats @ 35lbs - 10 each leg
Suitcase Carry Walking Lunges- 10 each leg 
50/50 side Crunches 

HamString Push-ups/Russian Falls
HamString Bridge - 10 Reps each leg 

Back is quite sore.  The back Squats beat me up from the start.  Crazy aspect is that I owned these from the start last week.

4/25/17 Jump Rope, Heavy Bag, GHD’s, Weighted Elevated Lunges

4 Rounds
100 Jump Rope
2 min Heavy Bag
15 GHD’s
10/10 Weighted Elevated Lunges
1 min Rest

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Turkey Trot

Girls Ran.  I walked with Missy.  Ran a little bit.  Legs are still beat from the leg workout earlier this week.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


4 Sets of Couplets

4 Sets of 10
Barbell overhead Shoulder Press @ 75lbs
Dumbbell side Extensions @ 15lbs each arm
100 Crunches
90 Seconds Rest

4 Sets of 20
Hammer Curls on Caber Bar @ 45lbs
Overhead Triceps Extensions w/ Caber bar @ 45lbs
25Rt/25Lft Obliques
90 Seconds Rest

4 Sets of 20 / 10
20 - Dumbbell Hammer Grip Deep Chest Flys @ 15lbs per arm
10 - Fist in Hammer Grip position Wide Deep Push ups 10 Reps
90 Seconds Rest

4 Sets of 15 Reps
Overhead Triceps Extensions Laying on Bench Hammer Grip Caber bar @ 45lbs
Hammer Close Grip Chest Press with Caber bar @ 45lbs

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Legs - The second half

2 Couplets

4 Sets of 10 Reps
Single Leg Goblet Squats to a toe other leg on bench @ 35 lbs
Weighted Calf Raises Single Leg  @ 40lbs Dumbbell
90 Seconds Rest


4 Sets of 10 Reps
HamString Push ups / Russian Falls
Weighted Single Leg Bridge @ 35lbs plate

Monday, November 20, 2017

Legs - 1/2

4 Sets of 10 Reps
A to G Back Squats to toe @ 135lbs / KB Weighted Single Leg Step-ups to a toe @ 45lbs
90 Seconds Rest

4 Sets of 10 Reps
Single Leg Ring Squats / Weighted Lunges 30lbs each arm

Had 2 more Sets of Couplets.  I shut down early.  It has basically been 3  weeks with little to no activity.  Body was beginning to fight me.  Shoulders / everything was hurting over the last week.  Just 2 days of activity leading into this and I am already feeling better.  I tried to do a jog across the weight room and my legs fought me after these two sets.  That is why I shut down.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

GHS’s, Heavy Bag Carry, St. Louis Slams, Heavy Bag

5 Rounds
15 GHD’s
Heavy Bag Carry, Down and back x 2, first 3 Rounds I forgot the second down and back
20 St. Louis Slams @ 20lbs

150 Punches Heavy Bag

1 minute Rest

11/18/17 Movement at the weight room

warm up
15 GHS’s
Heavy Bag
100 Jump Rope
15 GHD’s
100 Jump Rope
20 Overhead Triceps Extensions @ 45lbs
30 Hammer Curls @45lbs
30 Hammer Grip flys
100 Crunches

11/12/17 hanging tree stand, dragging buck out of the woods

sore for days after

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

10/30/17 Heavy Bag, Jump Rope

30 plus minutes Heavy Bag.  Hit for 5 to 8 min then break.

After each round of combos to Bag then sets of 100 Jump Rope Singles

Sunday, October 29, 2017


Triplets 3 Sets of 10 Reps

Back Squat AtoG finish to toe
Weighted suitcase Dumbbell carry lunges 10 each leg
Crunches x 100

Weighted single Leg step ups 10 steps each leg
Single Leg ring Squats 10 each leg
Butterfly sit-ups x 30

Single Leg Goblet Split Squats Toe on Bench 10 each leg
Jump Rope Singles x 100
Obliques 25 right side 25 left side

When done with above cash out

3 Sets
30 Caber bar Hammer Grip Curls @ 45lbs
20 to 30 Caber bar overhead Triceps Extensions @ 45lbs
15 Dumbbell Shrugs @ 70lbs each arm

Legs are shot from all the running yesterday.  Knees are pretty sore.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Districts @ Warrensburg

Lots of running

Girls won
Guys got 2nd

Both girls qualified individually

Sunday, October 22, 2017


3 Sets of 12 reps
Front Squats
Weighted Suitcase Carry Lunges
90 Seconds Rest

4 Sets of 10 Reps
Weighted Step ups 10rt/10lft
1 Leg Squats with rings 10rt/10lft
60 Seconds Rest

3 Sets of 15 Reps
HamString Push-ups / Reverse Jump Backs
30 Seconds Rest

4 Sets of 10 Reps
Partner Pulls - Down only
HamString weighted Arches

This one put me on the floor.  The single Leg ring Squats were rough.

10/21/17 Moving Gravel

10/20/17 Moving Gravel

10/18/17 Heavy Bag, Jump Rope, Hammer Curls, Dumbbell Tricep Press

5 Rounds
Heavy Bag
50 Jump Rope Singles
30 Dumbbell Hammer Curls
30 Tricep Overhead Extensions

10/18/17 Long ride with kids

12 plus mile ride on Max Loop

This killed my elbows.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

10/13/17 Lunges

Kids had repeat 800’s on the track

After I did 240 yards of Lunges barefoot on the Football Field.

10/12/17 Walked entire course at warrensburg. 3.1 plus miles

10/11/17 Long Bike Ride 11 Miles

10/10/17 Conference Meet

Lots of running.  Did not bring bike.

Won girls, guys varsity and JV.
6th straight title for the girls

Sunday, October 8, 2017



3 Sets per Couplet - 10 Reps per exercise
Couplet 1
10 - Back Squats to a toe
10/10 - Single Leg weighted Step-ups 10 each leg
Short Rest

Couplet 2
10 - Hack Squats
20 - Lunges
Short Rest

Couplet 3
10 - Box Jumps
10 - Body Squats to a hop
Short Rest

No couplet
10 Right Leg/10 Left Leg - Single Leg Goblet Squat to a toe @ 35lbs KB

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Digging a massive hole

Heavy Bag, Flys, Jump Rope, Triceps, Hammer Grip Curls, Lunges, Crunches

Long warm up

3 Rounds
1 to 3 min Heavy Bag Combos
100 Jump Rope Singles
30 Hammer Grip Long chest flys @ 15 lbs dumbbells
30 Triceps Extensions @ 25lbs Dumbbell
30 Hammer Grip biceps curls @ 15lbs dumbbells
30 Suitcase carry Lunges @ 15lbs dumbbells
100 Crunches

No splits

My elbows are still killing me.  Trying to find something to do that does not hurt is impossible.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Digging holes for rose bushes

Felt like digging in Concrete

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Chile Pepper Festival

Kids ran well today. Kelie plaqued - 7th place with an 18:24!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

CrossFit with the kids

Kids ran 1 mile warm up

HS 5 Rounds
MS 4 Rounds
400 meter run
10 Burpees
20 Lever Pulls
10 Body Squat to a toe
50 Crunches
10 Iron Crosses
1 Set Tire Jumps 8 Jumps

20 Toes to bar
100/100 Mirror Runs

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Shoulders and abs

Daniel was in doing chest and arms.  My elbows are still a mess.  I still can do very little.

Did 3 sets of 20 45lbs Shoulder Press
3 sets of 100 Single jump rope
3 sets of 20 of the following
Bend over reverse flys
Standing lateral Raises
Front Raises
3 sets of GHD's

5 min abs with the team

Sunday, September 24, 2017

AM workout

Several rounds
Heavy Bag Combos
Jump Rope Singles
Back Squats

Did not feel like doing much.
Did get a rolling sweat going by the end.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Hermitage Inv.,

Lots of running and biking

Boys varsity got 2nd to Kickapoo
Girls varsity won
JV girls and guys won
Won the team sweeps for 3rd year in a row

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

GHD's, Jump Rope, Shoulders, Shruggs

2 Rounds
20 GHD's
100 Jump Rope Singles
20 x 20lbs dumbbell front Shoulder Raises
20 x 20lbs dumbbell side Shoulder Raises
20 Heavy Dumbbell Shrugs @ 70lbs

Sunday, September 17, 2017


3 sets 15 - 14 - 13
Squats 135 back squats.  Pretty rough on the body today on these
KB Single Leg Step ups @ 35lbs
1min rec 

3 sets 
5 x 10 meter Linked band backward walk
15 Box Jump
1:15 rec

4 sets 10 reps 
10/10 - 1 arm KB Lunge / switch @ 40lbs
Goblet Squat @ 40lbs
1:30 rec

3 Sets 15 reps
HamString push ups
HamString arch

30sec rec

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

PM short ride, Heavy Bag work, then worked Combos with Luke and Caleb

9/12/17 Bolivar Invitational

Meet set up and break down.  Driving posts, pulling posts, walking pushing painter.  Double lined most of the course.  I am whooped.  Kids ran well.  We won all High School races.  Meet was down competition level and numbers.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Driving T-Posts at the course


Done in Super Sets

Couplet 1
10 - 10 - 10
Hack Squats 135, 185, 185
Wall Ball - 20lbs med ball
90 Seconds rest

2 min Rest between Couplets

Couplet 2
12 - 12 - 12
Suitcase Lunge @ 30lbs Dumbbells
Band Pull/Lunge
80 Seconds rest

90 Seconds Rest between couplet

Couplet 3
10 - 10 - 10 - 10
Suitcase Dumbell Stepups with a single Leg hop at top, alternate legs 10 reps each leg @ 25lbs each arm
Dumbbell Squats Rack to Shoulders jump at top @ 25lbs each arm
70 Seconds Rest

80 Seconds Rest between couplet

Couplet 4
(12-10), (12-10), (8 - 14), (6 - 16)
Single Leg Goblet Squats @ 35lbs
Hip Thrusters plate on hips - First 2 sets @ 35lbs, 2nd set @ 25lbs
45 Seconds Rest

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

9/4/17 driving T-posts at course

Drove posts at course.  Ground getting harder.  Last time 5 to 10 pops.  This time it was taking 20 to 30.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Legs, GHD's

3 Rounds
10 Double armed KB Squats Racked on Shoulders @ 50lbs each arm
10 Box Step ups @ 50lbs each arm
These exercises to be completed together. Squat followed  by single Leg step up.  Alternating legs on step up.
Short Rest
20 GHD's
Short Rest

3 Rounds
15 Wall Ball @ 20lbs med ball
15 Overhead Lunges @ 20lbs med ball
Short Rest
20 GHD's
Short Rest

Monday, August 28, 2017

Monday, August 21, 2017

Sunday, August 20, 2017


Super Sets Couplets

4 sets of 10 reps
Hack Squats @ 185lbs
Jumping Lunges
90 Seconds Rest

2 minutes Rest

4 Sets of 10 reps
Squats @ 135lbs
Dumbbell Calf Raises 55lbs - one leg at a time
80 seconds rest

2 minutes Rest

4 sets of 12 reps
Bungiee Step forwards
Weighted HamString elivated hip thrust @ 25lbs plate
70 Seconds rest

2 minutes Rest

3-4sets 12,12,10 reps
Partner pull - 4 times
HamString push-ups - 3 sets
60 seconds rest

2 minutes Rest

Weighted walks 60lbs each arm
Sideway highknee walk face mirror wall
Sideway highknee walk face weight rack wall
High knee forward walk
High knee backward walk

Good to be in with Daniel.  My elbows are still on fire.  If this is not better soon I need to go get x-rays.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Tuesday 8/15/17 Heavy Bag Combos

After Fartlek I needed a workout.  I hit the Heavy Bag for at least 30 plus minutes.  Hitting for a song or two on the radio and then rest for a song.

Tony thinks I tore a muscle a bit off of the bone on my inner elbow both arms.  Still not sure how bad this is.  I am going to try and stay as active as I can but man this thing hurts.

Tuesday 8/15/17 Fartlek 6 miles

Team looked amazing again.

Monday, August 14, 2017

2nd CrossFit CC

Kids did 1 mile warm up

5 Rounds
800 meter run -  I ran 400
10 Iron Crosses
20 Lever Pulls
30 Body Squats to a toe
40 Long Flutter Kicks
10 Hand Release Push Ups

When done with the above
100/100 Mirror Runs
20 Toes to bar

My back has been on fire for the last 2 plus days.  My elbows are not healing well either.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

1st Cross Country WOD of the season 84deg

Kids did mile warm up

5 Rounds
800 meter run - I ran 400 plus
10 Burpees
15 Bench Dips
20 Windshield Wipers
20 Lunges
30 Sit-ups with a twist

When done w/ above
100/100 Mirror Runs
25 Toes-to-bar

Set up ice baths today.  Bunch of kids took them.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Jump Rope, GHD's, WallBall, Ball Slams, Wall Slams, Crunches, KB Side Shoulder Raises, KB Front Shoulder Raises

3 Rounds
100 Jump Rope Singles
10 GHD's
20 Wall Ball @ 20lbs
20 Ball Slams @ 20lbs
10/10 Wall Slams 10rt side 10 left side @ 20lbs
100 Crunches
10 KB each arm Shoulder Raises sides to over head
10 KB each arm Shoulder Raises front to over head


Monday, July 31, 2017

7/26/17 PM more hiking and climbing with the girls and the Mom

7/26/17 went back to 1 mile Stair and finished it and then some

Anna, Emily and I hiked up 1 mile stair.  Got to top them hiked to the true summit.  Climbed up to the top and took some pictures.  Ran back down stairs to the 1/2 way point and then ran the rest of the way down the trail again.

7/25/17 Hike Run 1/2 way up 1 mile Stairs

We made it up 1/2 of 1mile stairs then had to abort the mission.  Had to run down the trail for 2 miles to get back to the parking lot to get ready to go up Pikes Peak.

Went up Pikes Peak and hiked around.  Fun being in the thin air.

7/24/17 White Water Rafing in Royal Gorge

7/23/17 PM - Hiking and Climbing at 11 Mile Canyon w/ Family

7/23/17 AM Hilly Ride while Girls got their run done

July 22nd PM Long Ride and Hike w/ Girls in Garden of the Gods

July 22nd Long AM Ride

Got up at Sunrise in Colorado Springs.  Went for a hilly ride from the camp ground to Garden of the Gods.  Biked for an hour easily.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

AM CardioCrossFit with the team

Kids did 1 mile warm up

4 Rounds
800 meter run - I ran 600
20 - Weighted Dumbbell Thrusters - I used 30lbs each arm
20 - Lever Pulls
10 - Burpees with a good jump at top
1 - Set of Box Jumps or climbs.  Set up from tallest to shortest.  Get over them any way you can.

When done with above
20 - Toes-to-bar
100/100 Mirror Runs

Kids did 1 mile cool down.

7/17/17 moving massive rocks in the yard

Still working on making the rock beds around the house.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

AM With Daniel - LEGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1st set reps
Rope on bar Dead-Lift - Set up like Rope curls just kept deep between legs
Weighted Bag Step ups 10 reps each leg
90 seconds rest after each couplet

2 minutes rest before next couplet

Reps 12-12-12-12
Back Squats @ 135lbs - Went light as usual to save back, but went deep
Weighted Lunges @ 35lbs Dumbbell each arm 12 each leg
75 seconds rest

90 seconds rest

Reps 14-14-14-14
Weighted single leg Bridges @ 25lbs plate on hips - 14 each leg
Partner Hamstring drops
60 seconds rest

2 minutes rest

3 x Partner Pulls

This was rough today.  My legs were shaking like crazy by the bridges.  My legs and feet were trembling.

Legs are shot from the week.

7/14/17 CardioFitness Class Post Camp WOD

Camp kids ran 13.7 DAWT MILL RUN Yesterday

Kids did 1 mile warm up

High School 5 Rounds ; MS 4 rounds
600 meter run - I ran full distance too
20 Push-ups alternate rounds wide/narrow each round
30 KB Swings/SDLHP @ 55lbs KB
     Round 1,3,5 - KB Swings
     Round 2,4   - SDLHP's
40 Sit-ups with a twist/Lever Pulls
     Round 1,3,5 - Sit-ups with a twist
     Round 2,4    - Lever Pulls

When done with all the above
25 Toes-to-bar
100/100 Mirror Runs

Kids did 1 mile cool down

I am whooped.  I took splits but they were all over.


I rode with the kids.  Looping now and again.

I am guessing I rode roughly 17 miles.

Because of the flood ripping out the bridge on the way to Dawt we had to take the old return route.  Which is tougher.  Roughly 1 mile of steady long hill going in.  Then 1 mile of steep grade hill coming off the mill.

7/12/17 PM Post ride workout

3 Rounds
10 Medicine Ball Box Jump Burpees @ 20lbs Med Ball
50 Sit-ups w/ a twist
1 min rest

1 - 4:00
1 min rest
2 - 3:45
1 min rest
3 - 3:55
Total time - 13:50

7/12/17 AM Ride

AM - Morning Looooong ride left out of camp.  Way past Althea Springs way up hill and out after spring.

AM Cardio Crossfit workout at home kids
The Utility
Kids did 1 mile warm up
800 meter run
Holding weights each exercise
10 - Bicycles
10 - Push-press
10 - Calf Raises
10 - Iron Crosses
10 - Good-mornings
10 - Push-up High Plan Pulls
10 - Weighted Sit-ups
10 - Tire Slams
10 - Bench Dips

When done with all the above

25 Toes-to-bar
100/100 Mirror runs

Kids did 1 mile cool down.

7/11/17 PM Ride and Last years Hodgepodge

Short ride on the run.  Left out of camp. Oooof hill.

When back - Last years Hodgepodge

25/25 - Single arm KB Snatches @ 45lbs, first right arm set then left arm set.  I let it drop most of the reps to save on my back.

50 Trailer bar push-ups = 25/25
50/50 Obliques first 50 on right side then 50 on left side

Tuesday 7/11/17 AM/PM Kayak Trip

Camp changed things up this year.  Instead of Canoe trip like years past on Wednesday of camp the kids did a 5 mile tube float today.  Had a great time.  I Kayaked to help supervise.  Arms are toast.

Side note.  Crazy to think how much the times have changed.  Outside of the flood changing the river they changed from the float because of the lack of experience of the campers floating.  In 27 years of having the camp there have been canoe crashes.  No big deal.  Apparently last year one of the coaches said that 2nd session 2 times during the float he said he was truly afraid some kids were going to die.  I have noticed as well in the last decade the number of kids that have zero ability to work a canoe.  Interesting change.

Tuesday 7/11/17 AM ride

Right out of camp. Very long ride.  Went to and up Devils Backbone.  What a hill coming back out.  Rode new bike (thank goodness)

Out for quite a while.  An hour plus.

Monday 7/10/17 2nd Day of JBD Camp PM Ride and Workout

PM - Ride - Right turn out of camp.  Decent ride distance out of camp.  Rode old yellow bike.

Back at camp.

100 SDLHP @ 45lbs KB - 2:31.84 UNBROKEN, Last year - 2:53 Unbroken
50 Trailer Rail Push-ups 25/25
300/200 = 500 total - Crunches

Thought I ate it on this one.  Actually was well faster than last year.  I love these year to date workouts.

Monday 7/10/17 2nd Day of Camp AM Ride

AM - Long hard ride, Left out of camp.  Right at top of hill and first left.  Got to river bottoms.  Could not go further.  Flood damage had trees down everywhere.  Road was blocked with trees.  Highway department did not even have to put up barriers it was so bad.  Hill was rough as usual.  Crazy hill out of bottoms.  Rode new bike and survived much better this year.  Must be geared better.
Last years post about the hill out of camp cracked me up.
"No matter how many years I do this hill, the first time up it I feel like death!"


Sunday 7/9/17 1st day of camp workout - KB Swings

100 KB Swings @ 45lbs, Unbroken - 2:57, Last year was 3:06

50 Push-ups - Trailer rail 25/25

300 Bicycle Abs

Sunday 7/9/17 1st day of camp set up

Camp set up
Biked on run - Left out of camp - 30 plus minutes

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Biceps / Triceps

Triplets and Couplets

3 sets of 12 Reps
Pull-ups (thumbs out - wide grip moving to narrow each set)
Barbell Curls - Wide to Narrow grip
45 Seconds rest between triplet

90 Seconds rest before next couplet

12-8-12-8 = Light/Heavy/Light/Heavy
KB Curls - 45/55/45/55
Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Press - 45/60/45/60
45 seconds rest between couplets

90 seconds rest

4 sets of 10

Spider Curls
Diamond Push-ups
45 Seconds rest between couplet

90 seconds rest

Reps 6-6-6-6
Skull Crushers - w/ Super Curl Bar - moving hands out each set

14 - Normal -thumbs out
12 - Low
10 - High
8 - Normal - thumbs in
6 - Slow
4 - Slow Smash - thumbs out
2 - Slow Smash - thumbs in

7/7/17 800 forward 400 backward SDLHP, Bicycles, KB Swings

Kids did 1 mile warm up

Boys 5 rounds Girls 4 rounds
1 round = 800 meters Forward, 400 meters Backward run
Did in front parking lot

When done with above head to weight room for
20 SDLHP - I used 55lbs
40 Bicycles - Abs - I did 100
20 KB Swings - I used 55lbs
40 KB Swings - Abs - I did 100

When done with above

20 Toes-to-bar
100/100 Mirror Runs - I used 10lbs plates

1 mile cool down

I only ran 400 forward and 400 backward just to save my back.

7/6/17 Hard Bike - Abs

8 miles on Red Barn

4 min ab set

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

July 3rd, 4th, and 5th

July 3rd
4 mile walk with Jen and Dogs

July 4th
Anna's birthday.  She turned 17.  I stayed home and made her and mom and Em breakfast.

July 5th
8 mile ride morning practice w/ 4 min Abs

Sunday, July 2, 2017

AM - Long Walk, Hill Repeats, Crunches, SDLHP's, Push-ups, Swim

Walked 2 plus miles

Carry KB to lake switching hands

6 x Hill Repeats- Lake to top of hill on to road.
25 to 27 Seconds with 90seconds rest

100 Crunches
50 SDLHP @ 45lbs KB
25 Dock Push-ups
100 Crunches
25 Dock Push-ups

Swim Loop around no wake marker.

Carry KB to house switching hands

Saturday, July 1, 2017

AM Ride while girls ran

Middle School Loop Anna went 8 Emily went 7.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Long walk / Run

AM - Several mile Hike with Jen and the dogs.  Rain storm blew in when we were just over a mile out.  We had to run back to the camper.  So yes, I ran a mile plus.

6/29/17 Hiking / Kayaking

AM - Several mile hike around Echo Bluff camp ground.

AM/PM - 10 mile Kayak trip on the Current River with Jen, Anna, Emily, Dad, Kyle and Terry.  Had a great time.  We were all exhausted by the time we got back to camp.

6/28/17 camping workout

AM - Several mile hike on hills at camp ground - Echo Bluff
PM - 
2 Rounds
50 KB Swings @ 45lbs
50 Isolated Push-ups holding on to a log
50 Butterfly Sit-ups

PM - Round Spring Cave Tour and more hiking and site seeing

6/27/17 AM CardioCrossFit "The Two Parter"

6/26/17 PM Chest / Triceps

6/26/17 AM Ride

Don't usually post bike rides.  Went 8 this morning park/Skopec loop.  Man my legs are shot from the last few days.

Saturday, June 24, 2017


Super Sets Couplets

Everything 4 sets of 10 reps
2 minutes rest after each couplet and after each set

Back Squat @ 135lbs
Thick Bungee Starts - Start in lunge position and step forward

Hack Squats @ 135, 135, 155, 165, 185lbs
Wall Ball Lunges - Start in deep lunge position and accelerate up to thrust wall ball to 10 ft mark, catch wall ball while dropping back into lunge position.  Alternating legs.

Bridge w/ 25lbs plate on hips
Large Blue Box Jumps

Toe on bench split single Leg Goblet Squats to toe 10 each leg. @ 35lbs KB
Partner Pulls Backward run length of weight room

After each couplet round (4) sets Complete an ab set from below

5 sets of 20 Bicycles and 4 sets of 20 mountain climbers
50 Hollow Rocks
1 minute x 2 Side Plank RT/LT
1 min x 2 Sets Cry Baby's

I did better than I thought I would for as fatigued as I am.  Two leg workouts in 40 hours.  Holy Moley.  Not mention all the leg work in the CrossFit Friday Morning.  Sheesh!

Friday, June 23, 2017

PM Biceps and Triceps

Triplets and Couplets Strict Rest

First set - Triplet
4 Rounds of this triplet
14 reps of these sets
Pull-ups - wide - medium - normal grip
Barbell Curls - wide - medium - narrow grip - 75lbs
45 Seconds rest between sets

90 seconds rest before next triplet

4 sets 12 reps - 8 reps - 12 reps - 8 reps - light / heavy set up
Smash Curls - 45lbs/55lbs
Skull Crushers - w/ Dumbbell this time
Alternating reverse elbow in rows leaning forward on incline bench
45 Seconds Rest between sets

90 seconds rest before next couplet

3 Sets of 10 reps
Rope Curls w/ 45lbs plate on barbell
Overhead Tricep Press @ 60 and 65lbs
30 seconds rest between sets

90 Seconds before next couplet

3 sets of 8 reps
Seated Recline bench Curls - Thumb out on way up Thumb in on way down @ 20/25lbs
Diamond Push-ups w/ chain around neck
30 seconds rest

90 seconds Rest before last exercises

Laying down Dumbbell Triceps Extensions @ 15lbs probably could have used 20lbs
Right arm first then left arm
10 Single arm normal
10 Single arm across chest
10 Single arm palm down Extensions

90 seconds

Barbell Curls @ 75lbs
7 - regular
7 - slow
7 - shoulders to hips
7 - legs to hips

As with last time first set was rough.  Good workout though.

Campus CrossFit

Kids did 800 meter warm up.  A few did 1 mile.
Primary Playground - Rode Bike
100 Lunges
Weight Room
20 KB Swings - I used 55lbs
50 Crunches - I did 100
Intermediate Playground - Rode Bike
1 Set monkey bars - I did the whole ring around the tall circular set
Pull-ups HS - 10 MS - 5
Weight Room
20 SDLHP - I used 55lbs
50 Crunches - I did 100
Far Soccer Goal - Ran
25 Jump and touch top of goal alternate arms
Weight Room
20 KB Swings - I used 55lbs
50 Crunches - I did 100
High School Flag Pole - Ran
Push ups 10 narrow 10 wide 10 narrow 10 wide
Weight Room
20 KB Swings - I used 55lbs
50 Crunches - I did 100

Kids did 800 or mile cool down

No Toes to bar today for kids

I did 20 Toes to bar

Yesterday's bungee partner Pulls whooped me.  I was toast for this one this morning.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

PM - Partner WOD w/ Daniel - bungee chord pulls

We did 10 x 70 yard pulls on the football field.

We each had on a harness with 5 of the big bungees attached.  Man this was a rough one.  First 5 were 60 second rest.  Then 5 min rest.  Last set of 5 we took 90 seconds rest.  We were both hurting.  By number 8 I did not think I was going to be able to finish.  30 seconds after my last interval I was just over 200 beats per min.

Great workout.

AM - 7 mile Hard ride on hills - red barn loop

Good hard ride on red barn loop.  Legs toast after 7 mile hill.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Shoulder Sets

4 sets of 10 Ribbons - 25lbs, 35lbs, 35lbs, 45lbs plates

5 sets of 6 Reps
Alternating Dumbbell Shoulder Press
90 seconds rest between set

4 sets AMRAP (max 20 reps)
Dumbbell Shrugs (heavy)
60 seconds rest

4 sets of 10
Lat Shoulder raises - chain each arm
Dumbbell Laying supermans
Incline reverse Flys chest on incline bench
45 seconds rest

4 sets of 10
Double arm Landmine Press @ 45lbs each bar - these about did me in.
KB SDLHP w/ chain wrapped through to floor standing on small box
Y's Dumbbell Shoulder Press
30 seconds rest
3rd set on these was rough by 4th set I had to get fighting mad to get through the landmine Press

AM 8 mile hard bike ride - 4 min ab set

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

PM Partner WOD with Daniel

30 Seconds Blast of movement 60 Seconds of Rest
Set timer to chime at 30 Seconds
15 Rounds
1 - Ball Slams
2 - Bicycles
3 - Aerodyne Stationary Bike
4 - Side Crunches
5 - Heavy Rope Jumps
6 - Sit-ups w/ a twist
7 - Wall Slams Rt/Lt 15sec each side
8 - Ring Mtn Climbers
9 - Bar Over Burpees
10 - Toes to bar
11 - Thrusters @ 95lbs
12 - Russian/Mason Twists
13 - Tire Slams w/ Sledge Hammer
14 - Crunches
15 - Heavy Bag Blast

Just what the Dr. ordered.  I came in feeling miserable.  By the end I left feeling better than I had all day.  Daniel is great at putting these together.

AM CardioCrossFit The Threes

Kids did 1 mile warm up

Rounds MS - 4 HS Girls - 5 Boys 5 or 6
600 meter run
3 Burpees
3/3 Turkish-get-ups @ 45lbs Barbell
9 Body Squats To Toes
12 Iron Crosses @ 10 lbs plates
15 Jack Hammers

When done with above
20 Toes to bar
100/100 Mirror Runs

1 to 2 mile cool down

6/19/17. Chest / Triceps

Superset Couplets

Couplet 1 - 12 reps
4 Sets - Dumbbell Flys - flat to incline bench 55, 60, 65, 65
3 Sets - Ring Supine Rows - Chest - Neck - Eyes
45 Seconds Rest after each Couplet/superset

90 Seconds rest before next Couplet

Couplet 2 - reps - 12, 10, 8, 8
Chain over shoulders to floor - Dips
Wide spaced Ring Pull-ups - these sucked
45 Seconds rest after each Couplet/Superset

90 Seconds rest Before next Couplet

Couplet 3 - reps - 10, 10, 10, 10
Ring Flys
Rope Rows - Barbell had 45lbs plate on
45 Seconds rest after each Couplet/Superset

90 Seconds rest before next Couplet

Couplet 4 - reps - 8, 8, 8, 8, 8
Ring Push-ups with chain
Lawn Mowers alternating arm leaning on bench
30 Seconds rest after each Couplet/Superset

90 Seconds rest before next Couplet

2 sets
20 Sand Bag Push-ups - Drag Sand bag under Body at top of Push-up
40 KB Swings @ 45lbs - we only did 1 set of Swings- push ups sucked it out of us.
No Rest

Saturday, June 17, 2017

AM movement

Body has been pretty beat up this week since Thursday put me in a hurt lock.

Came in this morning for some deep stretching.  Used Softball and roller on piriformis muscle.  Helped with the soreness and pain.  Did some bear crawl sand bag drags.  Hit heavy Bag and worked with Emily on the boxing hand gloves.

Friday 6/16/17 CardioFitness Partner WOD

Kids ran 1 mile warm up - I ran 600 meters
MS 3 Rounds HS 4 Rounds
800 Meter Run - I ran 600 meters
10 Partner over Burpees - Partner in Plank Position
20 Partner Full Sit-ups with a high five clap at top
10 Partner Push-ups alternating hand claps
5/5 Frog Jumps
10 Tire Jumps - Partner is completing bench dips

When done with above

25 Toes to bar
100/100 Mirror Runs

1 to 2 mile cool down

I did the workout but was basically a partner for who ever needed one.  I think I did 5 Rounds

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Boxing sets / Legs

Warm up - boxing with hand pads - working Combos

Super Set Couplets - 14 - 8 - 10 - 6; Light / Heavy / Light / Heavy
Single Leg Dead Lifts
Dumbbell Lunges

At end of Super Set we cashed out with a burst of Right/Left haymakers in gloves with partner holding hand pads
15 each foot forward so 30 total

Super Set Couplets 14 - 8 - 10 - 6
Lateral Goblet Squats 15lbs/20lbs alternating
3/4 Squats to a toe lift holding weight from that set.

At end of Super Set we cashed out with a burst of Right/Left haymakers in gloves with partner holding hand pads
20 each foot forward so 40 total

Hot this afternoon.  I was struggling to stay up and motivated.  I am home now roughly 1 hour later and I am beat.  Right hamstring is hurting pretty badly.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Partner WOD - Heavy Bag Carries, Med Ball, GHD and Dumbbell Plank Hold

Med ball over weight rack bar @ 20lbs
Weighted heavy Bag High knees over hurdle carry and bench maze.  Each round used a lighter bag until last round no bag.
Med ball over weight rack bar
First round partner in GHD position hold
Second set partner in Dumbbell feet elevated on bench Plank

D - 39.85
R - 44.88
D - 41.85
R - 42.28
D - 47.09
R - 44.61
D - 43.50
R - 41.96
D - 35.99
R - 36.59
Total time - 6:58
6 min rest
D - 41.61
R - 41.18
D - 39.89
R - 38.36
D - 44.90
R - 43.13
D - 43.10
R - 39.64
D - 34.45
R - 31.45
Total time w/ rest - 19:36

Great workout.  Done very fast.  Both of us had 160 plus heart rates after each set.  Daniel and I had fun with this.  Great design Daniel.

Am Cardo Crossfit

Kids 800 or 1600 warm up

The Decender
1200 meter run I ran 600
20 SDLHP @ 70lbs
30 Bicycles - I did 100
20 Push-ups (narrow)
800 I ran 600
20 KB Swings @ 70lbs
30 Bicycles - I did 100
20 Push-ups (wide)
20 SDLHP @ 70lbs
30 Bicycles - I did 100
20 Push-ups (hand release)
400 I ran 600
20 KB Swings @ 70lbs
30 Bicycles - I did 100
20 Push-ups (narrow)

When done
30 Toes to bar
100rt/100lt Mirror runs- 10lbs plate

Kids 1 mile cool down.  Humidity and heat spiked.  It was a good flowing workout and a good one to do on the first really warm day.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Body Squats, Lunges, Toe raises, Crunches

200 Body Squats
200 Lunges
300 Toe raises
600 Crunches

Did while cooking dinner.  Broke into Sets.

6/10/17 Yard work. Grandpa brought over his Tractor lots of dirt moving.

Lots of dirt moving.  Stump moving and digging out.  Amazing what that little tractor can do.  Two weekends at least of back breaking work done in a day.

Friday, June 9, 2017

CardioCrossFit - Grass Run

Kids did 1 mile warm

Middle school 4 Rounds High School 5 Rounds
Barefoot big Loop of soccer field - roughly 600 meters
15 Push-ups
20 Body Squats
30 Lever Pulls
20 Lunges

After completion of above.

25 Toes to bar
100rt/100lt Mirror Runs

Kids did mile to two mile cool down.

I hope I am coming out of my funk.  Last few workouts have felt surprisingly good.  Energy seems to be staying up.  Yesterday was brutal but I am ready for it.  This is the stuff that has been whooping me.  Well everything has been if I am honest.  Felt pretty good today.  I took splits.  They seem slow.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

New Bicepts/Triceps

3 sets of 14 reps
Isolated Dummbell curls - lean forward on bench - hold Dummbells together
45 seconds rest between sets 90 seconds between super sets
3 sets of 12
Barbell Curls @ 75lbs
Skull Crushers @ 75lbs
Supine Rows on rings
45 seconds rest

Couplet Supersets
3 sets of 10
Seated reclined Dumbbell Curls @ 20lbs
Standing Overhead Dumbbell Triceps press 60lbs
30 seconds Rest

3 sets of 8
Rope Curls
Narrow Grip Bench
30 seconds rest

After finished with super sets the following

3 sets single arm Triceps ext
10 Single arm laying extensions
10 Across Body laying Extensions
10 Palm down laying Extensions

28 Barbell Curls
7 Normal
7 Slow
7 Legs to 90deg
7 Shoulders to 90deg

This was rough stuff.  Daniel and I were nervous as jack rabbits before we started.  We must have had a sense of what was to come.  This thing put the smack down on us in the first set and we kept going. By mid way through our arms were so swollen they were hard to the touch.  We were both red lined by the end of first set.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


Warm Up
4 sets of 10 Plate hold around the worlds.  Start at chest and rotate around shoulders to behind head and back to chest.  25lbs/25lbs/35lbs/45lbs plate.

Shoulders Super Sets

3 sets 10 reps each exercise per arm - 1 min rest after each superset
Arnold Press 35lbs dumbbells - Superman Punches belly down on bench @ 20lbs dumbbells - Standing Dumbbell Punches @ 20lbs dumbbells

3 sets 12 - 10 - 8 reps 30 seconds rest after each set
Seated Lateral Raises @ 20lbs / Seated Front Raises @ 20lbs

1 minute rest after this superset for rest in to the next

3 sets 10 - 10 - 8 For seated Press / 10 reps for Shrugs
Seated Shoulder Press @ 30lbs / Dumbbell Shrugs @ 50lbs/70lbs/70lbs each arm

Cardio class - Ab Ripper!

Kids did 1 mile warm up
I set up benches, and tires for Slams

3 Rounds
400 meter run
50 Butterfly Sit-ups
20 Bench Dips
50 Sit-ups w/ a twist
20 Body Squats
50 Crunches
1 Wall Climb

After done with above

25 Toes to bar
20/20 Tire Slams

Kids did 1 to 2 mile cool down

Team stretch

I posted last year that first round went well then the last 2 Rounds were awful.  No so this year.  I have been dragging the last few weeks.  My low back is on fire as well.  Today back is still on fire but  I was steady through the rounds.  Did not hit me till the body squats last round.  Did not struggle just did not have the zip I had the first 2 Rounds.

Splits - kind of

1 - 9:22
2 - 9:23
3 - 9:31
Total time - 28:16

6/5/17 Lunges, Weighted Butterfly Sit-ups, Tire Flips, Medball Mason Twists, Back extension dumbbell punches, seated single arm shoulder Press, Foot elevated in rings air mountain climbers, plank position pizza cutters

4 Rounds
10 - Barbell reverse walking lunge w/ 25lbs bumper plate
10 - Weighted Butterfly Sit-ups w/ 25lbs plate touch behind head and touch ground between legs
4 - Tire Flips and Jump across Tire
14 - Medball mason twists @ 20lbs med ball
14 - Back Extensions dumbbell Weighted punches 7 each arm
14 - Seated dumbbell shoulder Press 7 each arm
30 - Mountain Climbers w/ Feet in rings
1 min Plank position alternating arm pizza cutter movement

Splits Kind of
1 - 3:53
1 minute ab Pie Cutter plank
2 - 3:47
1 minute ab pie cutter plank
3 - 4:08
1 min ab pie cutter plank
4 - 3:34
Total time - 19:00

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Bear Crawl / 200 meter run

Heavy Bag Combos and Jumprope warm up

10 Rounds for time
50ft Bear Crawl-Sand bag drag
200 meter run

Round Splits
1 - 1:36
2 - 1:15 watch hit the bag on the crawl and stopped.  Started starting the run.
3 - 1:49 ran farther - had yesterday in my head.
4 - 1:46
5 - 1:44
6 - 1:44
7 - 1:42
8 - 1:44
9 - 1:41
10 - 1:35
Total - 16:40

Heavy Bag Combos 6 min steady grind cool down activity.


I liked it.  I was dragging that last 2 Rounds.  Great workout!  Something new.

6/2/17 Push Pull - Biceps Triceps

Super Set Triplets and Couplets

Triplet Super Set - This set out the hammer on me.  Came out of the Curls dizzy!
3 Sets of 6 Reps
Barbell Curl - Heavy - @ 95lbs I think
SKULL Crushers @ 75lbs I think
Close Grip Barbell Bench Press @ 135 lbs I think - this was to FAILURE
60 Seconds Rest after the completion of each triplet

90 Seconds Rest before next Super Set

Couplet 3 Sets of 8 reps
Spider Curls
Seated Dumbbell Triceps Press
60 Seconds rest

90 Seconds Rest before next Super Set

Couplet 3 Sets of 10 Reps
Rope Curls With Barbell 45lbs Plate
Triceps Kick back with dumbbell alternating arm
60 Seconds Rest

90 Seconds rest before next Super Set

Couplet 3 Sets of 12 Reps
Alternating incline bench Dumbbell Curl
Cable Triceps Kick backs ring and strap over rack weight tied at bottom

We were both toast by the end of this one

6/2/17 Cardio fitness workout #2

Kids did 1 mile warm up I did 800

4 Rounds for girls and Middle School 5 Rounds for Boys
MS reps.                                            HS reps
400/800.    Run.                                 800 meter
       15       Hand Release Push-ups.    20
       20       KB Swings.                       30
       30       Butterfly Sit-ups.               40

After finished with above.

25 Toes to Bar
50/50 Mirror Runs

1 to 2 mile Cool Down

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

1st Day Summer training

Kids 1 mile warm up

HS - 5 to 6 Rounds MS - 4 Rounds
Middle school did half of all reps
400 Meter Run
20 KB Swings @ 55lbs
100 Bicycle Abs
20 KB Thrusters 
100 Crunches
20 Push-ups

After all above is done
25 Toes-to-bar or Knee Lifts
50/50 Mirror runs

I am still beat down.  No energy.

Monday, May 29, 2017

School Year Long Pull-ups

Never really thought of posting this until I actually got it done.  My goal this school year was to do 10 Pull-ups every day of school.  If I was at school I did 10 Pull-ups.  Even in on weekends I would still get in at least 10 Pull-ups.  Some days I would get a double set or so in.

I was really surprised that I got this done.  It actually came about because an athlete of mine wanted to do this every morning.  We talked about this before school started.  He never showed up that first week of school but since I had started that first day I just kept going.

I would like to try this again next year.  Not sure if I want to Up the number of reps or just keep the streak alive.

Need to figure out how many days we were under contract.  Just to get a rough estimate of how many I did this year.

5/29/17 Post/Post Track Season Movement

I am beat.  I came in because Jen and Vicki ran at 7:30.  I really did not do much.  Clayton was in and I could not get motivated.
600 meter warm up
4 Rounds
10 Pull-ups
5 Strict Shoulder Press
3 Thrusters @ 95lbs Barbell
5 KB Thrusters

No energy. Everything is sore.

On a positive note.  Today is Jen's birthday.  Happy birthday wife!  Love you!

5/28/17 - Post state meet workout

600 meter run
3 Rounds no rush
400 meter run
20 GHD Sit-ups
20 KB Swings @ 40lbs
Heavy Bag
100 Jump Rope Singles
20 Wall Ball @ 20lbs Ball

Really was not into this.  Just felt like I needed some movement.  Helped Todd mop the weight room.

5/27/17 Saturday State Track - AM Hill Repeats and Abs

5 Min Stationary Bike

Jog to hill by hotel

9 x 100 meter hill repeats
These were rough.  First one was awful.  Got better as I went.  Finished 8th one and realized I had my phone and shirt at bottom of the hill.  Pride had the best of me.  I was not going to walk back up the hill.  So I ran a 9th one carrying my stuff.

Back at hotel I did more Abs

5/26/17 Friday State track - AM

5 minutes Stationary Bike

4 Rounds
25 Push-ups
50 Butterfly Sit-ups

5/24/17 Push/Pull/Biceps/Triceps

Thursday, May 18, 2017


5 sets of 10 Thrusters @ 115lbs

Did not have a watch on this but did all sets unbroken and took roughly a 3 min rest between sets.

5/17/17 Hard 6 miles on bike in high wind

Monday, May 15, 2017

Sled Pulls

Heavy Sled Pulls full length of driveway, down and back.  Ran out all the way across road so Sled hit road.  Spun Sled then back to far side of dog cage.

Wanted 5 or 6 Rounds.  Got 4.  By 1/2 way back drive my legs were like bricks.  I could barely lift my knees.  Form was awful by this point. At 30 seconds my heart was still at 170/180.  Still beat down.  Need a break badly.

5/14/17 Weight Room Wander

Wandered weight room for over an hour before I finally got moving.

600 meter warm up run

3 Rounds
1 Minute Heavy Bag
10  GHD's Staight double arm
100 Jump Rope Singles
10 Pull-ups
10 GHD's double arm back double cross over at top
10 KB Swings @ 35lbs
10 Overhead Lunges @ 45lbs Plate
Rest several minutes talking to Nathan and Caleb

I am beat.

5/13/17 District Track Meet @ Camdenton

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

5/9/17 Burpees, Tire Jumps, Lunges, Butterfly Sit ups, rapid blocking bag punches

5 Rounds - Assending reps / Decnding Rest
5 Burpees
10 Tire Jumps
15 Lunges
20 Butterfly Sit-ups
25 Blocking pad punches
Rest descended after each round - 90, 60, 30, 15

5/8/17 Ab work and Shoulder Super sets w/ negative elements

5/7/17 Legs Heavy day

5/6/17 Yard work

Lifting and moving/carrying 21 80plus lbs bags of hardened concrete.  Used them to reienforce the creek bed.  Lots of other stuff today.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Tuesday, May 2, 2017


Lots of running

Sunday, April 30, 2017


Superset Couplets

Couplet 1
Hack Squats (10,8,6,4) 135,155, 175,195 and Weighted Lunges 12 each leg so 24 total @ 25lbs each arm

Second Super set
Squats (12,10,8,6) back/hips still not feeling great so 135 again back deep squats / 3 sets of 10 Weighted single arm KB Step ups 10 rt leg 10 left leg

Third Super Set
Partner Ham String Push-ups 4 sets of 12 / Goblet Single leg Split squats with leg up on bench finish to a toe - 10 reps each leg

Fourth Super Set
Weighted Medball Box Jumps 10 reps @ 20lbs ball / Partner harness pull

exhausted this morning.  I'm still not recovering well.  Yesterday I did not feel great and last Sunday I had my crybaby pants on.  I was determined to have a good one this morning.  Pushed a bit on the hack Squats compared to last week.  By the third couplet I was shot.  Struggled to keep the intensity.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Push - Pull

Super Set Couplets

Couplet 1
4 sets - Wide grip Pull-ups to failure / Bench Press @ 165lbs 10 to 12 reps

Couplet 2
3 Sets - Dumbbell Row chest on elivated bench / Incline Bench Press 115lbs (10 - 12 reps)

Couplet 3
3 Sets - Lawnmower - Dumbbell single arm row @ 70lbs / dumbbell bench Press @ 60lbs each arm

Couplet 4
3 Sets - Weighted Narrow grip pull-ups, weighted Dips

Sucked today

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Sunday, April 23, 2017


Missed first set got in late this morning
Super set Couplets
First set is Hack Squats and Weighted Lunges

Second Super set
Squats (12,10,8,6) / 3 sets of 10 Weighted single arm KB Step ups

Third Super Set
Partner Ham String Push-ups 4 sets of 12 / Goblet Single leg Split squats with leg up on bench finish to a toe - 10 reps

Fourth Super Set
Weighted Medball Box Jumps 10 reps @ 20lbs ball / Partner harness pull

Felt better this morning.  Still being very careful with Squats going light.  Doing the KB split squats my legs fatigued very quickly.  I am struggling to recover as of late.  Still have some respiratory stuff going on as well.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Pull-ups, Rows, Flys, (Chest-Back-Triceps)

Couplets in 4 different rounds

Done as super sets
4 sets of - w/ 2 min rest after each super set
Strict dead hang pull-ups / Inclune Dumbbell Press @ 50lbs each arm 10 to 12 reps

3 sets of - w/ 2 min rest after each super set
Dumbbell rear deltoid fly 15lbs / Pectoral Fly 20lbs (let weight hang to full chest expansion) 10 to 12 reps

3 sets of - w/ 2 min rest after each super set
Rope bar row w/ barbell & 2 x 45lbs plates standing elevated on small boxes / Weighted push-ups 45 lbs plate on back 8 to 10 reps.

3 sets of - w/ 2 min rest after each super set, 8 to 10 reps
Behind the head pull-ups / Diamond Push-ups

I am beat down.  Struggling still to recover from workouts.  Legs are still on fire from Tuesdays 400 meters of Lunges.  Even to the touch.  Dealing with the -i.e. Stuff and the death of Sam has my blood pressure through the roof again.  Triceps still shaking from Wednesday's workout.  I seem to be sick again unless it is just allergies.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

400 meters - Lunges

4/17/17 Shoulders / Abs

KB work

4 x 8 reps double arm KB Shoulder Press @ 45lbs
1 min rest between sets

4 Rounds 8 reps per exercise -  exercises done in a negative fashion.  Arms in hold position and taking a 3 count to move through range of motion.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Hill Repeats - Lillian x 6

6 x 200 meter hill repeats
3 min rest

1 - 36.87
R - 3:00.35
2 - 36.49
R - 3:00.45
3 - 36.59
R - 3:00.41
4 - 35.62
R - 3:00.09
5 - 38.23 - fell off big time
R - 3:00.88
6 - 38.37
Total time - 18:44

I was worried about dropping off pace on number 4.  Must have had a bit more steam than I thought.  After number 4 I was toast.  It was about all I could do to get numbers 5 and 6 done.  I've been sick all week.  Really felt it today.  Better today but the throat, coughing and congestion has been tough.  My guess is the allergies started this and it progressed.

Just went back to look at my splits from the last few weeks.  Today was the most consistent I have been and with the exception of a few blips the fastest I have been.  I guess today was better than I thought.  I was very consistent on my recovery.

4/8/17 Chest and Pull-ups - Push/Pull

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Heavy Bag, Jump Rope, GHD's, Pull-ups

Met Daniel this morning.  He was on legs today but I have been hitting legs pretty solid.  Back is pretty sore still from everything going on.

Hodgepodge today.

Kind of lost track.  Just kept rotating through.

I think this is what I got done.

8 x 10 Pull-ups
5 x 20 GHD's
8 x 100 Jump Rope Singles
8 x 1min Heavy Bag Combos

Saturday, April 1, 2017

200 Meters of Lunges

Emily had a workout at the track.  When she was done I did 200 meters of Lunges.  My back is very sore from all the log carrying last week.  I am pretty dang sore.  The Tire  Flips did not help.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

100 Tire Flips - Huge Tire at Track.

Down practice field and back.

100 Huge Tire Flips

Sets of 10 Flips

1 min rest between sets

After 20 I was whooped.  Body came back to me and finished decent.  Did not time or take splits.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Chest and Triceps

7 - 6 - 6 - 5 - 5

Couplet Sets done as super sets
Bench Press @ 175lbs / Incline to Decline Dumbbell Flys @ 50lbs
Medball KB Press @ 45lbs KB / Ring Flys
Single Dumbbell Triceps Extensions behind head @ 60lbs / Narrow Bench inside grip @ 115lbs

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Arm work, pull-ups, curls, abs, Bike, Cutting up more trees, digging out stumps

Ring Pull-ups/KB Spider Curls
KB Curls / Sit-ups

7 mile bike at practice with team

Cut up more trees

Digging out around Stumps to burn them out.

I was best by the end of today.  Legs are fried.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Cutting down big tree by drive way, shoveling gravel

Hill repeats 10 x 200 meters

1 - 34.15
R - 3:15
2 - 37.82
R - 2:55
3 - 40.42
R - 2:50
4 - 38.94
R - 2:56
5 - 39.52
R - 2:32
6 - 34.86 - Raced Nathan
R - 2:45
7 - 35.31 - Raced Tracen
R - 3:21
8 - 42.70
R - 3:03
9 - 36.97 - Raced Caleb
R - 5:55
10 - 37.38 - Raced Isaac
Total time w/ rest - 35:55

Rest was walking backwards down hill stretching calves.  I was hurting by # 4.  Big day!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


7 - 6 - 6 - 5 - 5

Squats / Weighted KB single leg step ups
Hack Squats @ 185lbs / Weighted jumping Lunges @ 15lbs each arm
Single Leg KB Squats opposite leg foot on bench / Weighted back Extensions @ 35lbs
Med ball single leg box jump @ 20lbs ball / single leg elevated hip raises with 25lbs plate on hips

3/21/17 Moving more wood

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Friday, March 17, 2017

At track - Tire Flips and Tire Slams, GHD's feet hooked inside Tire

Flipped Tire 2 times
10 Rt side slam / 10 Lt side slam
After 5 sets then
20 GHD sit-ups hooking feet in Tire

Flipped Tire 2 times
10 Rt side slam / 10 Lt side slam
After 5 sets then
20 GHD sit-ups hooking feet in Tire

Flipped Tire 2 times
10 Rt side slam / 10 Lt side slam
After 2 sets then
20 GHD sit-ups hooking feet in Tire

Weight room movement

Still not feeling great. Went into weight room this am.

Heavy Bag Combos punches and Kicks several rounds

Jump Rope Singles



KB Swings

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Hill repeats with track kids

8 x 200 meter hill repeats

After the last 2 days of horrible weather today hit 38 degrees and felt awesome for the workout.

Splits - kind of

1 - forgot

2 - 47.13
R - 3:01 walking down backwards
3 - ?
4 - 39.64

5 - 3:40 rest and run
6 - 39.91
7 - 37.01
8 - 39.09
R - 7:01
9 - 40.10

My splits are telling me I did 9.  I know I forgot to start my watch on the first one.  I even mentioned it to the kids.  Not sure how I screwed this up.  Well I guess not really most of us had such bad sprinter buzz we could not see straight by the end.

Saturday, March 11, 2017


Reps per movement per set
8 - 8 - 7 - 7 - 6

Squats @ 115 lbs tried 135 like usual, body just would not agree / KB Weighted Single leg step ups a 40lbs
Suit case hold jumping Lunges @ 25lbs each arm / One leg single leg dead lifts
Hack a squat 65lbs / Back extension @ 35lbs
Heavy jump rope high knee partner pulls / straight leg box jumps

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Hill Repeats

6 x 200 meter hill repeats

Track kids ran hill repeats today.   Started at trail head and ran up Lillian.   I jumped in with them.  They did 5.  I did a 6th to run up and get the markers.  Great workout!

Sunday, March 5, 2017

ARMS/GRIP/SHOULDERS, short rest then short WOD Blast

Reps per movement per set
9 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 7

Couplet Super Sets
Horizontal Rope Climbs / KB Curls @ 70lbs
Pull-ups alt grip each round / Spider Curls @ 55lbs
Alpha Presses Front @ 70lbs KB / Incline Flys @ 15lbs each arm
Tilted Flys @ 25lbs / Tilted Extensions @ 15lbs

Short Rest

3 Rounds - Timed
15 - 30 - 15 - 30 - 20 - 10 - 20 - 10

Heavy Bag tight speed punches from hip / Bag hold

High knee wall pushes / Grasshoppers

One man hitting one man holding for 15s / rest 30s, switch, same rotation for the 20s / 10s.

From all we have done this week and legs yesterday by this point I was toast.  Fun element.

Saturday, March 4, 2017


Reps per exercise per super set
9 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 7

Super Sets
Front Squats 135lbs AtoG / Dumbbell suitcase lunges @ 35lbs each arm
Hack Squats @ 135lbs / Weighted single leg calf raises @ 35lbs dumbbells
Single Leg Goblet Squats one toe up behind on bench finish to a toe 35lbs KB / Weighted back extensions @ 35lbs
Lateral Squats rt/lft leg @ 35lbs KB / Frog Jumps

This one tore me up.  I was whipped by the end.  Everything was as deep as I could go.

Thursday, March 2, 2017


Reps per set 9 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 7

Done in super sets
Bench Press @ 175lbs / Incline to Decline Flys
Medball KB Press / Ring Flys
Triceps Extensions over head @ 60lbs till last one then 50lbs , also alternating w/ KB / Narrow Grip bench @ 115lbs
Ring dips w/ weight belt and 20lb KB / Ab wheel

Stationary Bike

AM - 30min

PM - 30min

3/1/17 Stationary Bike

AM - 30min

PM - 60min

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

AM / PM Stationary Bike

AM - 30min

PM - 30min


100 Tire Flips

Went 50 out from shed into practice field then 50 back to shed.

Did after track practice.  I will do this workout again.  I forgot to put a watch on it but I think it took just shy of 30 min. I did not race this one.

Monday, February 27, 2017

First day Track - Campus CrossFit, Good weather change up

Warm up

Run to Primary / Throwers @ teacher parking lot
100 Lunges on basketball court
Weight room
20 KB Swings @ 45lbs
50 Crunches I did 100
Intermediate Playground
1 set Monkey Bars
10 Pull-ups or jumping pull-ups
Weight room
50 Crunches I did 100
Hill behind softball field
1 sprint up hill
1 double leg hop up hill feet together
1 bear crawl up hill
Weight room
20 KB Swings
50 Crunches I did 100
Flag Pole
10 Wide Push-ups
10 Narrow Push-ups
10 Wide Push-ups
10 Narrow Push-ups
Weight room
50 Crunches I did 100

Soccer was on fields so Daniel added the softball field element.  I loved it!  Might add it in for the summer but on hill at soccer field.  I did not to the running part today because of supervision but I did each exercise.  Funny how much different this felt at 60 degrees and not 80 plus with high humidity.

Did 30 min on Stationary Bike in the AM

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Long Bike Ride with Jen and Emily 1 hour 20 min

Heavy Bag, Jump Rope, Crunches, Sit-ups, Weighted Box step ups, Butterfly Sit-ups, Weighted heavy bag combos

3 Rounds
1min Heavy Bag
50 Jump Rope Singles
100 Crunches
Weighted box step ups increasing in size.  12in, 12, 24, 30, 36in; w/ 30lbs dumbbells
50 Jump Rope Singles
25 Butterfly Sit-ups
1min Heavy Bag combos holding 10lbs dumbbells

Glutes are on fire from leg workout 2 days ago.  Sit-ups were rough on the posterior.  Took Splits but they suck so I am not posting them.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Biceps / Shoulders Couplets

Reps per sets - 10 - 10 - 9 - 8 - 8

Superset Couplets

KB Curls @ 70lbs / Rope assent

Alternating grip pull-ups palms out, palms in, alt grip, all chin ups then, alt grip pull-ups to right and left Shoulders  / Spider Curls @ 65lbs first 3 sets last 3 or so reps finishing with a bump at the top from Daniel.  Last 2 sets at 55lbs no help

Arnold's @ 30lbs / Land mine press @ 100lbs

Dumbbell Shrugs 55, 60, 70lbs / Incline Military Press @ 15lbs Dumbbells

AM / PM Stationary Bike 30 min both sessions

Thursday, February 23, 2017

AM and PM Stationary Bike 30 min each

2/22/17 AM 30min Stationary Bike

AM & PM Stationary Bike


Reps per movement per set - 10 - 10 - 9 - 8 - 8

Perform as a superset couplet

Front Squat @135lbs supposed to use chains opted out but went AtoG / stretched bungee chord height and distance jumps double leg reaching for rope strung across top of racks.

Hack Squats @ 135lbs / Stretched Bungee chord backward jumps

Single leg Goblet Squats one foot on bench behind @ 40lbs KB / Weighted Back Extensions @ 35lbs

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Chest/Tricepts Couplets w/ Daniel

reps - 10 - 10 - 9 - 8 - 8
Each couplet completed as quickly as possible

Chained bench Press chain doubled 2 times @ 145lbs on bar / Incline to decline Dumbbell flys 55, 60,65
Dumbbell Triceps ext. @ 35, 45, 55lbs / Ring Dips
Incline to Decline Dumbbell Flys @ 15lbs / Ring Push-ups set wide in rack Pull in
KB Nose Breakers no chain 40lbs / Ring Flys

Max effort punching bag

Monday, February 20, 2017

3 days Post Armageddon

Came in this morning at 7:30.  Wanted some movement hoping to push out some of the soreness.

No real pattern just did these
15 Pull-ups
4 sets of 10 GHD's
2 sets of 25 KB Swings @ 35lbs
4 sets of 20 lunges
5 sets of Jump Rope 50 to 100 reps
3 x 400 meter runs
4 x 45lbs Turkish get ups

Bench Press
10 x 135
6 x 185
6 x 185
6 x 185
10 x 135

Friday, February 17, 2017


100 Pull-ups - grip went pretty quickly
100 Toes-to-bar - by 30 my grip was gone.  I had to cheat and use my wrist straps to stay on the bar.
100 Front Squats - w/ 45lb bar
100 Burpees 
100 Rope Climbers 
100 sec Wall-sits 
100 Push Press - @ 45lbs bar
100 sec Plank 
100 Wall Ball 20lb ball 
100 Push-ups 
100 Crunches 
100 Body Squats 
TOTAL TIME - Did not have an accurate time today.   Started after boys by about 8 minutes.  

I also gamed this one combining some exercises.  Push press and arope climbers.  25 of each till done.  I am re-typing this 3 days after completion and I am still not recovered.

2/16/17 Stationary Bike x 2

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Boxing work w/ Craig

Craig met me this afternoon to start teaching me boxing drills. He used the hand pads and I had the gloves.  Had a blast!  Craig is awesome.  Great at coaching me through this.  I am whipped.

AM & PM Stationary Bike

AM - 35 minutes

PM - 30 minutes

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

PM Hill Repeats Max Loop Hill

Biked with boys over to Max Loop hill

Ran 6 x 400 plus meter hill repeats

Splits - Kind of?
Rest was walk back down
1 - no split
2 - 1:10
R - 3:21
3 - 1:28
R - 3:38
4 - 1:16
R - 3:42
5 - 1:17
R - 3:53
6 - 1:16

By #2 I was toast.

AM and PM Stationary Bike

40 Min AM
30 Min PM

Monday, February 13, 2017

Run, Tire Flips, Jump Rope, Bicycle abs, Tire Slams, KB Swings

3 Rounds
400 run
6 Tire Flips
50 Bicycles
10/10 Tire Slams
50 Jump Rope Singles Black vinyl rope
25 KB Swings
50 Jump Rope Singles black and gold plastic
2 min Rest
1 - 6:37
R - 2min
2 - 6:25
R - 2min
3 - 6:22
Total w/ rest - 23:26

30 min Stationary Bike

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Shoulders, Arms

Reps and Sets

Rope Climb/Seated dumbbell curls Hammer grip up Palms down headed back down 25 and 30lbs dummbells
Pull-Ups alternate grip / Spider Curls @ 50lbs curl bar
Arnold's @ 20lbs dumbbell / Shrugs @ 45lbs dumbbell
Alphas behind head @ 40lbs / Rings shoulder gauntlet
Tilted Flys @ 20lbs / Bench facing Incline Flys/shoulder press @ 15lbs, start below hips swing up to shoulder then overhead press.

Not bad today.  Good to be in with Daniel.  Does not happen enough these days.  Corporate fitness challenge starts tomorrow so between walking, Stationary Bike Riding, Bike Riding and my normal working out regiment I am either going to get in tremendous shape or wear out.  We shall see.

2/11/17 Stationary Bike

30 Min Fat Burn Setting @ 90rpm's

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Chest, Triceps

Rep count for Couplets
12 - 12 - 11 - 10

Chain doubled (4) Bench press @ 135lbs / Incline to Decline Dumbbell press @ 55lbs
Chain ends hooked (2) wide grip incline bench @ 115lbs / Incline palms up Flys @ 20lbs dumbbells
Behind head Y @ 20lbs Dumbbell / Ring Push-ups

Gave blood yesterday.  Felt decent today.  Did not push crazy hard.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Sled Pull, Push-ups, Crunches

8 Rounds
Weighted Heavy Sled Pull - Length of drive way and back.  Pull until I was at grass on far side of street, turn, then back to front corner of dog fence.  Took Split here.
Then 3 min active rest.
20 Push-ups
100 Crunches

Start next round/Pull at 3 min marker.
1 - 1:29/3:00
2 - 1:30/3:00
3 - 1:24/3:00
4 - 1:25/3:00
5 - 1:24/3:00
6 - 1:23/3:00
7 - 1:17/3:00
8 - 1:23/1:52
Total time - 34:08

Supposed to meet Daniel this morning for leg WOD.  Em got the stomach flu last night at 3am.  Steady stream of puke till around 5.  Poor kid.  I did not get much sleep.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Jump Rope, Heavy Bag, GHD's, Barbell Heavy Weighted walk

4 Rounds
200 Singles - Jump Rope - rubber chord
2 minutes Heavy Bag
20 GHD's
30 yard Heavy Barbell Weighted Walk - Across Shoulders @ 185lbs
20 Heavy jump rope
100 Singles - Jump Rope - wire core rubber coating
2 min rest

1 - 7:37
2 min rest
2 - 7:41
2 min rest
3 - 7:23
2 min rest
4 - 6:53
Total w/ Rest - 30:36

Back and hips are really bothering me.  Feet Are hurting from the hall way sprints.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Turkish-get-ups, Abs with the girls

10 Turkish-get-ups
Sets of 2
@ 65lbs Barbell

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Hallway sprints

Daniel and I did sprint blasts up the ramp in the math hall.  Roughly 50 meters.   One minute rest.

50 meters x 11 repeats

Started afternoon with AB set with Brad and the speed training kids

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

Reps for each set and couplet
14 - 5 - 13 - 3 - 12

Bench Press doubled over chain 135/185 - Incline to Decline Flys 40/65lbs
Ring Push ups chain/ doubled chain - Ring Flys
Dips BW&40lbs KB hooked on toe - Nose Breakers chain and 25lbs KB
Dumbbell bent over rows/Lawnmower Pulls 60/100 - incline push-ups

Liked the set up for the reps.  Filing from lots of reps at light weight to minimal reps at heavy weight.  Great change up.

Monday, January 30, 2017

400 meter run, Tire Flips, Tire Slams, Weighted Tire Step-ups, Bicycles

4 Rounds
400 Meter Run
4 Tire Flips
10/10 Tire Slams rt/lt
5/5 Weighted Step-ups @ 40lbs dumbbells per arm
50 Bicycles Abs
1 minute rest

1 - 5:16
2 - 5:15
3 - 5:04
4 - 5:20
Total time w/ rest - 23:57

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Heavy bag, Speed Rope, KB Swings, Bar Rows Feet elevated, GHD's, SDLHP, Heavy Rope Jump

3 Rounds
1:30 Heavy Bag Combos
100 Speed rope single jumps
20 KB Swings @ 55lbs
20 Bar Rows Feet Elivated
20 GHD's
20 SDLHP @ 55lbs
20 Heavy Rope
3 min Rest

I did take splits.  Got faster each round.  I have really been off my game this week.  Had no fire again today.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

30 min Stationary Bike - Fat Burn Setting

1/25/17 Abbreviated legs

Not feeling good today.  No fire.  Did just a few leg movements.

15 Front Squats @ 135lbs
15 Box Jumps @ lg blue box
10 Front Squats @ 135

3 Sets of 15 Reps
15 Right leg Split Goblet Squats Left foot up on bench
15 Left leg Split Goblet Squats Right foot up on bench

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Shoulder/Chest/Triceps - Couplets

Quick heavy bench
10 x 135
5 x 185
5 x 225

Couplets were 3 x 15
Bench Press @ 145 / Incline to Decline Dumbbell flys - 30/40/40 lbs
Chained Dips / Overhead triceps extensions @ 35lbs KB
Bench Triceps Pullover @ 35lbs KB / Ab wheel
Ring Flys / Feet elivated ring push-ups

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Medball Madness for a second time but slight shift

3 Rounds all at 20lbs ball
10 Medball Sit-up pull overs to a throw
10 Chest pass
10/10 Side slam
10 Underhand throw for height
10 Overhand over head throw for power
10 Medball Box Jump Burpees
10 Power wall ball for height

No steam today.  Did more total reps but only did 3 rounds compared to last times 5 rounds of 5 reps.

1/8/17 Plyo work

20 lbs med ball
A-Skips Overhead x 2
A-Skips Straight arms out front x 2

Partner twists x 2 x 10
Ball Slams x 2 x 10

Side to Side 2 x 10
Double leg forward Jumps series 2 x 10
Tuck jumps 2 x 10
Later single leg rt to lt and back 2 x 10

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Upper a Body a Couplets


Rope Assent (only did 1 assent) / Hammer Curls
Double Chained Pull-ups / Spider curls @ 65lbs
Bent Curls Barbell / Dumbbell Shrugs 55 lbs
KB Over head press Rt shoulder to Lt shoulder @ 70lbs / Tilted Flys @ 25lbs
Arnold Press @ 30lbs Dumbbells / Double arm dumbbell High Pulls 25lbs

Started late so I did rope climbs last.

Monday, January 16, 2017

KB Swings, Goblet Squats, SDLHP, Box Jumps

5 Rounds
10 KB Swings @ 55lbs
10 Goblet Squats @ 55lbs
10 SDLHP @ 55lbs
10 Lg Blue Box Jumps
2 min rest

Did not push super hard.  Just flowed.  Trying to push out some soreness from yesterday.  Took splits but don't put to much stock in them.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Legs! Couplets


Chained Squats @ 135lbs on bar  / weighted step ups @ 45lbs
Hack Squat @ 185lbs / Dumbbell Lunges "suitcase carry" 55lbs per arm
1 leg Dead lifts @ 65&70lbs / Back Extensions @ 35lbs plate
Medball Single leg box jumps sm box / tip toe high knee walk @ 55/60lbs per arm

Great leg workout.  Draped chain from one side of bar under and through rack to other side of bar.  Lunges are what got me.  Right dead center of flute.

Friday, January 13, 2017

1/12/17 - Medball Madness

5 Rounds
5 Medball Sit-up pull overs to a throw
5 Chest pass
5/5 Side slam
5 Underhand throw for height
5 Overhand over head throw for power
5 Medball Box Jump Burpees
5 Power wall ball for height 

Girls asked to do this so we designed it and went.  Designed as a partial partner WOD.  But all elements could be done individually with Med ball.  Great workout.

1/11/17 Upper Body movement

1/10/17 Plyos with the kids

Plyometrics with the kids.

I tried to exercise yesterday but I have had the crud since Saturday.  Head and high chest congestion.  This was really the first day my body let me do something.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Snow day at the weight room, workout then Plyos

2 Rounds Did not time
1 minute Heavy Bag
15 Ninja Jumps @ tall blue box
15 Push-ups
20 Partner Ball Slams
75 Flat abs
30 Squats
50 Weighted Mason Twists @ 25lbs
25 SDLHP's @ 55lbs
25/25 Side Crunches


After above workout

Overhead A-skips 50Ft x 4 - 1 min rest
Out front A-skips 50ft x 4 - 1 min rest

Partner twisting pass w/ 20lbs x 4 sets

Medball on ground
Double foot hops forward/backwards over ball - 10 total 2 sets
Double foot hops side to side hops left to right - 10 total 2 sets
Double foot hops w/ med ball in hands - forward and back hops 2 sets

Thursday, January 5, 2017

1/4/17 1st day Plyometrics With the kids

Warm up

Stretch - Dynamic Movement

Overhead A-skips 50Ft x 4 - 1 min rest
Out front A-skips 50ft x 4 - 1 min rest

Partner twisting pass w/ 20lbs x 4 sets
Did not do partner Medball bounce pass

Medball on ground
Double foot hops forward/backwards over ball - 10 total
Double foot hops side to side hops left to right - 10 total
Double foot hops w/ med ball in hands - forward and back hops

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Box Jumps, GHD's, Back Extensions, Thrusters

4 Rounds
10 Box jumps - big blue boxes
15 GHD's reaching across midline
20 Back extensions
5   Thrusters @ 135lbs

1 - 3:17
R - 1:40 had to deal with a moron
2 - 3:12
R - 1:30
3 - 3:34
R - 1:30
4 - 3:58
Total time w/ rest - 18:44

Supposed to be descending rest.  Did this one last year.  Pretty tired so I took more rest and I really did not race.

1/2/17 2nd of WOD of the day. Daughter Designed

Proud of the girls.  Walked in the house this evening and they were doing a workout.  I had already done a workout this morning but when they work out like this I like to support them and do it too.  It was a dang good workout.  I was on fire by round 3.

3 Rounds
50 Goblet Squats @ 20lbs KB
25 Leg Lifts
14 Lunges weighted @ 15lbs each arm
50 Crunches
10 Push-us
50 Scopecs 25/25 each side
1:00 Wall Sit Weight over head @ 20lbs KB over head
30 Grass Hoppers
75 Calf Raises weighted @ 15lbs each arm
3   Stair Repeats - 3 Assents
2 min rest between each round

1 - 10:06
R - 2 min
2 - 10:05
R - 2 min
3 - 9:00
Total with rest - 33:14

Back and hips have been barking at me a bit over the last few days.  On and off.  During the goblet squats tonight my right low back into the hip kept biting me.  Hope this is just from fatigue.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Heavy Bag, Jump Rope, KB Swings

4 Rounds

1 min Heavy Bag Combos
200 Jump rope singles
25 KB Swings
2 min Rest

1 - 3:58
R - 2:00
2 - 4:00
R - 2:00
3 - 3:44
R - 2:00
4 - 3:58
Total time w/ rest - 21:41

Pretty tired still.  Did not feel sharp this morning. Just wanted some movement.  Came in late.  Got in at 7:25 and was done by just after 8.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Death by sit-ups - annual New Year's Day workout

Last two workouts have been heavy on GHD's and yesterday was a rough day overall.  I finally had a chance to hit this at 10pm.  The only reason I even did it was to keep my streak alive.
Increasing 1 rep per min on the min rest remainder of the min.

26 rounds
351 sit-ups - feet anchored under chest of drawers.

I have done more rounds than this every year.  Like I said this was just about keeping the streak alive.

2017 - 26 rounds - Just keeping streak alive.  Pretty beat up from last two workouts.
2016 - 1 rep shy of a full 32 rounds - Feet anchored
2015 - 32 rounds plus 29 of round 33 - Feet anchored
2014 - Could not find it.  Must have missed it or forgot to post - Did the Filthy Fifty on the 2nd
2013 - 31 Rounds
2012 - 30 Rounds - Not on the 1st.  Found that I did it 2/25/12 for the first time.  Feet not anchored