Sunday, April 30, 2017


Superset Couplets

Couplet 1
Hack Squats (10,8,6,4) 135,155, 175,195 and Weighted Lunges 12 each leg so 24 total @ 25lbs each arm

Second Super set
Squats (12,10,8,6) back/hips still not feeling great so 135 again back deep squats / 3 sets of 10 Weighted single arm KB Step ups 10 rt leg 10 left leg

Third Super Set
Partner Ham String Push-ups 4 sets of 12 / Goblet Single leg Split squats with leg up on bench finish to a toe - 10 reps each leg

Fourth Super Set
Weighted Medball Box Jumps 10 reps @ 20lbs ball / Partner harness pull

exhausted this morning.  I'm still not recovering well.  Yesterday I did not feel great and last Sunday I had my crybaby pants on.  I was determined to have a good one this morning.  Pushed a bit on the hack Squats compared to last week.  By the third couplet I was shot.  Struggled to keep the intensity.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Push - Pull

Super Set Couplets

Couplet 1
4 sets - Wide grip Pull-ups to failure / Bench Press @ 165lbs 10 to 12 reps

Couplet 2
3 Sets - Dumbbell Row chest on elivated bench / Incline Bench Press 115lbs (10 - 12 reps)

Couplet 3
3 Sets - Lawnmower - Dumbbell single arm row @ 70lbs / dumbbell bench Press @ 60lbs each arm

Couplet 4
3 Sets - Weighted Narrow grip pull-ups, weighted Dips

Sucked today

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Sunday, April 23, 2017


Missed first set got in late this morning
Super set Couplets
First set is Hack Squats and Weighted Lunges

Second Super set
Squats (12,10,8,6) / 3 sets of 10 Weighted single arm KB Step ups

Third Super Set
Partner Ham String Push-ups 4 sets of 12 / Goblet Single leg Split squats with leg up on bench finish to a toe - 10 reps

Fourth Super Set
Weighted Medball Box Jumps 10 reps @ 20lbs ball / Partner harness pull

Felt better this morning.  Still being very careful with Squats going light.  Doing the KB split squats my legs fatigued very quickly.  I am struggling to recover as of late.  Still have some respiratory stuff going on as well.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Pull-ups, Rows, Flys, (Chest-Back-Triceps)

Couplets in 4 different rounds

Done as super sets
4 sets of - w/ 2 min rest after each super set
Strict dead hang pull-ups / Inclune Dumbbell Press @ 50lbs each arm 10 to 12 reps

3 sets of - w/ 2 min rest after each super set
Dumbbell rear deltoid fly 15lbs / Pectoral Fly 20lbs (let weight hang to full chest expansion) 10 to 12 reps

3 sets of - w/ 2 min rest after each super set
Rope bar row w/ barbell & 2 x 45lbs plates standing elevated on small boxes / Weighted push-ups 45 lbs plate on back 8 to 10 reps.

3 sets of - w/ 2 min rest after each super set, 8 to 10 reps
Behind the head pull-ups / Diamond Push-ups

I am beat down.  Struggling still to recover from workouts.  Legs are still on fire from Tuesdays 400 meters of Lunges.  Even to the touch.  Dealing with the -i.e. Stuff and the death of Sam has my blood pressure through the roof again.  Triceps still shaking from Wednesday's workout.  I seem to be sick again unless it is just allergies.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

400 meters - Lunges

4/17/17 Shoulders / Abs

KB work

4 x 8 reps double arm KB Shoulder Press @ 45lbs
1 min rest between sets

4 Rounds 8 reps per exercise -  exercises done in a negative fashion.  Arms in hold position and taking a 3 count to move through range of motion.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Hill Repeats - Lillian x 6

6 x 200 meter hill repeats
3 min rest

1 - 36.87
R - 3:00.35
2 - 36.49
R - 3:00.45
3 - 36.59
R - 3:00.41
4 - 35.62
R - 3:00.09
5 - 38.23 - fell off big time
R - 3:00.88
6 - 38.37
Total time - 18:44

I was worried about dropping off pace on number 4.  Must have had a bit more steam than I thought.  After number 4 I was toast.  It was about all I could do to get numbers 5 and 6 done.  I've been sick all week.  Really felt it today.  Better today but the throat, coughing and congestion has been tough.  My guess is the allergies started this and it progressed.

Just went back to look at my splits from the last few weeks.  Today was the most consistent I have been and with the exception of a few blips the fastest I have been.  I guess today was better than I thought.  I was very consistent on my recovery.

4/8/17 Chest and Pull-ups - Push/Pull

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Heavy Bag, Jump Rope, GHD's, Pull-ups

Met Daniel this morning.  He was on legs today but I have been hitting legs pretty solid.  Back is pretty sore still from everything going on.

Hodgepodge today.

Kind of lost track.  Just kept rotating through.

I think this is what I got done.

8 x 10 Pull-ups
5 x 20 GHD's
8 x 100 Jump Rope Singles
8 x 1min Heavy Bag Combos

Saturday, April 1, 2017

200 Meters of Lunges

Emily had a workout at the track.  When she was done I did 200 meters of Lunges.  My back is very sore from all the log carrying last week.  I am pretty dang sore.  The Tire  Flips did not help.