Sunday, January 30, 2011

Muscle-ups, Body Squats

Three rounds for time of:
12 Muscle-ups
75 Squats

1 = 3:22.10
2 = 4:07.79
3 = 3:55.22
TOTAL = 11:25.11

A solid one today. Again I had to adapt on the muscle ups. Rings set just above my head still not where they should be. I have another goal. I want to be doing Pistol squats by June and Muscle-ups by September or October. Back feeling better but still sore. I have jacked myself up. I am having pain down my legs and feet are numb and tingle. I hope it is just another one of my spells and I am working through it. When I used to have these I was down for the count so I have to consider myself lucky.

500 Crunches a few minutes after finishing WOD

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Run 800 meters x 3

Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters = Subbed in bike 1600meters
Rest 2 minutes

1 = 2:28 = 1200 meters
Rest 2:00
2 = 3:35 = 1600 meters
Rest 2:00
3 = 3:31 = 1600 meters

Daniel and I did this at that track today at 1pm it is unseasonably warm today sun out and 60 degrees. Supposed to get hammered by snow Monday night though. On to the work out. My goal was to bike as far as needed to finish with Daniel so our recovery was the same. He blasted the first one so I only got 3 laps = 1200 meters but we finished 1 second appart and I was flying to catch him. Great job Daniel. The next two were rough on Danile so I blasted the mile and we finished together. Legs were toast after this one back is feeling better but still sore between shoulder blades where I hurt it last Sunday and for some reason my lower back where I have all my problems has been barking at me a bit. Just sitting here my left leg and foot hurt. Good workout and a great day!

Last time I did something similar
4 Rounds
Rest as needed between efforts.
1- 3:26
2- 3:27
3- 3:20

Friday, January 28, 2011

275lb Dead Lift, 50 Double-unders

3 Rounds
10 x 275lb Dead Lift = Hex Bar
50 Double-unders = subbed in 100 singles as usual

1 = 2:09.19
2 = 2:49.14
3 = 2:33.33
TOTAL = 7:31.66

Went steady and smooth on this one with all the back issues this week. I forced my self to take off the belt between rounds and after round 2 I took a drink to pace. Went well considering how much pain I have been in this week. Back is feeling a ton better but still bothering me. Could have gone tuns faster. I even think I could have strung them all together on the dead lift it is just flowing.

I want to do more but I also want to get home it is only 3:45 and I am done.

200 Crunches

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

L-pull-ups, one leg/pistol squats

For time:
21 L-pull-ups = all L's Unbroken
20 One legged squats, alternating legs = as usual hand on box
18 L-pull-ups = 10-L's , 8 knees up feet dropped
16 One legged squats, alternating legs = hand on box
15 L-pull-ups = 1st 8-L's, Last 7 knees up feed dropped
12 One legged squats, alternating legs = hand on box
12 L-pull-ups = 1st 8 knees up, Last 4 L's or pretty close, last one was a good L
8 One legged squats, alternating legs = hand on box

1 = 1:28.24
2 = 2:06.35
3 = 2:10.30
4 = 1:34.95
Total = 7:19

Had to do this one with out Daniel. I know my back is still hurting but I rolled it out at lunch and I have a total of 3 Alieve's in my system today to be sure I could do this one. I did as many each round of true L's and then feet dropped. I had my knees up parallel for all of them. That I am used to but they are getting much better. My abbs are sore from the L's. My biggest disappointment are the single leg squats. I still have to rest a hand on a box to do these. My goal is doing these by this summer. Time wise I will be just over a year into crossfit. I want to be able to do these by June.

CASHED OUT WITH = 40 more pull-ups to finish day with 106 pull-ups total

500 crunches

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Miss Match, Back Still Jacked

Another bad day for my back. The muscle strain from Sunday really flaired up today. I could do next to nothing at first. I was determined to do something. I have not missed hardly any Cross fit workouts due to back issues. This is just another bad episode and I guess a reminder that by no means am I better reguardless of the workouts lately. I am in better shape than I have been in for at least 6 years or so but I have to remember I have real problems. If not for Daniel I don't know if I would have been able to get one in. We decided to do a few exercises that only hurt but did not cause sharp pain. I could barely take a full breath when I got in the weight room. The workout is as follows. Thank you Daniel for sitcking with me and getting this one in. Thanks for the help brother!
I will do tomorrows one way or another!

10 Rounds
4 Thrusters with 45lb bar and throw bar up at pinicle of thruster a foot or so over hands catch and repeat.
20 Bar swings into tire. 10 Right side, 10 Left side
20 Yard shuffel throwing 12 lb med ball back and forth to Daniel down and back in weight room

1 = 1:11.30
2 = 1:21.34
3 = 1:17.62
4 = 1:17.02
5 = 1:21.46
6 = 1:24.18
7 = 1:23.96
8 = 1:28.07
9 = 1:21.16
10 = 1:40.60
11 = 1:18.84 Aparrently I did 11 rounds. Man I was really feeling like dirt I guess I read my watch wrong when Daniel said I had 3 round to go I said I had 4.
Total time = 15:05.55

Monday, January 24, 2011

Run 400, 20 burpees, Two handed bent over row

Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
20 Burpees
15 Two-hand dumbbell Bent over row, 50 pounds each

1 = 4:11.00
2 = 4:37.01
3 = 4:30.26
4 = 4:45.65
5 = 4:19.84
TOTAL TIME = 22:23.76

Still not feeling great today. Still feel sick to my stomach and my back is still not back to normal. (Well as normal as usual) I tried 700 meters to the 400 and just to finish with in sight of Daniel I was dang near lactic threshold on the bike. We talked I am just going to hit 600 meters for the days with 400's. I was toast by the time I hit my first round of Burpees. Not good with not feeling very well to start with.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Abb workout day off

50 oblique pulses
50 middle pulses
15 full obliques
25 GHDs
30 leg throws
20 dumb bell suspensions
2 sets

Daniel and I met the girls after their run for an abb workout. Not bad at all. My back is killing me today. I was stretching this morning and strained a muscle inbetween my shoulder blades. Very sore all day to a point I could not take a deep breath. The workout torked my low back pretty good with a few of the exercises. My feet are numb and hurting. I hope tomorrow brings a fresh start, because today was a rough one.

Friday, January 21, 2011

15' Rope climb, max reps in 3 minutes

Five rounds of:
15' Rope climb, max reps in 3 minutes

1 = 3 wheels came off
2 = 5
3 = 6
4 = 6 ripped a chunk of flesh off right middle finger on number 4 sucked the last 2
5 = 6 was on pace for 7 or 8, Just feel to pieces after number 4.

This one ate my lunch! Today was a weird day. Daniel and I both felt like we were going to puke and weak all over. No idea why. The only thing I can figure is the combo of workouts yesterday. Oh well. We worked ahead and we have two days off. Tomorrows Crossfit is Drive to Kansas City and take deep cleansing breaths as we take the girls to the American Girl Doll store. Em has earned it so we are going. Holy cow what have I done to myself ; - ). This is going to be worse than going to SDC. Sunday = Daniel and I might meet some of the runners for a huge abb work out. Ashley has been working something up that she did like 5 or 6 days ago that she is still sore from. Should be interesting.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

"CrossFit Total"

"CrossFit Total"
Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

Back Squat = 135 x 5 A to G, 175 x 5 A to G, 205 x 3 A to G, 225 x 1 very deep, 245 parallel, 250lbs parallel or just below. 250 went up better than 245. No belt for any of these!

Shoulder Press = 115, 125, 135, 145failed about half way up.

Dead Lift = 135, 225, 295 no belt for the first 3, 315lbs
TOTAL = 700lbs my goal for next time is at least 800lbs

First time doing this workout ever. It has come up several times but I just did not feel my back was ready. I still have bad days but over all things have been a ton better. With the workout a few weeks back that had 295 15 times for dead lift I figured I would give this a try. As Daniel kept saying just establish a base line. Squats went fine I know I could have gone higher but I felt too good to blow things and hurt my back. Same with Dead Lift. I told myself I would not go any higher than 300lbs and ended up doing 315+ in the picture. Shoulder Press sucked as usual.
I talk a bunch about my back in this blog but I have to put this in today. 3 years ago pretty much to the date I was in Cronic Pain with my back. Compartmentalizing. I was not Ron, dad, husband nothing. I looked at my wife and decided to go see the surgeon to talk them into cutting me open. MRI's, CAT SCANS and Nerve Induction tests later. They ended up giving me steroid shots to get me on top of the pain and told me at 40 they would cut me open. Clayton kept telling me I could do this and I was not convinced. Daniel kept putting the pressure on too. Daniel has been by my side this whole time starting last February/March. Reminding me to take it easy and just do what I could. Today was no different. My first few workouts I did wall ball subbed in for deadlift. When I did start to deadlift lifting the hex bar hurt my back just to carry it. Today I lifted 315 with a good effort but nothing to stressful. I know I could have gone way higher. Squats were the same story just doing them hurt for days. Today I glided through them. Stopping much earlier than I needed to. Better safe than sorry.
Daniel thank you for being there and pulling me through, reminding me to be cautious and for all the encouragement. Clayton thank you as well for convincing me I could and encouraging me. Ben thank you for following and the encouragement as well. Peer pressure is a great thing. I am not even the same person I was 3 years ago. I can not thank you boys enough.


21-15-9 reps of:

Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips

1 = 4:02.47
2 = 3:51.14
3 = 2:37.18
TOTAL = 10:38.78

Good day to day. The time on this one is miserable but Daniel and I did this one after the Cross Fit total. So two firsts today. First of all I have never done the total because of my back and never have I done two workouts in one day. So I have to take the good with the bad. Last time I was 8:32 over two minutes faster last time. Daniel and I did full squat cleans. Not sure that I did full squat cleans last time. Both Daniel and I were way slower today. I did wear the weight belt for this one since we had so many squat cleans and I had just done squats and dead lifts in the Total.

Monday, June 14, 2010

21-15-9 reps of:Clean 135 poundsRing dipsTime: 8:32

Workout went great as RX'd. Despite back hurting pretty bad the last few days I strapped the belt on tight and went for it. Seemed to do just fine. Daniel and I were in sync the whole time. This was awesome to push each other. Daniel pulled away on the cleans last round and finished about 30 seconds ahead of me. Funny how fast that 30 seconds moves. Even better Andy Love was in today. So the three of us were on at the same time. Jen and Jenni went at the same time. Jen did 45 lb bar, and did ring dips with a bench to rest toes on similar to pull up set up. She finished in 6:20. Nice to work out with my wife I hope she starts to get addicted as I am.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

5 round = 20 GHD, Push Jerk

Five rounds of:
20 GHD Sit-ups
5 Push jerk = 155lbs

1 = 1:21.47
2 = 2:56.64
3 = 3:22.79
4 = 4:13.60
5 = 3:42.06
TOTAL = 15:36.56

Tonight was a great one. Daniel wants me to post this and I do agree I am pretty fired up. All the GHD's were full range of motion touching the floor. I have never done a whole work out or for that matter more than just a few full range GHD's. I hope this is a sign that my back is slowly but surely getting stronger. Thanks Daniel.

Monday, January 17, 2011

CAMRAP 15 min, SDLHP, 25 Push Ups

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
Row 250 meters = subbed SDLHP 45lbs used kettelbell to keep back focused
25 Push-ups

1 = 51.44
2 = 59.25
3 = 1:07.25
4 = 1:09.31
5 = 1:26.63
6 = 1:48.03
7 = 1:39.28
8 = 1:45.19
9 = 1:31.85
10 =1:42.31 exactly 14:00
11 = 1:04.55 = 15:05.09

This one was awesome. Daniel and I were side by side. We had three of my boys next to us. Jacob, Ken and Christian. We were all firing like crazy. It was awesome. Great job boys!!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Muscle Ups, Wall Ball, Hand Stand Push ups, 135lb power clean

Three rounds for time of:
6 Muscle-ups, rings still not high enough but doing better
30 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
12 Handstand push-ups, my regular adaptation
15 reps 135 pound Power clean, used belt today back has been sore and tight

1 = 5:16.94
2 = 6:47.15
3 = 5:54.90
TOTAL TIME = 17:58.99

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Weighted pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Body Weight 195
Warm up regular pull ups 20 or so. 1 weighted at 30 lbs, 1 weighted at 35 lbs

1 - 40lbs
2 - 55
3 - 65
4 - 75
5 - 85 failed got to lips could not get chin over
6 - 80 tied PR
7 - 90 got it! NEW PR
8 - 95 tried but failed

Decent today. Worked out later than usual because of accademic recognition. Daniel was there for a few minutes. I was trying to get out to get to his house but also not wanting to dump this workout. Felt pretty solid early.

Last Time
Monday, August 16, 2010
Weighted pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
This was a decent one. First one I have been happy with in weeks. I think I could have gone higher. PR'ed by 30lbs but I really have never done this.
Body Weight 195
#1 - 30lbs2 - 40#3 - 45#4 - 50#5 - 60#6 - 70#7 - 80#

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wall Climbs, Toes to Bar, Box Jumps

Five rounds for time of:
10 Wall climbs
10 Toes to bar
20 Box jumps, 24" box
For the wall climbs, start with your toes and chest on the deck, walk your feet up the wall until your chest touches the wall, and then descend back to the original position.

1 = 4:34
2 = 7:43
3 = 9:03
4 = 8:29
5 = 6:21
Total time = 36:12

This one was terrible. One of the worst workouts I have had in a long time. The Wall Climbs were the bain of my day. I would say they took 80% of the time today. I just could not get through them. Daniel and I do feel that they will help improve overhead push ups which I need a ton of help on any way. Something else is going on too. I feel exhausted as well. Not sure the deal with that either.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
225 pound Deadlift, 6 reps = used hex bar as usual. probably 230+lbs
7 Burpee pull-ups
10 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
Run 200 meters = crazy cold 16deg, snow and Ice every where. Did not want to get on the bike today. Subbed in 100 singles jump rope. I guarantee this was not equal but I was having a hard time staying on my feet for 100 in a row by the end. did not get a split to see how long this took.

Rounds = 6.5 rounds
1 = 2:09
2 = 2:53
3 = 3:04
4 = 3:20
5 = 3:35
6 = 3:18
7 = half of round at 20 minute marker 6 dead lifts, 7 burpee pull-ups = 1:38 split to here
Finished 7 round at 22:14. I slowed way down to finish.
This one was rough on me today. I had to do early because of the weather. Jen and I came to work together. Had to do this with out Daniel. We both did roughly the same amount. I am convinced we would have gone 7 rounds if we had been together.

Monday, January 10, 2011


Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Thruster

Splits, Daniel was getting excited and was encouraging me and forgot to hit the splits. Which is fine I need the encouragement more than the times.
1 = Under 1:30 I remember hearing Daniel yell 1:30 and I was well into my Thrusters of round two.
2 = At 2 min 30 seconds
3 = 1:36 Daniel said this one hammered me he was right.
Time 4:06

Thanks Daniel for the help. I am glad you were there.

This one was another great workout. I was pleased with my time but I know I was not going as deep as I have been on my thrusters. It has been to long since I have had a workout with thrusters. To be honest I can not remember my last workout that had Thrusters in it. I know my first round was a little shy of full 90. I think by the second round I was hitting parallel. All pull-ups were unbroken I wish I could say the same for the Thrusters. When I finished my last pull-up and hit the ground my arms started cramping. Biceps were on fire from the pull-ups. Wore a belt again today to be careful with my back. I left it on the whole time with out taking it off for pull-ups. I was very sore after the over head squats from a few days ago. Yesterday was front squats I felt good but you never know. I have been having to many good days to blow it with my back.

Friday, September 10, 2010
Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Thruster
1 - 1:27
2 - 1:48
3 - 1:19
Total = 4:35
I blew through the first round feeling pretty good. Daniel posted a huge time and getting as close as I could was my goal. Realistically I was hoping to break 5. I got it done well under. I did the first round unbroken. Thrusters are usually my bain but all were unbroken. Pull ups on round two were 10/5, last round was 5/4.With Carthage last night I was exhausted today. I just did not have the steam I normally had. I had a solid time but I think I could have gone much faster if I had been rested and had someone to push me. Emily was with me and did the best she could to keep me fired up. There is only so much a 7 year old could do. Thanks Emily.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
"Fran"Three rounds,21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Thruster
This one is awesome! I screwed it up though. Daniel were going to go this afternoon because I had a dentist appointment. And Danile had an appointment after practice. I decided to skip breakfast and eat after the dentist and practice. Daniels appointment got canceled and we did this after practice. Jen brought me something to eat but my body did not have enough time to process with 15 minutes from consumption to work load. I wore out in the first round. Good of the workout is that I did do it precribed. The pull ups were unbroken for all sets. I also used a belt today for back stability. We shall see in the next few hours if it paid off. I had to take the belt on and off which cost me time. Goal for next time is 6 min or under.LESSON FOR DAY = NEVER SKIP BREAKFAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Front squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps

Warm Up as deep as I could go as Clayton says A to G = 3 x 135, 3 x 155

Round 1 = 155 Way below parallel
Round 2 = 175 Way below parallel
Round 3 = 195 At or just below parallel
Round 4 = 215 only completed one at parallel and failed out
Round 5 = 215 1st not parallel, 2nd parallel, 3rd close to parallel

Cool Down, 2 sets 5 x 135 A to G, last set no weight belt

Good day I am looking for my last time doing this. But I am pretty sure this is a huge pr for me since starting cross fit. Used belt all round until last set of cool down. Last night my back was terrible. Felt decent today. No pain during or after. The only time I felt a twinge was after the first fail and then on the second nice parallel squat on the last round. I felt it then. I seem to recover from the bad back days faster than I used to. The pain I was in after the overhead squats yesterday would have been around for days. I was almost not going to come in for this because of yesterday night. I just need to remember to be smart and stay on the right track and remember what hurts and what does not.

Thursday, April 29, 2010
Front squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps
4-195 1 good 2 sub par
5-185 1 good 2 sub par

Short one today but needed. Lats down spine felt like they were going to pull. I did test a little today. The leg strength is coming. Just went to heavy for as early as it is in my training. Back does not hurt any worse than normal right now. Good sign. Good to work with Daniel he keeps me under wraps. I started to think I could go higher earlier. I wanted to hit 205 today but he kept reminding me why I was there. Thanks Daniel.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

3 rounds for time of: Run 400, Overhead squats, Pull-ups

3 rounds for time of:

Run 400 = Doubled and biked 800 meters
30 Overhead Squats 75lbs
21 pull-ups

Round 1 = 5:37
Round 2 = 6:32
Round 3 = 6:49
TOTAL = 18:59

I stink at overhead squats. These destroyed me. I dropped the weight on my head twice. I am also still convinced that the distance on bike is to far. My 800 had me at least 20 seconds behind Daniel if not more at the finish of the run/bike.

Typing this a day later. After this workout my back was on fire. Not sharp pain but just an aching all over burning. My feet were numb and hurting. I was feeling physically ill from the discomfort. I felt this way from the afternoon until I went to sleep. I felt better the next day, looking to see how the front squats effect me.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
115 pound Push press, 10 reps
10 KB Swings, 1.5 pood
10 Box jumps, 24 inch box

1 = 1:06
2 = 1:26
3 = 1:59
4 = 1:54
5 = 1:36
6 = 1:37
7 = 1:35 Missed the rack and begining of the next round had to move the supports up.
8 = 2:03 Moved the supports up and then knocked both of them out re-racking at end of set. Ken helped put them back in.
9 = 2:08 forgot to hit watch, so this one and the next one i took the split at 4:16 and divided it in half
10 = 2:08
11 = 1:32
12 = 1:35
13 = Partial = 10 push press, 10 KB swings with 3 seconds to go; Finished 10 box jumps after 20 minutes were up

This one was tough no way around it. Let me just say I am glad tomorrow is a rest day.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


For time:

1 mile run = Subbed in a 2 mile bike
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 squats
1 mile run = Subbed in a 2 mile bike

Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, body squats as needed start and finish with mile run.

This workout was my 2nd cross fit work out ever and owned me. Today I owned it with a 7 minute pr. I was only able to do 10 pull-ups the first time I did this workout and had to do the other 90 with a bench under me. Today all 10 rounds were un-broken with the pull-ups. Body squats were unbroken too. All the push-ups were unbroken until the last 4 rounds. Then I did 15-5 split, 15 wide spread arms and 5 tricep push ups. When I saw I was going to crush my last time I started to pace myself a bit better but probably to much on the squats. I think I could have gone faster. But no excuses this one still hurt and I am sore still typing this 5 hours later.

Rounds were broken like this. 2 Mile bike, 10 rounds of 10 pull-ups, 20 push-ups, 30 body squats, 2 mile bike.
2 mile bike = 7:33
1 = 1:25.82
2 = 1:31.50
3 = 1:33.62
4 = 1:47.22
5 = 1:56.72
6 = 2:41.84 must have fallen off the planet, also started to feel like I was going to puke. from here out.
7 = 1:49.73
8 = 2:45.53 these last 3 rounds I was super dizzy with no O2 in my brain after the push-ups.
9 = 2:38.18
10 = 2:25.02
2 mile bike = 9:27.36 legs were toast.
TOTAL TIME = 37:35.68

January 4th 2011 "Nate"

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes of:

2 muscle-ups
4 Hand Stand Push-ups
8 2 pood kettelbell swings = 70 lbs

Today sucked. I know I finished at least 11 rounds I think I forgot a round about 4 or 5 rounds in. So it might have been 12 rounds. The first two rounds I had the rings at the right height but I was shot quick. I had to grab a bumper plate to throw under the rings. Things were smooth sailing from there. I will get over it. Just not happy with the performance. I still suck at handstand push-ups. Still did my adapted method and was worse than usual at these.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Front Squat, L-pull-ups

Seven rounds for time of: Screwed up did 5

185 pound Front squat, 3 reps = adapted to 175 lbs felt just right

7 L-pull-ups

Just realized we screwed up we only did 5 rounds. We should have checked the site. Best round of L-Pull-ups I have ever had. Legs were actually out front the entire reps and sets. Front squats like all squats make me nervous with my back. I did 175lbs today and I felt good. I had to work hard but not to hard. I could feel the unbalance in my back but nothing I could not control.

1 - 36.57
2 - 49.0
3 - 1:01
4 - 1:04
5 - 1:07
Total = 4:36.14

We cashed out with Bench Press because tomorrow is a rest day.
135 x 10
185 x 5
225 x 4
225 x 3
225 x 3
225 x 2 struggled with the third. Daniel had to help
135 x 5

Saturday, January 1, 2011

AMR in 15 min = Sledge hammer strikes, over head walk

Smaller #2 bar pic 1
Big # 3 Bar pic 3
Big #3 Bar pic 2
Big #3 Bar Pic.1

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes:
21 Sledge Hammer Strikes Right Side
21 Sledge Hammer Strikes Left Side
One Arm Overhead Walk RT 20 yards
One Arm Overhead Walk LT 20 yards
Post loads used and rounds completed to comments.

*Use a sledge hammer weighing between 12 - 20 lbs.*Striking into a tire, sand bag or something. Be creative. *Make sure you reach full extension on your strikes.*You can sub ball slams, plate slams or dumbbell slams. Be creative.*You can use a KB or DB or get creative.*Extend your arm above you head and start walking.

Rounds and Loads
15 minutes = 6 full rounds and 10 swings
Finished the 7th round in 17:24 just to say I did.
Bar 1 = 25lbs round 1, 4, 7
Bar 2 = 25lbs round 2, 5
Bar 3 = 35lbs round 3, 6
Overhead single arm walks 20 yards = 70lbs

Daniel found this one on the Cross Fit Football site. Man I am glad he did. This is something I was needing. I felt like a kid again splitting cords of wood for my dad. We set out the tires for a striking surface and found a 2.5ft long 3in diamater piece of steel bar in the shop our guess 25lbs, and used the two practice bars from the weight room one about 5 ft long our guess 25 lbs, and one 8 foot long our guess 35lbs. The last bar was a man maker. The swings with it probably took 20% longer than the other two. We rotated from bar to bar and had 2 tires out. This one was awesome! Daniel and I both chose to use the 70lb dumbell to carry. I struggled with my left arm. 4 of my 7 rounds I had to help balance with my right arm.


I made an attempt at Barbra just because I had no equiptment but did have a Cedar tree with a branch that kind of worked. I had not been feeling good the last day or so. I think to much traveling and to much Holiday food. I finished round one and realized I should not have been doing anything. I ended up finishing 3 rounds. We will not discuss times per round. I was just happy to finish 3 rounds.

3 Rounds
20 pull-ups in a tree
30 push-ups
40 sit-ups un ancored butterfly sit-ups
50 body squats
Totals =
60 = pull-ups
90 = push-ups
120 = sit-ups
150 = body squats