Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Bench press, strict dips, alternating toes to bar, thrusters, heavy bag work

Bench Press
10 x 135
5 x 185
5 x 205
6 x 230
5 x 230
6 x 230
10 x 135

5 Rounds
15 strict dips - no bend in legs or hips
20 alternating toes to bar, rt side / lt side
5 Thrusters @ 135 lbs
1 min rest

1 - 1:37
2 - 1:54
3 - 2:21
4 - 3:47
5 - 2:56
Total time w/ rest - 16:39

15 minutes rest

Heavy Bag work
10 min - kicking
5 min rest
10 min - punching

Had one of the best rounds of bench press I have had in a long time today.  I am still using a narrower grip because of my shoulder still hurting.  With a more narrow grip I am very pleased.  Workout was rough as these seem to have been lately.  At least on me.  I fell off the planet split wise in round 4.  Round 3 was not much better.  Good of today was the new boxing gloves I got trading in the others worked great.  Punching and kicks were weak today.  Strength was way down by this part of the workout.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Box Jumps, Pull-ups, Jump Rope, KB Swings, Thrusters, Burpees, Heavy Bag work

4 Rounds of
All with Weight Vest on
5 Box Jumps - tall black box
10 Kipping Pull-ups
20 Jump Rope
20 KB Swings - @ 55lbs
10 Thrusters - @ 95lbs
5 Burpees
Round 1 - 60 sec
Round 2 - 90 sec
Round 3 - 2:30 sec

1 - 4:10
2 - 6:14
3 - 7:42
4 - 7:26
Total w/ rest - 30:33

10 min rest

10 minutes Heavy Bag punching combos - new gloves tore up my hands.  I will be taking them back.

5 minutes rest

10 minutes Kicking - alternating right and left

The first part of today was awful  That workout was more than I needed.  I think I just was not ready physically or mentally.  Kicking went much better today.  Right leg is getting stronger and left leg is progressing.  I hit the lower part of the bag with the metal safety bars to loosen the bottom of the bag to kick lower.  I need to do this before I punch too so I can save my wrists.  The base was packed so hard some places actually made the metal bar ping when I hit it.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Partner WOD, hit everything

Partner WOD
21 - 15 - 9
SDLHP - 55lbs
KB Swings - 55lbs
Ball Slams - 20lb ball
Heavy Rope Jump
3 - 2 - 1 - Partner harness pull

D - 21 - 4:31
R - 21 - 5:04
D - 15 - 3:41
R - 15 - 4:18
D - 9 - 2:27
R - 9 - 3:03
Total time - 23:05

Daniel and I discussed this before we started thinking it was going to be tough but not terrible.  Man were we wrong.  This one tore us up.  Both of us were on the floor during our recovery.  My splits were a bit slower than Daniels for a few reasons.  I had to walk to my start station after he finished his pulls.  I also just flat sucked at the heavy rope jumps.  I really struggled here today.  I got home and ate breakfast after moving a basketball goal for Vicki.  I sat down about an hour and a half after the workout.  I was feeling a bit tired.  I was asleep in a few minutes and was out for almost 2 hours.  Holy Cow!

Friday, December 26, 2014

Bench Press, Turkish-get-ups

10 x 135
5 x 185
5 x 205
5 x 230
5 x 230
5 x 230
10 x 135

50 - Turkish-get-ups @ 45lb KB

Splits @ every 10 get ups
1 - 2:24
2 - 2:58
3 - 3:45
4 - 3:28
5 - 3:43
Total time - 16:19

I did these w/ a 45lb KB.  I remembered how much I hate doing them with a KB by #8.  I use the KB when I have nothing else.  I need to remember this for next time.  Low back is still hurting.  My right shoulder is killing me.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Hard bike

3 plus miles with Jen and the dogs on hills
30 min later
Met boys for a steady state on trail
1.5 mile warmup
5 mile steady state
1.5 mile cool down

Just over 3 miles of this were at full tilt biking from the front to the back and back.  The end of the 5 miles the last 2 miles were as fast as I could go to catch the front group to get them their time.  My legs are shot.  My knees are pretty achey.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Ring Push-ups, Front Squats

Ring push-up ladder
18 full rounds
16 of the 19th round

187 total push-ups

Rest 5 minutes

135lb front squat ladder

63 total front squats

For the ladder pattern, perform one rep the first minute, two reps the second minute, three reps the third minute, continuing as long as you are able. Use as many sets each minute as needed.

Back is still pretty sore.  Not horrible today.  I am feeling better daily but still having trouble with recovery.  Muscles are not feeling recovered in time spance that they normally would.  Squats were supposed to be body weight so I adapted.  I have put on a few pounds in the last few days.  I have gone from 187 to 194.

Friday, December 19, 2014

12/18/14 Short WOD Pull-ups, Single arm Snatch, High knees, Supine rows, shuffle maze

3 Rounds
10 Pull-ups
10 Single arm snatch, 30lbs, 5rt/5lt
20 High knees
10 Supine rows
1   Shuffle maze
1 min rest

1 - 1:37
2 - 1:37
3 - 1:39
Total w/ rest - 6:51

Low back is killing me.  Snatches were awful.  I can only guess that it is left over from this weekend. I have also been sitting a bunch grading finals.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Bench Press, Thrusters, GHD'S

Bench Press
10 x 135
10 x 185
 8  x 205
  5 x 225
  5 x 225
  4 x 225
10 x 135

21 - 15 - 9
95lbs Thrusters

1 - 2:31
2 - 2:27
3 - 1:47
Total - 6:46

Legs are fried!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Burpees, Jump rope, Lunges, Butterfly sit-ups, heavy bag

3 Rounds
25 Burpees
150 Single Jump rope
50 Lunges
25 Butterfly sit-ups
1 min rest

1 - 5:52
2 - 5:41
3 - 5:06
Total w/ rest - 18:41

15 min rest

10 minutes heavy bag punching combos

3 min rest

8 minutes heavy bag kicking/kneeing practice

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Stretching, movement and hitting heavy bag

Long stretch and rolling out on the black roller, back and hips.

4 sets of 25 KB Swings at 55lbs
5 sets of 10 deep dips
5 sets of 10 deep GHD'S touching both arms touching floor and feet

Completed the above as a slow moving full recovery workout moving from one exercise to the next.
KB swings first
then dips
then GHD's

Wanted a total of 100 KB swings and 50 of dips and GHD's

15 minutes no break of steady punching heavy bag, working different combonations.
2 min rest
6 min of kicking heavy bag.  Alternating high and mid level kicks.  Some sets 10rt / 10lt, some alternating rt to lft.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Bench Press, A Bunch of Burpees

Bench Press
10 x 135
10 x 185
9 x 205
4 x 225
4 x 225
10 x 135

WOD w/ Daniel, dang good to work out together.  It has been to long.

5 Rounds for time of
50 Burpees - in wrestling room on mats
2 min rest between rounds

1 - 3:57
2 - 4:18
3 - 4:44
4 - 4:38
5 - 4:03
Total w/ rest - 29:44

Goal was to get under 5 min a round.  I got worried during and after round 3.  Heart rate was way up there but for both of us.  I would take it during the rest.  At 30 seconds I was 170 +.  By 1:30 I was at 130, so heart was ready.
This is the first WOD I have done in a while that my energy did not fall off.  I was very fatigued but it never just disappeared.  I did not feel bad either which is a change too.  I struggled cycling quickly but I was decently steady.  Rough one but a great feeling.  One I have needed for a while.

12/9/14 Ab ripper with out the run

Long warm up

3 Rounds
50 Butterfly Sit-ups
20 Bench Dips
50 Sit-ups w/ a twist
20 Body Squats
50 Crunches
1 Wall Climb
1 min rest

1 - 5:26
2 - 6:08
3 - 5:51
Total time - 19:26

Still feeling like dirt.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Abs and stuff

2 Rounds
20 Pull-ups
20 Flat Abs
20 Wide Push-ups
20 Leg Lifts
20 Toes-to-bar
20 Ball-slams @ 20lb ball
20 Hand release Push-ups, military
20 GHD's
20 Dips
5 min break

I timed this but man I felt awful today.  Here are the times.

1st round - 7:01
5 min
2nd round - 7:09

I think I was ahead 2nd round of the first round split until I hit the leg lifts and toes to bar.  From that point on I was sucking worse than I had the whole time.  My body just felt drained today.  No energy and had to push pretty hard to just finish.  I have really been struggling for the last 3 plus weeks.  I have good days but overall I am not feeling well.  Sleep has been decent and nutrition has been ok, I have even been drinking more water.  I definitely have not been eating junk, but man I don't feel right.  I did have the respiratory something for a few days before Thanksgiving.  My energy has been ok but my body does not recover from work and workouts.  After helping move on Saturday, (which I did not work that hard), I was beat up.  Sore all over. 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

12/6/14 moving the in laws

Drove the RV back to dad.  That seat hammers my back so I did not start off the day well.  I am still exhausted from the week of workouts.  We moved all the heavy stuff left in the storage lockers.  Once we were back we moved it all in the house.  Woke up this morning and my back is pretty sore.  Difference is it is sore all over.  Once I warmed up and rolled it out I am feeling better.  Interestingly my right bicep that was hurt a year or so ago has flared back up.  Not as bad as it was but still pretty achy.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Stretching and some mild movement

Today was my off day but I needed some stretching and movement.  Lots of rolling on the foam roller on the hips and back.
I also did some exercises.

5 sets of 10 deep slow GHD'S
5 sets of 10 deep slow dips

100 crunches
25 push-ups

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Med Ball box jump burpees, Tire slams. Partner harness pull

Partner WOD
10 Rounds for time of
5 Medicine Ball Box Jump Burpees
10 Tire Slams, 5 right 5 left
1 Harness partner pull length of weight room from garage door to office windows
One man was on while the other was resting and preparing harness.

1 - 2:32
2 - 2:43
3 - 2:31
4 - 2:34
5 - 2:39
6 - 2:32
7 - 2:41
8 - 2:36
9 - 2:38
10 - 2:28
Total time - 25:57

I am beat today.  The last few days have been rough.  Today was fun.  I think both Daniel and I got what we needed.  I will probably just stretch and do some abs tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Front Squat, Strict Pull-ups, Heavy KB Swings, Toes to bar, Lunges

Front Squat deep A to G
10 x 45
10 x 95
10 x 115
10 x 135
10 x 45

4 rounds for time of
10 Strict Pull-ups
10 Heavy KB Swings w/ 80lb dumbbell
10 Toes to bar
10 Lunges
1 min rest

1 - 1:22
2 - 2:02
3 - 3:04
4 - 4:58
Total w/ rest - 14:28

Rest 13 min

20 Burpees as fast as I could move
Total time - 1:19

I wanted to fry my grip and push heavy weight on the KB swings.  I got that done but might have pushed too hard.  I really hurt bad on this one.  The KB Swings were almost more than I could handle.  Doing them tired was not a great idea.  I really struggled with these.  In the last round I could barely lift the weight.  I lifted it felt a sharp pain in my abdominal muscle and dropped the weight.  I got very mad and was able to use the fury to finish the set.  Problem there sits.  I think I pushed my back to far.  I am typing this 5 hours later and my back is sore, and my body is drained.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Bench press, Turkish Get-ups, Butterfly Sit-ups, Body Squats

Bench press
10 x 135
10 x 185
  6 x 205
  3 x 225
10 x 185
10 x 135

For time:
30 Turkish Get-ups w/ 45lb bar
Splits at 10 reps no rest
1 - 4:33
2 - 3:59
3 - 2:53
Total - 11:26

5 minutes rest

4 rounds for time of
25 Butterfly Sit-ups
25 Body Squats

Splits no rest
1 - 1:05
2 - 1:20
3 - 1:32
4 - 1:14
Total time - 5:13

Turkish Get-ups were tough but not bad.  I am still recovering from something.  By round 2 I knew the 4 rounds was going to hammer me.  I started to press on the squats and my times were slipping.  I was in the CrossFit flop for a minute or so.
Good news is my bench press is coming back.  The shoulder is still sore but I was able to string together a decent round today.  Not super happy but happy none the less that I was for the most part pain free on the reps.  I used a narrower grip today which seemed to help.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Travel WOD

Drove all day to Kenosha for the Footlocker CC meet

10 Min stair master

5 Rounds
10 x Narrow push ups
20 x Body Squats
40 x Crunches
1 - 1:09
2 - 1:07
3 - 1:08
4 - 1:07
5 - 1:02
Total this set
50 - Narrow push-ups
120 - Body Squats
150 - total crunches

5 sets of - (not for time)
20 x Standard Push-ups
50 x Bicycle Sit-ups
Total from this set
100 - Standard Push-ups
250 - Bicycles

5 Sets of - (not for time)
20 x Narrow Push-ups
25 x Butterfly Sit-ups
Total from this set
100 - Narrow Push-ups
250 - Butterfly Sit-ups

10 min seated stationary bike


It has been a few days. I took the girls hunting then I got a bad respiratory infection that lasted for several days.  I just really felt like I was out of it today.  Still have a bit of a cough.  I wanted to get done core work in to help combat the sitting is going to have on my back.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Bench Press, Thrusters, Weighted Sit-ups, Dips, Wall Ball, Swinging Toe Touches, Pull-ups

Light bench shoulder hurting
10 x 135
10 x 185

4 Rounds for time of
5 Thrusters - 95lbs
15 Weighted Sit-ups @ 25 lbs
5 Dips
15 Wall Ball @ 25lbs
5 Swinging Toe-touches Rt/Lt swing
15 Pull-ups
1 Minute Rest

1 - 2:30
2 - 2:37
3 - 2:54
4 - 2:49
Total time - 13:52

This was an interesting workout.  I worked out with Spencer today.  I seem to be drained from Tuesday.  My body is not recovered, from I what I have no idea.  I don't feel tired but my strength is not there.  I am struggling with my right shoulder.  Back is a bit sore and bothering me but not bad.  During the workout my back bit me a bit.  By round 3 it warmed up and gave me no more problems.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Pull-ups, GHD'S, Ball-slams, Sit-ups w/ a twist, Single arm SDLHP

4 rounds for time of
10 Pull-ups
20 GHD'S with a twist
30 Ball Slams @ 20lb ball.
20 Sit-ups w/ a twist
10 Single arm SDLHP's @ 45lbs
1 minute rest

1 - 3:01
2 - 3:32
3 - 4:09
4 - 3:44
Total w/ rest - 17:29

I had planned on 5 rounds and by the end of round 2 I knew there was no way.  The GHD'S were hammering me.  Not often that I hit a workout that lays a burn down on the Abs that makes me want to quit.  I usually recover there.  I guess I got the job done here I was wanting an ab burner.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Wall ball, incline dumbbell flys, ninja jumps, KB, Ball slams, GHD'S

4 Rounds for time
15 Wall Balls
15 incline dumbbell flys at 60 lbs each arm
15 ninja jumps
15 KB Swings at 55lbs
15 Ball slams
15 GHD'S
1 min rest
1 - 5:03
2 - 5:12
3 - 4:53
4 - 5:08
Total w/ rest - 23:29

Right shoulder is really bothering me.  Not really hurting but I am very uncomfortable during bench press.  The dumbbell flys were awful.  By the last two rounds I was redlined trying to finish these.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

11/11/14 Bench, pull-ups, overhead lunges, GHD'S, Iron Crosses, KB Swings

Bench press
10 x 135, 5 x 185, 5 x 205, 3 x 225, 4 x 225, 3 x 225, 10 x 135

5 Rounds for time of
15 Pull-ups
30 Overhead lunges @ 45lb bumper plate
15 GHD'S
30 Iron Crosses at 5lb plates
15 KB Swings @ 55lbs
90 seconds rest

1 - 2:56
2 - 3:16
3 - 3:45
4 - 4:18
5 - 3:52
Total time w/ rest - 24:11

I knew the lunges were going to be tough but man this one was rough on me.  I drifted behind Daniel getting slower and slower.  When I hit the bed tonight I was out.  Still a bit shaky this morning.

Sunday, November 9, 2014


4 Rounds for time partner WOD
10 Thruster @ 95lbs
10 Single arm SDLHP @ 35lbs
10 hanging ab twists (like a toes to bar with a twist)
100 Single jump ropes
Rest was a 45 Barbell walk twisting till the bar was parallel with hip down and back while other man completes round.

1 - d- 1:38 / r - 1:52
2 - d - 1:43 / r - 1:47
3 - d - 2:20 / r - 1:49
4 - d - 2:40 / r - 1:50
Total time - 15:43

Sunday, November 2, 2014

bench press, ninja jumps, push press, GHDs, med ball burpees

Bench press
10 x 135
5 x 185
5 x 205
5 x 225
6 x 225
5 x 225

6 Rounds for time of
6 Ninja Jumps tall boxes
6 Push press @ 135lbs
12 GHDs
12 Med ball Burpees
90 seconds rest

1 - 2:25
2 - 2:25
3 - 2:15
4 - 2:23
5 - 2:25
6 - 2:12
Total time w/ rest - 21:35

Thursday, October 30, 2014

10/29/14 Partner WOD

5 Rounds for time - partner WOD
10 pull-ups / hand stand hold
D/B - plate drag w/ rings / tall box jump
10rt/10lt - alternating KB swing @ 35lbs / crazy chains
90 Seconds Rest

1 - 4:21
2 - 4:02
3 - 4:07
4 - 4:03
5 - 3:50
Total time - 26:26

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Bench, Dumbbell Push Press, Lunges, Back Ext., GHD's, Burpee Pull-ups

10 x 135
5 x 185
5 x 205
3 x 225
3 x 225
3 x 225
10 x 135

5 Rounds for time of:
10 Dumbbell Push Press - 35lbs each arm
20 Lunges 10 rt and 10 lft
10 Weighted back extensions 25lbs
10 GHD's
10 Burpee pull-ups
1 min rest

1 - 2:20
2 - 2:23
3 - 2:27
4 - 2:28
5 - 2:13
Total w/ rest - 16:53

1 min rest was just a bit short.  By round 3 I was hurting and my times were falling way off.  Daniel was really beginning to struggle because he has a decent sinus infection.  I don't think he was processing O2 very well.  We rested 2 minutes before round 5 and I was able to get more of a blast on the last round.  This helped Daniel a bunch too.  We should have had 1:30 on the rest to maintain the full speed on the workout.  Good day over all.  My back is still pretty sore and my right shoulder is giving me some trouble and I could really feel it on the bench today.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Lunges and Push-ups

400 meters of Lunges
25 push-ups every 50 meters and at finish

TIME = 20:50

Had a track workout with the kids today.  We were done early the weather was amazing so I decided on the above.  I did not push super hard today just got it done.  Steady pace or not did not make a huge amount of difference.  My legs are sore and were burning by the first 100 meters.

Back was pretty sore today but I have been stretching a bunch.  We will see how the next few days progress.  Still super happy I ran.  Felt dang good.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Took the CC team to the district site.  Felt pretty good and the course is crazy fast.  I ran with the boys today.  Ran 1.5 miles on grass.  I really was never out of breath. Not sure on pace.  Back is a bit sore but I have been dealing with some tight hips and tight back most of the last 2 weeks.  Is a bit worse now but I will re assess tomorrow.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

AM at Daniels, Sand Bag carry, med ball partner twists, KB Swings, goblet squats, med ball slam, sled pull

Started with a 1mile 30lb sand bag carry on hills.

5 Rounds for time of
10 Med ball partner twist and pass.  We went right tap then left pass to partner. So 2 twists = 1rep
10 KB Swings @ 55lbs
10 Goblet Squats @ 55lbs KB
10 Ball Slams 20lb ball from above
1 min rest

1 - 1:41
2 - 1:20
3 - 1:13
4 - 1:14
5 - 1:10
Total time w/ rest - 10:52

7 minute rest

Partner sled pull.  One man pull - down and back was other mans rest.  Trade off and adjust weight if needed as other man was putting harness on.  Descending weight.
1st pull was w/ 45lb plate
2nd pull was w/ 35lb plate
3rd pull was w/ 25lb plate
4th pull was w/ just sled
5th pull/run was w/ no sled

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Front Squat, Tire Slams, Punching Plate Drag, Supline Rows, Dip Rack Ab upside down bumps, Sled Push

Started with a short light front squat.  Stayed light but did go up on weight.  My back has been achy but not hurting. Just trying to slowly work back up.
5 x 115lbs
5 x 135
5 x 155

5 Rounds for time of the following (PARTNER WOD)
* - Alternating Tire Slams - Rt slams on the partners way down then Lt slams on the partners way back, of next exercise.  Was able do 12 rt slams and 12 lt slams every round.
* - Down and Back - Ring, Punching motion 25lb plate drag, Alternating jab straight out to up on way down, Alternating upward hook on way back.  While partner is Sledge hammer slamming the tire. Switch at completion of this exercise.  Ring each hand dragging a 25lb plate each side for punching pull.
10 - Supline rows in rack on bench bar feet up on bench
15 - Dip rack abs, hang from hand hold and kick feet up and over body and touch toes on back pad.
1 - Sled push 35lbs each side - Down and back
2 min rest

1 - 2:47
2 - 2:41
3 - 3:03
4 - 3:04
5 - 2:52
Total time w/ rest - 22:30

Two totally new exercises.  Daniel was on today with inventing new stuff.  Writing out the workout I was convinced 2 min would be too much rest but by round 3 it was barely enough.  This one toasted my bacon.  Great workout.  I am going to try and take a picture of how the ab looked and the ring plate drag punches so I don't forget.  These were great and sucked at the same time!
* - Partner determined.  Man on plate drag determined how long you slammed.
Ring punching motion plate drags
Dip rack abs - upside down toe bumps

Friday, October 17, 2014

10/16/14 - abs, Turkish get ups, bench press

1 Round
50 - Butterfly sit-ups
4 - Turkish-get-ups all reps with 45lb long bar
50 - Bicycles
4 - Turkish-get-ups
50 - Leg-lifts
4 - Turkish-get-ups
50 - Sit-ups w/ a twist

Finished with bench press
10 x 135
10 x 185
8 x 205
2 x 225
10 x 135

10/15/14 - rope torture

1 - Rope assent
30 - Wall Ball
1 - Rope Assent
30 - Push-ups
1 - Rope assent
30 - GHD'S
1 - Rope assent
30 - Back Extensions
1 - Rope assent
60 - Single Jump Ropes
1 - Rope assent
30 - Burpees
1 - Rope assent

Time - 12:25

Ropes kicked my rear.  Well everything did.  I was way off today.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Moving the In laws day 2

Continued for most of the day moving my in-laws.  All the heavy stuff is mine this weekend trying to get it out of the house.  Not bad, but I can tell I have been having to move the heavy stuff on my own.  Parts are just a bit achey.  Back is just a bit sore as well.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

PM helped the in laws begin to move

Began the moving process.  Sofas, hutches and so on today.  Today was the heavy stuff!  The gun safe was 500 plus lbs.  holy cow.

AM WOD Front squat, farmers carry, GHD'S, chest to bar pull-ups, lunges, ball slams

Started with some front squats very light.  My back has been bothering me.  I did 4 sets of A to G front squats at 115lbs which has been bothering the heck out of me.
7 Rounds for time of
1 farmers carry down and back down left hand back right hand 100lbs 15yards one way
7 Chest to bar pull-ups
7 Lunges
7 Ball Slams 20lb ball
1 min rest
1 - 1:19
2 - 1:08
3 - 1:07
4 - 1:03
5 - 1:03
6 - 1:04
7 - 1:00
Total w/ rest - 13:43

Friday, October 10, 2014

10/9/14 Burpees, push-ups, abs

5 Rounds w/ CC kids no time
5 Burpees
10 Push-ups
50 Ab movements - of choice
Rounds of abs above after the burpees and push-ups
Round 1
Ab - 50 GHD'S
Round 2
Ab - 50 Toes to bar
Round 3
Ab - 50 Weighted sit up 25lb plate
Round 4
Ab - 50 Sit-up with a twist
Round 5
Ab - 50 Butterfly sit-ups

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Bench Press, all over WOD

Bench Press
10 x 135
10 x 185
8 x 205
3 x 225 - frustrated here, fired off 8 of these with out a bunch of trouble a few weeks back.
10 x 185
10 x 135

5 rounds of:
10 x Push Press 105 lbs
20 x rack ab ball touches
10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 of box over Burpees
2 Turkish-getups
100 jump rope
Rest = 2min, 1:30, 1:00, 30seconds
1 - 5:49
2 - 5:45
3 - 5:19
4 - 4:47
5 - 3:22
Total time - 30:04 w/ rest

This one was tough for me.  Box over Burpees were a lateral jump.  I got 6 of the lateral jumps 1st round then had to do a straight jump.  Did first 3 of second round straight jump then went back to lateral jumps.  I guess I had to just get in a rhythm because after this I stayed with the lateral jumps.

Abs and Push-ups at CC practice 10/1/14

10 wide push ups
20 Jack Hammer ab
10 narrow push ups
40 sit-ups w/ a twist
10 hand release
40 Butterfly sit-ups
10 wide push-ups
30 toes-to-bar
10 narrow push ups
100 reg crunches

When done 100 mirror runs 50/50 split

Monday, September 29, 2014

9/28/14 PM Family Fun

The Longs and the Bandy's went for some rough trail riding this afternoon.  Covered roughly 10 miles of some pretty decent terrain.  Only had a hand full of crashes ;-).  A great time was had by all.  Beautiful weather and great fellowship.

9/28/14 AM WOD

4 Rounds
30 foot Rope Wind down
10 Toes to bar
10 dumbbell push press 40 lbs each arm
10 dumbbell full squats 40 lbs each arm
30 foot Rope Wind back
90 seconds rest
1 - 1:37
2 - 1:24
3 - 1:27
4 - 1:31
Total time w/ rest - 10:26

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Short WOD with CC kids

1 round
40 KB Swings @ 55lbs
40 SDLHP @ 55lbs
40 Push-ups (narrow hands)
50/50 Mirror Runs 50 rt leg forward 50 lt leg forward
30 Toes-to-bar

Hit punching bag for about 10 minutes

September 16th Meet set up day

Drove Fence posts (roughly 50) most of the morning and found a great adaptation for the sled push.

The porta-poties had to be moved and no one was there to get that done.

September 21st

5 Rounds
10 Ring Dips
10 Med Ball Cleans
10 Supline Rows (rings)
Down and back Sled Push on pavement (these burnt today)
1 min rest

1 - 1:20
2 - 1:08
3 - 1:08
4 - 1:12
5 - 1:34 - Blasted rt knee cap on rack safety bar coming out to do cleans.  Hurt like crazy. Still tender to touch 2 days later as I post this.
Total w/ rest - 10:24

September 20th

Started with Bench Press
10 x 135
6 x 185
3 x 205
1 x 240
1 x 240
1 x 240
5 x 205
10 x 135

10/10 - 20 Punching Bag (punches) - Alternating Right and Left swings
10/10 - 20 Punching Bag (kicks) - Alternating Right and Left Kicks
10 - Rack abs did these a week or so ago.  Feet in bottom of pull-up racks touching back pad at top
10 - Ball Slams
10 - Wall Ball
1 min rest

1 - 2:27
2 - 2:23
3 - 2:24
4 - 2:30
5 - 2:30
6 - 2:33
Total time w/ rest - 19:39

September 17th

4 Rounds
5 - Pull-ups Chest to Bar
5/5 - 10 Single arm KB Swings @30lbs
15 - Weighted Step ups medium box with 40lbs each arm
20 - GHD's
1 min rest

1 - 2:01
2 - 2:00
3 - 2:03
4 - 2:18
Total w/ rest - 11:23

Box step ups were awful.  I was in rough shape by round 3. 

September 14th

5 Rounds
1 Barbell - ab roll - Partner style - Ron-Daniel-R-D-R - first man starts and motors on hands feet on bar and switches with other man.
20 Lunges
10 KB swings @ 55lbs
5 Burpee Bar Overs
1 min rest

1 - 1:54
2 - 1:51
3 - 1:52
4 - 1:58
5 - 2:06
Total w/ rest - 13:44

Sucked at the Bar overs today.  Had to cheat on just about every one after round 1.

September 13

5 Rounds
10 - Ball Slams
10 - Goblet Squats
20 - Ab (feet locked at back of pull-up racks at mirrors and full sit-up with a 8lbs med ball touching back pad over head) great new ab movement.  Good work Daniel.
10 Jumping Jack Push-ups

1 - 1:16
2 - 1:18
3 - 1:26
4 - 1:36
5 - 1:42
Total time - 11:21

September 1st

5 Rounds
10 Partner Ball Slams - stood 15 to 20 feet apart and did a ball slam for distance to the partner they caught and returned in same fashion
30 Jump Rope
15 straight leg swings (ab)
16 dumbbell Push up swings - swinging one arm up and over body to full extension alternating arms with each rep.
1 min rest

1 - 2:29 
2 - 2:42
3 - 2:51
4 - 3:00
5- 2:48
Total time - 17:54

August 30th

5 Rounds
5 Burpee Bar Overs
10 Weighted Sit-ups
10 Push Press
1 Harness Pull
1 min rest

1 - 2:15
2 - 2:06
3 - 2:03
4 - 2:05
5 - 2:20
Total w/ rest - 14:50

New element with the Bar overs.  

August 27th

4 Rounds
6 partner Ball Side Throws 20lb ball
50 Jump ropes
10/10 - 20 total 1 arm Clean and Jerk - 40 lbs 
1 Sled Push @ 90lbs on the sled
1:30 rest

1 - 1:49
2 - 1:44
3 - 1:48
4 - 1:44
Total time - Lost total time?

Since we have lost a wall to do wall slams on we still wanted this element.  Daniel and I stood about 15 to 20 feet apart and did the same motion as the Wall Slam throwing motion but throwing to each other in the air, catching and returning.  Great exercise adaptation.

August 25th w/ CC kids 99.5 deg / Heat Index 102deg

6 Rounds
400 Meters
15 Weighted sit-ups 25lb plate
15 Push Press dumbbells - 45lbs each arm
15 Single arm SDLHP @ 55lbs
5 Burpees

After WOD
25/25 Mirror Runs
25 Toes to bar

Man this was a crazy hot one today.  Everyone worked hard.  Rule was you must finish run enter weight room take a drink, complete weight exercises, take a drink before leaving weight room for the run.  Fell off the planet the last 2 rounds.
1 - 3:50
2 - 4:25
3 - 4:58
4 - 4:51
5 - 6:19
6 - 6:46
Total time - 31:13

August 24th

4 Rounds
6 Ninja Jumps - 2 boxes side by side stand in middle jump straight up spread legs for landing - tall black boxes
8 Pull-ups
10 Wall-Ball
12 GHD's
30 Second Rest

1 - 2:13
2 - 1:57
3 - 1:53
4 - 1:54
Total time - 9:30 w/ rest

After WOD

4 Harness blast - each

August 20th

4 Rounds
20 Ball Slams 20lb ball
15 Goblet Lunge 20lb ball
10 Knees to Elbow
5 Burpee Pull-ups
1 min Rest

1 - 1:38
2 - 1:25
3 - 1:27
4 - 1:25
Total time - 8:23 w/ rest

August 18th 92Degrees

4 Rounds
Run 400 meters
20 SDLHP @ 55lbs
25 Lever Pulls
10 Goblet Squats @ 55lbs
10 Good Mornings - no weight
10 Iron Crosses

After workout
50/50 Mirror runs
25 Toes to bar

August 17th

10 Rounds
10/10 - 20 Sledge Tire Slams
1 Down weight room length - Harness partner pull
40 Air Sprints

1 - 1:06
2 - 1:05
3 - 1:07
4 - 1:08
5 - 1:06
6 - 1:07
7 - 1:08
8 - 1:09
9 - 1:08
10 - 1:05
Total time - 21:31

August 16th

4 rounds
10 each Partner med-ball TWISTS passing to partner
10 Push Press 135lbs
10 Burpees
1 Frog Jump Wheel 
1 min Rest

1 - 2:01
2 - 1:54
3 - 1:57
4 - 2:16
Total - 11:11

Frog jump things sucked!

August 13th

3 Rounds
5/5 each person - GHD Medicine Ball Catch one guy does full GHD touches floor with 20lb med ball and overhead throws to partner on other GHD motion repeated.
10 Chest to Bar pull-ups
50 Jump rope
10/10 - 20 One arm pull snatch
10 Box jumps

1 - 2:58
2 - 2:57
3 - 3:15
Total time - 11:42

This was a surprisingly rough one.  Took Daniel down.  I was not feeling great but hit him hard.  He must have had a bug or something.

August 10th

4 rounds
10 Pull-ups
15 Thrusters 45lbs
20 SDLHP's 45lbs
25 Sit-ups w/ a twist
30 KB Swings - 45lbs
15 Ball Slams
1 min Rest

1 - 3:32
2 - 3:46
3 - 4:07
4 - 4:09
Total w/ rest - 18:37 

August 9th

15 min Stationary Bike

3 Rounds
25 KB swings 35lbs, 40lbs, 45lbs
20 Sit-ups w/ a twist
20 Elevated push-ups
20 SDLHP's 35lbs, 40lbs, 45lbs
20 Body Squats
15 min Stationary Bike

1 - 3:02
2 - 3:20
3 - 3:16
Total - 9:39

July 31st

Quick one

Bench Press
10 x 135
10 x 185
5 x 205
3 x 225
10 x 135

80 x GHD's
10, 20, 30, 20

Did the GHD's between the bench press sets


4 rounds -

A new format.  Interesting, struggling on how to post it.  Hope this looks right.  Posting the picture I took.  It was actually a bit of fun.  One man started with one exercise and on the right and the man doing the punches/slams/hits.  Went until the other man was done with each exercise before moving on to the next station.  The punches/slams/hits were in this pattern R/L/R/L for right and left sides.

July 29th

5 Rounds
10 Pull-ups
20 Lunges
15/15 Single arm SDLHP
40 Sit-ups - Butterfly
10 Box Jump (Tall black box)
1 min rest

1 - 3:13
2 - 3:00
3 - 3:12
4 - 3:35
5 - 3:05
Total time w/ rest - 20:08

Daniel really pulled away from me on rounds 3 - 5.  I am feeling very fatigued. 

July 28th

5 Rounds
15 KB Swings @ 55lbs
10 Burpees
15 Back Extensions
3 Thrusters @135
2 min rest

This one was rough on me.  I really struggled on the Thrusters.  I did 5 of 135 the first round and it was way to many for how I was feeling.  To much has been going on.

July 26th

Cut down a few more trees and pieced them up.

July 26th

Cut down a few trees in the yard and pieced them up.

Monday, September 22, 2014

July 25th

Helped move all the weights back to the weight room.

Bench Press
10 x 135
10 x 185
10 x 205
5 x 225
10 x 135

Then WOD
3 Rounds
10 Push-ups
10 Butterfly Sit-ups
10 KB Swings @ 55lbs
10 sit-ups w/ a twist
10 right side tire slams
10 left side tire slams
10 Crunches
1 down and back sled pull w/ 45lb plate
1 min rest

Did not time this.

July 22nd

Short warm up with Cardio kids
5 rounds each loop and exercise is 1 round
Grass Lap
15 partner Burpees,  burpee then the jump is a lateral jump over your partner in push-up position.

Grass Lap
15 Clapping push-ups

Grass Lap
15 leap frogs over partner

Grass Lap
25 Sit ups with a high 5 with partner at top of sit-up

Grass Lap
High Knee Jump over partner in plank position

July 20th

3 Rounds
Sled Pulls - long down and up hill pull down Daniels drive way with sled I think we had a 45lb plate on sled.  Roughly 300 meters.  While one man is pulling sled the other is completing the following.  1 set - 20 KB Swings @ 55lbs, 20 Sit-ups, 20 SDLHP's @ 55lbs

The Sled pull took roughly 3 min each round.

The up hill pull was rough.

July 19th

5 Rounds
6 tire flips - 3 out 3 back
40 Tire Slams 20 each side
10 Tire Jump
25 GHD's in tire
1 Min Rest

1 - 2:39
2 - 2:39
3 - 2:50
4 - 2:47
5 - 3:02
Total time w/ rest - 18:02

July 18th

Some what of a rest day.  After Cardio kids did CrossFit I went through a bit of movement to get some blood flowing.  

Bench Press NARROW Grip
10 x 135
10 x 185
6 x 205
3 x 225

15 pull-ups dead hang in 3 sets
25 KB swings at 45lbs
25 GHD's

July 17th

AM Biked 13 miles with Cardio

Cut trees all day at George and Glennas.  Got home at 11:15pm.  Long hard day.  I feel like someone has beaten the tar out of me.

July 16th

AM - Bike 10 miles with Cardio kids

Cut 2 trees at George and Glennas

July 15th CrossFit with Cardio kids

Two part workout Part outside Part inside

3 Rounds Soccer field
2 loops Grass (Big Loops)
10 Push-ups
50 Body Squats

3 Rounds Weight room
600 meter run
20 Lever pulls
20 Iron Crosses
20 Hollow rocks
1 set of tire jumps

After WOD
25 Toes to bar


July 14th Mulched up first trees I cut at George and Glennas

July 13 Work on Deck and Yard

July 12 Work on Deck and Yard

July 11th PM WOD

5 Rounds
10 Pull-ups
20 KB Swings
30 Butterfly Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
10  Box Jumps - tall black box
1 Sled push - 45lbs on each side
2 min Rest

1 - 3:42
2 - 3:38
3 - 3:21
4 - 3:16
5 - 3:04
Total time w/ rest - 25:03

I tried to go as fast as I could each round.  I thought the WOD had decent flow.

July 11th AM WOD w/ CardioFitness

5 Rounds
Run 600 meter
20 Push-ups Alternate hands each round wide, narrow
30 KB Swings/SDLHP
     Round 1, 3, 5 = KB Swings
     Round 2, 4     = SDLHP
40 Sit-ups with a twist, Lever pulls
     Round 1, 3, 5 = Sit-ups with a twist
     Round 2, 4     = Lever pulls

After WOD
25 Toes to bar

Actually ran today and felt great.  Legs got very tired by round 3 - 5.  Had to force body to stay on my toes to save my back.

July 9th Morning Bike, Canoe trip

July 7th Bike, KB Swings, Sit-ups, Push-ups

Morning and Afternoon bike rides with kids.  6 to 8 in the morning and 8 to 10 in the evening.

100 KB Swings @ 55lbs for time

50 KB Swings - 1:30
1 min rest
50 KB Swings - 1:32

Short rest

100 Sit-ups with a twist
100 Push-ups 50 wide and 50 reg.

July 6th JBD Camp 8 miles hilly bike ride

July 3rd 100 Burpees for time

50 Burpees at 4:33
2 min rest
50 Burpees at 4:23

Total time w/ Rest 10:57, 8:56 on exercise time

July 2nd Vacation WOD KB, SDLHP, Bench Dips, Body Squats

Vacation WOD
1 Round
50 KB Swings @ 55lbs
25 Rt arm SDLHP @ 55lbs
25 Lt arm SDLHP @ 55lbs
50 Bench Dips
50 Body Squats
8 min rest
50 Butterfly Sit ups
50 Push-ups

Friday, June 27, 2014


3 Rounds
50 Butterfly sit-ups
15 Dips
50 Sit-ups with a twist
20 Body Squats
50 Crunches
1 Wall Climb
20 Right side Tire Slams
20 Left side Tire Slams
20 Toes to bar

I did not run today.  Just did not feel up to it.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

6/25/14 Bear Crawl/handstand walk, Crazy Rope, Jedi's, KB Chain Drag and Pull, Tire Slam, Single Arm Clean and Jerk

4 Rounds
45 seconds each station as many reps as possible in time, 1 round is all 6 stations
Bear Crawl / Handstand Walk
Crazy Rope
Jedi heavy rope swings
KB Chain Drag and Pull @ 100lbs of KB's
Tire Slam w/ 10lb sledge
Heavy Single arm Clean and Jerk @ 60lbs - reps per round - 6, 6, 6, 8.
45 Rest

This was a fun workout.  I did not hurt to bad but with Mondays WOD we are all still ripped up.  One guy started the next started 45 seconds later then the next.  I called out the splits as we went for rotations.  Great flow.  I enjoyed the pacing.  You could go as hard as you needed or wanted.  I enjoyed the fact that one guy could be resting while the others were going.  First two rounds I did hand stand walks.  By 3 and 4 I did bear crawls.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

PM WOD pull-ups, wall slams, ball slams, GHD'S

5 Rounds
10 Pull-ups (kipping)
10 Wall-slams 20lb ball
10 Ball-slams 20lb ball
10 GHD'S
1 min rest
1 - 1:15
2 - 1:07
3 - 1:05
4 - 1:04
5 - 1:00
Time with rest - 9:33

I am beat from yesterday.  I sore all over and just tired from head to toe.  I loved yesterday's but it was a barn burner.

AM WOD with Cardio Kids

Primary Playground
100 Lunges
Weight Room
20 KB Swings @ 55lbs
50 Crunches

Intermediate Playground
1 Set Monkey bars
5 Pull-ups
Weight Room
20 SDLHP @ 55lbs
50 Crunches

High School Flag Pole
10 wide
10 narrow
10 wide
10 narrow
Weight Room
20 SDLHP @ 55lbs
50 Crunches
20 KB Swings @ 55lbs
50 Crunches

25 Toes to bar

Biked to all locations.  Had to hang around the Intermediate for a while to help a bunch of people across the Monkey Bars.  Rungs on monkey bars were wet from humidity.
I am exhausted from yesterdays afternoon WOD.  As soon as I started the lunges I knew I was in trouble.  I am writing this 4 hours later and dragging.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Bench Matrix, Thrusters, Hang Clean, SDLHP

Bench Matrix, Best one I have had in a long time.
10 x 135
8 x 175
5 x 205
3 x 215
1 x 245
1 x 245
1 x 245 - slow, almost stalled out.  Daniel was a split second away from helping and some how it started moving again.  It is awesome having a spotter that knows their bud.  Wish I could say the same.  I pretty much jacked up his bench press today.
5 x 205
10 x 135

20 Minute AMRAP  8 rounds and 5 Thrusters, 7 Cleans in 20 min, finished 9th at 21min.
5 x 95lb Thrusters
7 x 95lb Hang Clean
10 x 95lb SDLHP

I did have splits but I did not have my watch with me and used my phone.  The dang thing for some reason cleared them out even though I did not stop the function.  So much for smart I phones.  Sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This one was a rough one.  I was pretty worried about the SDLHP.  I only went to my thighs the first two rounds till I could feel my back was warmed up.  I then went to the floor with it from then on out.  Using a solid hip thrust to get it off the ground.  I will see how my back holds up tomorrow.  I really felt no pain.  Other than the workout, and with that there was plenty.

Concerning Daniels bench set that I screwed up, and why I was all jacked up.  I wanted to write a note to remind my self.  I was out in the parking lot next to the truck about 50ft from the power pole.  I heard a pop and a noise like an arc welder.  There was an arc of electricity shooting out of one line connect to another at least 2 feet long and looked to be about 8 inches across.  All you have to do is see that to realize how much power is surging through those things.  Jen came by and said they saw it from the intermediate and Jenni texted Daniel and said they saw it at the primary.  Pretty dang scary.  It lasted long enough that I started to back pedal to the back of the truck just in case it blew.  At first I thought it was a lightning strike.

Friday, June 20, 2014

AM WOD With Cardio Kids

Big Loop Soccerfield
50 SDLHP @ 55lbs
Big Loop Soccerfield
50 KB Swings @ 55lbs
Big Loop Soccerfield
50 Push Ups
Big Loop Soccerfield
20  Burpees

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Turkish Get-ups, crunches

3 Rounds for Completion
10 Turkish Get-ups alternating arms, 45lbs bar
50 Crunches

Supposed to be day off but came in to get Darrin his last day for the week.  Nice little WOD, Turkish get ups suck so to be able to do them in a nice controlled pace and workout was nice.  

6/18/14 Partner WOD

Metcon was a Follow-The-Leader WOD.  It consisted of three men, me, Daniel and Darin doing three rounds of the workout.  Each man would lead the each round by doing the exercise that end destination while the other two men held a position in a isolation exercise.  This means each guy would do destination, isolation, isolation, destination, isolation, isolation when he was the leader and the other guys would do the same exercises except the destination exercise would be in the middle of the isolations or at the end.  We took a three minute rest after each round.
3 Rounds of:
The exercises were: (Destination, Isolation)
Two down and backs on the sled with 50lbs + 3 Burpees
Back extension holding chest up
Ring dips holding in the top straight arm position
30 butterfly sit-ups
Hold in the top of a push-up
L sit hanging hold
3 min

This was more of a go through the motions workout.  Interesting design, something to think about for a later date.  I am so beat down from the last 2 plus weeks I was not complaining about this at all.  I did fail out on the ring holds 2 times having to get back up.

6/17/14 PM WOD Box Jumps, KB Drag, KB Chain pull

7 Rounds
10 Box jumps - Tall box
Down - 165lb KB Chain Drag
Back - 165lb KB Chain Pull
1 min Rest

1 - 48.60
2 - 52.07
3 - 57.85
4 - 53.82
5 - 58.83
6 - 58.61
7 - 46.74
Rounds w/ rest - 12:16

Daniel came up with this one.  Solid leg burn.  Holy cow.  The Drag had the legs on fire after the first 10 feet.  Great workout.

6/17/14 AM WOD w/ Cardio Kids

5 Rounds
1 - Big Soccer Field Loop - bare foot run
10 - Jump and Touch - top rail of soccer goal
20 - Push-ups
30 - Body Squats
5 - Burpees

After workout 25 toes to bar.

6/16/14 PM WOD Pull-ups, KB Swings, Ball Slams, Lever Pull Sit-ups, Burpees

5 Rounds
15 Pull-ups (kipping)
15 KB Swings - first round 70 lbs 2nd to end 60 lbs
15 Ball Slams - 20 lb ball
15 Lever Pull Sit-ups
5 Burpees
2 min Rest

1 - 2:01
2 - 2:11
3 - 2:20
4 - 2:34
5 - 2:10
Total time w/ rest - 19:19.20

By the end of this I was red-lined.  I was barely standing during the KB swings.  Hit the floor in a lake of sweat after this one.  The final time did crack me up.  It was pretty much 19:19.19. 

6/14/14 Cutting down trees

Went to Lebanon to cut some trees down for George and Glenna (old neighbors).

By the end of the night I was pretty whooped.

6/13/14 PM WOD Thrusters, Farmer Walk, Tire Slam, Waiter Walk, Plate Push

4 Rounds
10 Thrusters 95lbs in rack
Down and back Farmer Walk switch hands
20 Tire Slam 10rt and 10lt
Down and back Waiter Walk switch hands
Down and back Plate Push w/ 45lbs
90 seconds rest

1 - 3:12
2 - 3:00
3 - 3:07
4 - 3:15
Total time - 17:50 with rest 

AM WOD with Cardio kids

3 Rounds
1 large Grass Loop Soccer Field
10 Hang Power Clean (Dumbbells)35lbs
10 Front Squats (Dumbbells) 35lbs
10 Push Press (Dumbbells) 35lbs
10 Lunges (Dumbbells) 35lbs

After Workout
25 Toes to bar
50 Butterfly Sit-ups

6/12/14 Ball Slams, Wall Slams, Single Arm SDLHP's, Knees to chest, Plate Push

3 Rounds
10 Ball Slams 20lb ball
10 Wall Slams 20lb ball
20 Single arm SDLHP's - 10 each arm
10 Knees to chest
1 Plate Push

Rest - 2:00 min rest

Second workout with Darrin.  It was supposed to be our day off so Daniel was not in. 

6/11/14 1st WOD with Daniel and Darrin ROCKY type

3 Rounds
15 - SDLHP's 55lbs
1 - Set of Rope Duck under's shuffle step
15 - KB Swings
25 - Crunches
40 - Jabs on heavy bag - 20 Rt - Jab, 20 Lt - Jab
1 min rest

First workout with Darrin in.  Great to have another body moving through this stuff.  This was the 3rd day on a rough set for the week.  I know I was beat by today.

6/10/14 PM WOD DB Lunges, Bicycle Crunches, Frog Jumps, GHD's, 20 Sec Wall Sit, Farmer Carry

4 rounds
Dumbbell Lunges DOWN
50 Bicycle Crunches
Frog Jumps BACK
15 GHD's
20 Second Wall Sit
Walk to far side and pick up weight for Double Farmer walk back
60 Seconds rest

1 - 2:24
2 - 2:16
3 - 2:08
4 - 2:04
Total - 11:54

Good workout.  We would split on a few exercises but then even back up by the wall sit.

6/10/14 AM WOD

I was beat from yesterday so I just kind of flowed through the workout.  I only ran a little.  Most of the time I was partnering up with the kids that got separated from their partner for the burpees.

8 Rounds
4 Partner Burpees - one person is in push-up hold top position while other is doing 4 burpees jumping over the down person.  Then switch.
4 Goblet Squats - @ 55lbs
44 Butterfly Sit ups

After Workout
25 Toes to bar

6/10/14 AM WOD Frog Jumps, Grass Hoppers, 1 arm SDLHP, Burpees, Tire Slams

4 Rounds
400 meter  Run
Frog Jumps
20 Grass Hoppers
20 1 Arm SDLHP's - Alternate each arm 10rt, 10lt
10 Burpees
20 Tire Slams 10 each side

After WOD
100 mirror runs
25 toes to bar

6/9/14 Curls, Supline rows, Dead Hang pull-ups, Kipping pull-ups, Jump ropes, Burpee pull-ups

Straight bar curls
10 x 65
10 x 75
10 x 85
8 x 95
4 x 95

Our WOD focused on arms, back and the number 7.

7 Rounds
7 - Supline pull-ups
7 - dead hang pull-ups
7 - kipping pull-ups
21 - Double -unders
7 - Burpee Pull-ups
70 seconds Rest

1 - 1:45
2 - 2:11
3 - 3:20
4 - 3:41
5 - 4:02
6 - 4:03
7 - 3:06
Total time - 29:12 w/rest

Posting this a week plus after doing this workout I can honestly say this was a tremendous drain on the system.  The dead hangs were tough but the Supline rows put the hurt on me for easily 5 days.  I tried to do some workouts that engaged the upper torso just to be able to warm them up enough to move them.

6/6/14 PM WOD - Ball Slams

Power Matrix Bench
135 x 10
165 x 8
190 x 5
205 x 3
225 x 1
225 x 1
225 x 1
205 x 5

WOD was Death by Ball slam.  So 1st minute was 2 burpees + 1 ball Slam, 2nd minute was 2 burpees + 2 ball slam, 3rd minute has 3 ball slams ...

 Daniel and I did this for 41 minutes.  Both of us were really hurting by the end, Daniel said he wanted to get to his age and I started thinking I would like to hit mine.  It was great Daniel stuck with me to the end. Daniel said if his life depended on it, he could have done one more.  I have to agree but man this was a rough one.  I some how got out of this one with no blisters.

Total was 82 burpees and 906 ball slams.  I felt this one for days. 

6/6/14 Morning WOD with Cardio kids

4 rounds
400 meter run
Forward Roll
20 KB Swings
20 Push-ups - Hand Release
20 Lever Pull Sit-ups

After workout 25 Toes to bar

I ran 400 meters each round.  I am sore but not to bad.  Pretty happy with being able to get a run.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

6/4/14 Partner WOD

Front Squat
135 x 10
145 x 8
155 x 6
165 x 4

This one was a buddy workout with Daniel.  One of us would do barbell Turkish Get-ups while the other did the following and we would trade back and forth for four rounds.

30 back extensions
20 Wire Walks (Dipping under and stepping over tight jump ropes)
10 Tire fips with a jump, up, in, up, out, the middle (small tractor tire)

Great workout.  Really enjoyed this.  I can't remember how many Turkish Get-ups per round but they were solid. We both did the same number each round.  Each setting the bar for the next guy.
Turkish Get-ups
1 - 9
2 - 12
3 - 12
4 - 12

R 1 - 3:12
D 2 - 3:14
R 3 - 3:25
D 4 - 3:38
R 5 - 3:16
D 6 - 3:29
R 7 - 2:59
D 8 - 3:08
Total time - 26:25

6/3/14 Curls, Pull ups, Lunges, Ball Slams, knees to chest, Jump rope

5  Rounds
10 Pull ups
10 lunges
10 Ball Slams
20 knees to chest
80 Jump rope singles
1:30 rest

1 - 2:30
2 - 2:25
3 - 2:14
4 - 2:15
5 - 2:13
Total time with rest - 17:08

June 3 AM with Cardio kids

4 Rounds
400 meter run
20 KB Swings
20 Push-ups - hand release
20 Lever Pulls

After WOD - 25 Toes to bar

Saturday, June 14, 2014

June 2nd Wall walks, Frog Jumps, SDLHP's, PLATE PULLS

4 Rounds
5 Wall Walks
Frog Jumps down and back
10 SDLHP's
PLATE PULL - Down and back

State Track meet workouts, Hill runs, Table jumps, Burpees, Butterfly Sit ups

Stationary bike

I think this is what we did.  This one is lost too.

5 Hill runs about 150 meters by hotel

5 Rounds - Partner WOD
1 man does KB Swings, Burpees, Table Jumps while the other man does Butterfly situps

I think it was 10 of each and we ended up with 40 give or take butterfly sit ups

State Track meet workouts 5/30/14, Swimming, Push-ups, Stationary bike

5 Rounds
25 meter swim
25 push-ups

Splits are gone

5/28/14 Pull ups, Walking push-ups, GHD's, SDLHP, Sled Push

Did this early before work day, Jen's birthday party tonight
Bench Press

4 Rounds
16 Pull-ups
16 Walking Push-ups, More of a had jump on either side of a line
16 GHD's
16 SDLHP's
1 Down and Back Sled push
2 min rest

The long rest was needed.  We were shot by the end of each round.  I felt like I was going to die after round 1.

KB Swings, Jumping Jack Push ups, GHD's, SDLHP, Plate Push

5 Rounds
10 KB Swings @ I think 55lbs
10 Jumping Jack Push ups
10 GHD's
10 SDLHP's @ I think 55lbs
Plate push - Down and back w/ 45lb plate
1 min Rest

1 - 1:40
2 - 1:40
3 - 1:43
4 - 1:43
5 - 1:38
Total time w/ rest - 12:27

On my own a few days later

4 Rounds
10 Box Jumps - tall black box
15 Toes to bar
20 Tire Slams - 10 rt/10lt sides
10 Pull ups
50 Jump ropes Singles
40 Tire Punches - 20 Rt Jabs, 20Lt Jabs
1 Sled Push
1 min rest

1 - 3:30
2 - 4:08
3 - 4:10
4 - 3:47
Total time with rest - 19:37

Early May Punching bag and other things

Again hung heavy bag

Jabs / Kicks

A good workout but can't remember most of it.

Some time in Early May ROCKY WOD

 Pulled out the heavy punching bag
Cant remember how many rounds but here is a rough estimate of what Daniel and I did.

I think 4 rounds
10 Right Jab
10 Left Jab
10 Right kick
10 Left kick
20 yards Rope duck unders
15 or 20 GHD's
Jump rope ????/

I can remember this being a nice change and something we had never done before.  Possibly Daniel will remember some of the foggy areas.  There were a few workouts before this that are just gone.  I remember this one because it was so different.

Here we go again.

This year has been awful for not only working out but also posting.  Technology in my life has been awful.  My cell phone some how has lost the last month of workouts that I have done.  Not that there was stellar workouts but just not having them to post hacks me off.  I am going to piece what I can remember back together.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Monday, April 14, 2014

Stationary Bike, Push-ups, Sit-ups

20 Minutes Stationary Bike
100 Push-ups
200 Crunches

Monday, March 10, 2014

Stationary Bike, Push ups, Sit-ups

20 min Stationary bike
Fat burn setting

55 push-ups
100 Flat abs
200 side crunches - 100 each side
200 Penguins

3/9/14 Stationary Bike

30 min stationary bike
Fat Burn setting
85 plus rpm

Sunday, March 9, 2014

3/8/14 Dips, Pull-ups, Burpees, Knees to chest, Butterfly sit-ups

5 rounds
10 dips
10 pull-ups
10 burpees
10 knees to chest
10 butterfly sit ups
1 min rest
1 - 2:18
2 - 2:14
3 - 2:21
4 - 2:38
5 - 2:17
Total w/ rest - 15:51

First two rounds were pretty easy.  3, 4, and 5 not so much.  I was hurting.  Not bad for a hotel WOD.  In Evansville Ind @ uncle Mar's funeral.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Pull-ups, Box Jumps, Plate Push

4 rounds as hard as I can go each round
Full recovery between rounds - roughly 5 min
15 Pull-ups
15 Box Jumps lg black box
1 Plate Push 45lbs
1 - 1:22
2 - 1:49
3 - 1:53
4 - 2:20
Fell off the planet on this one.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Lunch time test for track

1 round on a Tabata  format
20 seconds on 10 seconds off
Partner WOD in pairs Daniel and I did together to test for tomorrow's track workout.
One of the pair is on one exercise the other is on the other.  Each rests and rotates to next station or exercise.
Each station is as many reps as you can complete in 20 seconds.
Back extension / Crunches
Wall walk / Body Squats
Plate push / rest
Toes to bar / KB Swings @ 45lbs
Follow the leader bag drills x 2
SDLHP's @ 55lbs / Push-ups
Jump rope / Rest
Back Squats @ 135lbs / Box Jumps tall black box
Wall Ball @ 20lbs / High knees stationary run
Tire Slams / Rest
Dot Drill / Burpees
Hanging Air sprint / Pull-ups
Bench Zig Zags follow the leader / rest
Jumping Jacks

AM workout 30 min stationary bike

6:00am workout
30 min stationary bike
Fat burn setting
90 rpm avg

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Repeat! KB swings, Toes to bar, Thrusters, SDLHP's, Prowler push

4 Rounds for time of:
20 KB Swings @ 45lbs
20 Toes to bar
2   Thrusters @ 135lbs
20 SDLHP's @ 45lbs
2   Minute rest
1 - 3:06
2 - 3:25
3 - 3:37
4 - 3:49
Total time w/ rest - 19:59

Did this one a few weeks back and I hurt my back in round 3.  I love the burn on this on so I wanted to hit it again.  Good solid workout.  Heart rate was in the 180s at 1 min in the rest rounds and at 130 with 40 seconds to go.  At the end I was at 190 at 30 sec.  Heart rate dropped 10 beats every 30 seconds roughly.  Heart was at 130 at the 3min marker of rest.  I sure did not feel like it but my heart was ready for round 5.  Very pleased with effort today.  After clean up I hit another 20 toes to bar.  So I ended with a total if 100 toes to bar for the day.

My girls thought this was funny. What was left of me after the workout.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

30 min stationary bike

30 minutes Stationary Bike
Fat Burn setting

Friday, February 28, 2014

Bench press, Toes to bar, Box jumps, KB Swings, Prowler Push

5 Rounds for time, (kind of)
10 x Bench Press @ 135lbs
10 x Toes to bar
10 x Box jump - lg black box
10 x KB Swings @ 35lbs
1   x Prowler push x 2 x 45lb plates
1 minute rest
1 - 2:47
2 - 2:41
3 - 2:40
4 - 2:27
5 - 2:19
Total time w/ rest - 16:57

Donated blood today, so I am down a pint.  Did not want to push very hard.  I walked between stations.  I hit my gallon club marker today with the blood drive.  Since I was not pushing at all I am really surprised that I got faster each round.  Some of it was that I was getting out of breath but I started cold and was getting warmed up as I went.  I had a good rolling sweat going by the end.  I kind of kept waiting for the lack of blood to hit me and it did not.

AM - Stationary Bike

Stationary Bike
30 minutes
Fat Burn setting

Monday, February 24, 2014

Bench Press, KB Swings, SDLHP, Single Arm SDLHP

Started with bench press
10 x 135
10 x 185
9 x 205
4 x 225

30 x 35lb KB Swings
30 x 55lb KB Swings
30 x 35lb SDLHP
30 x 55lb SDLHP
15 x 35lb Single arm SDLHP Rt arm
15 x 35lb Single arm SDLHP Lt arm

Had to leave early to get Anna from track practice.  Though I can tell I am still feeling the effects of the workout from last Tuesday.  My bench press stunk today though it was a bit rushed.  The KB Swings and SDLHP had me winded.  I hope I come out of this soon.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Tire Slams, KB Swings, GHD's, Pull-ups, Mason Twists, Dips, Burpees

3 Rounds for time - kind of:
10 Tire slams - 5 each side
10 KB Swings @ 55lbs
10 GHD's
10 Pull-ups
50 Mason Twists
10 Dips
10 Burpees
1 - 5:21
2 - 5:11
3 - 4:44
Total time - 15:17

Anna came up with this one.  Emily, Anna and I brought Abby in to do a workout today.  We had a good time.  I am still feeling Tuesday.  Holy cow.  I got tired fast on this so I just went through the motions.  My back seemed to get a bit sore as I progressed into round 2 so I was also a bit nervous.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Knees to chest, squats, iron crosses, wall sits, Burpee pull-ups, obliques, elevated push-ups, flat abs

2 Rounds for completion w/ Emily
35 - Knees to elbows
15 - Body Squats
25 - Iron Crosses - used 5lbs because I am beat
1:15 - wall sit
7 - Burpee pull-ups
50 - Obliques
15 - Elevated Push-ups
45 - Flat abs

The girls and I did a sled push relay.  I would start us off down and back.  Then Anna would take it then Emily would take the sled each girl going down and back.
Round 1 - 2 x 25lb plates
Round 2 - 4 x 25lb plates
Round 3 - 0 plates - just sled
This was quite a bit of fun.

I am still beat up and healing from Armageddon.  I did this one side by side with Emily.  Good time.  Anna designed this one too.  Ladies on the sled.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Calf Raises, GHD's, Mason Twists, KB Swings, Lunges, Walking Push-ups

3 Rounds for completion
35 Weighted Calf Raises @ 30 lbs dumbbells
10 GHD's
40 Mason Twists
15 KB Swings @ 50lbs
20 Lunges
10 Walking Push-ups @ 30lbs dumbbells

Did this one with Emily today, Anna's design.  We had fun.  I thought it might work out some of the soreness but no dice.  I still am just as sore.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Post Armageddon

I have steadily gotten more sore as the day has progressed.  I wanted to get in and do some movement.
10 - toes to bar
5 - pull-ups
3 x 10 lunges
3 x 10 GHD'S
30 - KB Swings @ 35lbs
Bench Press
10 x 135
6 x 185
6 x 185
10 x 135
5 tall black box jumps
Lots of stretching.

My quads are getting more and more sore.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


100 Pull-ups - 8:37 - 20 then sets of 10
100 Toes-to-bar - 14:06 - by the last 20 I could barely hold onto the bar.  Did in sets of 10 after 1st 20
100 Front Squats - 7:19 w/ 45lb bar
100 Burpees - 19:07 - sets of 10 and 20, should have gone faster here
100 Rope Climbers - 2:26 - ab movement on floor reaching for toes arms start at chest and finish and extended toes
100 sec Wall-sits - 2:50 took this long to get 1:40
100 Push Press - 5:56 w/ 45lb bar - sets of 25 kind of
100 sec Plank - 2:05 took this long to get 1:40, we did this on elbows
100 Wall Ball 20lb ball - 11:43 - 4 sets of 25
100 Push-ups - 6:34 - 25 narrow, 25 wide, 25 narrow, 25 wide
100 Crunches - ??? Forgot to hit split I knew I would forget one!
100 Body Squats - 4:43
TOTAL TIME - 1 hour 25 minutes

Holy cow this was brutal!  I probably could have gone a bit faster but I just wanted to finish this one. It does not make much difference.  It is 3 hours since the finish and I am beat.  I will say that every rep is legit.  I really focused on every rep being full range of motion pull-ups through body squats.  Burpees were chest to floor on push-up part and full extension on jump clap.  Pull-ups were full arm extension and to neck over bar, Push-ups were deep to floor.  There was not an exercise I skimped on.  I went into this with the mentality of survival.  I knew it was tough and I wanted to do it right, so I knew I did all the elements correctly and 100%.  Proof of how tough this one is, by the burpees my legs were quivering.  Did this with a few of the boys.  Great job gentlemen!

Post work out ice bath

Monday, February 17, 2014

Armageddon prep

Just flowed around the weight room.  Just posting each exercise and number of reps.  Broke most of them into sets of 10 and 20.

Very narrow bench - @135lbs x 35reps x 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps
Toes-to-bar - 30 reps x 3 sets of 10
Pull-ups - 20 reps - 4 sets of 5 reps nice and slow full extensions
Tire slams 25lb bar - 60 reps - 3 sets of 20 reps - 10 rt side 10 left side slams
Tall black box jump - 10 jumps
Front Squat w/ 45lb bar x 10 deep A to G

Lots of stretching

Took an ice bath for 20 min tonight.  Water was 36 deg.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

HEAVY Prowler Push

     450 lbs on the sled

5 Sets of heavy Prowler Push
2 x Prowler Push - 2 plates = 90lbs Down and back 2 times
1 min rest
2 x Prowler Push - 4 plates = 180lbs Down and back 2 times
1 min rest
2 x Prowler Push - 6 plates = 270lbs Down and back 2 times
2 min rest
1 x Prowler Push - 8 plates = 360lbs Down and back 1 time
2 min rest
1 x Prowler Push - 10 plates = 450lbs Down and back 1 time

1 - 32.59
2 - 51.02
3 - 2:03 this is when I decided I needed to cut a rep on the last 2 rounds
4 - 1:11
5 - 1:27
Total time w/ rest - 12:07

I hit the split on the watch only after I had the sled turned back around ready for the next round.  During the rest I put the next two plates on for the next rounds.

I knew this was going to be hard but holy cow.  I had planned 2 trips down and back on all rounds but after the 6 plate round I knew I would not make it for 2 down and backs for the last two rounds so I adjusted to one down and back.  It was everything I had to finish the last 2 plus rounds.  When I hit the floor on the end of the last round my calves were on fire, to be specific my soleus muscles were on fire.  The pain was so bad I could hardly stand it.  I tried to drain my legs and that made it worse.  I finally just laid there and dealt with the pain.  It finally subsided about 5 minutes after I finished.  The crazy thing is that now 3 hours later they are not sore at all.  This makes me nervous for tonight or tomorrow.  As bad as they hurt I can not believe they wont be sore at some point.  The last rep of round 3 and round 4 and 5 I was pretty much to a walk pushing the sled.

2/15/14 District Wrestling movement

Wanted just a bit of movement today since I was not going to have time for a workout.  8 hours today in a chair scoring wrestling.  Went to weight room before things started up.

5 sets of
5 pull ups
10 toes to bar
5 push ups

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Bench Press, Front Squat

5 rounds not for time:
10 x 135lbs Bench Press - more narrow than normal
5   x 135lbs Front Squat - A to G

Pretty sore from the last few days.  Just wanted an easy workout and wanted some full range of motion squats.  I was A to G on these.  Really focused on good form and very tight core.  I got loose one time and my right side lower back bit a little.  Same place as a week or so ago.  That was set 2 and from there on out I really slowed down went as deep as I could go with chest up and core solid.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Heavy Prowler Sled Push, Butterfly Sit-ups, Military Push-ups

4 Rounds for time of:
1 Prowler Push Down and Back - 270lbs on sled - 6 x 45lbs plates
25 Butterfly Sit-ups
25 Military Push-ups
1 min rest

1 - 1:14
2 - 1:37
3 - 1:48
4 - 1:34
Total time - 9:14

Wanted a short powerful blast today.  Last two days have been decent.