Monday, June 23, 2014

Bench Matrix, Thrusters, Hang Clean, SDLHP

Bench Matrix, Best one I have had in a long time.
10 x 135
8 x 175
5 x 205
3 x 215
1 x 245
1 x 245
1 x 245 - slow, almost stalled out.  Daniel was a split second away from helping and some how it started moving again.  It is awesome having a spotter that knows their bud.  Wish I could say the same.  I pretty much jacked up his bench press today.
5 x 205
10 x 135

20 Minute AMRAP  8 rounds and 5 Thrusters, 7 Cleans in 20 min, finished 9th at 21min.
5 x 95lb Thrusters
7 x 95lb Hang Clean
10 x 95lb SDLHP

I did have splits but I did not have my watch with me and used my phone.  The dang thing for some reason cleared them out even though I did not stop the function.  So much for smart I phones.  Sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This one was a rough one.  I was pretty worried about the SDLHP.  I only went to my thighs the first two rounds till I could feel my back was warmed up.  I then went to the floor with it from then on out.  Using a solid hip thrust to get it off the ground.  I will see how my back holds up tomorrow.  I really felt no pain.  Other than the workout, and with that there was plenty.

Concerning Daniels bench set that I screwed up, and why I was all jacked up.  I wanted to write a note to remind my self.  I was out in the parking lot next to the truck about 50ft from the power pole.  I heard a pop and a noise like an arc welder.  There was an arc of electricity shooting out of one line connect to another at least 2 feet long and looked to be about 8 inches across.  All you have to do is see that to realize how much power is surging through those things.  Jen came by and said they saw it from the intermediate and Jenni texted Daniel and said they saw it at the primary.  Pretty dang scary.  It lasted long enough that I started to back pedal to the back of the truck just in case it blew.  At first I thought it was a lightning strike.

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