Metcon was a Follow-The-Leader WOD. It consisted of three men, me, Daniel and Darin doing three rounds of the workout. Each man would
lead the each round by doing the exercise that end destination while the
other two men held a position in a isolation exercise. This means each
guy would do destination, isolation, isolation, destination, isolation,
isolation when he was the leader and the other guys would do the same
exercises except the destination exercise would be in the middle of the
isolations or at the end. We took a three minute rest after each round.
3 Rounds of:
The exercises were: (Destination, Isolation)
Two down and backs on the sled with 50lbs + 3 Burpees
Back extension holding chest up
Ring dips holding in the top straight arm position
30 butterfly sit-ups
Hold in the top of a push-up
L sit hanging hold
3 min
This was more of a go through the motions workout. Interesting design, something to think about for a later date. I am so beat down from the last 2 plus weeks I was not complaining about this at all. I did fail out on the ring holds 2 times having to get back up.
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