Thursday, December 11, 2014

Stretching, movement and hitting heavy bag

Long stretch and rolling out on the black roller, back and hips.

4 sets of 25 KB Swings at 55lbs
5 sets of 10 deep dips
5 sets of 10 deep GHD'S touching both arms touching floor and feet

Completed the above as a slow moving full recovery workout moving from one exercise to the next.
KB swings first
then dips
then GHD's

Wanted a total of 100 KB swings and 50 of dips and GHD's

15 minutes no break of steady punching heavy bag, working different combonations.
2 min rest
6 min of kicking heavy bag.  Alternating high and mid level kicks.  Some sets 10rt / 10lt, some alternating rt to lft.

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