Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Bench press, strict dips, alternating toes to bar, thrusters, heavy bag work

Bench Press
10 x 135
5 x 185
5 x 205
6 x 230
5 x 230
6 x 230
10 x 135

5 Rounds
15 strict dips - no bend in legs or hips
20 alternating toes to bar, rt side / lt side
5 Thrusters @ 135 lbs
1 min rest

1 - 1:37
2 - 1:54
3 - 2:21
4 - 3:47
5 - 2:56
Total time w/ rest - 16:39

15 minutes rest

Heavy Bag work
10 min - kicking
5 min rest
10 min - punching

Had one of the best rounds of bench press I have had in a long time today.  I am still using a narrower grip because of my shoulder still hurting.  With a more narrow grip I am very pleased.  Workout was rough as these seem to have been lately.  At least on me.  I fell off the planet split wise in round 4.  Round 3 was not much better.  Good of today was the new boxing gloves I got trading in the others worked great.  Punching and kicks were weak today.  Strength was way down by this part of the workout.

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