Monday, December 29, 2014

Box Jumps, Pull-ups, Jump Rope, KB Swings, Thrusters, Burpees, Heavy Bag work

4 Rounds of
All with Weight Vest on
5 Box Jumps - tall black box
10 Kipping Pull-ups
20 Jump Rope
20 KB Swings - @ 55lbs
10 Thrusters - @ 95lbs
5 Burpees
Round 1 - 60 sec
Round 2 - 90 sec
Round 3 - 2:30 sec

1 - 4:10
2 - 6:14
3 - 7:42
4 - 7:26
Total w/ rest - 30:33

10 min rest

10 minutes Heavy Bag punching combos - new gloves tore up my hands.  I will be taking them back.

5 minutes rest

10 minutes Kicking - alternating right and left

The first part of today was awful  That workout was more than I needed.  I think I just was not ready physically or mentally.  Kicking went much better today.  Right leg is getting stronger and left leg is progressing.  I hit the lower part of the bag with the metal safety bars to loosen the bottom of the bag to kick lower.  I need to do this before I punch too so I can save my wrists.  The base was packed so hard some places actually made the metal bar ping when I hit it.

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