Saturday, October 11, 2014

AM WOD Front squat, farmers carry, GHD'S, chest to bar pull-ups, lunges, ball slams

Started with some front squats very light.  My back has been bothering me.  I did 4 sets of A to G front squats at 115lbs which has been bothering the heck out of me.
7 Rounds for time of
1 farmers carry down and back down left hand back right hand 100lbs 15yards one way
7 Chest to bar pull-ups
7 Lunges
7 Ball Slams 20lb ball
1 min rest
1 - 1:19
2 - 1:08
3 - 1:07
4 - 1:03
5 - 1:03
6 - 1:04
7 - 1:00
Total w/ rest - 13:43

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