Saturday, February 22, 2014

Tire Slams, KB Swings, GHD's, Pull-ups, Mason Twists, Dips, Burpees

3 Rounds for time - kind of:
10 Tire slams - 5 each side
10 KB Swings @ 55lbs
10 GHD's
10 Pull-ups
50 Mason Twists
10 Dips
10 Burpees
1 - 5:21
2 - 5:11
3 - 4:44
Total time - 15:17

Anna came up with this one.  Emily, Anna and I brought Abby in to do a workout today.  We had a good time.  I am still feeling Tuesday.  Holy cow.  I got tired fast on this so I just went through the motions.  My back seemed to get a bit sore as I progressed into round 2 so I was also a bit nervous.

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