Sunday, February 16, 2014

HEAVY Prowler Push

     450 lbs on the sled

5 Sets of heavy Prowler Push
2 x Prowler Push - 2 plates = 90lbs Down and back 2 times
1 min rest
2 x Prowler Push - 4 plates = 180lbs Down and back 2 times
1 min rest
2 x Prowler Push - 6 plates = 270lbs Down and back 2 times
2 min rest
1 x Prowler Push - 8 plates = 360lbs Down and back 1 time
2 min rest
1 x Prowler Push - 10 plates = 450lbs Down and back 1 time

1 - 32.59
2 - 51.02
3 - 2:03 this is when I decided I needed to cut a rep on the last 2 rounds
4 - 1:11
5 - 1:27
Total time w/ rest - 12:07

I hit the split on the watch only after I had the sled turned back around ready for the next round.  During the rest I put the next two plates on for the next rounds.

I knew this was going to be hard but holy cow.  I had planned 2 trips down and back on all rounds but after the 6 plate round I knew I would not make it for 2 down and backs for the last two rounds so I adjusted to one down and back.  It was everything I had to finish the last 2 plus rounds.  When I hit the floor on the end of the last round my calves were on fire, to be specific my soleus muscles were on fire.  The pain was so bad I could hardly stand it.  I tried to drain my legs and that made it worse.  I finally just laid there and dealt with the pain.  It finally subsided about 5 minutes after I finished.  The crazy thing is that now 3 hours later they are not sore at all.  This makes me nervous for tonight or tomorrow.  As bad as they hurt I can not believe they wont be sore at some point.  The last rep of round 3 and round 4 and 5 I was pretty much to a walk pushing the sled.

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