Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Bench Press, A Bunch of Burpees

Bench Press
10 x 135
10 x 185
9 x 205
4 x 225
4 x 225
10 x 135

WOD w/ Daniel, dang good to work out together.  It has been to long.

5 Rounds for time of
50 Burpees - in wrestling room on mats
2 min rest between rounds

1 - 3:57
2 - 4:18
3 - 4:44
4 - 4:38
5 - 4:03
Total w/ rest - 29:44

Goal was to get under 5 min a round.  I got worried during and after round 3.  Heart rate was way up there but for both of us.  I would take it during the rest.  At 30 seconds I was 170 +.  By 1:30 I was at 130, so heart was ready.
This is the first WOD I have done in a while that my energy did not fall off.  I was very fatigued but it never just disappeared.  I did not feel bad either which is a change too.  I struggled cycling quickly but I was decently steady.  Rough one but a great feeling.  One I have needed for a while.

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