Friday, November 28, 2014

Travel WOD

Drove all day to Kenosha for the Footlocker CC meet

10 Min stair master

5 Rounds
10 x Narrow push ups
20 x Body Squats
40 x Crunches
1 - 1:09
2 - 1:07
3 - 1:08
4 - 1:07
5 - 1:02
Total this set
50 - Narrow push-ups
120 - Body Squats
150 - total crunches

5 sets of - (not for time)
20 x Standard Push-ups
50 x Bicycle Sit-ups
Total from this set
100 - Standard Push-ups
250 - Bicycles

5 Sets of - (not for time)
20 x Narrow Push-ups
25 x Butterfly Sit-ups
Total from this set
100 - Narrow Push-ups
250 - Butterfly Sit-ups

10 min seated stationary bike


It has been a few days. I took the girls hunting then I got a bad respiratory infection that lasted for several days.  I just really felt like I was out of it today.  Still have a bit of a cough.  I wanted to get done core work in to help combat the sitting is going to have on my back.

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