Monday, December 1, 2014

Bench press, Turkish Get-ups, Butterfly Sit-ups, Body Squats

Bench press
10 x 135
10 x 185
  6 x 205
  3 x 225
10 x 185
10 x 135

For time:
30 Turkish Get-ups w/ 45lb bar
Splits at 10 reps no rest
1 - 4:33
2 - 3:59
3 - 2:53
Total - 11:26

5 minutes rest

4 rounds for time of
25 Butterfly Sit-ups
25 Body Squats

Splits no rest
1 - 1:05
2 - 1:20
3 - 1:32
4 - 1:14
Total time - 5:13

Turkish Get-ups were tough but not bad.  I am still recovering from something.  By round 2 I knew the 4 rounds was going to hammer me.  I started to press on the squats and my times were slipping.  I was in the CrossFit flop for a minute or so.
Good news is my bench press is coming back.  The shoulder is still sore but I was able to string together a decent round today.  Not super happy but happy none the less that I was for the most part pain free on the reps.  I used a narrower grip today which seemed to help.

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