Saturday, December 27, 2014

Partner WOD, hit everything

Partner WOD
21 - 15 - 9
SDLHP - 55lbs
KB Swings - 55lbs
Ball Slams - 20lb ball
Heavy Rope Jump
3 - 2 - 1 - Partner harness pull

D - 21 - 4:31
R - 21 - 5:04
D - 15 - 3:41
R - 15 - 4:18
D - 9 - 2:27
R - 9 - 3:03
Total time - 23:05

Daniel and I discussed this before we started thinking it was going to be tough but not terrible.  Man were we wrong.  This one tore us up.  Both of us were on the floor during our recovery.  My splits were a bit slower than Daniels for a few reasons.  I had to walk to my start station after he finished his pulls.  I also just flat sucked at the heavy rope jumps.  I really struggled here today.  I got home and ate breakfast after moving a basketball goal for Vicki.  I sat down about an hour and a half after the workout.  I was feeling a bit tired.  I was asleep in a few minutes and was out for almost 2 hours.  Holy Cow!

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