Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Pull-ups, GHD'S, Ball-slams, Sit-ups w/ a twist, Single arm SDLHP

4 rounds for time of
10 Pull-ups
20 GHD'S with a twist
30 Ball Slams @ 20lb ball.
20 Sit-ups w/ a twist
10 Single arm SDLHP's @ 45lbs
1 minute rest

1 - 3:01
2 - 3:32
3 - 4:09
4 - 3:44
Total w/ rest - 17:29

I had planned on 5 rounds and by the end of round 2 I knew there was no way.  The GHD'S were hammering me.  Not often that I hit a workout that lays a burn down on the Abs that makes me want to quit.  I usually recover there.  I guess I got the job done here I was wanting an ab burner.

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