Monday, February 24, 2014

Bench Press, KB Swings, SDLHP, Single Arm SDLHP

Started with bench press
10 x 135
10 x 185
9 x 205
4 x 225

30 x 35lb KB Swings
30 x 55lb KB Swings
30 x 35lb SDLHP
30 x 55lb SDLHP
15 x 35lb Single arm SDLHP Rt arm
15 x 35lb Single arm SDLHP Lt arm

Had to leave early to get Anna from track practice.  Though I can tell I am still feeling the effects of the workout from last Tuesday.  My bench press stunk today though it was a bit rushed.  The KB Swings and SDLHP had me winded.  I hope I come out of this soon.

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