Sunday, January 1, 2017

Death by sit-ups - annual New Year's Day workout

Last two workouts have been heavy on GHD's and yesterday was a rough day overall.  I finally had a chance to hit this at 10pm.  The only reason I even did it was to keep my streak alive.
Increasing 1 rep per min on the min rest remainder of the min.

26 rounds
351 sit-ups - feet anchored under chest of drawers.

I have done more rounds than this every year.  Like I said this was just about keeping the streak alive.

2017 - 26 rounds - Just keeping streak alive.  Pretty beat up from last two workouts.
2016 - 1 rep shy of a full 32 rounds - Feet anchored
2015 - 32 rounds plus 29 of round 33 - Feet anchored
2014 - Could not find it.  Must have missed it or forgot to post - Did the Filthy Fifty on the 2nd
2013 - 31 Rounds
2012 - 30 Rounds - Not on the 1st.  Found that I did it 2/25/12 for the first time.  Feet not anchored

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