Monday, November 20, 2017

Legs - 1/2

4 Sets of 10 Reps
A to G Back Squats to toe @ 135lbs / KB Weighted Single Leg Step-ups to a toe @ 45lbs
90 Seconds Rest

4 Sets of 10 Reps
Single Leg Ring Squats / Weighted Lunges 30lbs each arm

Had 2 more Sets of Couplets.  I shut down early.  It has basically been 3  weeks with little to no activity.  Body was beginning to fight me.  Shoulders / everything was hurting over the last week.  Just 2 days of activity leading into this and I am already feeling better.  I tried to do a jog across the weight room and my legs fought me after these two sets.  That is why I shut down.

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