For time: 7:48.29
Row 300 meters - subbed in 30 x 45lb SDLHP for all rows with KB
135 pound Push press, 20 reps
Row 300 meters
135 pound Push press, 15 reps
Row 300 meters
135 pound Push press, 10 reps
Row 300 meters
135 pound Push press, 5 reps
1 - 2:01.60
2 - 2:17.96
3 - 2:06.43
4 - 1:22.30
Total Time - 7:48.29
Daniel got me in today. Great to see him and to get a WOD in with him. These are good ones to do together. We are pretty even on these exercises so we were together the whole time. He pulled away as he usually does in the last two rounds. His training has been very consistant the last two months. As mine has not. I felt good on this one but boy I can tell I am out of shape again. My legs are my weak point and were shaking by round two in the SDLHP's. I am sure my upper body is in just as bad of shape just have not tested it as much yet. He has and will be spending a lot of time in KC with Carver. So these times will be slim over the next few months but good to be together when we can. Prayers out to the little man. Hang tough C-MAN!
Monday 5/11 - OPT Repeats - Day 57
4 years ago
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