Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters = Subbed in bike 1600meters
Rest 2 minutes
1 = 3:23.45 = 1600 meters
Rest 1:43 staying with Daniel
2 = 3:38.26 = 1600 meters
Rest 1:21 staying with Daniel
3 = 3:29.11 = 1600 meters
Daniel and I met early this morning at 7:30 to beat the heat. Yesterday was 111deg. I was on my new to me mtn. bike. It did not seem to make that big a difference on time but I was robbing myself a ton of recovery trying to start with Daniel. I got an awesome burn today with this WOD. I had wanted to use my road bike to see how much a difference it made when I got tired. There was a 4inch hose under pressure across the track that gave the mtn bike a pretty good jolt so I figured there was no way I could give the road bike a try today. Hopefully next time.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
1 = 2:28 = 1200 meters
Rest 2:00
2 = 3:35 = 1600 meters
Rest 2:00
3 = 3:31 = 1600 meters
Daniel and I did this at that track today at 1pm it is unseasonably warm today sun out and 60 degrees. Supposed to get hammered by snow Monday night though. On to the work out. My goal was to bike as far as needed to finish with Daniel so our recovery was the same. He blasted the first one so I only got 3 laps = 1200 meters but we finished 1 second appart and I was flying to catch him. Great job Daniel. The next two were rough on Danile so I blasted the mile and we finished together. Legs were toast after this one back is feeling better but still sore between shoulder blades where I hurt it last Sunday and for some reason my lower back where I have all my problems has been barking at me a bit. Just sitting here my left leg and foot hurt. Good workout and a great day!
Last time I did something similar
4 Rounds
Rest as needed between efforts.
1- 3:26
2- 3:27
3- 3:20
Monday 5/11 - OPT Repeats - Day 57
4 years ago
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