Saturday, July 23, 2011


Five rounds, each for time of: with rest 25:41, Just rep time was: 15:01.1

20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
Rest precisely three minutes between each round.
1 - 2:50.88
rest 2:37.23= cut short to stay with Daniel
2 - 2:41.41
rest - 2:45.99 =  cut short
3 - 2:42.41
rest - 2:40.98 = cut short
4 - 3:10.96
rest - 3:00.13 = took full rest
5 - 3:11.41 
Total Time:  25:41.40 = with rest
With out rest added in: 15:00.01
A 2:22second pr I think if my math is correct.  Thanks Daniel!

I have been scared of this one for a while I tried it this winter and quit round two.  My blog as usual has not been able to find the workout since I did it.  I had not realized I had done it.  I thought I had but could not find it till today.  I searched and there it was.  It was tough but got it done.  Daniel and I were back together so that helped.  It has been a while.  I cut my recovery short each round to stay with him and help push him and the both of us.  All round were unbroken but round 4 on the body squats but that was just a 5 second pause same thing on round 5.  If my math is correct that should be a 1:32 pr.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
1 = 2:55
2 = 3:12
3 = 3:04
4 = 4:09
5 = 3:53
Total time = 17:23
This one was awesome. First time I think I have done pull ups as prescribed. The only part of work out that was not unbroken was the push ups. Great day! Most of this was unbroken. The push ups were the only thing that broke me. I was so exhausted after droping the hammer on round 3 that I failed out on the push ups. I was hurting bad. Collapsed on the recovery. Seemed to get back in the grove on round 5 but 5 was still to dang slow. If daniel had not been finished and cheering me on I would have taken longer I think. This one broke me down. You boys will love this I was dry heaving out the truck window on the way home after this one. I think the late hours of this week took their toll. By the way we won Conference on both sides guys and girls last night.

I made an attempt at Barbra just because I had no equiptment but did have a Cedar tree with a branch that kind of worked. I had not been feeling good the last day or so. I think to much traveling and to much Holiday food. I finished round one and realized I should not have been doing anything. I ended up finishing 3 rounds. We will not discuss times per round. I was just happy to finish 3 rounds.
3 Rounds of "Barbara" tree branch as pull-up bar.  Just a bad day and forgot rest time.
Totals =
60 = pull-ups
90 = push-ups
120 = sit-ups
150 = body squats

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