Saturday, July 30, 2011


Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters - Subbed in 600 meter bike
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups - tried to go a little more of a strict pull up but not fully

1 - 2:33.03
2 - 2:46.15
3 - 2:57.27
Total time - 8:16.45

Low back and traps are on fire from Squat Snatch yesterday.  Just really hurting.  I talked to Daniel I just don't need to do the squat snatches again for a very long time until I can get my over head squat going.  I am torn up.  To much pain for a normal WOD.  Something just gets me on those.  Also for the first time in as long as I can remember I have a pretty bad ear infection in my right ear.  Did not seem to effect the WOD but man it hurts.  Time from this to last is not comparable since I am biking shorter.  Daniel and I have found that biking 600 to running 400 seems to be comparable time wise with accereration/decelleration and parking the bike.  He and I can be pretty even when I do that.  Today he was just up on me after the pull ups roughly 2 seconds.  Last round his 400 got him.  I waited 10 or 15 seconds so we could do the KB's together.  I know he waited for me yesterday it was the least I could do.  We started together and started the pull ups together.  He finished 4 seconds up on me for a huge pr.  Great job Daniel!  Also we got up this morning and the girls and I biked with Jen.  Jen put in a 9 miler great job ma'ma! And girls.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Run 400 meters = as usual subbed in 800meter bike
Round 1 = 3:42
Round 2 = 3:57
Round 3 = 3:53
Total Time = 11:33
Just was not into this today. I was up at 6:30 and should have come in. As it was I went back to bed and got up an hour later and did not make it in until 10am. Wind was high which made the bike miserable. Just did not have any fire today. I am going to hit it tomorrow and do "Jackie" looks like it will burn.

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