Thursday, January 20, 2011

"CrossFit Total"

"CrossFit Total"
Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

Back Squat = 135 x 5 A to G, 175 x 5 A to G, 205 x 3 A to G, 225 x 1 very deep, 245 parallel, 250lbs parallel or just below. 250 went up better than 245. No belt for any of these!

Shoulder Press = 115, 125, 135, 145failed about half way up.

Dead Lift = 135, 225, 295 no belt for the first 3, 315lbs
TOTAL = 700lbs my goal for next time is at least 800lbs

First time doing this workout ever. It has come up several times but I just did not feel my back was ready. I still have bad days but over all things have been a ton better. With the workout a few weeks back that had 295 15 times for dead lift I figured I would give this a try. As Daniel kept saying just establish a base line. Squats went fine I know I could have gone higher but I felt too good to blow things and hurt my back. Same with Dead Lift. I told myself I would not go any higher than 300lbs and ended up doing 315+ in the picture. Shoulder Press sucked as usual.
I talk a bunch about my back in this blog but I have to put this in today. 3 years ago pretty much to the date I was in Cronic Pain with my back. Compartmentalizing. I was not Ron, dad, husband nothing. I looked at my wife and decided to go see the surgeon to talk them into cutting me open. MRI's, CAT SCANS and Nerve Induction tests later. They ended up giving me steroid shots to get me on top of the pain and told me at 40 they would cut me open. Clayton kept telling me I could do this and I was not convinced. Daniel kept putting the pressure on too. Daniel has been by my side this whole time starting last February/March. Reminding me to take it easy and just do what I could. Today was no different. My first few workouts I did wall ball subbed in for deadlift. When I did start to deadlift lifting the hex bar hurt my back just to carry it. Today I lifted 315 with a good effort but nothing to stressful. I know I could have gone way higher. Squats were the same story just doing them hurt for days. Today I glided through them. Stopping much earlier than I needed to. Better safe than sorry.
Daniel thank you for being there and pulling me through, reminding me to be cautious and for all the encouragement. Clayton thank you as well for convincing me I could and encouraging me. Ben thank you for following and the encouragement as well. Peer pressure is a great thing. I am not even the same person I was 3 years ago. I can not thank you boys enough.

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