Saturday, January 8, 2011

3 rounds for time of: Run 400, Overhead squats, Pull-ups

3 rounds for time of:

Run 400 = Doubled and biked 800 meters
30 Overhead Squats 75lbs
21 pull-ups

Round 1 = 5:37
Round 2 = 6:32
Round 3 = 6:49
TOTAL = 18:59

I stink at overhead squats. These destroyed me. I dropped the weight on my head twice. I am also still convinced that the distance on bike is to far. My 800 had me at least 20 seconds behind Daniel if not more at the finish of the run/bike.

Typing this a day later. After this workout my back was on fire. Not sharp pain but just an aching all over burning. My feet were numb and hurting. I was feeling physically ill from the discomfort. I felt this way from the afternoon until I went to sleep. I felt better the next day, looking to see how the front squats effect me.

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