Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Push Press, 5 Ball Slams, Sled Pulls

As many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of:
3 Push Press
5 Ball Slams
*for push press use between 185 - 225 lbs - USED 185lbs
*for ball slams use between 40-60 lbs - USED 40lbs Daniel stuffed 2, 20lb med balls in a sack.  Worked well.
6 x 25 yard prowler pushes w/ 180 lbs - Did Sled pulls here with 180lbs
*rest 90 seconds between efforts.

Rounds in 8 min
1 - 36.62
2 - 1:02.14
3 - 1:16.14
4 - 1:08.49
5 - 1:19.52
6 - 1:05.26
7 - 1:25.53
Finished 7 Rounds in 7:53
Headed to bar and as Daniel picked his up time blew.  He pulled about 8 to 10 seconds ahead of me by the end.  It is funny how long 8 minutes felt here.  Just a solid amount of time for this one.

These were heavy push presses.  I am going to say mine stunk today.  Did not feel great nor was I feeling like I was finishing with good extension.  I was just trying to get them done.  By round 4 my left wrist was having a hard time holding the weight.  I had to break up 3 reps that is pathetic.  Some how I tweaked my neck on the right side.  Currently it is killing me.  I think the weight was just a bit to much on the heavy side.  Oh well I did it .

We rested 10 minutes and then did sled pulls with 180 lbs in the gravel behind the weight room.  These were awesome.  Worked out perfect.  As stated you were to take 90 seconds rest.  This worked out just perfect.  By the time Daniel finished and I was strapped in it was pretty close to 90.  We kept recovery on Daniel so we could stay even.  Man this was fun.  The first few went smooth and then by 4 it hit both of us.  I love these kind with Daniel.  We just fire each other up and drive.  Probably my most favorite workout in the last few months.  Thanks Daniel.  AWESOME WOD!

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