Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bench Press Bayless style

135 x 10
185 x 5
205 x 5
215 x 4
225 x 2
235 x fail
205 x 5
205 x 5
185 x 5
155 x 5
135 x 10

This is my 5th day in a row. I am shot. My legs are progressively getting more and more sore. I am just now starting to stiffen up 2 days later. I won't see Daniel for three days do we got one into day. My chest was still toast from Sunday's WOD. I hope tonight worked some of that out. I am taking tomorrow off. I will just be on the bike with the kids for a Fartlek. I hope this will pull my legs out of what I have done to them. Solid WOD today. I was not happy with the heavy sets but I never bench press so I have to take the good with the bad.

1 comment:

  1. EAT...SLEEP...REST...Don't beat your body into the ground brother!!!
