For time: Holy Cow this was terrible 32:42.62
50 Box jump, 24 inch box = unbroken
50 Jumping pull-ups = unbroken
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood = unbroken
Walking Lunge, 50 steps = unbroken
50 Knees to elbows = broken 25/15/10/5
50 Push press, 45 pounds = unbroken
50 Back extensions = broken 25/25
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball = broken 25/15/10
50 Burpees = broken 25/25 but so slow I could not believe it. I also lost count several times I am almost positive I did 60 plus.
50 Double unders =subbed in 100 singles
Splits -
1 - 1:40
2 - 3:50
3 - 1:43
4 - 1:26
5 - 3:59
6 - 1:03
7 - 1:43
8 - 3:31
9 - 12:26
10 - 1:16
TOTAL TIME = 32:42
Heart rate was at 110 for quite a while after.
This was one of the worst workouts I have had in a long time. I felt good through the knees to elbows. Jumping pullups I was getting almost to collarbones for at least 25 of them. The knees to elbows had to be broken as usual. Last time I had to break the push press. I flew through them. During the back extensions I felt my energy bottom out. Last night was a mess. We ate at 5. I did not really have a chance to eat because I was cutting everyone elses steak. We had figured we would loose the first game of the tournament at 6 we kept going and going and going we played that game until 7:40. We ended up winning and moving on to the championship game. We played from 7:50 to 9:00pm and lost. Still a big deal for our girls. We only played with 8 and played like champions. Problem being I did not eat hardley anything yesterday. I had a protein drink at 6am this morning but pretty much had nothing in my system. I felt good this morning but man it hit me hard today. I am typing this at 11:47am and have been on just over 18 hours of a fast with little in my system the day before. I just got off the scale. At 5:45 this morning I was 187 I just weighed in at 183. Great on the weight but I just had a terrible WOD because of a nutty schedule yesterday. I went to bed last night at 12am starving. Hopefully my schedule will even out and I can get some good work done diet and WOD wise. It was pretty warm and humid this am too.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Filthy Fifty For time: 23:30 PR by 2 min and 24 seconds.
50 Box jump, 24 inch box = unbroken
50 Jumping pull-ups = unbroken
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood = unbroken
Walking Lunge, 50 steps = unbroken
50 Knees to elbows = broken badly
50 Push press, 45 pounds = broken 30/20
50 Back extensions = unbroken
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball = broken 3 sets
50 Burpees = broken 5/20/15/10
50 Double unders =subbed in 100 singles
Tried to take splits but forgot to hit it once and the wall ball and burpees were together because Daniel and I were so close. I did 5 burpees while Daniel finished his set and he did 10 when I was on my first 25. Second time on this one. First time I did it was in april I had not been crossfitting very long. 25:54 last time to a 23:30 today. I said I was excited to do this one again sometime to improve on my time. I did that part of this with a 2:24 PR. Problem is I am still out of shape and was scared to death of this one and puked several times about 5 minutes after I was done. I wonder what I could have done if I had done this in shape 3 months ago. That would have been interesting to see.
1 = 2:18
2 =
3 = 2:47
4 = 1:05
5 = 3:05
6 = 1:37
7 = 1:25
8 =
9 = 9:52
10 = 1:06
Total Time = 23:30
Friday, April 16, 2010
Filthy Fifty For time: 25:54
First time doing the Filthy Fifty. This was awesome. There really was not a part of this that I excelled on tonight. Daniel and I decided because of track schedule that we would take the last two days off and hit the next six hard. Knees to elbows I had my knees to my eyes or above but need to work on that one. The Burpees were brutal but I made it through with Daniel giving me goal of number done in small alotments of time. Never stopped. I still suck at double unders and I am still woried about hurting my back again with the double unders. I doubled the number of jump ropes and did 100 one jumps instead of 50 doubles. Back still sore from doing the 7 sets of 1 on Wednesday night. Went to heavy and I am paying for it in my lower back, legs and feet numb an sore. Looking forward to the next time we see this workout to try and improve this effort.
Monday 5/11 - OPT Repeats - Day 57
4 years ago
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