Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Burpees, jumping lunges, double-unders, 25 yard down and backs

8 Rounds for Time:
10 Burpees
15 Jumping alternating Lunges
20 Double-unders - Subbed in singles, doubled number
25 Yard shuttle run sprint (5 x 5)
90 seconds rest
1 - 1:28.98
2 - 1:15.12
3 - 1:12.35
4 - 1:14.89
5 - 1:13.21
6 - 1:11.64
7 - 1:08.43
8 - 1:00.92
Total time - 19:32.20

Great workout for tonight.  Daniel and I were right with each other.  He still hammers me on Burpees.  I shorted my recovery by 5 to 10 seconds each round so I could start with him each round.  Great workout.  The 90 seconds rest made a huge difference.  Having done Cross fit for 2 years now my body is used to doing these kinds of workouts with no rest and powering through.  The 90 seconds felt like an eternity of rest.  I did notice that I felt like I could fly from the start on each round because of the recovery.  You can see by the splits I did not know what to expect.  I got faster as we went through.  Good one for tonight.  Back still is not feeling right.  My left hammy is sore today I am sure from the run yesterday.  It did feel great to run though.  I am just going to pay for it.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Run, Bench Press, Pull-ups, Push-ups, Body Squats

Ran 4 x 400 meters at practice today.  Rest in between.  Wore my vibrams and ran the first lap on the grass.  The next 3 were on the track.  The first lap was roughly 3 min.  2 was 2:40, 3rd was 2:20, 4th I pushed just a bit and ran 1:32.  The left leg was pretty sore and my left ankle was and is hurting.  We shall see what tomorrow brings.
Started evening with Bench Press
10 x 135
5 x 185
5 x 205
5 x 215
4 x 225
1 x 245 Cross Fit PR

For time:
4 Rounds
10 Pull-ups
20 Push-ups
30 Body Squats  
1 - 57:03
2 - 58:09
3 - 56.70
4 - 57.90
Total Time - 3:49.72

Just wanted to get a solid WOD in tonight but not stress to much.  Went well.  Daniel and I were right with each other.  Daniel was about 2 to 3 seconds ahead of me each round and we started together each round. Good day.  

2/27/12 30 Squatcleans

For Time:
30 Squat Cleans at 135lbs
1 - 1:03.13
2 - 2:08.71
3 - 2:16.81
Total time - 5:28.65

Thought we did this a few months back but the workout was squat cleans and jerk.  Oops.  First round felt awesome.  The last two round back gave me some trouble. 

Monday, February 27, 2012

2/26/12 Stationary Bike

30 plus minutes
95 to 100 RPM average

Stomach still sore from Death by sit-ups.  Low back still not feeling great either.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

2/25/12 Evening WOD, Rope Climb, Wall Ball, KB Swing, Double Unders

7 Rounds For Time: 14:48
1 Rope assent
10 Wall Ball shots 20lb ball
15 KB swings - 1.5pood
20 Double under - subbed in 40 singles
Round Splits
1 - 1:29
2 - 1:46
3 - 2:18
4 - 2:11
5 - 2:36 hit split late.
6 - 2:45 forgot to hit split at end of round hit it after rope climb of last round
7 - 1:40 short because of above.
Total Time - 14:48
This was an awesome WOD changed exercise enough that it just flowed.  I really liked it.  Daniel and I decided we would love to do this one with the weight vest.
My low back is killing me.  Well most of my back is on fire.  I think the stationary bike and the death by sit-ups got me today.  I hope it improves by Sunday.

2/25/12 AM WORKOUT

30 min Stationary Bike 95+ RPM's

Death by Sit-Ups 30 Rounds = 466 Butterfly Sit-ups, feet not anchored. 1 sit-up the first minute, 2 the second, 3 the third, so on until you are unable to complete specified amount in 1 minute.

15 Min Stationary Bike 95+ RPM's

The Death by sit-ups was tougher than I had anticipated.  Rounds 1 - 18 or so were no big deal then it got tougher and tougher.  By round 22 I was beginning to wonder if I had enough steam to get to round 30 which was my goal.  I got to round 30 and had 10 seconds before I was to start 31.  I thought I could get it done but I was hurting.  I got one rep at the minute marker and realized there was no way.  I was toast.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Power Cleans, Thrusters

21 - 15 - 9
115lb Power Clean
115lb Thrusters

1 - 4:06.36
2 - 3:46.52
3 - 2:17.13
Total Time - 10:10.01

How good a bud is Daniel.  Well after me pissing and moaning around then just about talking myself out of doing this Daniel pipes off "do you mean to tell me I have hung around here for nothing."  Well it was on.  That guy sat with me with a 103 fever burning him up.  This is about the worst I have seen him.  He not only stuck with me he also coached me threw it and kept me going.  Thanks brother!

2/21/12 late night stationary bike

Stationary Bike 30 minutes 90 plus rpm's
Did this late last night to up mileage for the day.
For the corporate challenge.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

SDLHP, Wall Ball

For Time: 17:58
200 - 45lb SDLHP - 100, 100
50 - Wall Ball 20lbs - 35, 15
100 - 45lb SDLHP - 50, 50
35 - Wall Ball 20lbs - I think 25, 10 don't think they were unbroken.  Might have been.
50 - 45lb SDLHP - Unbroken
20 - Wall Ball 20lbs - Unbroken
1 - 6:28
2 - 2:46
3 - 4:01
4 - 1:41
5 - 2:07
6 - 53.84
Total Time - 17:58
The SDLHP's hammered me.  I know I have done this one before should be interesting to see what the time was.  I took several short breaks during this that I would not have last year.  Daniel was sick as a dog and I was feeling pretty good.  I just pressed and did not push really hard.  I wish I had time to look this one up before I did it today.
Just found this.  WOW have things changed in a year plus.  I did this in June of 2010. Over a 3:30 second pr.  And I was not pushing as hard as I could have.

Rows (SDLHPs) and Wall Ball Shots

For time: 21:39.72
No rower…1 SDLHP (45#BB) = 10m rowed
Row 2K = Subbed in SDLHP 45lbs Kettlebell 200 reps, 75, 75, 50
50 Wall-ball shots, 20 pound ball, Can't remember sets Blasted my elbow on the AC wall box
Row 1K = Subbed in SDLHP 45lbs Kettlebell 100 reps, 50, 30, 23 did to many here
35 Wall-ball shots, 20 pound ball, 25, 10
Row 500 meters = Subbed in SDLHP 45lbs Kettlebell 50 reps, 25, 25
20 Wall-ball shots, 20 pound ball Unbroken
This one was rough. By mid way through I was struggling. Daniel and I were right together through most of the reps. As usual he pulled away at the end. He and I both were so exhausted by the end we were down for quite a while. I could barely lift my arms for the first few hours. It is now 5 hours later and I am just now feeling better but still draggy. I possibly could have gone a little faster but I don't know how with the way I was feeling. Emily hit Owen while swinging on the rope and I had to deal with that in the first round. Plus busting my elbow, I took rest when I normaly would not have with this. Possibly 20 seconds faster with out this deal.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Stationary Bike

Stationary Bike 30 min 90+ rpm's

Sunday, February 19, 2012

KB Swings, SDLHP, Weird Pull-ups, Burpees

3 Rounds for time of:
30 x 45lb KB Swings
10 x Pull-ups on the stairs on my in-laws deck.  So to hold I had to pinch grip no round surface.
30 x 45lbs SDLHP
1 min rest
After the third rest I did 30 Burpees
1 - 2:48
2 - 2:46
3 - 3:04
Total Time with rests - 10:37
Burpees Split - 2:13
Total Time with rests - 13:50
Did this at my in-laws.  I did not have a pull-up bar and I figured doing them under the stairs on the deck would add a level of difficulty.  I was right.  My grip for some reason is a little on the low side and the KB swings fatigued it a bit.  I could not grip the stair tread other than an overhand pinch/squeeze grip.  This further fatigued my grip.  I could only get 5 in a row before I had to drop.  I was tired after the WOD though.  It got my heart rate to 160 after 30 seconds and 120 after 3 min.  Satisfied for an on the road WOD.

Friday, February 17, 2012


5 mile Fartlek with the kids, Riding a bike with a seat that was too short.  My legs are on fire!

Bench Press
5 x 135
5 x 185
5 x 205
5 x 215
5 x 225
2 x 235 Again the most I have done for a very long time.
10 x 135

Did this 2/16/12 Back Squat

Squat = all squats below parallel
135 x 6
205 x 5
215 x 5
225 x 5 last rep went pretty much to the floor just to test the waters.
235 x 3
255 x 3 Belt
275 x 1 Belt
135 x 6

I don't do heavy squats enough but with my back I have to be careful.  My blog is not working and it won't search for workouts.  Just got the Blog to search and found a WOD last year (March 22nd 2011) where I did 265 at the end of a long workout of increasing weight of 3 different squats for 5 sets of 1 rep.  OVERHEAD- 125, FRONT SQUAT - 225 AND BACK SQUAT - 265. I know I can go higher, this workout was very rushed and I was just wanting to get something heavy in.  Daniel had done this earlier in the day.  I am happy because I had no real plan other than to try and go heavy and of course I can't remember what my pr is since starting Cross-fit.  So to do 255lbs 3 times with not very much trouble I am pretty happy.  275 did jump on me and being by myself and in a hurry I just called it quits and glad I did.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Lunges 45lb plate, Ring Dips

AMRAP in 12 min: 4 rounds, yes I am a pansy
30 x 45lb overhead lunges, 15 right leg, 15 left leg, alternating legs, arms must be locked out and knee must touch ground.
15 x Ring Dips

1 - 1:48.65
2 - 3:44.51
3 - 4:00.53
4 - 2:25.38 @ 11:59

The only thing good about this WOD today is that I was in gym and got one in.  The girls were home and I had a few things keeping me from getting home.  By the time I got to the weight room I was I just wanted to be home.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Deadlifts, Double-unders

3 Rounds for time: 5:58
10 x 275lb Dead-lifts used belt
50 x Double-unders adapted to 100 singles
1 - 1:28.25
2 - 2:16.35
3 - 2:13.94
Total time - 5:58.54
 As usual I was scared of the dang Dead-lifts. I wore the belt for those. I felt decent on them. I struggled getting in a rythm and felt a bit to loose at the end of round 1 and at the start of round 2 I tightened up and drove hard and the first few reps were solid. I broke concentration and suffered. Last round I pulled the belt a notch tighter and tightened up and drove hard and hammered through all 10 with out breaking it up. Single jumps were about as good as I have strung together. All 300 were unbroken. I wish I could do double unders. I hate adapting WOD's and going head to hear with Daniel. We are comped active with each other but adapting sucks.

Monday, February 13, 2012

HSPU, Pull-ups, KB swings, Sit-ups, Burpees

For time: 14:11.01
30 - Hand Stand Push Ups
40 - Pull-ups
50 - KB Swings 1.5 pood
60 - Sit-ups
70 - Burpees
Splits -
1 - 1:15.61
2 - 1:42.76
3 - 1:46.50
4 - 2:08.74
5 - 7:17.40
Total Time: 14:11.01

Daniel and I talked tonight.  Last week seemed to kick start us both.  I am feeling better as well, overall body wise.  I have been doubling up my vitamin the last 3 weeks.  It took a while but I think it made a difference too.  I am going to go one more week on the double up then go back to 1 a day.  Today actually felt pretty good.  I did not push to my limit but worked pretty dang hard.  I was at 160 heart rate after 1 min.  So I know I was up there.  That being said I pr'ed by roughly 4 and 1/2 minutes.  Now I did adapt on the hand stand push ups doing incline push ups with my feet up on our highest vert. jump box.  I wore my weight vest (thanks again Daniel) so 23lbs heavier.  Daniel and I finished together here which gives me hope that we were pretty similar.  He was actually a bit ahead of me.  Again this was a great WOD for us to do together.  We both broke up the HSPU's and I broke up the Pull-ups and Daniel did not.  Daniel broke up the KB swings and I did not .  Daniel broke up the sit ups slightly and I did not.  I broke up the Burpees just a bit and Daniel did not.  We were together going into the Burpees and Daniel pulled away.  He was only 2 up on me about halfway through and then dropped the hammer.  I think probably 15 or so up on me by the end.  Thanks for the encouragement brother.  I have to get better at the burpees they just slow me down so much.   Happy with the PR however I did it in April of 2010 which was at the end of my second month in Cross Fit.  So I guess I have to take the good with the bad.



HSPU/Pull ups/KB swing/Sit-ups/BurpeesFor time:

30 Handstand push-ups, Adapted a little today here did almost inverted push ups. Just less than full hand stand push ups.
40 Pull-ups Broke into 3 sets 20, 15, 5
50 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods = 55lbs
60 Sit-ups
70 Burpees Yea these sucked as bad as it sounded.
Just a few disappointments today. Wish I was on with the full hand stand push up. Because of being sick for a few days and being sick Monday night I did not push as hard as I think I could have. I rested a little more than usual. I was just a touch apprensive to get tossed backward again. Back has been hurting but yesterday no worse than usual and tonight seems to be no worse either. We shall see after tomorrows squats. Improvement over a few weeks back I no longer reach failure with the pull ups like I used to. I have my kip down pretty solid but either way no more failure and assists with bench or jumps.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Quick Bench Press

6 Sets
5 x 135
5 x 185
5 x 205
5 x 215
5 x 225
5 x 135

Got done with proctoring the ACT and only had 30 minutes till Anna's basketball game.  Did not have time for much.  Daniel did this one yesterday but went for 235.  I was very pressed for time and had rushed my sets early.  Being by my self I was not adventerous enough to try 235.  Crazy thing was I wanted it pretty badly.  225 went up easier than the 205 and 215.  The only rep I even struggled with was number 5.  This is a pretty big progression for the last few weeks.  I have not been able to do 225 x 5 times for about a year I think.  My shoulder had just been bothering me to much to work anything chest even push ups.  It was stiff and a bit sore today, but felt fine while on the reps.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


At 3:30 I biked 5 miles with the kids for a hard workout.  Biked pretty hard in parts up hills. I also wore the new weight vest to see how much of a difference I made.  I definitely felt it.  I was sweating pretty good by the time I hit the weight room.

Complete as many rounds in 12 minutes:  6 full rounds, 12 Box Jumps, 2 Thrusters
12 - 24" Box Jumps
6 - 95lb Thrusters
6 - Bar facing Burpees
Round Splits:
1 - 1:08.01
2 - 1:35.90
3 - 1:54.86
4 - 2:19.99
5 - 2:07.59
6 - 2:06.55 at 11:12.90
Partial of 7th - 12 Box jumps and 2 Thrusters at 12 minutes

Daniel got a great short one for me this afternoon because I had to get going after the workout with the kids.  Thursdays are crazy for the family so I had to get out by 5:00pm.  Daniel and I both went to fast on the first round and paid for it.  I got a second wind after round 4 and moved pretty well.  I will say this, the second 6 minutes went way faster than the first 6 minutes.  We had thought about doing a short one with Dead-lifts and Double-unders.  Daniel warmed up with the dead-lift and his back got tight.  We both have been feeling to good to risk it today.  I did feel a bit unstable in my low back as I was doing the thrusters.  I just focused a little more and things plained out.  Good workout.  This is about the best I have felt in the last few weeks and I think I have worked harder.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Five rounds for time of:
7 Muscle-ups subbed in 14 pull-ups STRICT
21 reps 95lb Sumo-deadlift high-pull
1 - 1:47
2 - 2:50
3 - 3:13
4 - 3:12
5 - 3:19
Total time:14:22
Did 42 dips after WOD

Felt pretty good tonight.  Yesterday I hope has kick-started me.  We shall see.  Frustration tonight was that I did  not do muscle-ups.  I can do them but they shred my shoulder.  It just is not worth it.  I lost a bunch of ground over the summer and this fall after hurting my shoulder this last spring.  I did pull-ups strict.  I need to do these more often man they ate my lunch.  Having pull-ups yesterday did not help this either.  I did do some research and I guess I forgot.  The suggested sub for muscle-ups is 3 or 4 pull-ups and 3 or 4 dips.  I have shorted my self on this one.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Five rounds for time of: 39:54
12 reps 225 pound Dead-lift
20 Pull-ups
12 reps 135 pound Clean and jerk
20 Knees to elbows

Rounds: 1 - 5:57.78
2 - 7:15.55
3 - 8:07.69
4 - 10:41.43
5 - 7:51.88
Total time - 39:54.33

Man today was a rough day. A little fella lost it. His family is a mess Dad in and out of prison both parents meth heads. I had to go in and be ready if he tried to hurt himself or someone else. He was screaming how he hated his life and wanted to die. I did have to step in once. I have had to do some rough things to restrain some kids but hearing the things he said and knowing how horrible his home is bored a hole in me. Man that got to me. On top of that my class is a mess to. I was not in this mind set tonight but thank goodness for Daniel. This is just what I need tonight. I needed to test my limits today. We took our time and had patience. This one took me to the edge of fatigue. I was struggling to focus and I was getting very dizzy. Daniel was to. We were stroke for stroke rep for rep together on this one. I pulled away late but he caught and passed me at the end. I was super happy I stayed under 40min. Thanks Daniel! I am exhausted and shaky but man that was awesome.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Ronny Mac Heart Attack

Five rounds for time:
5 handstand push-ups
10 jumping Jack push-ups
15 Fireman Body Squats
20 Burpees
25 sit-ups
30 high-knees
35 Butt-kicks
--One minute Rest--
Rd 1 - 4:42.83
Rd 2 - 5:55.94
Rd 3 - 6:55.68
Rd 4 - 5:25.36
Rd 5 - 5:35.14
Total time (including rest periods) - 32:28

Did the first 3 rounds with my new weight vest.  I weighed it a few days ago.  It sits at 23lbs.  The title of this is appropriate.  I thought I was going to die after round 2.  I wanted to keep the vest on through at least 3.  Jen was not here so I had to squat the girls.  So my squats were considerably lighter than Daniels squats (sorry jenny).  The JJ push-ups were miserable with the vest on. I was unable to do the Hand stand at the house so I had them elevated about 3 feet up for those.  Awesome workout Daniel.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Massive Tire Flips

40 x Tire Flips for time:

20 flips - 3:06
20 flips - 4:10
Total time - 7:17

Today was my off day but I have to take the kids on a Fartlek tomorrow.  Wanted to get something in.  I did not want to go to hard and put myself in a hole for recovery.  I would have loved to have done this side by side with Daniel.  I really have never flipped the tire more than 2 or 3 times to get it ready for the kids in a workout. It was kind of fun and just what I needed.  I would love to know how much they weigh.  Did a down and back on the gravel behind weight room.  Emily did this one with me using a tiny tire.  I need to get by a tire shop and find some used tires for the girls I think this would be a great one for them with a bit bigger tire than she used.  Talked to Miller tonight and he has suggested a couple of variations that I would like to try with this type of WOD.  Would be great to do with Daniel.  

Did this one with Emily we had a good time.  She needs a bigger tire for sure.